At most, she is a little lower than the eighth division vice-captain Lisa Yasomaru!

But the cruel reality, like an invisible slap, slapped her hard on the face.

They had just stepped out of the world-transmitting gate, but they encountered a surprise attack on the spot. Not only was Shiba Yuma, who was the strongest fighter, severely injured, he was unable to fight again.

Even the vice-captains and chief officers were shocked by the sudden scene in front of them.

It was Masa Nagasawa again, who not only rescued the seriously injured Shiba Yuma at the most critical moment, but also single-handedly killed four Yachukas-level Oko with an absolutely crushing posture.

It was also at that time that she realized that her "sun" seemed to have an extremely unusual relationship with Masa Nagasawa.

After the crusade mission in the present world, she found that the Yeyi Club left them, the direct guards, and went missing every now and then.

And once it disappears, it lasts all night.

In the beginning, they were really anxious.

As the guard directly under the head of the secret mobile army, he actually lost the protection of his own head?

This is a major dereliction of duty on their part!

What Nagasawa Miyabi didn't know was that on the first night that Yoruichi taught him, Zaihou and the others worked all night, almost turning the entire Seireitei upside down.

It wasn't until the sun was rising in the east that the morning sun slowly climbed up the hill, only to see the exhausted Yeyi yawning and returning to Sifengyuan's house, and got into bed.

It was also from that time that the second team, and even Sifengyuan's family, slowly began to spread rumors about Ye Yi and Nagasawa Masa.

What about Mr. Ye and Mr. Nagasawa, the third seat of the Sixth Division, are both talented and beautiful.

Although Chang Zeya was only from Liuhun Street, she is a disciple of Your Excellency Yuan Liuzhe, so she is completely worthy of Master Ye.

What little son has already started to call Nagasawa Ya "brother-in-law".

And guess when Masa Nagasawa will join the Sifengyuan family and become the new pillar of the Sifengyuan family, and so on.

I have to say that although Suifeng has a little affection for Nagasawa Ya, a comrade-in-arms, because of the previous events, when it comes to Yeyi, especially Yeyi's reputation, that is the bottom line that Suifeng cannot cross .

Suppressed, Su Feng was already thinking about when to put eye drops on Nagzeya, looking for trouble.

Fortunately, although the relationship between Ye Yi and Nagasawa Masa will continue to heat up like a couple in love for a long time in the future, the relationship between the two does not seem to have any substantial progress.

This made Broken Bee quite happy.

Even if they knew that Ye Yi and Nagasawa Ya would often go to the present world secretly, they would stay together for a whole night every week.

What she didn't know was that in the bottom of her heart, she had already recognized Nagasawa as the one who was qualified to stand beside Yeyi.

However, I don't know if it's because of the desire to teach Masa Nagasawa a lesson all the time.

When she learned that Masa Nagasawa would lead the team to participate in Mao's year-end assessment, she agreed to the sixth-generation student who had begged her, and participated in Mao's year-end assessment together.

Once again defeated by Nagasawa Ya's men.

Only this time, apart from the sense of shame after being tied up and hung up in her heart, she no longer had any dissatisfaction with Nagasawa Ya.

Even in her opinion, only those with such strength can better protect her "sun".

But what happened next was completely beyond her expectations.

The captain of the third team rebelled, pretending to be his brother, and attacked and killed Nagasawa.

Nagasawa Masa, the third member of the Sixth Division and the first-year student of the Shino Academy of Spiritual Art, the ghost teacher, Nagasawa, whose whereabouts are unknown!

When she saw Ye Yi frantically looking for Nagasawa Ya, she felt as if her heart was tightly clenched by a pair of invisible hands at this moment.

She didn't know whether this feeling of heartache was because of Ye Yi's sleepless nights, or because of...

She dared not, nor did she want to think about the latter possibility.

The only thing she can do is to silently accompany Ye Yi, looking for Nagasawa Ya's whereabouts together with him.

Until that...happens.

Urahara, the third-seat bastard of the second team, became the captain of the [-]th team on Yoruichi's recommendation. As her strength gradually increased, she gained a higher seat and became the sixth seat of the second team.

That is the highest position except for the squad leader who is in charge of the five major squadrons of the covert mobile force.

At the same time, she also rejected Ye Yi's promotion again and again.

Even if Ye Yi wanted to promote her to the third seat to replace Kisuke Urahara as the captain of the supervisory team, she refused without hesitation.

Before finding Nagasawa Ya, she just wanted to be by Yeyi's side all the time.

Even if it is a little bitter and tiring, she will be happy with it.


Damn Kisuke Urahara!

I told you a long time ago to stop tossing about your crap, you insist on setting up a technology development bureau.

Just do it, and you still have to experiment with the captain and vice-captains! ! !

The heinous Urahara Kisuke!

For the damn friendship with you, Lord Ye did not hesitate to be accused of "defecting"!

If Nagasawa Ya was there... Mr. Ye would not be so reckless to break into the central room 46 to save people, right?

If that guy Nagasawa is here... he must have a better solution, right?


Why didn't Master Ye take me with him before he acted?

Why didn't Master Ye take me with him when he left the Soul Realm?

All blame Urahara Kisuke! ! !

Recalling the past, Broken Bee became even more annoyed by a certain yellow hair.

In the past 40 years, she had fantasized about how Nagasawa would return to the spirit world.

After returning to the world of corpses and souls, can he find Ye Yi who has "betrayed" for 40 years?

