At this time, she didn't care about the relationship between Nagasawa Ya and Ye Yi.

The purpose of her trip to this world is to bring Ye Yi back to the Soul Realm and to her side.

No matter who stands in front of her, they will be her enemies!

In the next second, she didn't see too much words, she directly pulled out the Zanpakuto from her waist and shouted in a deep voice.

"To kill all the enemies! Sparrow bees!"

...... cut......

PS. A strong typhoon of magnitude 16 is about to land here. I wanted to stock up on supplies, but they were basically sold out online.

To make matters worse, I will still go to work tomorrow, and I have to take turns to be on duty 24 hours a day at the company......

Friends in Fujian, remember to pay attention to safety.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at the broken bee that was unhesitating, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

As expected of the leader of the secret maneuvering army, he is quite decisive, and he draws his sword at each other if he disagrees with him.

Meanwhile, Broken Wasp wasn't going to give him much chance to react.

She has seen Nagasawa Ya make a move, and she has also fought Nagasawa Ya in person.

She dare not underestimate Nagasawa's strength.

Even Masa Nagasawa has a blank period of nearly 50 years, even if she doesn't like that muscular barbarian Saragi Kenpachi no matter how much she looks down on.

But just relying on the record of forcibly killing King Tsunayashiro Rei, it was enough for her to raise the highest level of importance to Nagasawa Masa.

She is very clear that facing a powerful player like Nagasawa Ya, she must not face him head-on. She must avoid head-on confrontation and use speed to win.

No... she doesn't even need to beat Masa Nagasawa.

Her purpose was to snatch the sleeping Yeyi from Nagasawa Ya.

As long as she can snatch Ye Yi away and return to the Soul Soul Realm, her goal will be achieved!

If it is purely about speed and agility, I have the advantage!

At this moment, she made a judgment similar to Nelliel in her mind.

Broken Bee increased her speed to an extreme almost at the moment of activation.

In an instant, around Nagasawa Masa, it was as if Uzumaki Naruto had performed the "Shadow Clone Technique", and dozens of broken bee figures appeared in an instant, which was extremely confusing.

That is the clone left in the air through the super-high-speed sudden stop and quick start.

And different from ordinary afterimages, when these clones appear, there is a ray of spiritual pressure belonging to the broken bee left on each clone, making it impossible for people to distinguish which one is the real body and which one is the phantom in a short time .

Even when Broken Bee spoke, the lips of those clones moved at the same time.

Just listening to Suifeng's voice, it was like a 360-degree stereo sound effect, resounding in Nagasawa Ya's ears.

"Nagasawa, I'll give you one last chance to put down Yoichi Sifengin and leave here."

"Otherwise, I will regard you as an enemy and do everything possible to kill you!"

Listening to the sound coming from her ear, Nagasawa shook her head again.

Only this time, he was no longer silent.

First, he lowered his head to glance at the sleeping Ye Yi, then raised his head, looked at the figure all over the sky and said slowly.

"For some reason, I failed to protect her with my own hands."

"Now that I'm back, no one can hurt her again..."

Nagasawa Ya's words were light, but extremely solemn.

He swears that he has never said such an oath-like line so seriously.

However, Broken Bee seemed very puzzled.

Knowing Nagasawa Ya's strength, she was really shocked by Nagasawa Ya's emotional words when she spoke.

But he still carried out his previous plan fiercely.

The "final warning" to Nagasawa was just to create a "one-hit kill" opportunity for himself.

In the middle of Nagasawa Ya's voice, a lightning-fast figure quickly came to Nagasawa Ya's side.

I saw the gilt fingertip in Broken Bee's hand pointing directly at Nagasawa's throat, while the other hand dexterously shook out a white bandage.

The white bandage that suddenly appeared was like a little snake with spirituality, and it swept towards Ye Yi in Nagasawa Ya's arms in an instant.

Although some were speechless and ignorant of martial arts, Nagasawa Ya did not show any panic in the face of this sudden attack.

It was as if he had already expected the movement of the broken bee, and he just stepped back and forth.

Whether it's the gold-plated fingertip pointing directly at the throat, or the white bandage rolled towards Yeyi, at this moment, they all brushed against Nagasawa Ya's body and landed in the empty space.

Seeing that all the "sneak attacks" he was determined to win fell into the empty space, Suifeng's eyes could not help shrinking slightly.

She is good at speed and agility, so she understands the gold content of these two steps.

50 years ago, she had played against Masa Nagasawa.

That time, she was only in the eighth seat, and for some reason, she led the team to participate in Mao's year-end assessment.

In that fight with Nagasawa Ya, Nagasawa Ya was just as she is now, as if she knew in advance when, how, where, and what kind of attack she would launch, like a prophet.

Unexpectedly, 50 years have passed, and she is no longer the small eighth seat in the past, but has become the captain of the second division commanding the entire secret mobile unit.

But when facing Nagasawa Ya, she still looks like herself when she was young, and she can't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

Recalling the scene where I left a scar on his hand by chance only by taking advantage of the other party's negligence, and was then hung up by him with the five-flowered tie.

A rare blush appeared on the cold pretty face.

And what made her feel a little desperate was that the guy in front of her, with his elegant and agile identity, seemed to be stronger than 50 years ago.

The flowing dodging movements seemed to be engraved into the DNA, silky to the extreme.

However, even though the well-planned "killing blow" fell into the void, Broken Bee has no intention of giving up.

