"Why do I feel like Mr. Nagasawa has become handsome again after we haven't seen him for a few days???"

"Hey, have you seen the extra Zanpakuto on Mr. Nagasawa's waist? I heard that it is the trophy he got after killing King Tsunayashiro Rei. It is a magic sword passed down from generation to generation by the Tsunayashiro family!"

"Nagasawa-san~~~I want to give you a monkey~~~!"

Listening to the cheers in his ears, Kyoraku Shunsui, who was walking side by side with Nagasawa Masaru, couldn't help but feel a twitch in his face.

He considers himself to be a very thick-skinned person. If someone calls him handsome, he might blow a kiss and wink over to them, and start a friendly interaction with them.

However, what surprised him was that when he glanced at Nagasawa Masaru out of the corner of his eye, he found that the other person didn't seem to care at all about the praises coming from around him.

It's like... as if those people around are just stating certain facts.

For a moment, Jingle Chunshui had to sigh.

I really deserve to be a little junior brother. I am not surprised by favor or humiliation, and deal with it calmly. I am not as good as I am.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously compared the appearance difference between himself and Nagasawa Masaru.

After recognizing the reality, he, who was unwilling to be side by side with Nagasawa, subconsciously slowed down his steps, half a step behind Nagasawa.

If Masa Nagasawa knew what Jingle Shunsui was really thinking at this time, she would definitely shake her head and sigh.

Brother, there is still a difference between handsome and greasy.

If you indulge in the compliments of others, it will only make you gradually Han!

Fortunately, the commotion did not last too long. When the vice-captain of the first team, Sparrow Chojiro, appeared in front of Nagasawa Masa and the others, he couldn't help being stunned by the lively scene just now, and even The team members who were running towards the crossing gate couldn't help but slow down their pace.

Although Takuchojiro was the vice-captain, he still had to go a long way to achieve the effect of a humanoid muffler. What really silenced the audience was the person behind him.

Sure enough, when Sparrow Minister Jiro appeared in front of Nagasawa Ya, this exquisite little old man immediately said in a deep voice.

"Under the order of His Excellency, Chief Commander, Commander Nagasawa and the leader of the Jing Orchestra, please go to the executive room of the first team immediately after returning to the soul world, and there must be no mistakes."

Listening to the words that came to their ears, Nagasawa Masaru and Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't help but tremble slightly, and then subconsciously glanced at each other.

Obviously, both of them heard something from Yamamoto's order.

But soon, the expressions on the faces of the two returned to normal.

None of them were stupid, and they could probably guess what Yamamoto did. It was just a simple eye contact, and Masa Nagasawa turned around and said to Nanao and the others behind her.

"Qanao, Baizai, Luanju, you go back to the small courtyard to rest first, my brother and I will go to the teacher's place, and we will be back soon."

Hearing this, the faces of the three of Nanxu couldn't help showing worry.

Only this time, Kuchiki Byakuya was the one who spoke first.

I saw that he still had a cold face, but he whispered in a tone full of concern.

"Although King Tsunayashiro has resigned from the position of Patriarch on the surface, the Tsunayashiro family is still his voice."

"He died at your hands this time, the Tsunayashiro family will not let it go, I will return home to report to my father, and call the head of the Sifengin family and Captain Shiba."

"Although the Shiba family has almost no right to speak among the five nobles, the name is still there after all."

"In addition, this matter is the fault of King Tsuna Yadai Ling first. If the three of us join forces, this matter may just be exposed like this."

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's anxious voice, Nagasawa Masa only felt warm in his heart, but after only pondering for a moment, he shook his head and rejected Kuchiki Byakuya's kindness.

He glanced at the three of them first, then whispered in a firm but domineering tone.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"A dead King Tsunayashiro and a living Nagasawa Masa, I think they should know how to choose."

Listening to Nagasawa Yana's domineering speech, for some reason, the anxious mind just now calmed down instantly.

Seeing that Nagasawa calmed everyone down with just a few words, and even predicted the outcome in advance, Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but take a deep look at his junior brother, and then walked with him towards the direction of the first team's building.


"Damn things!!!"

"It's fine if it's broken, but what's the matter if you lost Captain Haori?"

"What do you think Captain Haori is!?"