Although 40 years have passed, fortunately, Masa Nagasawa really did not die.

When she learned that Nagasawa was still alive, for some reason, she suddenly felt extremely relaxed in her heart.

That feeling really scared her a little.

She didn't know whether this was because looking forward to Nagasawa's return was Ye Yi's greatest wish.

Still deep in her heart, she also longed for Nagasawa to return safely.

In that grand welcome team, she was also in it.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar figure passing through the world-transmitting gate together with Lan Ran and others, she was even a little dazed for a moment.

It wasn't until Nagasawa Masa and Nirvana Mayuri answered fluently, and even killed Zaragi Kenpachi with one kick, that she recovered from the trance.

At the same time, she also confirmed from the other person's gentle smile with a hint of "cheapness" that it was the Nagasawa she knew.

It was also at that time that she saw Nagasawa walk into the second team's team building without thinking, just like instinct.

When she saw that Nagasawa wanted to enter the second division team building, she was extremely happy in her heart.

At the same time, she also planned to insinuate, to see if Nagasawa could do anything to help Ye Yi return to the Soul Realm.

However, in the face of her greeting, Nagasawa didn't seem to see it at all. After bumping into her, she still said some contemptuous words like "I'm promising".

At that time, she was really pissed off, and she didn't even want to say hello to Nagasawa, so she just left.

It wasn't until after returning to the team building that I secretly regretted my impulsiveness.

More than half a year after Nagasawa returned to Soul Society, she did not continue to test Nagasawa.

Just silently watching Nagasawa Ya's every move.

For someone with a secretive background, she can see a lot of things that ordinary Shinigami can't.

She could see that Nagasawa seemed to be planning something, and at the same time was integrating as much power as possible.

What made her a little anxious was that Nagasawa seemed to have no intention of contacting her, nor did she make any plans to save Yeyi.

Every day is not practicing, or working as a supervisor in Liuhun Street, or going to the Fourth Division to moleste that cow who is comparable to Matsumoto Rangiku, as if he has completely forgotten Ye Yi.

It made her anxious.

Coincidentally, just when she couldn't help but want to take the initiative to find Nagasawa Masa and find out what the other party really thinks, Yamamoto arranged a joint mission for Nagasawa Masa and Jingle Shunsui.

This forced her to temporarily suppress her thoughts and wait quietly for the end of Nagasawa's mission.

Finally, when she knew that Nagasawa had solved the task and returned to the world of corpses and souls, and was about to come to him and question her, she heard the name that had haunted her for decades.

She couldn't stand it any longer.

She doesn't care whether King Tsunayashirorei is dead or not.

If Nagasawaya, a scumbag, doesn't take action, then I, Broken Bee, will bring Mrs. Ye back in person!

What she never expected was that she did see the figure that haunted her in Kisuke Urahara's stronghold, but what made her feel even more astonished was that Masa Nagasawa was here?

In an instant, her brain was running crazily like a supercomputer.

It turned out that he had already found Master Ye?

It turned out that everything he had done in the past six months was just a disguise for this moment?

Why... still don't want to tell me this?

When Broken Bee wanted to understand this, she couldn't help but collapsed.

She didn't understand why neither Nagasawa nor Yoruichi were willing to tell her these things.

She... just wants to stand with them!

So, she went crazy and attacked Nagasawa Ya.

She wanted to prove that she was no longer the little girl who followed Yoruichi all day long by snatching Yoruichi from Nagasawa's hands, which seemed a bit childish.

She...has the ability to shoulder the burden for them too!

Unfortunately, she lost again.

Sure enough... No matter if it is Yoruichi or Masaru Nagasawa, my power is still too small for them...?

Finally, she could no longer restrain the emotions in her heart and completely collapsed.

Until that sentence, "Shou Ling, actually Yoruichi has missed you a lot these years." appeared in her ears.

Although it was just a very light sentence, it seemed to put her broken heart back together piece by piece.

Somewhat stubbornly, she wiped away the tears from her eyes, making her vision as clear as possible.

Only this time, she didn't look at Ye Yi in Nagasawa Ya's arms, but slowly raised her eyes to look at the gentle face that was close at hand.

Looking at the figure in front of her that filled her with complicated emotions, she asked tremblingly with a slightly crying tone, as if with a little begging tone.

"Nagasawa...I can trust you, right?"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Nagasawa seemed to recall how the two met for the first time 50 years ago.

He freed up a hand, gently rubbed the broken bee's hair that was a little messy due to too frenzied swinging the sword, and said softly.

"Of course, you can always trust Masa Nagasawa."

Listening to the gentle answer from the ear, feeling the generous palm on the head, for some reason, the broken bee, who has always been like a hedgehog, doesn't seem to resist this feeling of intimacy.

She just stared at Nagasawa Ya in front of her and continued softly.

"Then promise me to protect Mrs. Ye so that she won't hide from hiding because of that bullshit crime."

Hearing this, the gentle smile on the corner of Nagasawa's mouth couldn't help but rise a little again.

Immediately, as if finishing what he had just said, he responded softly.

"Don't worry, now that I'm back, no one can hurt her again."

...... cut......

PS. Knowing that the typhoon will come, and knowing that it will be very big, but preparing everything and waiting for it, this feeling is really weird...

The forty-fifth chapter of the tacit understanding between Masa Nagasawa and the broken bee

After hearing Nagasawa Ya's reply, Suifeng felt her mood brighten up.

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