Although Nagasawa himself didn't know what he was talking about, but with the surrounding atmosphere, it was at least a bit compelling.

But what he didn't expect was that just as his words fell, Yamamoto, who was originally calm and calm, like the kindly KFC grandfather of his neighbor, suddenly changed his appearance.

"But what the old man wants to protect is precisely this superficial peace."

The passage of time has carved traces of years on Yamamoto's body, but it has never erased the determination in his chest.

When he said these words, an incomparably powerful spiritual pressure swept towards Nagasawa Ya like a domineering aura.

The powerful spiritual pressure formed by the high-density spiritual power is like a mountain, which makes people feel a little breathless.

However, in the face of Yamamoto's powerful spiritual pressure that can overwhelm high-ranking officers and even the vice-captain level, Nagasawa Masa seems calm and calm.

He just put his hands in his pockets and stood quietly not far behind the mountain itself, not knowing what his opponent was... Ah no, he was unmoved!

Yamamoto's spiritual pressure came and went quickly, the powerful spiritual pressure that seemed to be as strong as the cold winter March disappeared without a trace almost at the moment it rolled over Nagasawa Masa.

Taking a deep look at the back of her head, which was turned away from her, Nagasawa knew that Yamamoto's Reiatsu just now was just a temptation to him, or a form.

For one thing, Nagasawa Yashang is still within the validity period of the experience card at this moment, not to mention anything else, just because he beheaded the four major Yachukas-level Daxu, it is not comparable to the ordinary vice-captain level.


When Yamamoto's spiritual pressure receded, before Nagasawa could speak, Yamamoto turned around, staring at him with old but sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I heard that in this world, your Zanpakuto has released the power of the 卍解 level, but the most important thing is that it is not the same as the old man's sword, it seems that you did not deceive the old man .”

Hearing this, Nagasawa shrugged involuntarily.

The ability he uses is different every time. This thing can't be hidden from people at all. It's already amazing that he can hide the system. Seeing Yamamoto mention it, he responded very simply.

"I don't need to lie to you, do I?"

However, Yamamoto's next words were somewhat beyond Nagasawa's expectations.

"The ability of your Zanpakuto is very similar to the Yanluo Jingdian, which is known as the strongest replica Zanpakuto in the Soul World. Someone in the central room 46 proposed to confiscate it and keep it together with the five nobles."

"The old man refused."

This time, Nagasawa was really surprised.

It's not that Nagasawa cares about the shallow sword he snatched in his hand. After all, his power comes from the system, and the big deal is to change to a new shallow sword, and then find a reason to say that he is double awakened and slashing soul That's what the knife is capable of.

What surprised him was the attitude of Central Room 46 and Yamamoto.

Where is Central Room 46?

That is the highest judicial organ in the soul world, and even Yamamoto, the captain of the Gotei [-]th Team, is not allowed to raise objections to any judgments that have been made.

Although listening to the other party's tone, confiscating his Zanpakutō was only a proposal of a small group of people and did not form a final judgment, but Yamamoto was able to speak for him, which surprised him very much, and even Marlon Brando's Even his peak acting skills could not hide the surprise in his eyes.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa's surprised expression, a flash of satisfaction flashed in Yamamoto's eyes, and he continued to speak immediately.

"Ogami... Well, it's the rebel leader you met in Caolu District. You handled his affairs very well."

Probably learned from the mouth of the three seats in his family that Masa Nagasawa didn't even know who he killed himself. Yamamoto, who was affectionately called "the ghost of the sword" by Yuhabach, was extremely unprecedented. Patiently explained a sentence, and then continued.

"Including this crusade mission, it was also because of your presence that Zhiba and the others were lucky enough to escape."

"I won't hide it from you. After you joined the Guarding Team Thirteen, I ordered people to investigate you."

"Stick to the justice in your heart, even if you are in such a bad fringe area of ​​West 64, you have never relied on your own strength to win anything, including Shutara, Sifengin, and the little guys from the Kuchiki family, They all think highly of you."

