It's also because of the rare respect from Nagasawa as a senior brother.

I saw Jingle Chunshui waved his hand, and said with a proud and dry smile.

"Little brother, if you have any requests, just say it together. As long as the brother can do it, everything is up to you!"

Looking a little overjoyed... Cough cough, Jingle Chunshui, who is full of pride, Nagasawa Masa's heart is also full of joy, and immediately strikes the railway while it's hot.

"That's really nice."

"In that case, when senior brother submitted the report, he should have also erased the existence of those guys."

"You also know that those guys in the central room 46 are not very human, and you don't want to make things difficult for the old man, do you?"

"Little brother is just asking for this, please ask senior brother to help you a lot."

Listening to Nagasawa Masa shouting "senior brother" one after another, Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't be happier.

A pair of eyes couldn't help but glance at his little niece, as if he was talking.

Did you see that even Nagasawa-kun has the utmost respect for my uncle?

Obviously, Qi Xu's reaction when he told a bad joke just now deeply hurt his heart.

Even if he didn't seem to care much.

However, perhaps because he was too concerned about Nanao's reaction, Kyōraku Shunsui did not hear Nagasawa Masaru's request clearly and just subconsciously responded casually.

"No problem, isn't it just that the existence of Urahara and the others is erased from the report, Xiaowen..."

However, he was only halfway through his words.

As if he had finally realized what Nagasawa asked him to do, Jingle Shunsui, who was as bold as a hero Xiao Feng in the last second, widened his eyes and flatly refused.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

If it was just to conceal the existence of Muramasa, Jingle Chunshui could still reluctantly agree.

After all, Kuchiki Xianghe is dead, and it is normal for the Zanpakuto to disappear with him. As long as Nagasawa Masahiro can ensure that he is optimistic about Muramasa and does not cause trouble in the world of souls, he will be happy to do this favor.

The same is true for Yan Luo Jing Dian.

It's not something that belongs to his Kyoryaku family. This hot potato should be taken by Nagasawa Masaru if he wants.

And looking at the way Nagasawa Yana is swaggeringly inserting Yanluo Jingdian in her waist, it doesn't look like she is going to hide it, it doesn't matter whether he says it or not.

But people like Kisuke Urahara are different.

They were serious criminals who were wanted by the world of souls and souls. Although he also felt that there were many strange things about what happened that year. Among the gods of death who were subjected to the virtualization experiment, there was even his confidant Yadoumaru Lisa. But it is not enough to overturn the judgment of Urahara Kisuke and others by Central Room 46.

As the captain of the thirteenth team of the Gotei, although he is very reluctant, he must maintain the majesty of the Seireitei, which is a matter of principle.

Besides, this time there was such a big commotion in this world, I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to!

He couldn't help looking at Nagasawa Ya suspiciously, wondering why the other party would make such an unreasonable request.

However, after being rejected by him, Nagasawa Ya did not show any displeasure on her face, but continued to speak with a smile on the contrary.

"Since that's the case, then I won't force my brother."

"However, brother, please speak up and report what they did to the old man truthfully."

"I think that although their identities are special, they will definitely be treated fairly by Old Man Shan."

Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at his junior brother with complicated eyes.

My little junior brother is trying to test his attitude by retreating.

Really underestimated...

Shaking his head with some amusement in his heart, Jingle Chunshui didn't care, and agreed directly.

"Don't worry, even if you are against old man Shan's ruthless blade, I will report everything to the old man truthfully, senior brother."

...... cut......

PS. To be honest, the work of Reaper is relatively weak in terms of plot, and it almost beats the whole process.

Friends who have read a lot of Bleach novels will probably find that most Bleach fanfics are accompanied by a large number of secondary creations. Whether they are popular or not mainly depends on whether the secondary creations are well written and interesting enough.

If you cut into the plot too early, there is a high probability that the combat power will collapse and it will end hastily.

