Once or twice may be a coincidence, but three or four times?

Facing Yoichi's heavy hammers that fell like raindrops, Nagasawa Masaru completely gave up on defense. Like "Boxing Champion" Ali who was forced into a blind corner, he shook his head to avoid Yoichi's blows one after another. Heavy hammer.

This time, even Ye Yi, who relied on "emotions" to act, sensed that something was wrong.

The beast-like intuition is crazily warning her that the man in front of her is a top predator on the upper food chain!

The "anxious" mood gradually appeared in Ye Yi's eyes.

Realizing that he could not conquer Nagasawa Ya, Ye Yi voluntarily gave up his restraint on Nagasawa Ya.

Seeing that she couldn't attack for a long time, she used Nagazeya's old waist to exert force and suddenly tilted her upper body backward.

Immediately, he put his hands on the ground, supported them with both hands, and exerted force with his legs, like a trebuchet, and threw Nagasawa Ya heavily.

However, Nagasawa Ya, who was thrown away by Ye Yi, did not suffer any substantial damage, she just flipped over deftly in the air and stabilized her figure.

And there was a happy smile on his face.

It worked!

After being severely beaten by Ye Yi, he actually successfully integrated the three perception abilities into one!

At that moment, he felt as if he had entered a state of selflessness.

Instead of acting after thinking, but integrating "wild intuition", "unrivaled hands" and "knowledge-like arrogance" into one's body, relying on the actual experience of the body, unconsciously dodge or even fight back!

Feeling this magical power, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth.

It's a pity, it would have been nice to have a pair of rackets.

Coach, I want to play tennis!

After comprehending this ability, Nagasawa discovered that it coincided with the principle of a certain murderous tennis game.

He never expected that such a powerful throwing tile would be hidden in a small sports show!

And this skill, which brings together three top-level perception abilities, was affectionately named "Selfless Realm" by him!

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, and looking at Ye Yi not far away who is vigilant and instinctively guarding him, Nagasawa no longer has the desire to continue fighting in her heart.

Under Ye Yi's vigilant gaze, he walked slowly step by step to the side of the jacket that he had thrown aside, then bent down, picked up the jacket on the ground, and patted the stain on the jacket along the way. of dust.

And Ye Yi, who was still prostrate on the ground, witnessed Nagasawa Ya complete all the actions, even when Nagasawa Ya bent down to pick up the clothes, he didn't have any intention of attacking.

Obviously, although she relies on her "emotions" to act, the beast's "instinct" drives her to make more favorable judgments.

As a predator, it often requires excellent patience, waiting for the prey to show its broken...

Wait a minute, what is he doing?

The one in his hand is! ?

However, just when Yeyi's instinct drove her body to constantly search for Nagasawa Ya's flaws, Nagasawa Ya took out a green and fluffy dogtail grass from his jacket pocket.

Almost in an instant, Ye Yi's eyes, which were extremely alert just now, turned into a pool of spring water in an instant.

In the next second, the slightly arched buttocks exerted force again and flew towards Nagasawa Ya.

Only this time, it was no longer as ferocious as before, but as if it was falling into the arms of its master, and in an unsuspecting way, it suddenly threw itself into Nagazeya's arms.

Although she knew that Yoruichi would be fine if she fell, Nagasawa still subconsciously rubbed the slender waist with one hand when the other party rushed towards her, and dragged the other party's leg with the other hand, hugging her like a princess. I stayed at Yoruichi who flew towards me.

Feeling the grippable, soft yet resilient waist, Nagasawa felt that she couldn't control how much she felt.

This wasn't over yet. After throwing herself into Nagasawa's arms, Yoruichi didn't give up. Instead, she twisted her body extremely restlessly.

As if a cat wants to please its master and let him play with the dog's tail grass in his hand, Yeyi's eyes are full of flattery, and even driven by wildness, he slightly sticks out his lilac-like tongue , Gently licking Nagasawa Ya's face.

Feeling the softness and warmth on her face and the huge pressure on her chest, Nagasawa felt that she really couldn't bear it.

A wave of evil fire rushed straight from his lower abdomen to his forehead, and the angry dragon on his waist faintly showed signs of raising his head.

However, just when he was about to lose control of himself, a burst of violent roar suddenly reached his ears.


In the vast underground training ground, it suddenly shook as if the earth was shaking.

