"Why do you know this?"

Looking at the other party's somewhat nervous appearance, Nagasawa couldn't help but smile.

"Don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions, I just learned about the history of Soul Soul World from some channels."

"The birth of the world of corpses and souls is not glorious. The ancestors of the five nobles pushed the Spirit King into the cycle of life and death in order to escape from the cycle of life and death. power, so that he loses the power to resist."

"Brother Fuzhu, you...should have inherited part of the power of the Spirit King, right?"

Hearing the words in his ear, Fuzhu's eyes widened instantly, with an expression of disbelief.

But very quickly, this unbelievable expression turned into a bitter expression.

Ukitake was born in a lower-class noble family in Seireitei, the eldest of eight siblings.

When he was three years old, he suffered from a very serious lung disease.

The white hair on that head is the sequelae left by the illness at that time.

He should have died of a serious illness that year, but his superstitious parents sent him, who was abandoned by the doctor, to a shrine dedicated to an indigenous god named "Lord Mimi Haji".

The purpose is to use his lungs as a sacrifice to pray, in order to help his children through difficulties.

Never thought that he actually survived.

And the indigenous god named "Lord Mimihaki" is the incarnation of the right arm of the Spirit King who descended from the sky in ancient times.

This secret, he never told anyone.

Even his parents always thought that the gods had manifested their spirits and saved their poor child.

Unexpectedly, after hundreds of years, he would hear about his life experience from his junior brother.

Thinking of this, Ukitake couldn't help turning his head, and took a deep look at Nagasawa Ya beside him.

He suddenly felt that he had never seen through this little junior.

He is obviously just an ordinary soul born in Rukongai, and at most he is somewhat gifted. But compared to his great strength, what is more terrifying is his ability to see through people's hearts and get to the essence of things.

However, Masa Nagasawa did not intend to get too entangled in Ukitake's life experience.

The secret that Fuzhu is the right arm of King Ling, the less people know, the better.

After all, in the current Seireitei, there is still a great conspiracy hidden in Aizen.

If Lanran knew the identity of Fuzhu, he didn't even need to make any effort to make Wang Jian, just squeezed Fuzhu dry and it was over.

Thinking of this, he continued to talk to Zhibo Haiyan.

"If you want to liberate the Spirit King, you can't do it just by talking."

"Although my strength has not yet reached that level, I don't think that the ancestor of the five nobles can easily seal it with the power of the Spirit King."

"I'm afraid... being sealed in the lifeless and deathless cycle may not necessarily be the 'future' that the King of Souls once saw."

Zhiba Haiyan: "..."

Faced with Nagasawa Masa's speculation, Shiba Haiyan remained silent.

From the stone tablets left by his ancestors, he has already understood the "truth" of the world, and at the same time, he also agrees with the thoughts of his ancestors from the bottom of his heart.

He also felt disdainful from the bottom of his heart for the fact that King Ling was "voluntarily" sacrificed himself to save the world.

If possible, he also wants to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and rescue the spirit king who sacrificed everything for the world.

But soon, a sense of powerlessness hit his heart in an instant.

The current Shiba family, in order to protect themselves, even gave up the ancestral house in Seireitei, so how can they help the soul king?

As if seeing through Shiba Haiyan's thoughts, Nagasawa Masa didn't care about the other party's silence, and continued to speak.

"Of course, let's not talk about whether the spirit king was sealed voluntarily, let's talk about the Shiba family."

"I just said that if you want to save the Spirit King, you can't just talk about it."

"The reason why the proposal of the ancestor of the Shiba clan was rejected by the other four clans, and was even excluded, in addition to the interests that are closely related to their own safety, a large part of the reason is that they are not strong enough, so the ancestor of the Tsunayashi family appeared. The other four have the absolute right to speak."

"Although times have changed, and the other four families among the 'Five Great Nobles' are no longer headed by the Tsunayashiro family, the weakness of the Shiba family has never changed. Even today, tens of millions of years later, the Shiba family is He is about to be kicked out of the ranks of the 'Five Nobles'."