After all, Ichigo is already well-known as the king of cheating, if he is more fierce than him, how much cheating must be done.


Therefore, generally speaking, it is written along the timeline, and on the basis of the original plot, a second creation is inserted to enrich the blank timeline.

The reason why I jumped on the street is probably because the writing was not interesting enough. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to her senior brother's answer, Nagasawa finally showed a sincere smile on her face, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Kisuke, Kisuke, in order to protect you from the murderous hands of the old man, I have broken my heart.

This house is gone without me!

I just don't know how Kisuke Urahara would feel if he knew Nagasawa Masa's thoughts at this time.

At the same time, during the time when Nagasawa Masa and Jingle Chunshui were talking, the passionate Reiatsu not far away also died down with the closure of the black cavity.

And what disappeared together were those ten powerful spiritual pressures.

Obviously, both groups have a very tacit consensus.

Kisuke Urahara, Mako Hirako and the others are like heroes who draw their swords to help each other when encountering injustice, they come quietly and leave quietly without taking a cloud with them.

It was at this time that Miya Kurosaki, who had been following Nanao all the time, came to the side of Masa Nagasawa and Shunsui Kyoraku with some trepidation on her feet.

She first glanced cautiously at Muramasa next to her, then hesitated for a moment, before choosing between Jingle Shunsui and Nagasawa Masa, she softly asked Nagasawa Masa who looked more handsome and friendly road.

"That... I should be cleared of suspicion now, right?"

"Although... Although Hiroshi and I violated the agreement and attacked Xu without authorization, I also worked very hard to help just now!"

Looking at Kurosaki Miya's somewhat disturbed face and those anxious eyes staring at him closely, Nagasawa Masa and Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but smile at each other.

After King Tsunaya Dairei appeared, let alone him, even Jingle Shunsui had already seen the cause and effect.

In addition, the little girl Ren just dealt with the Pac-Man summoned by the Hungry Corridor with the members of the joint team. She is also a comrade-in-arms who has carried a gun together. It is not a big deal to kill one or two heads. Just close one eye and pass.

He didn't even intend to discuss with Jingle Chunshui, so he planned to declare "acquittal" directly.

However, just when he was about to speak, a voice that sounded old and humble suddenly entered his cochlea.

"Dear Mr. Death, before you announce the result, can you please let me explain a few words to you?"

Immediately, I saw a figure that was completely opposite to the old man's voice, and even approached a little unbelievably, suddenly appeared in front of Nagasawa Ya.

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Nagasawa's eyes could not help but froze slightly.

Very fast.

In terms of pure speed, besides him and Kyoraku Shusui, even Muramasa and Kuchiki Byakuya may not be the opponents of this person.

And what a coincidence, that figure that suddenly appeared happened to appear between Nagasawa Masaru and Kurosaki Miya, perfectly protecting Kurosaki Miya behind him.

Seeing the figure blocking her, Kurosaki Miya was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.

"Mr. Ishida!?"

Although she had already spotted Sozuru Ishida when King Tsunayashirore used the "Remnant Sword" and "Hungry Corridor" to destroy Karakuma Town, she never thought about it. Gu Zongxian Ishida will choose to come forward at this time.

And looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he intends to save her?

For a moment, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, her face full of disbelief.

What you need to know is that although everyone is a pure-blood Quincy, unlike the Kurosaki family and her family, which are small families with withering personnel, the Ishida family is a prominent family among the Quincy.

Not to mention the pure-blooded Quincy of the direct line, the mixed-blooded Quincy under his command is enough to form a combat team.

Although she and her husband Kurosaki Hiroshi had met Ishida Munezuru a few times, that was all.

She never thought what the other party would do for her.

However, under her unbelievable gaze, Ishida Munezuru spoke slowly to Nagasawa Masa.

"Hello, dear Mr. Death, my name is Sogen Ishida, and I am just an ordinary Quincy living in this world."

