But on the way to end the battle and return to the soul world, he realized it instantly.

He may be the rudiment of comprehending the domineering color of knowledge.

This discovery made him extremely happy.

Although it is not advisable to compare combat power across works, it has to be said that One Piece's combat power system is slightly lower than that of Bleach.

If it's something else like rubber...ah no, it should be called Nika fruit now.

If it's abilities such as Nika Fruit, Navy Type [-], and Natural Devil Fruit, Masa Nagasawa may not think it's a big deal, at most it can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

But the overlord color and knowledge color in the three-color domineering color are different.

This is a power that can be regarded as a real improvement in any system.

Seeing Lie Xin was overjoyed, and he happened to meet such a good opponent as Ye Yi, who would not "kill the killer". How could he let go of this opportunity?

So, after experimenting with his "Waves Messenger", he immediately settled his mind and quietly realized the arrogance of knowledge and arrogance.

It has to be said that after activating [Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni's template], his talent cannot be the same as before.

When he calmed down and carefully understood the changes in his body, he successfully activated the Haki of Seeing and Hearing in almost a short time.

From this, the scene that Ye Yiji couldn't conquer just now appeared.

It's just that he didn't expect that after being unable to attack for a long time, the "veteran" Ye Yi not only committed the big taboo of anxiety, but also lost contact with his own rising power during the battle.

To put it bluntly, it just went berserk.

Unable to control one's own power, allowing this power to follow one's own "emotions" freely, this can certainly bring stronger combat effectiveness, but in contrast, it will also push the user to an extremely dangerous extreme.

What if you run out of energy?

What if the enemy is too strong?

When the reason is still there, it is still possible to think about the way out.

Once he loses his mind, Ye Yi may not be able to make the judgment of "escape" due to the drive of the wild.

But the good news is that the first time Ye Yi used the "Black Cat Fighting Princess Form", he met himself.

Glancing at the jacket that was left far away, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel relieved.

In his jacket pocket, there were two foxtail grass.

He picked it randomly from the roadside before coming to Urahara Store.

Originally, he just had nothing to do, and planned to tease Yeyi after she became a black cat, but unexpectedly, it would come in handy.

He knows the weakness of this form.

Yoruichi, who transformed into the "Black Cat Warrior Form", also possesses the characteristics of a cat. Only by calming her emotions can she get out of this state.

However, just when Nagazeya was about to take out the foxtail grass from his jacket, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Looking at Ye Yi who was like a beast, a somewhat crazy idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at Yoichi's slightly arched back and hips, as well as the wild aura, one can't help but feel a desire to conquer.

A bold and crazy idea instantly appeared in Nagasawa Masa's mind.

Don't get me wrong, although the scene in front of me is really exciting, and he is not a gentleman, but what comes to his mind at this moment is not any colorful thoughts.

After unintentionally entering the "Black Cat Fighting Princess Form", Yeyi's speed and agility attributes have been greatly enhanced.

Coupled with the extremely flexible body, under the trend of wildness, he can make poses that Masa Nagasawa can only see in comics... ahem, movements.

It's not enough to catch up with Izuyaichi's unpredictable movements just by relying on knowledge and domineering.

The bone fracture just now is the best proof.

As a result, the present idea gradually appeared in his mind.

Hungry Wolf's "wild intuition" is an existence similar to "black cat warrior form".

The only difference is that while maintaining a keen sense of smell, hungry wolves can also take into account their own "rationality".

The disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, the hungry wolf who relies on "intuition" to act, dances on the tip of the knife in almost every battle, and cannot find the most "reasonable" way to win.

Sasaki Kojiro's "Warriors of All Hands" is to imprint all the calculable things around into his mind, and through absolute "rationality", he can "predict" countless possibilities in the future.

But at the same time, its disadvantage is that the so-called "Wan Shou Wushuang" actually has an upper limit.

If there is a possibility beyond the "forecast", it is extremely easy to have loopholes, and thus suffer an unpredictable fatal blow.

"Wild Intuition" and "Warrior" are two abilities that are both contradictory and complementary.

When these two abilities are combined, it is like the "Double Solar Furnace", which has the effect of one plus one greater than three.

If Hungry Wolf's "wild intuition" and Sasaki Kojiro's "Warrior" are combined with Luffy's "knowledgeable domineering", what will be the effect?

It has to be said that this is a very bold idea.

The superposition of abilities is not as simple as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The difficulty of mixing a variety of different forces can be said to increase geometrically.

Especially when facing an opponent who is irrational and acts entirely on the basis of "emotions", once an accident occurs, he may not even have the chance to fetch the dogtail grass, and Yeichi will knock his head off.

It is to appease Xia Yeyi's emotions first, and slowly ponder new powers in the days to come.

Or is it taking advantage of Ye Yi's current state to squeeze his potential frantically at the limit?

Undoubtedly, faced with this kind of choice between the two, a slightly self-motivated hero will choose the latter.

For a while, a look of fanaticism gradually appeared in Nagasawa Ya's eyes, and even the way she looked at Yeyi was a little strange.

"Yorichi Nagasawa, you are worthy of me, thank you!"

As if feeling Nagasawa Ya's fiery gaze, Yeben's buttocks, which were slightly arched, suddenly arched even higher.

The scene that made people feel a little blood spurting almost caused Nagasawa Ya to fail to control his little Nagasawa Ya.

Fortunately, Ye Yi at this time is much purer than an adult with a dirty mind like him.

The slightly arched buttocks are to allow her to better use her legs to exert force when she is on all fours.