"For the sake of my comrades-in-arms, I don't hesitate to put myself in danger. This old man likes you very much."

When he said this, Yamamoto's eyes seemed to burst into light.

Looking at Yamamoto's enthusiastic appearance, Masa Nagasawa almost forgot the purpose of his trip.

Now he is really afraid that Yamamoto on the other side will suddenly reach out his hand and say "be my son" to him.

If he had known this was how it unfolded earlier, he wouldn't have pretended to be here today.

It's just obvious that Yamamoto over there was not aware of his mental activities at the moment, only saw him staring at him with scorching eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Did you know that Hikifune Kiryu is going to report to Division Zero with Shutara Senjumaru soon?"

"Come to the old man's first team. Although the old man can only provide you with the fourth seat for the time being, the old man assures you that he will train you to be a qualified captain in the shortest possible time!"

Yamamoto's voice was deafening.

Masa Nagasawa never expected that he would have such a high evaluation in Yamamoto's heart, and he even muttered softly to himself somewhat involuntarily.

"Joining a team, can you become the captain..."

However, the second Yamamoto thought he was going to agree, Masa Nagasawa shouted like an old man from Northwest China.

"But I refuse."

...... cut......

PS. I feel that in the main drama, Yamamoto always looks like a cold storage with no strangers entering and killing decisively, which is a bit out of life.

On the contrary, the performance in the daily small theater of Seireitei is more "cute". Personally, I feel that I can properly expand the other side of the old man Shan.

I hope you don't feel OOC...

Here, I would like to kneel down to all the readers.

Chapter 51 The Intruder at Sifengin Night One

Few people were able to remain calm in the face of the cries of the old man in the Northwest, including Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

When he heard Nagasawa Ya's refusal, his breathing instinctively stagnated slightly because of disbelief.

In the next second, Yamamoto's eyes could not help but narrow slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, he stared at Nagasawa Ya, and slowly opened his mouth.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, someone in Room 46 is already targeting you. Although becoming the captain does not guarantee that you will be exempt from the judgment of Room 46, it can at least guarantee that the other party will not dare to act rashly."

"If you are just an officer, it will be difficult for the old man to speak for you all the time."

Nagasawa is not sure whether Yamamoto's solicitation of him is due to the resistance of the samurai class to the meritorious and powerful, or just pure pity.

But what he knew was that aside from looking for an opportunity to kill Kuanmu Jinshi, he didn't want to get too deeply involved in this struggle just yet.

Of course, in the face of the olive branch thrown by Yamamoto, it is impossible for him not to give him face.

Coupled with his purpose for coming to the team this time, he responded straightforwardly.

"Even if I join a team and even become the captain in the future, there is no guarantee that people with ulterior motives will not target me."

"This crusade is the best proof, isn't it?"

"Strength is the best guarantee."

"I think that the reason why only some people in Room 46 of the Central Committee proposed to confiscate my Zanpakuto, but the final judgment was not made, is largely due to their fear of me and their mutual restraint."

Hearing this, Yamamoto fell silent.

How could he fail to understand what Nagasawa said.

As the issuer of the crusade mission, this time he was actually used by the central room 46 as a gun.

Although not many, he also has an unshirkable responsibility for the attack on the crusade team this time.

Nagasawa saved face for him and didn't put the matter on the table.

And in theory, he even owes a favor to Masa Nagasawa who saved Shiba Yuma and others.

This is also one of the reasons why he was willing to speak for Nagasawa Ya in front of Room 46 of the Central Committee and called her into the first team.

He was also annoyed by some of the people in Room 46.

Seeing that Nagasawa had made a decision in his heart, Yamamoto didn't intend to force it. He closed his eyes again to cover up the light in his eyes, and just nodded slightly.

"So, the old man is a little nosy."

"However, some people's hands are indeed stretched too far. I'm afraid they have forgotten why the old man has been called the strongest death god for thousands of years."

Yamamoto's last sentence was very light, but Masa Nagasawa could feel it. This sentence was heavier than all the words Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni said after he stepped into this room.