It's about Ye Yi, even if she tries her best, she won't give up here!

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate!

The steps under the feet and the movements of the hands seem to be on the accelerator at this moment, and the speed is constantly being increased by the broken bee.

However, in the face of Sui Feng, who was waving gilded fingertips, as if his entire body was transformed into a war machine, and Nagasawa Ya, who was holding Ye Yi in his arms, he walked casually like a stroll in the courtyard.

Whether it's him or Yeyi in his arms, no matter how fast Suifeng speeds up his hand, he can't touch it in the slightest.

"What a violent swordsmanship..."

Seeing the increasing speed in the hand and the pace of the broken bee under the feet, Nagasawa sighed softly.

Broken Bee's basic skills are very solid, and it can be seen that she has not been lazy in the past 50 years.


Concern is chaos, when facing Ye Yi, even if Ye Yi has already fallen asleep, Suifeng can hardly keep calm.

If you lose your composure, no matter how fast you move your hands and step your feet, you will be a rootless duckweed with no rules.

Looking at Nagasawa who kept dodging her own attacks, Sui Feng screamed crazily in her heart.

why why why! ?

Obviously when Lord Ye needed him the most, he was not by Lord Ye's side.

Why is it impossible to snatch Mr. Ye Ye from him no matter what! ?

The world should not be so far apart!

There shouldn't be such a big distance! ! !

Finally, her spirit broke down a bit.

However, Broken Bee, who broke the string in his mind, did not go into a runaway state like Ye Yi, but sat down on the ground somewhat dejectedly after stopping his movements.

At this moment, she was no longer the fearsome leader of the criminal army, no longer the aloof captain of the Second Division.

It was the little girl who followed Ye Yi all day long, looking up at Ye Yi who was shining like the sun with longing and adoring eyes.

Looking at the broken eyes, powerless and limp on the ground, like a broken kitten that was abandoned by someone, Nagasawa couldn't help feeling a little unbearable in her heart.

Unlike Aizen, he is a compassionate person.

Although Broken Bee is a bit ordinary, but he will not say something hurtful like "dream is the furthest distance".

After all, this is someone who deeply remembers Yoruichi.

Unable to bear it, he couldn't help squatting down, moved Ye Yi, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, towards Sui Feng's direction, and then said softly.

"Shaoling, actually Yeyi has missed you a lot these years."

Actually, Yeyi didn't say this sentence, but Nagasawa didn't mind saying it for the other party.

Listening to the sound coming from his ears, Sui Feng, whose eyes were a little slack, seemed to have been injected with a booster, and a little bit of spirit reappeared in his eyes.

Looking at Ye Yi who was sleeping soundly in Nagasawa Ya's arms, he raised his head again and looked at Nagasawa Ya who was actually tender in his eyes.

For some reason, Broken Bee only felt a sore nose.

next second...


The gold-plated finger cot in his hand changed back to the original appearance of Zanpakutō because of the undoing of Hajiha.

Hot tears also unconsciously slipped from Suifeng's eye sockets.

I saw Sui Bee hugging Yoichi and Nagasawa who was holding Yoichi with some trembling hands, sobbing softly in his mouth.

"Why...why you weren't by Master Ye's side back then..."

"Why... why did Mr. Ye Da not take me with him back then..."


For a moment, as if wanting to vent all the grievances in his chest, the huge underground training ground instantly resounded with the cry of Suifeng.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The tears in his eyes, like a torrent breaking a bank, flowed down from Suifeng's eye sockets uncontrollably, blurring everything in front of him.

As Masa Nagasawa said, she is an extremely dishonest person.

As the daughter of a lower-level nobleman attached to the Sifengin family, Suifeng was influenced by her family since she was a child, and she took it as her duty to follow and protect the Sifengin family, and crazily worshiped Yoruichi.

After becoming a member of Ye Yi's direct guard, he completely made Ye Yi the sun in his heart.

For Ye Yi, she can give her everything, even her life.


Perhaps it was because the light on Ye Yi's body was so dazzling that she didn't dare to confide her feelings to Ye Yi.

And at this time, Nagasawa Ya appeared.

The first meeting between her and Nagasawa was not very pleasant.

That time, Kuchiki Canojun was attacked by rebels, and she managed to break through and return to Seireitei to rescue soldiers, but on the way to the first team, she was stopped by Nagasawa Masa who appeared in vain.

Although she was subdued by Nagasawa Ya in an instant, in her opinion, Nagasawa Ya is just a bastard who has some strength but speaks loudly.

It wasn't until she called for reinforcements, but learned that it was Masa Nagasawa who stopped her who really saved Kuchiki Canojun, that she recognized Nagasawa Masa's strength for the first time.

And the second time is the time of crusade mission in this world.

As the eight seats of the second division, in addition to the second sub-captain in charge of the patrol team, the vice-captain Nozomi Omaeda, the third sub-captain in charge of the supervision team, Urahara bastard, and the fourth sub-team leader in charge of the intelligence investigation team. Apart from the five seats in charge of the captain of the fifth division of the Liting team, she can be said to be a pivotal figure in the second team.

However, in that crusade mission, she was the weakest existence in the whole team.

This made her hold back all the time, wanting to prove in the mission that even if she is the lowest ranked existence in the team, she can still play the highest... Ahem!

The output is second only to Shiba Yuma, the captain of the [-]th squad!

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