If every time the experience card is activated, his body can "remember" part of the perception, then he only needs to be given an opportunity to transform this perception into the power that truly belongs to him.

In other words, he is still in the period of Wujo Wu experience card, not to mention mastering Wujo Wu's ultimate move [Boundless Space].

At least he can use this opportunity to find a way to leave his body with the "memory" of the unlimited and reverse spells.

This time, he really had enough capital to settle down.


The next day, Nagasawa, who had two big dark circles under her eyes, was like a brat excited about going on an outing the next day, brushing her teeth beside the fish pond in her yard with no sense of fatigue.

Although he doesn't know why the spirit body also has dark circles.

And just when he spit out the mouthwash into the fish pond, he was still in the experience card state and had six eyes. When he felt a messenger from the Liting team, he was heading towards his little one at an extremely fast speed. The hospital came.

Sure enough, in just a moment, the orderly, wearing a diamond-shaped hat and dressed as stealthily as possible, appeared in front of him kneeling on one knee.

"Nagasawa three seats, Captain Yamamoto, please go to the team building of the first team as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Nagasawa immediately understood.

Sure enough, what should come will still come.

"I see."

Nagasawa didn't hesitate much, and after she agreed, she casually took off the windbreaker hanging on the side and put it on her shoulders.

Afterwards, he didn't make any movement, not even the sleeves of the coat draped over his shoulders moved, and disappeared straight in place as if teleported.

"This... I... I can't see how he disappeared at all!?"

Nagasawa's hand directly shocked the messenger who came to deliver the message.

As the orderly of the Riting team, he is most proud of his speed.

Even if his body couldn't keep up, he still dared to pat his chest and said with great pride that his eyes could definitely keep up with the afterimage of his captain.

However, when facing Nagasawa Ya, his eyes and spiritual pressure perception did not capture how the other party disappeared in front of him at all.

The Liting team, which has always been proud of its speed, was a little unconfident.

Of course, Nagasawa's actions were not just to show off in front of a soldier.

Although he does like to pretend, he is not so evil yet.

Nagasawa Masaru, who used Gojo Satoru's teleportation to cross the entire Noble Street in an instant, appeared unexpectedly outside the gate of the first team building.

Obviously, his extremely abrupt appearance directly attracted a strong crowd of guards from the first team.

The guards who didn't see how Nagasawa appeared clearly pulled out the Zanpakutō from his waist almost as soon as his spiritual pressure appeared.

However, in the face of sharp knives pointed at her, Nagasawa seemed extremely calm.

"Nagazawa, the third seat of the Sixth Division, Captain Yamamoto asked me to come here."

I saw him dodge without looking back, and everyone in the first team didn't even have time to react.

They only heard an understatement in the air, and when they came back to their senses, Nagasawa Ya, who was still in front of them just now, passed through their prepared formation in an instant, stepped into the In the team house of the first team.

...... cut......

PS. I have been recuperating at home for a week, and I am really not used to getting up at 7:[-] to go to work suddenly. After returning to social life, I have to start updating the dead line time every day. I am really sorry...


Chapter 49 Adventist Team

The sleeves of the windbreaker draped over his shoulders swayed gently as his body swayed, but did not slip from his shoulders due to his rapid movements.




As the general team of the [-]th Guarding Team, the first team is the highest among the [-]th Guarding Teams in terms of average age and overall combat level of personnel.

However, under such circumstances, none of them who were in charge of guarding the barracks noticed when and how Nagasawa broke through their formation.

An inconceivable expression appeared in everyone's eyes. They, who often practiced with Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni, instantly judged the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

However, the dignity of being the general team does not allow them to back down when facing Nagasawa Masa.

Entering the team building of the first team without notification, except for the Reaper who is above the captain level, even if he is called by the captain himself, they have to stop him.

Thinking of this, the group of people who were just shocked by the tyrannical strength displayed by Nagasawa Ya just moved their feet, ready to block Nagasawa Ya again.

However, just when they raised their feet and were about to step forward, a sound that sounded a little old-fashioned sounded in vain from the first team's team building.

"Enough, let's go."

I saw a middle-aged Reaper with white hair and golden eyes, with two black mustaches, who looked somewhat similar to Mori Kogoro, walking out of the first team's team building slowly.

The deputy captain of the first team, the head of the bird, Jiro.

Whether it was Mao's graduation ceremony or the last time he came to pick up a mission, Nagasawa Masa had met her several times, so she stopped involuntarily and silently watched the other party walking towards her step by step.

Seeing that Nagasawa Masa didn't speak, but just looked at him so quietly, for some reason, Sparrow Minister Jiro felt an extremely absurd feeling in his heart.

It seems that what is staring at him at this moment is not Masa Nagasawa who has seen him several times, but an active volcano that looks calm but contains enormous energy.

Seeing this situation, even Jiro Sparrow, who had mastered the swastika thousands of years ago and whose true strength was not weaker than the third level of Lingwei, lowered his head slightly as if he had surrendered, and his tone was no longer the same as before when he scolded his team members Generally blunt softly said.

"Master Yuanliusai has been waiting for you for a long time, please come in."

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa just nodded slightly, without showing any kindness to Jiro Sparrow, and walked straight to the location of the Yamamoto Reiatsu he sensed.


Looking at Nagasawa Masa's back that was drifting away, everyone in the first team, including Sparrow Minister Jiro, who was about to stop Nagasawa Masa just now, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they found that they had made the same movements and expressions, their expressions couldn't help but froze slightly.

