He simply turned his face aside, as if he didn't see it.

Fortunately, he probably felt that he was the only elder present, so Jingle Chunshui rescued him in time.

I saw Kyoraku Shunsui deactivating the Zanpakutō's initiator, putting it into its sheath, and speaking softly with a bit of a joke.

"Don't worry, if you can be resurrected in this way, I would rather believe that my junior brother is Qin Shihuang."

Nanao: "..."

Kuchiki Byakuya:"......"

Listening to Kyoraku Shusui's answer, Nanao and Kuchiki Byakuya fell silent.

Nanao was always serious, and rarely joked with anyone except those close to him such as Nagasawa Masaru and Rangiku.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a cold joke from Jingle Chunshui, and on the premise of knowing that this was her uncle, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Kuchiki Baizai, who is well versed in the past and present and is also quite interested in the history of the present world, seriously considered the possibility that Nagasawa Masa was the first emperor of Qin.

In the end, probably aware of the embarrassing atmosphere in the arena, it was Luan Ju who broke the silent atmosphere.

Luanju: "Hehe, the leader of the Beijing band, you are so humorous."

Jingle Chunshui: "..."

Probably because he found that his humor was not appreciated, and he was a little bit depressed. After Jingle Chunshui was speechless at the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it.

The child is older and has his own ideas. What can this old guy do?

For a moment, he suddenly understood Yamamoto's mood when he faced him back then.

Shrugging helplessly, he took the lead in leaning towards Nagasawa Ya.

It's just that he got up and leaned towards Nagasawa Ya, his nerves that had been relaxed not long ago tensed up again in an instant.

Because he saw Muramasa not far away, who actually displayed a sharp Zanpakuto in his hand after the death of King Tsunayashiro Rei, and then cut off the sword standing beside him without hesitation. The scarecrow's head.

Seeing this scene, Jingle Chunshui's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly, and the palm of his hand unconsciously touched the Zanpakuto at his waist.

Although Muramasa's attack just now was the key to turning the tide of the battle against King Tsunayashiro Rei, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is still unknown whether we are the enemy or the enemy.

He still remembers it very well. Not long ago, Muramasa also used the same method to sneak attack Nagasawa Masahiro, and captured the Zanpakuto of his junior brother, and fought with him for [-] rounds.

If it weren't for the profound fortune and unfathomable strength of my junior brother, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

God knows if the village reached an agreement with Nagasawa Ya, so they turned against each other.

King Tsunayashiro Rei was dead now, and his junior brother had consumed a lot of Reiatsu in that blow just now.

If Muramasa has something wrong in his mind...

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Jingle Chunshui's eyes.

It was indeed a headache to be suppressed by 80% of the spiritual pressure, but even if he risked his life, he definitely couldn't let it hurt the little junior brother and the others!

However, just as he was holding his breath and staring at Muramasa with all his attention, Masa Nagasawa, who had been standing still, spoke.

"It's okay, Brother Jingle, Muramasa has jumped off the police, and he's one of his own."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Jingle Chunshui was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at Nagasawa Ya suspiciously.

Although he didn't understand what "jumping police" meant, he could clearly hear the words "one of my own people" after that.

It wasn't until Nagasawa gave him a reassuring look that he doubtfully made a standby gesture to Nanao and the others beside him, and then slowly walked in the direction of Nagasawa.

On the other hand, Muramasa, who packed up the "straw doll", put away the Zanpakuto in his hand, and walked towards Nagasawa Masa openly.

Seeing Jingle Chunshui so vigilant, Nagasawa Masa was also a little helpless.

Jingle Chunshui didn't understand Muramasa's ability, but he knew it very well.

The Zanpakuto materialized by Muramasa will not disappear with the death of the master, but will lose himself because of the death of the master.

When King Tsunayashirore disappeared with the wind, his Zanpakuto "straw puppet" had already shown signs of breaking free from "hypnosis" and falling into a rampage.

If it is not dealt with in time, it will definitely become another trouble.

Muramasa's handling method is not indecisive.

It was during the time he was thinking, Muramasa and Jingle Chunshui all came to his side.

After taking a deep look at the calm-faced Muramasa, he gestured with his hands to the direction that was still bursting with intense spiritual pressure, and asked softly in a somewhat meaningful tone.

"Over there...don't worry about it?"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help curling her lips.

The direction that Kyoraku Shusui pointed was exactly where Kisuke Urahara, the Masked Legion and others were located.

He didn't think he needed to worry about the dark voice over there, even if he "made it worse" and sent Urahara Kisuke and the others an "evil idea" comparable to a Valstord-level face-off.

Now, his spiritual pressure has almost been emptied, and he is basically in a state of being unable to fight again.

Jingle Chunshui and the others were restricted by 80% of their spiritual pressure, even if they went, they would not be able to provide much help.

Rather than adding to the chaos in the past, it's better to trust Urahara Ki to help them.

After all... the people present are all acquaintances, even if the members of the "Xiao" organization are no longer in the world of souls, at least it is shameful.

If the 7 captains can't deal with a mere black cavity and an "evil idea", then it is really embarrassing and embarrassing.

He can't say for sure about others, but Hirako Mako and Liuche Kenxi are really embarrassing.

Even if these two guys risked their lives, they wouldn't want to embarrass themselves in front of "old acquaintances".

"Don't worry, brother, don't you know what those guys are capable of?"

"It's better not to have too much contact with them. You'll get splattered with blood."

"There are a few things, I want to trouble you, brother."

Saying that, Nagasawa waved her hand nonchalantly.

Although he tacitly did not point out the identities of Urahara Kisuke and the others, Jingle Shunsui could hear his subtext.

