It stands to reason that although King Tsunayashidairei was given a combo by Nagasawa Masa because he missed the opportunity, his Shunpo level is slightly lower than that of Nagazawa Masa who opened the "Double Sun Furnace". Zeya is an indisputable fact.

Not to mention that what you are facing at this moment is someone Ya who has further advanced and inspired the "Double Solar Furnace·Meteor Burst Form".

Theoretically, he should be completely powerless to fight back, and just let someone do a series of tricks until he dies.

But I don't know if it's because of her ambition to die. When Nagasawa Masa came to King Tsunayashiro Rei, Yan Luo Jingdian, who had once again turned into an invisible blade, actually used a very clever stroke to pick up and flirt. She caught Nagasawa Ya's iron fist in the face.

Accompanied by the waving of the invisible blade, a blast of flames burst out in front of Nagasawa Masa's eyes as if it was going to burn everything up.

Facing the flowing blade, even Nagasawa Ya, who was fully fired from the "Double Sun Furnace", did not dare to be careless. Her body twisted strangely in the air, and she jumped obliquely sideways in a posture that violated the laws of physics.


The rising explosive flames, like a dragon raising its head, shot straight into the sky.

The terrifying temperature seemed to burn the air.

Feeling the power released by the Remnant Fire Taidao, Jingle Shunsui and the others all had serious expressions on their faces.

The heat released by the flowing blade like fire is enough to reduce the passing area to ashes in an instant.

After the swastika was dissolved, the temperature reached even closer to the core of the sun.

He could feel that when King Tsunayashidairei imitated the swastika of "flowing blade like fire" with Yanluo Jingdian, the water in the whole world was continuously evaporating.

If the "Remnant Fire Taidao" is allowed to continue to be used, even if there is a way to prevent the "Hungry Corridor" from being devoured, the rising scorching temperature will burn Karakuza Town and even the entire world into fly ashes.

In Masa Nagasawa's perception of spiritual pressure, he can already feel that in the urban area of ​​Karakura Town in the distance, many humans have fallen into a coma due to the rising temperature.

These spiritual bodies with spiritual pressure can last for a while, but human beings without spiritual pressure can't support it for too long if they want to rely on their flesh and blood to resist.

However, although the situation in front of him is quite unfavorable, Nagasawa Ya did not show an overly pessimistic look.

Through the short fight just now, he found that there was something wrong with the smooth blade imitated by King Tsunayashiro Rei using Yan Luo Jingdian.

In his memory, after the swastika was removed, the old man entered the state of "Remnant Fire Taidao East Rising Sun Blade".

It is a super-aggressive type that concentrates all the heat of the blazing flames on the tip of the knife. It does not burn or release explosive flames, but just wipes everything it touches without a trace. Zanpakuto.

However, the moment the "remnant fire sword" in front of him hit the target, it "only" exploded with explosive flames enough to burn the object it hit.

I see......

The "Remnant Fire Sword" that King Tsunayashiro Rei saw in the corridor of the Great Soul Book was the sword of great fire nearly a thousand years ago!

With just one glance, Nagasawa understood what was going on.

In 1000 years, it is impossible to say that Yamamoto, the "strongest god of death in a thousand years", has made no progress.

After nearly a thousand years of practice, Yamamoto has reduced the complexity of the "remnant fire Taisao", returned all the power to the original, and stepped into a higher realm.

If facing the current Yamamoto, Masa Nagasawa would be [-]% afraid.

After all, the old man's messy "southeast, northwestern," might make him vomit before he even takes two moves.

However, in King Tsunayashiro's cognition, his understanding of Ruohuo's blade is still stuck in the bloody battle 900 years ago.

How could someone... lose to such outdated, fake and shoddy Xibei products! ?

Old man, times have changed.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through my mind like flashes of lightning, and finally all of them turned into the most steadfast belief.

No matter whether it is his body or this world, he is not allowed to turn the battle in front of him into a protracted battle. Even if it is a second of fighting, someone will lose his life because of it.

He has no time to continue entangled with King Tsunayashirore!

You... will end here with me!