"It is a very long road to liberate the soul king. Not only must we face the collapse of the three realms after losing the soul king, but also find a way to re-support the three realms. prestige."

"These...are things that the current Shiba family doesn't have."

Zhiba Haiyan: "..."

Facing the naked reality, Zhibo Haiyan couldn't answer a single word, and clenched her palms tightly, unable to speak for a long time.

As if aware of his elder brother's embarrassment, Shiba Kuzuru couldn't help flashing an anxious look on his face, and immediately retorted.

"Could it be possible to achieve this by cooperating with you?"

Faced with Shiba Kuzuru's rhetorical question, Nagasawa Masa didn't show any displeasure on her face, but instead praised her in her heart.

This flattery is simply not too comfortable.

Immediately, I heard him change the subject and speak softly.

"Konghe, you have lived in Liuhun Street for a long time. Apart from hearsay, you probably haven't heard too many legends about Brother."

"I don't need to elaborate too much on the fact that King Tsunayashiro Rei died in my hands, but you have misjudged the current situation."

"Now, it's not the time for me to worry about the Tsunayashiro family's revenge, but the time for the Tsunayashiro family to think about how to keep their name as the 'Five Great Nobles'."

"I think . . . it's about time for the wind to blow."

Although some couldn't understand the meaning of Nagasawa's words, but for some reason, after hearing his words, whether it was Shiba Haiyan or Shiba Kuzuru, they couldn't help feeling "convinced".

The tone full of self-confidence when he scolded Fang Qiu was like Zhuge Kongming holding a wisdom pearl, only a feather fan was missing.

It was at this time that a rather noisy sound suddenly rang in the ears of several people.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Hm Chi Hm Chi Hm Chi!"

The earth seemed to be roaring at this moment, and the rapid breathing was like the roar of a demon god!

Everyone at the scene had the strength of the vice-captain level at worst. Listening to the strange voice from far to near, everyone judged the opponent's target almost instantly, which was the house of Shiba's family.

The next second, under Masa Nagasawa's weird gaze, a...ahem, a boy who was riding a wild boar, who didn't even seem to be in love for the second time, bumped into Zhibo's house on the head of the wild boar. At the moment of the courtyard wall, he was "lifted" into the courtyard wall by inertia.


Seeing the boy who flew into the house from outside the wall and finally landed in the lotus pond, Shiba Kuzuru slapped himself on the face, even the always gentle Shiba Haiyan showed a embarrassed look on his face.

Although the Shiba family has fallen, as one of the "Five Great Nobles", when the eldest brother Shiba Haiyan was still alive, he still cared about the most basic etiquette.

At this time, there were guests visiting at home, but my younger brother behaved in such a disrespectful manner, even Zhibo Haiyan felt a little embarrassed.

The outspoken Shiba Kuzuru even walked to the side of Shiba Ganju who crawled out of the lotus pond in a single step, holding the opponent's ear and scolding angrily.

"What are you doing, Iwato!?"

"Didn't I tell you to practice hard at home? Why did you go to ride a pig again!?"

Shiba Kanju, who was being held by his ears, felt that his ears were about to be ripped off by his elder sister, and while showing a fawning look on his face, he said quickly with an uncontrollable joy.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

"Sister, don't twist it anymore, if you twist it again, it will break!"

"I...I have good news for you and the cauldron!"

Listening to his younger brother's words, Shiba Kukaku couldn't help but let go of his grip a little bit, and his eyes showed even more suspicion.

My younger brother usually eats and is lazy, even worse than that bastard from Omaeda's family.

In addition, he hangs out in Liuhun Street on weekdays, and he and his elder brother don't care much about him. I hope he can have a happy childhood. It's already pretty good if he doesn't get into trouble. Can there be any good news.

Seeing that the strength in his ears had slackened, Shiba Ganju hurriedly got rid of Shiba Kuzuru's palm, while staring at his elder sister vigilantly, with an uncontrollable joy... No, it should It is more appropriate to say that it is gloating.

