But because he cut off the opponent's connection with Kuchiki Kayokawa, he was really not sure whether Muramasa could retain the opponent's original power.

However, after hearing his words, Muramasa put his hands in his pockets like a handsome nobleman, but gave an extremely positive answer.

"No problem, although Xiang...Although Kuanmu Xianghe is dead, that power still exists in my body."

Facing Masa Nagasawa, Muramasa's eyes were full of gratitude.

Although he was beaten completely unilaterally just now, Nagasawa Masaru's "feelings" were truly conveyed to the bottom of his heart through the loud slaps one after another.

Let him understand that the Zanpakuto does not need to cater to the God of Death in everything.

Let him understand that he actually longs for the existence of his companions from the bottom of his heart.

It also made him understand that he is an independent individual who can pursue what he really desires in his heart.

He never thought that after many years, it would be Masa Nagasawa who reopened his heart and conveyed the "voice" to the bottom of his heart, not his former "master" Kuchimu Xianghe.

Especially the phrase "I will take you to see a wider world".

If possible, he would get rid of the shackles, and he would no longer live to cater to the dead tree Xianghe, and hoped to dedicate everything to the person in front of him who had redeemed him.

I, Muramasa, want Nagasawa Masa to become the King of Death!

Well, although he got rid of the shackles of the rotten wood and became an independent individual, in Muramasa's heart, he still longed to help the people he followed to become the strongest.

If such a person were placed in the Seireitei, he might have put the captain's white haori on Nagasawa's body while he was sleeping.

However, Masa Nagazawa, who still doesn't know what Muramasa really thinks in his heart, just feels that the gaze in the other party's eyes is a bit too hot. He thinks that Muramasa is suddenly independent and happy to get rid of the shackles, and he seems quite displeased. meaning.

Everything he did was to conquer Muramasa, and at the same time use Muramasa's ability to abolish Tsunayashiro Rei's "straw doll" when his heart was at its weakest, and liberate those who were controlled by the "stand-in doll" The "hostages".

His plan went smoothly, and with his careful promotion, Muramasa captured King Tsunayashirore's Zanpakuto without any suspense.

Immediately, with a wave of Muramasa's arm, a "sword spirit" dressed in coarse linen clothes, who looked like a scarecrow planted in the field, appeared beside Muramasa.

Gritting his teeth, the angry Tsunayashiro Rei looked at the scarecrow who appeared next to Muramasa, and he recognized the identity of the other without even thinking.

That's his Zanpakuto, a straw puppet!

Looking at the people surrounding Kyōraku Shunsui, there was no hesitation at all due to his instigation, and they blocked the joint team behind him without hesitation.

Surrounded by all the enemies, King Tsunayashiro Rei's teeth were about to be gritted, and he quickly analyzed his current situation.

Being deprived of his Zanpakutō, he also lost the ability to use Yanluo Jingdian wantonly.

The experience of being beaten up by Masa Nagasawa just now seems to be still vivid in my memory. Although there is a reason why he was caught in a vacant position because of the failure of the "Jinshaluo Dance Troupe" and fell into a passive position, it can also be seen that, He is slightly inferior to the other party in Bai Da and Shun Po's attainments.

As for ghosts...

That's not to mention, the one opposite him is Mao's super lecturer in the ghost way, and his talent in ghost way is unmatched by anyone in the ghost world for nearly a thousand years.

Fight ghosts with Nagasawa, unless he's out of his mind.

Kuchimu Xianghe is the best example.

Now, his only advantage is probably his first-class Lingwei.

Leaning slightly, after glancing around, he suddenly smiled.

It's just that smile, but it can't be linked to his previous elegant appearance, and it is even full of gloom.

In the next second, he could only hear him speaking in a low and dark voice.

"You forced me to do this, as I said before... If you die, no one will ask for it!"

"Swastika Hungry Corridor!"

...... cut......

PS. I found out that I have the physique of losing money, and when the stock market encountered a bear market, I cut it in half.

The figurines in the pit encountered a cold winter of figurines, buy one and sell one.

