"Please, that's the sixth division. In terms of salary level and salary level, the other twelve divisions of the Gotei [-] combined may not be able to match it. If I can marry a black man again... cough Cough! Bai Fumei has reached the pinnacle of her life directly."

Masa Nagasawa, who almost revealed her true thoughts, quickly stopped talking under Shiba Kuzuru's surprised gaze, and quickly shook her head and sighed.

"It's a pity. Sometimes, reality doesn't make people so happy. If it wasn't forced by life, who would want to make themselves full of talent?"

This is the first time that Masa Nagasawa has revealed her true feelings to others.

And sincerity is often the strongest nirvana.

Zhibo Haiyan is a man who treats his friends with enthusiasm and exchanges his sincerity for his sincerity. He can hear that there is no falsehood in Nagasawa Masa's words, and it is full of sincerity.

After listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Shiba Haiyan fell into deep thought.

He raised his head, looked at his wife Shiba Tsu with somewhat complicated eyes, and then looked at the Shiba Kuzuru standing by the lotus pond in the courtyard, and the wet Shiba Ganju.

Compared with the branch family of the Shiba family who has never left the power center of Seireitei, he pays more attention to the opinions of his family members.

Seeing Zhibo Haiyan looking towards him, Zhibo didn't speak, but the gentle eyes said everything.

"Brother, we all believe in your decision, you don't need to ask us, we support you unconditionally!"

And Shiba Kuzuru, who was standing by the lotus pond, directly represented Shiba Ganju, and said quickly with a bold face.

Hearing this, although Shiba Yanju, who was represented by his elder sister, dared not speak out, he still firmly nodded at Shiba Haiyan.

Finally, after a long time, as if experiencing a battle between heaven and man in the bottom of her heart, Zhibo Haiyan's eyes gradually changed from confusion to firmness.

He looked at Chang Zeya and said slowly.

"I understand. If you can really help the Shiba family to regain its glory, I am willing to bring the Shiba family back to Seireitei."

He didn't mention the matter of saving the Ling King.

For the current Shiba family, the matter of rescuing the soul king is too far away.

Not to mention that in terms of strength, even compared with the ancestor of the Shiba family, there is a gap as wide as clouds and mud. He is simply unable to replace the Spirit King and become the pillar of the Three Realms.

Even if his strength has reached the realm of the ancestor of the Shiba family, he is barely capable of becoming a substitute for the Spirit King...

At least in front of his family, he doesn't want to tell them this idea yet, he doesn't want his family to worry about him.

After hearing Shiba Haiyan's words, Masa Nagasawa did not answer immediately, but turned her head, and smiled softly at Ukitake beside her.

"Senior Brother Ukitake, no matter what, you have to set up a table at Yatianju this time."

"I have found you a very good vice-captain. In this way, you can recover from your illness with peace of mind."

Shiba Haiyan is the head of the Shiba family. His becoming the deputy captain of the Thirteenth Division is a signal to the outside world.

This means that the Shiba family will return to the stage of Seireitei.

Ukitake, who heard the overtones of Nagasawa Masaru, was a little shocked by his junior brother's simple and straightforward ambition, but after hearing Shiba Haiyan's answer, he still couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face.

It's just that after hearing the second half of Nagasawa's words, he couldn't help but whispered in a tone of blame and a little embarrassment.

"This is what I said, as if I don't usually take care of things. Haiyan hasn't taken office yet. Ya, don't scare him away."

Hearing Ukitake's joke, Nagasawa couldn't help laughing.

His two senior brothers are not old-fashioned like Old Man Shan, and they all have good personalities.

Even in front of Fuzhu, he would behave more presumptuously, and immediately retorted.

"It's as if you are really in charge, brother. Brother Jingle and I just wiped your ass just now. Haiyan will be busy in the future."

Hearing this, Fuzhu couldn't help being embarrassed, he knew it was true, and he couldn't refute it, so he scratched his white hair and laughed mischievously to ease his embarrassment.

"Aha, ahahahahahaha!"

Looking at the joyful scene in front of them, Shiba Yuma and Shiba Isshin, the father and son who hadn't spoken a few words the whole time, were really a little sluggish.

They couldn't help but glance at each other subconsciously, and they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

What the hell are we... here for?

...... cut......

PS. Today I heard that Brother Xiao Ming will appear in the next movie as Sanqi, I was really shocked hahahahaha!

