Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

He was very familiar with the Emperor of the Invisible Empire, the King of the Quincy, Yuhabach.

Especially recalling the scene in memory of the upright, never smiling old man being cut into two parts, the killing intent in his chest couldn't be restrained rushing out.

The icy killing intent was like walking naked in a blizzard, and the biting chill made one's body chill even more.

Feeling Nagazawa Masaru's unabashed murderous intent, Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but have a look of astonishment in his eyes.

As for Ishida Sogenu and Kurosaki Miya, they both looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The fierce battle between Nagasawa Masa and Tsunayashiro Rei just now seems to be vivid in my memory.

Although Nagasawa Ya's last punch seemed to be unpretentious and had no special effects.

But being able to kill King Tsunayashiro Rei who was like a god destroying the world with just one blow made them dare not underestimate Masa Nagasawa at all.

However, this sudden killing intent came and went quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, the whole body, which was still as cold as winter just now, suddenly warmed up again like a spring in March.

Looking at Sozuru Ishida in front of him, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help showing a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is what you brought to your door.

Immediately, I saw him whispering to Ishida Zongxian with a smile on his face.

"Ordinary destroyer?"

"These words can only deceive my simple senior brother."

"If the guys in Yinjia City heard it, what do you think they would think?"

Listening to the words in his ear, Jingle Chunshui: "???"

...... cut......

PS. In fact, I am adding updates silently. Although it is still updated twice a day, the number of words occasionally reaches 5K or 6K every day.

The main reason is that I have already hit the street, at least I can't book all of them...

They are all booked out, and the perfect attendance bonus will be much less...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Simple brother?

Silver Frame City?

Listening to the two "unfamiliar" words in his ears, Jingle Chunshui's mind was full of question marks.

Simple senior brother, do you mean yourself?

No, no, the junior brother must be talking about floating bamboo!

That's right, it's floating bamboo!

As for "Silver Frame City"...

Although he had never heard of this place, Jingle Shunsui was keenly aware that when Ishida Zongxian heard the word "Silver Frame City", his old body trembled uncontrollably.

This is the weakness of being pinched by the junior brother.

Thinking of this, Jingle Chunshui's eyes could not help but narrowed into a thin line, looking like he was watching a good show.

On the other hand, Ishida Zongxian.

After hearing Nagasawa's words, it was clear that Nagasawa's face was full of gentle smiles, her voice sounded extremely kind, and there was no trace of killing intent emanating from her body.

But when it fell to his ears, it was like a call from hell, which made him feel cold all over his body. Even in his opinion, these short "three words" were more terrifying than the strong killing intent before.

Just because "Silver Frame City" is the main city of the invisible empire.

And the identity of the "Star Cross" is even a taboo term.

If they were just Quincy masters living in this world, the Soul Society might turn a blind eye. As long as they abide by the agreement and don't attack Xu without authorization, they won't be harmed by the Guarding Team Thirteen.

But if his identity as a member of the invisible empire is exposed, it will be a disaster for the entire Ishida family.

Although the God of Death in front of him was too young, his strength and knowledge were beyond his expectations and terrifying.

At this moment, Ishida Zongxian couldn't help showing a bitter smile on the face of people who treat swords and fish.

Only very quickly, he suddenly realized something.

The young and powerful Grim Reaper in front of him didn't seem to want to expose him on the spot or take him down.

For a moment, a sense of luck appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help but look earnestly at Nagasawa Ya.

Sure enough, a friendly smile was drawn on the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth, and she spoke as if everything she just said had never happened.

"Indeed, as Mr. Ishida said, this is a conspiracy against the Quincy Masters and the Soul Realm. Even if Ms. Kurosaki doesn't take action, the black hands behind the scenes will try their best to get the other Quincy Masters to carry it. This pot."

"The truth of the matter has been found out. As the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, I can decide not to hold Ms. Kurosaki and the others responsible for attacking the Death God."

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's answer, Miya Kurosaki couldn't help but smile.

This handsome guy really didn't lie to himself, the commander-in-chief is really bigger than the captain!

That uncle didn't have any opinion at all, okay!

It's just that unlike the joyful Kurosaki Miya, the bitterness on Ishida Souzu's face has not disappeared.

Nagasawa has laid so much ground in front of her, how could she let him go so easily?

Sure enough, "but" came.

After Nagasawa pondered for a moment, she continued.

"However, it is an indisputable fact that Ms. Kurosaki and the others have violated the treaty made between Soul Society and the Quincy by arbitrarily attacking Xu."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Miya was immediately unconvinced.

Now that we know that this is a deliberate arrangement by someone with a heart, then their husband and wife were framed by someone!

Obviously they are the victims, why should they be punished?

However, before she could speak, Nagasawa immediately changed the subject after taking a big breath.

"However, since Mr. Ishida is willing to take care of Ms. Kurosaki and the others, then I have to sell your face."

"Just pretend it never happened."

As she said that, a big smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

Hearing this, Kurosaki Miya's expression was startled at first, and then she was overjoyed, even looking at Masa Nagasawa, her eyes were full of admiration.

Asahi, Nagasawa-kun red bean paste Asahi!

Kurosaki Miya, who consciously saw Masa Nagasawa right, looked at Masa Nagasawa's handsome profile, and felt that her heart was about to melt.

At the same time, she swore secretly in her heart.