Let's write a novel, especially for unpopular ones, it's not unreasonable that you can't make money...

Just a leek.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

For King Tsunayashiro Rei, the situation in front of him was already a dead end.

If the situation cannot be broken, not to mention his death, even Tsunayashiro's family will suffer disaster.

He knew very well that there was only one way to solve the current situation.

That is the people present, no one will stay!

But having said that, how easy is it?

Among the people present, aside from that Quincy Miya Kurosaki, even the weakest one was at the level of vice-captain.

Trying to silence them all is tantamount to fantasy.

But even so, King Tsunayashiro still made a choice without hesitation in his heart.

Indeed, he, Tsunayashiro Rei, is a top politician who judges the situation, knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and never backs down when it's time to shrink.

This is also the reason why he was able to stand as the head of the Tsunayashiro family for nearly a thousand years.

But from another level, no one loves this family more deeply than him.

Different from the prosperity of the family, there will be one or more Kuchiki families with one or more leaders in almost every generation. For nearly a thousand years, the Tsunayashiro family has divided into a little guy with fairly good strength.

But he, King Tsunayashiro Rei, is a person who attaches great importance to bloodlines.

In his opinion, in order to expand the power of the family, the Kuchimu family did not hesitate to let a commoner, Kuchimu Xianghe, into the family. This is a blasphemy against the noble blood of the five nobles.

In addition, the kid from the branch family still had some serious mental illness, and he acted extreme and reckless, even if he once had the idea of ​​letting him succeed him, he quickly wiped it out.

In this situation, he could only assess the situation and make every move carefully.

Fifty years ago, he almost made it.

When the Shiba family was weakest, he used the so-called "rebel army" to launch a fatal blow to it, forcing the only third bloodline of his family to move out of Seireitei, away from the center of power.

I'm afraid that until now, the Shiba family doesn't know that it was him who was behind the almost destruction of the Shiba family.

At that time, the Sifengyuan family was at the time when the young and the old were changing. Although the Sifengyuan Yeyi was strong and was a rare talented player in recent years, the Sifengyuan family lost the protection of the old patriarch. Shrinking his power, hiding his minions.

In the end, aside from the one of the five great nobles who focuses on hell, the Kuchiki family is really the only one left!

He took advantage of Kuchiki Kintoki's longing for the position of Patriarch, as long as he eradicated Kuchiki Aojun and Kuchiki Byakuya, the heirs of the Kuchiki family at that time, the Kuchiki Yinling who was nearing the end of time would be difficult to sing alone.

By then, the Tsunayashiro family will surely become the undisputed head of the five great nobles!

As long as those "rebels" working for him are cleaned up, who knows that the person who is playing this big game of chess is King Tsunayashidairei?

But why! ! !

It happened that Nagasawa Ya jumped out! ! !

Masa Nagasawa appeared like the wings of a butterfly.

Not only did he save the father and son of Kuchiki Sosumi, who were about to die, but he also destroyed the assassination of Shiba Yuma and Kuchiki Byakuya. return.

In the end, he was forced to take the blame and abdicate, and hibernated for 50 years!

But now, Nagasawa has pushed him to a desperate situation.

Unlike in the past, this time, he has no retreat at all.

Or, if he died here, the Tsunayashiro family would fall to the bottom of the five noble families.


For the glory of the Tsunayashiro family, everyone present must die!

When this idea emerged from his mind, he launched one of the strongest killing moves he knew without hesitation.

The initial solution of "Hungry Corridor" has the same name as the swastika solution, but its power is not the same.

After King Tsunayashidaireo sang the liberation language, Masa Nagasawa and the others felt as if the whole world began to tremble at this moment.

A giant jaw slowly rises from a distance of more than ten miles outside Karakura Town. It looks as if there is an invisible attraction that wants to swallow everything in the giant jaw.

Facing the news that seemed to destroy the world, Kisuke Urahara and Mako Hirako, who were busy shutting down their dark voices, showed stunned expressions on their faces.

Jingle Chunshui, who participated in the siege together, subconsciously exclaimed.