The surrounding rocks were rolling down while shaking, and just when Nagasawa frowned slightly, feeling a little confused, a swift figure suddenly came in from the Urahara store above.

Sensing the intruder intruding into the perception of Reiatsu, Nagasawa subconsciously shook the top in her hand, and covered Ye Yijiao's beautiful body.

Yoichi is not the tall and tall type like Yuyin and Harribel.

His body less than 1.6 meters is curled up in his arms like a docile kitten, and his large top fits perfectly on his body, covering the spring of the garden.

It was only at this time that he had the time to carefully perceive the spiritual pressure of the "intruder".

However, just when he was about to distinguish the identity of the visitor, the other party appeared in front of him at a faster speed.

Looking at the petite figure that appeared in front of her eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of astonishment in her eyes.


Although the other party had previously emphasized that he had already taken over the title of "Broken Bee" from his grandmother, his memories of his previous life were more used to calling him "Broken Bee".

But reality and memory are not the same.

Just like he once had a classmate who was nicknamed "Kobe". After many years of graduation, he even forgot the other party's name, only remembering that the other party was called "Kobe".

In the same way, 50 years ago, I was used to calling people "Shaoling", but now I am in a hurry, and I really haven't changed it.

However, these are not the point.

The moment he saw Broken Bee, he almost froze.

It's not that he's so afraid of the Broken Bee.

It's outside this underground training ground, but there are three captain-level fighters, Kisuke Urahara, Hishitsusai, and Muramasa.

Not to mention that this is not the general captain level of a certain boxer, each of them is almost a top-level captain.

Is this the righteous [-]th Gotei team coming out to wipe out the evil Urahara Kisuke?

Or is Mr. Shan coming in person, ready to take off Urahara Kisuke's dog head?

Otherwise, with those three guys here, how did the Broken Bee break into this underground training ground?

However, before he could open his mouth, Broken Bee on the opposite side, with his eyes wide open, pointed at Nagasawa and shouted loudly with an almost broken voice, with an even more excited emotion than him.

"Nagazawa Masa, you scum! What did you do to Yeyi... What did you do to Sifengyuan Yeyi!!!?????"

Nagasawa: "???"

Um? ? ? .jpg

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 5000+, the writing is too smooth, I don’t know how to divide it into chapters, just send it out at once.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Meeting again in this way is really something I didn't expect, Beijing band leader."

Outside the Urahara store, Urahara Kisuke, leaning on a cane in one hand and pressing the brim of his hat in the other, looked at Kyoraku Shusui who was blocking in front of his grocery store, and said softly with a little helplessness in his eyes.

Hearing this, a slightly helpless smile appeared on Jingle Chunshui's face.

To be honest, he is actually not willing to take this muddy water.

After coming to the present world, he was keenly aware of a trace of spiritual pressure belonging to Masa Nagasawa.

Not the remnants from the battle with King Tsunayashiro Rei, but the "fresh" Reiatsu.

Realizing that Masa Nagasawa might have returned to the Soul Realm to return to her life, and then slipped back to the present world, Jingle Chunshui immediately felt that one head and two big.

Now not only the two "felons" Urahara Kisuke and Sifengin Yaichi are involved, but also his own junior brother is also involved, which is really too troublesome.

What made him helpless was that that bad old man Yamamoto was really bad, and he insisted on letting him come over to be the peacemaker.

Take the moment just now for example.

He saw Kisuke Urahara and Hishitsuzhai, but he didn't notice Sufeng pressed by Ye Yiling near Urahara's store, and he was immediately annoyed.

He concluded that Yoruichi must be a broken bee hidden by Urahara Kisuke, and reluctantly asked Urahara Kisuke to hand over Yoruichi.

Otherwise, Kisuke Urahara will be executed on the grounds of "arrest" and further searches will be conducted.

Seeing that Suihou's anger value was on the verge of breaking through the limit, Kyoraku Shusui, who was afraid that the other party would do something irreversible, immediately stopped Kisuke Urahara, and said that Suihou would enter the Urahara store to search at will.

He believed that even if Urahara Kisuke hid Yoruichi and Nagasawa Masaru in some kind of barrier inside the grocery store, with his junior's high emotional intelligence, he should be able to calm down the rampaging Suihou.

He would never tell others that he found something for Nagasawa to do because of the imbalance in his heart.