Although she is married and loves Kurosaki Hiroshi deeply in her heart, if possible, her future daughter's mate selection criteria must be based on Nagasawa-kun, and find a Ruyi Lang who is as good as Nagasawa Masa Jun.

However, leaving aside Miya Kurosaki whose eyes have turned into "?", the bitterness on Ishida Munezuru's face has gradually turned into a kind of helplessness.

A young man like Kurosaki Miya couldn't hear the subtext in Nagasawa's words, how could he, an old fritter, not hear it?

This makes him, Sogenu Ishida, and even the entire Ishida family bear a debt of gratitude called "Masa Nagasawa"!

Helpless, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

His wife is already pregnant, who knows the joy of having a child in old age?

Human beings, once they have children, have weaknesses.

He really didn't want to go through things that didn't kill him, but only made him stronger.

After thinking about it again and again, Ishida Zongxian finally chose to compromise.

"In that case, thank you sir, I, Ishida Zongxian... no, the entire Ishida family owes you a favor."

As he spoke, he seemed to remember that after chatting for so long, he still didn't know Nagasawa's name.

Ishida Munezuru couldn't help asking with a look of apology on his face.

"Haven't you asked your name?"

"I don't change my name when I sit here, so does Nagasawa Ya."

Facing Ishida Munezuru's question, Nagasawa Masa answered quite concisely, and she didn't even bother to give her own name.

Although he has become famous in Soul Society and is almost unknown to everyone, after all, his reputation is only spread in Soul Society.

Even in the Xu circle, those who know his name are only those big Xu who have surrendered to the Xuye Palace, let alone in the relatively lower level of the present world.

Like the Kurosaki couple, they didn't react at all after hearing his name.

However, to his surprise, when he reported out of the house, Ishida Zongxian showed a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but ask softly: "Have you heard of me?"

What made him even more surprised was that after hearing his question, Ishida Munezuru nodded quite simply, and then responded with some uncertainty.

"About 40 years ago, I don't know when, a book called "Ya Lun" was circulated on some black markets in this world."

"At the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to it, I just thought it was an idle book for people's entertainment, but when I read it carefully, I seemed to feel the washing from the depths of my soul."

"Since then, I can't leave the book even more, and I must carefully study the principles in the book every day."

"Maybe I've read it too many times, but I actually saw a little bit of information about Soul Soul Realm in the book."

"At that time, I still felt a little unbelievable. Now that I think about it, could it be that the 'Mr. Nagasawa' called in the book is you?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa said: "..."

What is this inexplicable sense of death? ? ?

...... cut......

PS.1. I feel that the age of the Quincy has always been a mystery. It is obvious that it is a human being, but its lifespan can be long or short, probably because it has something to do with the power bestowed by Yuhabach, otherwise it is really a bit inexplicable.

PS.2. You can watch Thousand Years of Blood War again at 11:[-] tonight, yay~~!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the world of corpses and souls, the twelfth division team is outside the house.

In the past, there were few people, but occasionally a few gods of death went to the public world-transmitting gate to change defenses in the present world, but today it is particularly lively.

There are constantly hurrying death gods, either carrying packages or carrying equipment, entering and exiting the world-transmitting gate.

And around the square outside the world-transmitting gate, some gods of death who had no missions or happened to be free stretched their necks and looked into the world-transmitting gate, as if they wanted to use their "see-through eyes" to see clearly. The door is in general condition.

Staying close, you can even faintly hear the group of death gods talking about something.

"Hey, have you heard? The former head of the Tsunayashiro family, Prince Tsunayashiro Rei, tried to stir up the dispute between Soul Society and the living Quincy again. He even went so far as to die for it himself. He attacked and killed Commander-in-Chief Nagasawa and The joint team led by the leader of the Kyōband!"

"What!? You're talking about... the King Tsunayashirorei who overwhelmed the patriarch of the Sifengyuan family thousands of years ago and was known as the 'No. !?"

"Idiot, resignation is only due to the impact of that incident back then. I heard from my uncle's second aunt's neighbor's uncle that the new head of the Tsunayashiro family is just a puppet. He has never left from the beginning to the end. Under the control of King Tsunayashiro Rei!"

"Huh! Good guy!"

"Then what is he trying to do? There is a resurgence of war between the soul world and the Quincy, what can he get?"

"Um...Maybe it's jealous of Mr. Nagasawa, who is handsome?"

"However, how could Prince Tsunayashiro's wild ambitions be hidden from Mr. Nagasawa's eyes? The 'strongest Shinigami candidate' is not something to be fooled! Now the members of the Third Division, the Fifth Division, and the Twelfth Division have all I am dispatched to the present world to be responsible for stabilizing the spiritual pressure of the present world, I am afraid that after a while, Commander Nagasawa and the others will return..."

"Come here, it's Mr. Nagasawa!!!"

Before passing through the gate, Nagasawa seemed to hear someone say he was handsome.

It wasn't until he passed through the gate that he was convinced that someone really said he was handsome.

"Ah ah awsl!!!"

"Is that Commander Nagasawa!? He's so handsome!!!"

"Obviously after a big battle, even the leader of the Beijing band has an unconcealable exhaustion, but the aura of Reiatsu on Brother Nagasawa's body is not at all disordered, it feels as thick as a mountain... ..It’s so fascinating!!!”

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