After jumping to the side of King Tsunayashiro Rei, the violent Reiatsu rushed out of Masa Nagasawa's body, and the dazzling golden light seemed to dye the entire sky with a layer of gold.

Accompanied by the air wave set off by the spiritual pressure, it suddenly exploded around him. Compared with the sword of blazing fire that burned everything, the terrifying arrogance rising from Masa Nagasawa seemed to be the one that wanted to wipe out the entire sky. It's like burning out!

In the next second, Nagasawa Ya was like a peerless beast that had spotted its prey. Without waiting for King Tsunayashiro Rei to make any reaction, he, who was already ready to go, immediately bullied him with endless power, like a shooting star The average speed broke through King Tsunayashiroreo's defense.

The intertwined iron fists "lightly" landed on his waist and abdomen under the gaze of King Tsunayashirore, whose eyes were tearing apart.

Accompanied by a grinning grin at the corner of Nagasawa Masa's mouth, the explosive force suddenly exploded on Tsunayashiro Rei's body like a thunderstorm from nine days.

"Double Bones Crashing Star Roaring Cannon!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Double Bones" is originally the secret of taijutsu created by Yamamoto Shigekuni, the "strongest god of death in millennia", by blending his own body into white fighting.

Masa Nagasawa once tried to integrate "skills" into "Double Bones", and created a "Double Bones· Jiaoyalong Killing Fist".

I also tried to use the "Double Solar Furnace" as the propulsion force to blast out a more powerful enhanced version of the "Double Bones" using acceleration.

But what if, on the basis of this esoteric meaning, it is crowned with a majestic spiritual pressure?


The two sounds were extremely fast, so fast that only one sound could be heard, suddenly sounded in King Tsunayashiro Rei's body, and the almost condensed strength exploded in his body instantly, and then came out through the body.

There are no gorgeous light pollution special effects, nor earth-shaking changes in the world.

When this energy came out from King Tsunayashidairei's body, the extremely solid energy just burned out the wildfire and split the sky in half along the way.

Afterwards, the invisible blade in King Tsunayashirore's hand showed its original appearance again.

Outside Karakura Town, the rising giant jaw slowly dissipated.

In Karakura Town, people who had passed out one after another due to the scorching temperature, after waking up, all looked at the sky that had been cut into two sections in amazement, as if they had seen a miracle, and let out bursts of exclamation.

And as the instigator of this attack.

At this moment, Nagasawa Ya, the monstrous flames surrounding her have disappeared, and the coercion that broke through the sky in the last second seemed to be like a bubble in a dream, without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly put away his fists, stood up straight, and just quietly looked at the octogenarian man with a full head of gorgeous hair who was close at hand.

At the same time, King Tsunayashirore was also staring at Nagasawa Masa in front of him, as if he wanted to engrave this face deeply in his mind.

Finally, after a long time, King Tsunayashiro Rei spoke slowly in a dry tone.

"I lost, after all, I underestimated you too much."

Hearing this, Nagasawa was not humble either, she nodded directly and responded softly.

"You just picked the wrong opponent."

Although King Tsunayashidaireo's strategy was a bit simple and crude, it was seamless.

If it were someone else, even the future son of destiny Kurosaki Ichigo, he might not be able to do better than Nagasawa Masa.

There is even a high probability that in the link of whether he will hurt "innocent people", he will not be able to bear the psychological suffering and show signs of collapse.

After all, Yijigu's psychological quality has always been the worst among the three major migrant workers.

It's a pity that the other party met himself as a time traveler.

With the advantage of foresight, he can't help being familiar with Yan Luo Jingdian's ability, and even knows Muramasa's weakness like the back of his hand.

Almost in a moment, he came up with a way to break the situation.

This is the intelligence advantage.

However, his words fell into King Tsunayashirore's ears, but they sounded no different from ridicule.

"Ha ha......"

Only this time, King Tsunayashiro Rei didn't show any displeasure, but just smiled lightly and freely.

Although Nagasawa Yana's punch just now did not seem to have caused him any harm, only he knew that he had already been cut off from all vitality by that blow just now.

At this moment, he couldn't even move a finger except for his mouth.