A team, executive room.

I saw Masa Nagasawa, who plugged her ears with two fingers, pulled a piece of white cloth out of nowhere, wrote the word "special" on it, and wrapped it around her arm, standing at a distance with Shishiro Ukitake. On the side, as if he was afraid that Jingle Chunshui would splash his blood all over his body, he looked at Yamamoto reprimanding him with gloating face.

The "Hungry Corridor" is not easy to deal with. In the meantime, you have to deal with sneak attacks launched by Prince Tsunayashiro from time to time. Not to mention the captain Haori, his senior brother doesn't even know where his beloved pink jacket has gone.

Looking at Jingle Shunsui, who had a funny face and was dressed like a young man in a domineering outfit, Yamamoto immediately became angry.

He didn't even say what's the matter with calling the two of them here, he just yelled at Jingle Chunshui.

Kyōraku Shunsui, on the other hand, seemed to have been used to Yamamoto's reprimands for a long time. He looked like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. He just scratched the back of his head and giggled endlessly.

Looking at the scene of "a loving father, a filial son, and a deep love between master and apprentice", Nagasawa glanced at her arm and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Fortunately, I have the foresight, this super chef... ahem, the armband of the commander-in-chief of the special operations team is my life-saving talisman!

Immediately, he turned his attention to Fuzhu beside him.

"Senior Brother Ukitake, are you feeling better?"

Thinking about it, I am really moved. It is obvious that I was a patient who "made wolfberry tea", "walked the bird in the hospital", and talked about the methods of health care together. He and Shiba Yuma "unauthorizedly" formed an "old, weak and sick" relationship with Yamamoto. Disabled" group of four.

As a result, if you look at the present, your body is getting stronger and stronger, but the former patients are getting worse.

Comparing the two, things are really unpredictable and disappointing.

However, Nagasawa Miyabi obviously would not express this feeling of "regret" on his face.

Hearing the "sincere" greeting from his junior brother, Fu Zhu had a gentle smile on his face.

"I'm getting better now. As you know, this is an old problem for me. The most important thing is to take care of it."

"Speaking of which... I'm really causing trouble for you and Kyoraku."

"This is supposed to be our Thirteenth Division's business, but it has put you in crisis. It really makes me, a senior brother, feel ashamed. Ahem, cough, cough..."

Fuzhu's face was full of apology, and when it came to emotional excitement, it even affected his illness, and he coughed again and again.

Seeing Fuzhu's "weak and fragile" appearance, Chang Zeya hurriedly helped her up, and by the way, helped her senior brother.

It was a joke in my heart, my senior brother really didn't say anything to him, so he couldn't get angry out loud.

However, the movement on their side probably alarmed Yamamoto, the old man stopped scolding Jingle Shunsui, and turned his attention to Nagasawa Masa.

However, when he looked at Nagasawa Ya, his sight remained for a moment on Nagasawa Ya's ostentatious Yanluo Jingdian swaggeringly inserted in his waist.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he couldn't help but raise his eyes, and let out an angry snort.

"Nagasawa, I just asked you to investigate the reason why the Quincy attacked the garrisoned Reaper. Fortunately, you almost gave me the whole world!"

"Complaints from Central Room 46 and the Tsunayashiro family are already piling up on my desk!"

...... cut......

PS. Did any friends go to the movies recently?

How about Mission Impossible 7? ?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The old man was very excited, and the drum beat that was tapping the floor with his cane was almost ready to accompany the rapper.

However, after hearing what Yamamoto said, Masa Nagasawa curled her lips indifferently.

Central Room 46 and Tsunayashiro's family, it is true that the wicked will sue first.

Thinking of this, his eyes met Kyōraku Shunsui who was scratching the back of his head, as if he didn't take Yamamoto's reprimand just to heart at all.

From the eyes of the other party, he also saw dissatisfaction.

The eyes of the two only had a brief exchange in the air, and they saw Nagasawa Ya speak.

"My hometown... ahem, teacher, this matter is a long story."

"Then make a long story short!"

"So so, so so..."

Although getting old, Yamamoto's patience has never been very good.

Nagasawa Masaru picked up the important ones as much as possible, while Kyoraku Shunsui supplemented them on the side.