"I believe you all came to this world from Soul Society in order to investigate yesterday's dispute, right?"

"To be honest, I was there when the fight happened yesterday."

"Meiya and the others certainly violated the agreement and took action against Xu without permission, but I can guarantee with my life that they and his wife definitely fought back angrily after being attacked by the garrisoned Death God."

"And what's a little strange is that although the death god was repelled by Meiya, looking at his spiritual pressure, he didn't have the slightest sense of weakness that an injured person should show."

"Want to come..."

Speaking of this, Ishida Sozuru couldn't help but pause slightly.

Immediately, as if he had made up his mind, a flash of firmness flashed in the old man's eyes and he continued:

"Presumably, someone wanted to rekindle the war between the Soul Realm and the Quincy, and did it on purpose."

"Over the years, the Quincy masters living in this world have been keeping themselves safe. There has never been an act of breaking the agreement between the two parties. If the situation was not critical yesterday, the two of them would definitely not act without authorization."

"If we must take the two of them away and find out the truth of the matter, the old man is willing to replace the husband and wife and return to the Soul Soul Realm with you."

"I promise, I will know everything and say everything."

Hearing the voice coming from beside her ears, Miya Kurosaki's beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen.

She never expected that Ishida Zongxian would be willing to shoulder all the responsibilities for her.

For a moment, she was a little overwhelmed, and even a little incoherent.

"What are you talking about, Ishida-san!?"

"This is none of your business. There is no need for you to do this for us!"

However, after hearing her words, Ishida Zongxian didn't answer anything, but stared at Nagasawa Masa in front of him a little nervously.

Last night, when the ghost attacked that innocent soul, not only the Kurosaki couple sensed it, but as a senior Quincy master, he even discovered the ghost's intentions early on.


Although he, like the Kurosaki couple, was always paying attention to the movements of the garrisoned god of death and the ghost, but because of his wife's warning and the agreement with the ghost world, he has been slow to take action.

He admired the Kurosaki couple for daring to do what he didn't dare to do, and he was very fortunate that the Kurosaki couple saved that innocent soul so that his heart would not suffer from self-blame.

When the garrison god of death appeared and said that he would not pursue the responsibility of the Kurosaki couple, he who hid in the dark put down all his guard, relaxed his tense nerves, and quietly walked towards his residence.

But it was because of his slackness that it almost caused another tragedy.

Everything that followed happened too quickly. When he realized it, Kurosaki Hiroshi had already fallen into a pool of blood, and Tsunayashiro Rei, who was pretending to be Hiroo Narita, was also "repulsed" by the angry Kurosaki Miya ".

Fortunately, Kisuke Urahara's timely appearance finally relieved him.

Compared with the Quincy who only knows how to fight against Xu, Shinigami's methods are undoubtedly richer.

Knowing this, he had no choice but to allow Kisuke Urahara to take the Kurosaki couple away.

However, after witnessing the whole process, he tossed and turned after returning home, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

He regretted why he didn't save that soul in time.

If he made the move, then Kurosaki Hiroshi would definitely not have such bad luck.

Those young people shouldered everything for him!

This should have been his fate!

Therefore, when he saw that Miya Kurosaki might be "arrested" by Soul Society for "deliberately hurting Shinigami" and "violating Quincy regulations", he stood up without hesitation.

The same mistake, he Ishida Zongxian will never make a second time!

Looking at the nervous and stubborn little old man in front of her, Nagasawa showed no surprise on her face.

Like Kurosaki Miya, he also spotted Sozuru Ishida early on.

It's just that he was busy dealing with King Tsunayashiro Rei at that time, so he didn't have time to talk to him at all.

Now that he had some free time, he naturally took a good look at this "former member of the Star Cross Knights".

Although there is no clear evidence to prove the identity of Ishida Zongxian, but through some clues, he can basically conclude that Ishida Zongxian is a traitor who escaped from the invisible empire.

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