I can see Brother Xiao Ming feeling deflated again...ah, no, it's time to put the cup in!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhiba Haiyan was originally the third seat of the [-]th Division, and she had rejected Ukitake's invitation for various reasons before, but she was already familiar with the team affairs of the [-]th Division, so she didn't need to explain too much to Ukitake.

In addition, Shiba is also the sixth seat of the [-]th Division, and has his own virtuous wife as an assistant. As long as Ukitake sends a report to Yamamoto, telling him that he plans to promote Shiba Haiyan to the deputy captain of the [-]th Division, this pair of office romance duo The team can seamlessly integrate into the work of the Thirteenth Division.

Although Kuchiki Byakuya got stuck with a bug in the Special Operations Team at the time, Yamamoto was able to correct the bug in time, so the appointment and dismissal of the vice-captain had to be approved by the first team.

But in principle, Yamamoto still respects the opinions of the captains.

Shiba Haiyan's appointment as the vice-captain of the [-]th Division is considered a certainty.

Seeing what happened here, Masa Nagasawa and Ukitake both left Shiba's house.

Shiba Yuma and his son stayed behind to discuss more details with Shiba Haiyan.

After all, it is a big event for the main family of the Shiba family to return to Seireitei. As the branch family head and the real pillar of the Shiba family, no matter how weak the body is, Shiba Yuma must participate.

Fortunately, Yamamoto Kanzai Shiba Yuma had been seriously injured in these years and was about to retire to the second line, so he never arranged any too dangerous tasks for him.

In addition to the responsibilities of the Juban team, which is responsible for the patrol and security work of Seireitei, Shiba Yuma, who has been well-maintained over the years, is like installing an Audi engine on a second-hand Otto. Run a little bit.

It has to be said that as the "Five Great Nobles", none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp, not even the declining Shiba family.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and a rotten boat still has three-point nails.

These two sentences are perfect for describing the Shiba family.

Masa Nagasawa and Ukitake were still walking slowly on Ruukon Street, before the two of them even returned to Seireitei, the Shiba family and some of the little nobles attached to the Shiba family had already started operations.

Compared to doing nothing, it was as fast as thunder, and locked his eyes on the Kuchiki family and Sifengyuan family in the top three neighborhoods of Runlin'an, Xinlangting, and Lifushan.

The Shiba family kept their stance very low.

After the catastrophe, many upper and middle-level nobles attached to the Shiba family turned to the family and took refuge in the other three families of the "Five Great Nobles".

Only a few middle-level nobles who were grateful for the kindness of the Shiba family, and some lower-level nobles who wanted to change their families, but no one was willing to take over, still relied on the Shiba family.

The difference in strength made Zhibo Haiyan have a very clear understanding of the Zhibo family.

In addition, they are connected with the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family with Nagasawa Masa as a bond, so naturally they will not rashly cut the cakes of the two families.

Therefore, after reaching an agreement, they set their sights on the blocks other than No. [-] Liuhun Street.

Compared with the top ten blocks of Liuhun Street in the southeast, northwest, and north, although the blocks other than the number ten are not as rich as the top ten blocks, the most important thing is that they are vast in size and have a large population.

In addition, in recent years, the Brotherhood of Death's support to Liuhun Street has greatly improved and even raised the living standard of Liuhun Street. Even the blocks other than number ten have extremely high value.

For the Shiba family who decided to return to Seireitei, focusing on the blocks other than No. [-] can not only avoid conflicts with the Kuchiki family and Sifengin family, but also quickly recover their strength and attract those who sit on the wall to defect.

Compared to the premise of destroying the trust among "allies", to compete for the top ten regions.

Areas other than number ten are undoubtedly the best choice for the Shiba family.


On the other side, in a magnificent mansion full of extravagance, there is also a group of people who have gathered together for something.

"Hey, it's not good to go on like this! Kuchiki's family and Sifengyuan's family have seized all the shops in the first district, and now they are expanding outside. If this continues, all our properties will fall into their hands!"

"Made, the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family are really deceiving people too much, do they really not care about the relationship between the 'four nobles' at all!?"

"The 'Four Great Nobles'? I just received the news that even the Shiba family has already started to take action, not only uniting the small and medium nobles attached to the Shiba family, but the kid from the Zhiba family has returned to the nobles after nearly a hundred years away Street, visit Kuchiki's house and Sifengin's house in person!"

"What!? Even the Shiba family dared to ride on us?!"

"Patriarch, I can't bear it anymore, you should say something!"