That kind of feeling, as if one second was strong and hard-working and wanted to be tough in front of his companions, the next second he failed. Even the people in the first team who have known each other for tens or hundreds of years are still a little uncomfortable. He scratched his head embarrassingly.

On the other hand, Chojiro, who was the vice-captain, just took a deep look at Nagasawa Masaru who disappeared around the corner, and walked towards the outside of the first team building without hesitation.


On the other side, Nagasawa Ya, who stepped into the team building for the second time, was in a completely different state of mind than the last time.

The reason why he chose to enter the team building in such a high-profile way, instead of passing the pass step by step like last time, was because of his intentions.

As the main team of the thirteenth team of the court, and even the center, in the team building of the first team, it can be said that the eyeliners of the major forces are all over the place.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

It seems to be monolithic, and it can even be said to be Yamamoto Ichigodo's first team. Except for the vice-captain, Sparrow Minister Jiro, and the third seat, Okiba Genshiro, etc., have been following him since the founding of the Gotei [-]th team. outside.

As the first team of the main team, with Yamamoto's tacit consent, many forces have been mixed in.

Here, I have to talk about the responsibilities of the first team and the background of Seireitei.

The duty of the first team is to lead the thirteenth team of the court. It is responsible for issuing the notice of the central room 46 and holding regular meetings.

The background of the entire Seireitei is actually a microcosm of ancient Japan.

Before Yamamoto established the Goutei Thirteenth Team, the aristocratic class was already deeply rooted in the entire Soul Soul Realm on the basis of the five major nobles.

The Thirteenth Guarding Team, which was established only a thousand years ago, is not so much a guarding, but more like a samurai class consolidating power.

In this case, in order to be able to upload and issue better, and carry out the issued orders to the end, in addition to restricting Yamamoto's central 46th room, it is already the most basic means to install forces in the first team as the main team .

Not to mention that in the thirteenth team of the court, there are also the second team, the sixth team, and the tenth team called the Fan team, which are actually the private lands of the five nobles.

This is politics.

And as the guardian of the rules, even Yamamoto, who is powerful and hard to beat in a thousand years, can only acquiesce in this kind of behavior.

Because this is the rule that can maintain the stability of the soul world, even the virtual circle and the present world.

One of the reasons why Nagasawa Ya appeared in the first team in such a high-profile way today was to deter Xiaoxiao.

Wherever there are people, there will be struggle. Central Room 46 cannot be monolithic.

This can be seen from the history of mankind.

The history of mankind is the history of wars.

Strong strength can make people afraid.

Obeying the rules of the game will make people afraid to attack it easily.

Because once one party chooses to break the rules, it must be mentally prepared to bear the flipping of the table.

Taking advantage of the two days left for the experience card, in order to prevent myself from becoming someone else's pawn.

Also in order to realize his life philosophy of "fishing is okay, but not cooking", Nagasawa has to buy as much time as possible for himself to develop.

No need to think about it, what he did in the first team today will definitely reach the ears of everyone who cares as quickly as possible.

They are both thousand-year-old foxes and ten thousand-year-old demons. Everyone plays within the rules and no one crosses the line.

Consider what happens to people who break the rules.

Mocheng Kenpachi is still squatting in Wujian.

Aizan seems chic, but he can only be inmates with Mocheng Jianba in Wujian, or the kind of squatting for 2 years.

Not to mention the worst Yuhabach, who was made the new spirit king after failing to overthrow the soul world.

Masa Nagasawa felt that his strength could not exceed the above three for the time being.

Before he develops into shape, staying alive is victory.

As for his second purpose...

To put it bluntly, he came here today to put pressure on old man Yamamoto.

When he came to the executive room known as the private room of the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, was already standing by the corridor, waiting for him for a long time.

...... cut......

PS. It’s still py, really. My friends are hotter than me. My best friends, relatives, friends, crabs, and crabs of the series.

Interested friends can Kang Kangha, the best of the year for two consecutive years (this year is estimated to be the third year), I think you will not be disappointed, the link is here↓↓↓↓↓

Chapter 50 but I refuse

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"You called me, didn't you?"

"You shouldn't have come this way."

"I don't have a choice."

The above dialogue is purely Masa Nagasawa's imagination.

The executive room of the first team is built on the mountain, and the room hanging on the rock wall can clearly overlook half of Seireitei, which can be said to have an excellent view.

There are not too many decorations in the room, except for a table and a chair, there is nothing else, which looks extremely simple.

When Masa Nagasawa stepped into this private room that belonged exclusively to Yamamoto Motoyanagi, Yamamoto was leaning on a cane, standing by the corridor, quietly looking down at the seemingly peaceful Seireitei, looking like a fairy. The appearance of wind tunnel bone.

It's a pity that although the atmosphere is in place, the bald back of the head really can't make Nagasawa Masa put Yamamoto in front of him with the words "Xianfengdaogu".

As if aware of Nagasawa Masa's arrival, Yamamoto, with his back turned to him, suddenly spoke.

"It looks peaceful, doesn't it?"

Yamamoto's tone was very light, even sounding like a kind old man recalling the past.

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help frowning slightly.

This unfolding was different from the decisive but stubborn Yamamoto in his impression.

He was a little confused for a while, so he could only rely on Marlon Brando's powerful aura and the freestyle adaptability brought by his peak acting skills, and spoke in a magnetic voice that seemed to be full of cotton.

"Perhaps the calm on the surface is just to cover up the turbulent waves hidden beneath it."

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