I saw that Shiba Kanju didn't care about having guests at home, and said to Shiba Kuzuru with a smirk on his face.

"Big sister, big sister, guess what I saw in Runlin'an?"

Seeing Shiba Ganju's pretentious attitude, Shiba Kuzuru, who had just calmed down a bit, couldn't help raising his brows, and suddenly became angry.

Seeing the appearance of his elder sister, Shiba Yanju, who has rich experience in beatings, almost instantly admits cowardice.

I saw him waving his hands and speaking quickly.

"I said, I said, big sister, don't do it!"

"I was at Junlin'an, and I saw the high-ranking nobles headed by the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family, who are taking over the property of the Tsunayashiro family!"

"The Tsunayashiro family is completely powerless to resist. This time, they are afraid of pills!"

Listening to Shiba Kanju's words, everyone present except Masa Nagasawa couldn't help being surprised.

They subconsciously looked at Nagasawa Ya who was calmly sipping the tea in the cup, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Even Ukitake, who already knew the inside story, looked at Nagasawa Masa who seemed to have known everything with astonishment on his face.

He came from the first team with Nagasawa Masa, and after getting Yamamoto's approval, he never saw Nagasawa Masa contact the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family.

Didn't expect him to start attacking the Tsunayashiro family in just such a short time?

And Zhiba Haiyan and others who are also "Five Great Nobles" are full of surprise and uncertainty.

Even the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family are completely on Nagasawa's side?

When was the last time three of the "Five Great Nobles" joined forces?

For a while, Zhibo Haiyan felt that his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help asking.

"What good does it do you...?"

"Since you know what kind of spirit king is, I think...you don't want to become a spirit king, do you?"

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 4K+. I don’t know why the chapter is broken. For the sake of coherence and reading experience, it will continue.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to Shiba Haiyan's rhetorical question, although the other party didn't directly agree, a look of joy appeared in Nagasawa Masa's eyes.

Because he knew that this handle was already stable.

What happened in childhood made Zhiba Haiyan instinctively reject the power center of Seireitei. If he tried to cut in from the perspective of interests and use interests to lure Zhiba Haiyan to return to Seireitei with the Zhiba family, there is a high probability that he will be punished. The other party's rejection even aroused the other party's resentment.

Shiba Kuzuru just now is the best example.

But if he forms empathy with Shiba Haiyan from the will of the ancestors of the Shiba family and the perspective of righteousness, then this probability will be reversed by two levels in an instant.

The only problem now is that he Nagasawa himself.

He tried his best to persuade the Shiba family to return to Seireitei, to support him, even surpass his original status, and to help the Shiba family save the soul king.

To him, Nagasawa Ya, this kind of behavior is of no benefit at all, and it can be said that he is doing charity.

It's hard not to make Shiba Haiyan doubt his motives.

However, in the face of Shiba Haiyan's question, Nagasawa Masa appeared very frank.

"Spirit King?"

"To put it in a less respectful way, if after becoming a spirit king, one would fall into that cycle of life and death, who would want to sit in that position?"

"In fact, I don't care who is the king of spirits. To put it a bit selfishly, I just want to keep my family, friends, and partners from being in danger, and I won't have to leave my hometown because of some people's schemes. If I can If so, by the way, it will make this world a better place and more suitable for living.”

He didn't start filling cups just because of his "teacher of all ages".

To be honest, Nagasawa Ya's purpose is very pure from the beginning to the end, he just wants to make a good performance comfortably, and everything that hinders his performance and endangers the people around him is his enemy.

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's answer, everyone present all opened their mouths without exception.

Even Ukitake and Shiba Yuma, who have a closer relationship with Masa Nagasawa, did not expect that Masa Nagasawa, who is regarded as a "teacher of all ages", "a lighthouse that points out the direction of life", and "a bright light that illuminates the future", has a dream. so...

For a moment, they couldn't even think of any words to describe it in their minds.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Nagasawa shrugged.

"A simple dream, right?"

"Brother Fuzhu should know me well. When I first joined the Sixth Division, I actually wanted to lie flat."

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