From the conversations of these people, it is not difficult to hear their identities.

This mansion is the ancestral home of the Tsunayashiro family, one of the "Five Great Nobles".

The people gathered here at this moment, without exception, exude the aura of a superior person.

Some of them are the core members of the Tsunayashiro family.

Yes, they are branch heads of the Tsunayashiro family.

There are also high-ranking noble family heads who are attached to the Tsunayashiro family.

At the same time, these people are also the entire strength of the Tsunayashiro family in the central room 46.

But anyone with a lower status is not qualified to participate in this meeting.

At this time, all eyes were on an old man who looked not much younger than Yamamoto.

I saw the old man with his arms folded, his face sinking like water, sitting cross-legged on top without moving, listening to the discussions of the people around him, without making any remarks.

The old man's name is Tsunayashiro Toki, he is the current head of the Tsunayashiro family, and also the eldest son of Tsunayashiro King Rei.

At this time, he was not in a very good mood, and it could even be said that he was in an extremely bad mood.

Thanks to his old father's old age and strength, he has been the heir of the family for nearly 900 years.

After much difficulty, King Tsunayashi Dairei took the blame and abdicated, and the position of Patriarch was passed on to him.

He thought he would be able to make a difference and reach the pinnacle of his life from then on. As a result, although his father resigned from the position of head of the family in name, he still secretly controlled the Tsunayashiro family.

He, the patriarch, is just a puppet on the surface.

50 years, a full 50 years!

In the 50 years he has been the head of the family, he has never been so eager for his father to die at the hands of Yamamoto or Nagasawa Masa.

Maybe it's a dream come true.

When he woke up, his father, King Tsunayashiro Rei, died at the hands of Masa Nagasawa as he wished.

But at the same time, he needs to deal with a bigger problem.


Listening to the disputes coming from around, a faint sigh slowly came out from Tsunayashiro Toki's mouth.

To be honest, although he sat on the position of head of the Tsunayashiro family, he was far inferior to his father Tsunayashiro Rei in terms of ambition, means, and strength.

If it wasn't for the pressure from Yamamoto back then, King Tsunayashiro Rei would never have handed over the position of Patriarch to him.

At this moment, he didn't realize until King Tsunayashirorei really died.

God... really fell.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the three major families, even if the people sitting around him at this moment are the core of the core of the Tsunayashiro family, the elite of the elite, he has no confidence in his heart.

Not to mention standing behind the three major families, there is Nagasawa Masa who represents the will of the Brotherhood of Death.

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of any way to solve the situation in front of him.

In the end, he could only speak in a deep voice.

"Anyone can talk about frustration. I summoned you here, not to listen to your complaints!"

"If you don't want the Tsunayashiro family to repeat the same mistakes as the Shiba family, why not think about how to solve the current situation!"

Although he has been a puppet for 50 years, he is still the head of the Tsunayashiro family, and the blessing of the "Five Nobles" still has some effect.

Seeing that Tsunayashiro Toki got angry, the core members of the Tsunayashiro family all suppressed the eagerness on their faces, sat back in their seats, and thought about ways to break the situation.

It's just that Tsunayashiro Toki didn't notice that, except for the members of the Tsunayashiro family's main family and branches, those high-ranking nobles attached to the Tsunayashiro family, except when they were thinking hard and thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of them, He has already begun to secretly calculate his own little abacus.

They have all seen how the Shiba family went from glory to decline.

The reason why they are attached to the Tsunayashiro family is nothing more than the fact that they have taken a fancy to the powerful influence of the Tsunayashiro family.

Under the leadership of King Tsunayashiro Rei, the Tsunayashiro family occupied the position of the head of the "Five Great Nobles" for almost 800 years.

If it weren't for the rise of Kuchiki Sosumi and Kuchiki Byakuya in recent years, I am afraid that the title of the head of the "Five Great Nobles" is still in the head of the Tsunayashiro family at this moment.

At this time, the pillars of the Tsunayashiro family collapsed, and the Tsunayashiro Toki was a douchebag who could not support them. As the upper-level nobles attached to the Tsunayashiro family, they didn't need to bury the Tsunayashiro family with them!

Tsunayashiro Tokitoko probably didn't think that he shouldn't have mentioned "Shiba's family".

If he hadn't brought up this issue, he might be able to barely maintain the hearts of the people.

But after he mentioned "Zhiba's family", these old foxes who have no loyalty at all and put their interests first, are already thinking about their retreat.

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