After a while, under the two people's conjectures combined with the real situation, the plot of King Tsunayashiro Rei was presented in front of Yamamoto.

Finally, Kyoraku Shunsui also reported on the help of Urahara Kisuke and Heiko Mako and others.

Without concealing too much, nor exaggerating too much, Jingle Chunshui fully stated the contribution of the "Xiao" organization in this incident.

When Yamamoto heard the description of Nagasawa Masa and Jingle Shunsui, he was silent.

At first, when Jingle Shunsui and others reconnected with the world of corpses and souls and sent the "Express News" back to the world of souls, he thought it was just a conflict between King Tsunayashirore and Masa Nagasawa.

Unexpectedly, Kisuke Urahara, Mako Mako and others were involved.

To be honest, he actually did not approve of the hasty execution of Mako Hirako and others back then.

He actually considered whether to save him.

However, Kisuke Urahara, who was under serious suspicion, already represented the highest scientific research level of Seireitei at that time, plus the ruling of the Central Office 46.

Considering that if Hirako Mako and others were allowed to continue to disappear, the consequences would become uncontrollable, so I had to pretend that I didn't see it, out of sight and out of mind.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yoruichi to rescue all the members of the Masked Legion, including Kisuke Urahara, under his nose by himself.

Listening to the descriptions of Masa Nagasawa and Shunsui Kyoraku now, Kisuke Urahara doesn't seem to be using Mako Hirako and others as experimental materials, and they even seem to be quite close to each other.

For a moment, a gleam flashed in Yamamoto's slender and old eyes.

He was keenly aware that there seemed to be something wrong in it.

It's just very fast, and he has no intention of continuing to investigate further.

Central Room 46 has already issued a verdict, unless Mako Hirako and others dare to return directly to the Soul Realm to prove their innocence, or make some great contributions.

Otherwise, even he, the captain, would not be able to directly overturn the ruling of Room 46 of the Central Committee.

After Jingle Shunsui reported the relevant information about Urahara Kisuke and others, Nagasawa Masa glanced at the mountain of "complaint letters" on the desk table of Yamamoto, but none of them had been read. A sneer.

"The Tsunayashiro family has lost its power after losing Prince Tsunayashiro Rei."

"I think they should have expected that the family power will be cleaned up like never before, so they plan to make a last-ditch effort while they still have power in their hands."

"I have to say, what a bunch of naive guys."

"The so-called power is a product based on power. Without corresponding power, no amount of protest is just useless words that make people laugh."

Hearing Nagasawa Masa's sneer, Yamamoto couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"What are you going to do?"

Facing Yamamoto's inquiry, Nagasawa Masa didn't intend to hide it, and replied directly.

"The Kuchiki family and the Tsunayashiro family have always been evenly matched in the competition for the 'head of the five great nobles', but the Central Room 46 has always been controlled by the Tsunayashiro family."

"I know what you long for, teacher, is a peaceful and peaceful world of corpses and souls, but you probably don't like being shit and pissed on your neck by a group of waste who only know how to fight for power every day, right?"

Listening to the sound coming from his ears, the blue veins on Yamamoto's forehead couldn't help but twitch slightly, especially when he heard the words "riding on his neck to shit and piss", his blood pressure couldn't help but get a little high .

However, even though he had guessed Nagazeya's plan, he still had a calm face and asked coldly.

"You want to seize the right to the Central Room 46?"

Not to mention Yamamoto, even Ukitake and Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Nagasawa Masaru in surprise.

However, after hearing Yamamoto's words, Nagasawa shook her head slightly.

"I just want the Central Room 46 to return to its original intention and become an institution that truly seeks the well-being of the soul world, rather than a tool used by some people to fight for power and profit."

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"The Tsunayashiro family has controlled the Central Room 46 for too long, and it's time for a group of people with real talents to take over."

It is very difficult to seize power by force in the world of souls. At least for now, Yamamoto will not be able to pass this level, let alone the existence of Aizen and Zero Team.

Besides, in hot-blooded comics, characters who try to rule the world through force usually don't end well.

Even if Kurosaki Ichigo, the Child of Destiny, does not exist in this era, a few other Children of Destiny will be randomly spawned in any corner (jiao three times).

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