Almost at the moment when her buttocks were arched, Yeyi's legs suddenly burst out with a huge force, and with the ground under her feet as a support, she shot towards Masa Nagasawa like an arrow from the string.


Facing Ye Yi who was attacking rapidly, Nagasawa dared not be careless in the slightest.

He was not eager to integrate the three perception abilities at the beginning, but chose the "wild intuition" and "unrivaled hands" that had already been perfectly integrated.

With the combination of wildness and rationality, Nagasawa Ya almost predicted all of Yoichi's next choices, including those unpredictable and strange actions.

However, what surprised him was that the perfect combination that could completely suppress Kuchiki Kawakawa and predict all his movements was just like the new form of Kamen Rider who had passed the novice protection period, only three seconds passed In less than [-] minutes, he failed again!

I saw that after Yoruichi missed a blow, he did not choose to find a new attack route through a more secure position. Instead, he used his hands to support the ground, using his chest as the axis, and "backward" at an extremely tricky angle. In a "somersault" posture, he passed his legs through Nagazeya's waist.

Looking at the pair of elastic legs that passed through his waist, as if they could pinch his waist, Nagasawa Ya's eyes froze.

This is an "option" that has never appeared in his "prejudgment".

Realizing that something was wrong, he subconsciously wanted to get rid of Ye Yi's entanglement of death first.

However, when he realized this, it was a bit late.

In the next second, just when a pair of calves barely passed through Nagasawa Ya's waist, Yeyi's pair of long legs, like a crab claw, firmly clamped Nagasawa Yana with eight An old waist with big abs.

Feeling the suffocation from her waist, Nagasawa almost couldn't catch her breath.

What's even more exciting is that this death coil is so electrifying!

The moment Yeyi's legs wrapped around him, the thunder light wrapped around him rushed towards his body frantically, as if he had finally found an outlet to vent.

Really know how to play! ! !

For a moment, Nagasawa was instantly at a disadvantage!

However, this was not over yet, Ye Yi who stood up turned around, and the fists in his hands that looked like a pair of lightning cat claws slammed down on Nagasawa Ya, who was close at hand, like raindrops.

However, what surprised him was that the "Wan Shou Wu Shuang", which was always invincible, lost its effect in the third second.

Ye Yi, who was clamping him tightly, was like a perpetual motion machine, beating him crazily.


A muffled hum suddenly came out of Nagasawa Ya's mouth.

Faced with such a close-range and high-density bombing, Rao Nagasawa had already tried to dodge and parry as much as possible.

It is also inevitable that a few fish that slipped through his defense net hit his face.

However, despite falling into decline, Nagasawa's face did not show any anxiety.

He has a good habit of always distinguishing his rationality from his sensibility.

He will feel fanatical because of the passionate battle, but this fanaticism will not affect his judgment.

While dodging Yeyi's iron fist with "wild intuition", he was thinking about why "Wan Shou Wushuang" was so easily broken by Yeyi.

Is it because his combat experience is not as good as Sasaki Kojiro?

Obviously not.

Although there are only a handful of battles he has experienced, every battle can be said to have brought him a completely new change.

Soon, feeling the spiritual pressure fluctuations from Ye Yi's iron fist, he suddenly realized that his "Wan Shou Wushuang" would be broken by Ye Yi.

After entering the "Black Cat Fighting Princess Form", Ye Yi, who relies on his own "emotions" to act, will change the spiritual pressure released in his body as different emotions change.

With the transformation of the spiritual pressure, she will also be like a different person.

Under its unpredictable spiritual pressure conversion, its spiritual pressure can even change up to 48 times in one second.

In other words, within one second, Yeyi can have 48 choices in a way that she doesn't even know.

There are 2304 choices in two seconds, and 110592 choices in three seconds!

This is not superposition, but geometric multiple growth!

Although his "Wan Shou Wushuang" can predict Ye Yi's choice of one second or even two seconds, but when the time enters the third second, the initiative slips from his hands to Ye Yi's.

And as time goes by, this disadvantage will be further expanded!

As the number of iron fists falling on him increased, Nagasawa realized that he could no longer be beaten passively.

This is not a small punch to the chest, but an iron fist that can hammer an ordinary god of death into a small biscuit.

That is to say, he has a rough skin and thick flesh, but if he were someone else...

I can't bear it so hard!

For a while, under Ye Yi's crazy offensive, Nagasawa frantically activated his three perception abilities.

Don't rely too much on "wild intuition", intuition can be deceiving.

"Wan Shuang Wushuang" cannot be so static, it must be like Yoichi, deducing all the possibilities of the next second in every second!

"Informative and domineering"...

The mind cannot be disturbed, and one must listen as much as possible.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the injuries on his face were also broken and repaired.

Finally, at a certain moment, Masa Nagasawa seemed to feel that everything around her was half still at this second.

The sound of thunder and lightning.

The sound of the wind.

The sound of muscle touching skin.

At this moment, it seemed that everything around him was taken in by Masa Nagasawa, and even his mind seemed to have entered a state of incomparable emptiness at this moment.


Faced with Yoruichi's iron fist.

This time, Nagasawa did not choose to raise his arms to block, but turned his head slightly, just like the first time he used "Seeing Color Haki", avoiding Yoruichi this time with a wonderful distance. s attack.


This time, Nagasawa shrank her neck back, and before Yeyi's iron fist was about to hit the bridge of his nose, there was only a thin line of distance between her and the thundering iron fist.

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