"We can't let him continue to launch the Hungry Corridor anymore, we must stop him immediately, otherwise, the entire Karakura Town and its surrounding areas will be destroyed in an instant!"

Even the Quincies who lived in Karakura Town, who were hiding in the dark and watching the battle silently, all appeared at this moment.

Among those Quincy, Nagasawa even saw a familiar face.

However, at this moment, he has no time to pay attention to these.

Seeing everything he found in front of him, the pupils in his eyes could not help but narrow slightly, and he looked at King Tsunayashiro Rei with a serious expression.

At this moment, King Tsunayashi Dairei, the Yanluo Jingdian in his hand turned into an invisible blade again, and his long dark green hair hanging on his shoulders turned into gray in an instant. Instantly aged a lot.

The decisiveness of the other party was beyond his expectation.

At the moment when he lost the Zanpakuto to transfer the damage, the opponent did not hesitate to use his own life as a bet and launched this move "Heaven and Earth Same Life".

It has to be said that he has a different view of King Tsunayashiro Rei.

However, it's not over yet.

The "Hungry Corridor" after the Swastika solution can deal a devastating blow to everything within its ability range, but all powerful people can escape by relying on strong strength or spatial displacement methods like Yan Mo Dao.

If you want to eradicate the weeds, it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the "Hungry Corridor".

King Tsuna Yadai Ling also understood this truth.

I saw him with gray hair, speaking slowly in a somewhat old voice.

"I won't let you escape."

"Swastika Remnant Fire Sword..."

When Kyōraku Shunsui heard the last four words coming out of Prince Tsunayashiro's mouth, his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

As Yamamoto's personal disciple, no one knows the power of Flowing Blade Ruohuo better than him.

But when it comes to the swastika that is as sharp as fire...

Even if he is as mischievous as he is, Yamamoto has never used this trick against him.

Because both sides know that this is a way to see life and death.

Hungry Corridor and Remnant Fire Taidao, this is a combination that I can't even dream of.

With his eyes about to split, Jingle Shunsui rushed towards King Tsunayashiro Rei, and at the same time shouted at Nagasawa Masa.

"Junior brother, we can't let him go on like this, let's stop..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he discovered that Masa Nagasawa on the other end had come to King Tsunayashiro Rei in an instant at a speed far exceeding the limit of biology.

I saw Masa Nagasawa, who was bursting out with intense coercion, her eyes were cold, but there was a wicked smile at the corner of her mouth, and she spoke softly like a super Saiyan.

"Desperate tricks...I have it too!"

"Double Solar Furnace Meteor Burst!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When masters confront each other, there is only a thin line between victory and defeat.

However, if the strength of the enemy and the enemy are similar, one side has already risked its life and risked its life, while the other side is timid and reluctant to move forward, then it will lose a bit in terms of momentum, let alone the battle Opponents compete on the same level.

Masa Nagasawa naturally understood this truth, so after seeing King Tsunayashiro Rei begin to kryptonite, he resolutely activated one of the two trump cards of the [Poros Experience Card], "Meteor Burst Form"!

This is a super-amplified BUFF that converts all the energy in the body into propulsion, thereby obtaining explosive speed, strength, and destructive power beyond the biological limit.

His "Double Sun Furnace" was originally based on the "instantaneous baker's sieve to imitate the Aussie reconnaissance".

After turning on the "Meteor Burst" that also came from Poros to replace the "Energy Burst", the performance of the "Double Solar Furnace" has been pushed to a higher extreme.

The only disadvantage is that once this form is turned on, Masa Nagasawa will be performing anaerobic exercise, which will not only put a huge burden on the body, but will also lead to a sharp reduction in its lifespan.

However, after turning on the "Meteor Burst", Masa Nagasawa seemed to not care about it at all, not only did she not show a little fear and timidity, but the fighting spirit on her face did not diminish at all.

When he rushed in front of King Tsunayashirore, he looked at the "momentarily white-headed" man who looked older than Yamamoto and Kuchiki Yinling. He didn't have the slightest respect for the old and the young in his eyes. The scorching iron fist hit him without hesitation.

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