Maybe it's because people's words are good when they are about to die. At the last moment of life, King Tsunayashirore seemed to be relieved, feeling an unprecedented ease.

The glory of the family, the head of the five nobles, seems to have become a passing memory at this moment.

I saw him looking at Nagasawa Ya, and said softly with some difficulty.

"Let me give you one last piece of advice, Soul Soul's not as simple as you think. If you want to change this world...with your current strength, it's not enough... ..”

Listening to King Tsunayashiro Rei's words, Masa Nagasawa could probably guess what he was referring to.

To be honest, he doesn't really have much interest in changing the world. He is not a great man who created the world, nor is he a saint who saves the suffering.

The reason why he embarked on this path is largely due to the feeling of "rushing ducks to the shelves".

He just wants to make the people around him live better.

As for changing the world...

Looking at the old man in front of him whose life force was constantly draining away, he just said softly in a calm tone.

"Who can say clearly about the future."

"If you are interested, just look at it in hell. With the methods of the Tsunayashiro family, I think... you should be familiar with hell."

Listening to the words in his ears, the pupils in King Tsunayashiroreo's eyes couldn't help shrinking slightly.

Immediately, an inexplicable emotion suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Although the Tsunayashiro family's understanding of hell is far less clear than that of the most mysterious family among the five nobles, the Tsunayashiro family who holds the corridor of the Great Spirit Book has a more or less understanding of hell.

Listening to Nagasawa Yana's pointed words, King Tsunayashiro Rei couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Still underestimating him...

King Tsunayadairei thought that after losing to Masa Nagasawa, he had already looked up to the opponent enough.

It wasn't until Nagasawa Ya said what he said just now that he finally understood.

Perhaps, what he thought he had "seeed through" was just the tip of the iceberg when Nagasawa emerged from the water.

Then, a feeling of sympathy suddenly climbed into his heart.

However, this feeling did not last too long.

Because when he was jaded, he suddenly felt something picking at his hand.

Although he can't even move a finger now, he still has the most basic "feeling".

He subconsciously looked at his palm.

I saw Masa Nagasawa stretching out her hands, one by one, opened the fingers that he was tightly holding onto Yanluo Jingdian, and held the "magic sword" passed down from generation to generation by the Tsunayashiro family in her own hands.

King Tsunayashiro: "..."

Hey, I'm not dead yet, so I don't need to pick up equipment so quickly! ?

I kindly reminded you just now, can I have a little bit of respect for the dead! ?

Unfortunately, he no longer has the energy to complain.

As Nagasawa touched his fingers, the body that had already been disintegrated, as if a chain reaction had occurred at this moment, turned into a little dust in his nostalgic eyes.

...... cut......

PS. This episode has come to an end. It runs through the five noble lines of the original Assassination of the Heir of the Dead Wood. It combines Quincy and Zanpakuto Odd Records. By the way, it also buries some foreshadowing of hell, which can be regarded as relatively complete. (perhaps)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

King Tsunayashi Dairei died, but the deterrence he created did not until his body collapsed and dissipated into dust between the heavens and the earth. Chaoju didn't use some uncertain words to Nanao who was beside him. He asked in a dazed tone.

"That's... just the end?"

"That old guy, shouldn't be resurrected through some weird means?"

I have to say that the shock brought about by "Remnant Fire Taidao" and "Hungry Corridor" is extremely unreal.

In the shocking scene that could be called a change in the world, Nagasawa ended the battle with just a feint and a heavy punch, which made them feel a little unbelievable.

Coupled with Yanluo Jingdian's unpredictable and paradoxical ability, even if King Tsunayashi Dairei had turned into fly ash, Nanao only responded in the same uncertain tone.

"Should...not be?"

Obviously, the level involved in this battle is too high, and it has gone beyond their understanding. After seeing the confusion in each other's eyes, the two subconsciously looked at the only "self" in the field, Kuchiki Byakuya .

Seeing the two girls looking over, Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but feel his face burn.

To be honest, he was a little unsure, but due to his reputation and his aloof persona, it was more uncomfortable for him to directly admit that he had "little knowledge" than to call Nagasawa "uncle".

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