Well, definitely not.

However, Nagasawa, who had been given "high hopes" by him, faced Sui Feng's questioning, but an imperceptible embarrassment flashed across his face.

In terms of posture, he and Yeyi are indeed a bit bad.

Ye Yi, who was held in his arms, was like a kitten that was constantly courting its owner, completely ignoring the roar of the broken bee not far away, wrapping his arms around his neck, and licking him affectionately cheeks.

What's even worse is that Nagasawa Miyabi is now wearing a pair of trousers all over her body, and the upper clothes are covering Yoruichi's body, covering up the infinite spring scenery.

At this moment, he looked like a handsome, charming, handsome man who was loved by everyone and loved by everyone, who specialized in stealing women's hearts.


But very quickly, the embarrassment on Nagasawa's face quickly disappeared.

Why should I be embarrassed?

Obviously Nagasawa Yeichi took the initiative to invite me to compete!

Nagasawa, who had figured out the cause and effect, immediately puffed up her chest, and looked at the ordinary Sufeng, with an appearance that she would never bow to the evil forces.

Seeing that Nagasawa not only did not answer her question, but instead looked at herself with "provocative" eyes, Sui Feng's ordinary small chest suddenly heaved up and down violently due to her shortness of breath.

And just when she was about to say something, Ye Yi, who was still licking Nagasawa Masa's face just now, and her face was full of joy, seemed to be tired from "playing" at last, and slowly slowed her down. action.

Yoruichi, who was a little tired, immediately twisted and stretched in Nagasawa Masa's arms dishonestly. Under the gaze of Zaihou gritting his teeth, he revealed his perfect body that was partially covered by a large shirt.

Immediately, as if looking for a comfortable position as much as possible, he completely curled up his body in Nagasawa Ya's arms, and fell asleep sweetly.

Feeling the delicate body in her arms that had finally settled down, Nagasawa couldn't help but slightly lowered her head, looking at the girl who fell asleep like a baby, with a sweet smile on her face from time to time, Nagasawa couldn't help but appear in her eyes. A touch of helplessness.

But more, it is full of tenderness and pampering.

However, this action seemed like a ignited fuse, completely detonating the anger value of Broken Bee that was on the verge of limit.

"Good good!"

Su Feng, who was so angry and laughed back, pointed at Nagasawa Ya, and said in a cold tone.

"As the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, I think you must also be here to arrest Sifengyuan Yeyi?"

"Now, in the name of the commander of the secret mobile force, I officially initiate a handover to you. I hope you can hand over the 'felony' Sifengyuan Yeyi to me, and I will escort him back to the Soul Realm with my own hands. Into the nest of maggots!"

Broken Bee's words seemed to be spoken through gritting her molars the whole time, making people able to clearly feel the anger in her words.

Although Nagasawa Masaru's special operations team is authorized by the first team and specially approved by the captain, it is a special team independent of the Gotei [-]th Team.

But in terms of its own functions, it does not have a clear positioning.

When the secret mobile unit responsible for intelligence investigation, assassination, detention, torture, and interrogation initiated a formal transfer application to him, logically speaking, he should hand over the "prisoner" to the other party.

However, after hearing her words, Nagasawa couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

This guy, Sao Ling, is really awkward...

Although what Zaibei just said was full of hatred and anger, how could Nagasawa Masaru, a "high emotional intelligence" person that even Kyōraku Shunsui admires, not hear the hidden meaning in Zaibei's words?

As one of the "accomplices" who assisted Urahara Kisuke and the Masked Legion in "defecting", Ye Yi was also judged as a "felony criminal" by the Central Office 46 even if he had the halo of being the Patriarch of the Sifengyuan family.

Soul Society's punishment for "heavy criminals" is basically a thousand-year package of endless hell.

Take Ye Yi back to the Soul Realm, and imprison him in the "Nest of Maggots" right under the eyes of the second team...

To put it bluntly, Sui Feng wanted to use this to protect Ye Yi, and by the way, to satisfy her selfish desire to "keep" Ye Yi by her side.

Hum hum, how can such a shallow trick be hidden from someone like me?

Nagasawa, who saw through Suifeng's careful thoughts, thought to herself.

However, after seeing his subconscious shaking of the head, three or four veins popped up from Broken Bee's forehead in an instant.

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