Obviously, his second goal has been achieved.

Seeing this, Nagasawa no longer put on the posture of a big boss negotiating, and he, who had a little understanding of Yamamoto's bottom line, joked in a somewhat playful tone.

"Compared to these nonsense things, I still think it's more interesting to laugh and laugh with beautiful girls."

It's just that he didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that after he finished saying this sentence, Yamamoto looked at him more strangely.

That kind of feeling, as if the person standing in front of him seems to have known each other, and he is extremely sad.

However, Nagasawa is obviously not the kind of person who cares about other people's eyes.

He came to the team this time, and he actually had three purposes in total.

It's just that compared with the last goal, he has to judge whether to make the last request depending on the completion of the second goal.

Obviously, the communication between him and Yamamoto was relatively pleasant, which gave him the confidence to make the last request.

I saw Masa Nagasawa looking at Yamamoto, with a rare funny expression on her face and chuckled softly.


"But speaking of it, if you think that I have done these two things pretty well, I have a small request, and I hope you can agree."

I don't know why, but when Yamamoto saw Nagasawa Ya's cheesy expression, he always had a feeling of déjà vu, and even his blood pressure went up a lot involuntarily.

He looked vigilantly at Nagasawa who was approaching, and asked in a slow voice with a little hesitation.

"What request?"

Seeing that Yamamoto didn't mean to refuse, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but feel relieved.

As I said before, what Nagasawa lacks most now is time to develop.

But at the same time, he also lacks a way to become stronger.

Although the experience card was drawn this time, allowing him to draw the Wujou experience card, in the future, there may even be some comprehension of the no-lower-limit spell and the reversal spell left in his body.

But what if the next time he draws his ability, he gets Nobi Nobita, or Edogawa Conan?

You can't let him rely on sleeping and flipping ropes, or Ke Xue to fight, right?

Even if Nobita has the reputation of the number one sharpshooter in the universe, but what about the gun?

In the final analysis, one's own strength is the most important thing.

You can fish, but you can't be without strength.

So, he pretended to be ashamed and said softly to Yamamoto.

"To tell you the truth, through these few battles, I found that apart from the power of the Zanpakuto and the still-surviving Reiatsu, my combat ability is simply useless."

"I hope that I can learn from you the chopping technique and the white-strike technique without using Reiatsu."

He founded the sect more than 2000 years ago, and changed the Yuanzishu he founded to the current Zhenyang Lingshu Academy. The name of Yuanliuzai has been named the strongest death god for thousands of years.

In Seireitei, and even in the world of souls, who is more suitable to be a teacher than Yamamoto?

Such things as hugging thighs have not been ashamed since ancient times, right?

Not to mention that Masa Nagasawa left a careful thought on purpose, emphasizing that it is without using Reiatsu.

This not only ensures that he will not expose the fact that he has lost the experience card in front of Yamamoto, but also the fact that he is a weak chicken.

And being able to let him learn fighting skills from Yamamoto smoothly is simply a feat.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa, who was completely different from the previous inscrutable appearance, Yamamoto's face twitched subconsciously.

To be honest, whether it is from the perspective of friendship or the level of cherishing talents, it is difficult for him to refuse Nagasawa Masa's request.

However, just when Yamamoto was about to agree, he suddenly sensed a powerful spiritual pressure, which was rushing towards the team building at an extremely fast speed.

The familiar spiritual pressure made Yamamoto's slightly raised eyes reopen, and even Nagasawa Masa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

After a short while, the black-skinned young lady dressed in haori, the captain of the second division, appeared in front of the two of them.

Looking at Yamamoto and Masa Nagasawa who were "close at hand", Ye Yi, who had just stepped into the executive room, thought inwardly that something was bad.

At such a close distance, you can either kiss or fight.

Obviously, she is not corrupt enough to be able to beat the CP of Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masa.

Not to mention that on the way here just now, she has already noticed the powerful spiritual pressure erupted by Captain Yamamoto.

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