After all, it's rebellion, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Regarding the strength of Kisuke Urahara and the others, he still has confidence.

Just listening to it, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

You called me "old brother" a second ago, and now you call me "senior brother" when you ask for something...

Do you want to be so realistic? Hey! ?

He smacked Jingle Chunshui with a slight face, and suddenly felt that in terms of thick skin, the younger brother's attainments were even better than him.

However, after all, he is his senior brother and the sweetheart of his niece.

It's not easy for him to refuse this kiss, so he immediately laughed out loud.

"What's the trouble? If it's so troublesome, then don't say it."

Nagasawa: "..."

After being stunned by Kyoraku Shunsui's tongue twister for less than 0.9527 seconds, Nagasawa Masaru's expression returned to normal, completely ignoring what the other party had just said, and spoke directly.

"Senior brother, Muramasa was just deceived. In addition, the Zanpakutō who was once Kuchiki Kyouga, saving his master is a matter of course."

"Now that he has repented, he bowed himself under my domineering long johns. For the sake of his meritorious deeds, can the report be properly polished to downplay his existence?"

He didn't need to worry about Nanao and the others in the joint team.

It's all his own people, isn't it what he says?

The only thing to worry about is Jingle Chunshui.

Don't look at his senior brother who usually looks like a fool, and the humble and reliable senior brother Fuzhu is simply two extremes.

But in fact, he is a very principled and unique person.

The reason why Yamamoto asked Jingle Shunsui to form a joint team with him, in addition to his rich experience, was probably because he was afraid that he would mess up, so he asked him to carry a fire extinguisher and act as a firefighter at any time.

Of course, regarding the riots caused by Muramasa's rampage, he was based on the principle of keeping his mouth shut and avoiding it subjectively.

After all, this is really hard to justify, which is why he completely handed over the black cavity to Kisuke Urahara and others to solve it.

Simply let the dead Tsunayashiro Rei and Urahara Kisuke take the blame.

Anyway, one side is death without proof, and the other side... Yamamoto can't come to this world, can he?

Sorry, Kisuke.

Nagasawa, who silently apologized in her heart, believed that with Jingle Chunshui's high EQ, she would have such a tacit understanding with him.

Sure enough, Jingle Chunshui, who understood almost instantly, responded softly in a somewhat joking tone.

"I understand. Speaking of it, he didn't do anything outrageous. At most, he only hurt you, my junior brother."

"Since you don't mind, I naturally won't say anything."

...... cut......

PS. Every Friday I can see the bigwigs of the author group take off, I can only crawl on the ground silently, woo woo woo woo, it’s too miserable.

Chapter four, three and four, the triumphant Jingle spring water

Seeing Jingle Chunshui readily agree, Nagasawa couldn't help nodding and smiling.

In his heart, he admired Old Man Shan for his foresight. He could accept such a pair of intelligent disciples. He really did not know how many lifetimes of virtue he had accumulated.

Seeing that Jingle Chunshui accepted his first request, Masa Nagasawa immediately decided to strike while the iron was hot and make persistent efforts.

He chuckled lightly, then raised the Yan Luo Jing Dian in his hand and continued.

"Brother, I remember that even in the Gotei [-], there is such a thing as trophies, right?"

"I see that this thing is destined to me, senior brother, look..."

Although Yan Luo Jing Dian has flaws of one kind or another, as the saying goes, flaws never hide their strengths.

Maybe one day he will be able to research a way to overcome it like King Tsunayashiro Rei?

Don't forget, in Xuquan, he has his own research team.

In terms of wisdom and research technology, Urahara Kisuke is no weaker than Aizen and Nirvana, not to mention the 3D printer of Luo Jia.

If his own child is born smoothly and inherits all the knowledge of Saar Apollo, his team should not be too scary.

Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui immediately showed some headache.

Although Yan Luo Jingdian does not belong to his Jingle family, but as the second son of a superior noble family and the future first-in-line heir, he is quite aware of the symbolic meaning of this sword in the Tsunayashiro family.

If my junior brother had used this knife in such a ignorant manner, he might be missed by the Tsunayashiro family...

Well, he seems to have been missed a long time ago, he doesn't feel too much debt, and he doesn't feel itchy if he has too many lice.

After recollection, Jingle Shunsui suddenly realized that Nagasawa Masahiro was killed by King Tsunayashiro because of being hated by the Tsunayashiro family.

The Tsunayashiro family has lost their ancestors this time, and the younger generation has no one who can save the building from falling, so let's just worry about it, what can we do?

Thinking of this, Jingraku Shunsui suddenly became enlightened and responded softly rather simply.

"What knife? I didn't see it. Did you see it?"

As he said that, he looked at Muramasa at the side in a daze.

Muramasa: "..."

Watching Jingle Shunsui's funny performance, even Muramasa, who has always been serious about his words and expressions, almost didn't hold back.

"That's really a big thank you, brother."

After nodding in relief again, Masa Nagasawa took out Yanluo Jingdian's scabbard from behind as if by magic, put it in the scabbard, and inserted it into her waist at random, and installed the two-sword swordsman.

Not to mention, after adding Yanluo Jingdian, Nagasawa Masaru and Kyoraku Shunsui's looks match well.

It would be even better if Ukitake Jushiro was added at this time.

Brothers and sisters must be neat and tidy, Erdaoliu is a fine tradition of our "Yuanliu", we must not be left behind!

Seeing that Nagasawa Yati's request was not a big deal, especially the kind "Senior Brother", Jing Le Chunshui almost got lost in the ocean of "Senior Brother".

I don't know if he wants to show the majesty of being an elder in front of his little niece, so that Qi Xu can know that he is Jingle Chunshui, not some frivolous passer-by uncle.

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