Except when facing Ye Yi, she is not a shy person.

Almost after hearing Nagasawa Ya's reply, she slapped the other's palm off her head, turned her back, and quickly wiped the scum on her cheek tears.

When she turned around again, she had already returned to the appearance of the cold and reticent captain of the second squad. Only when she looked at Yeyi, a soft color appeared in her eyes.

She has already made up her mind.

As long as her "sun" can be happy, she doesn't care what she does, even if her body is broken to pieces.

No matter what plans Nagasawa has next, as long as it is beneficial to her "sun", she will unconditionally participate in it.

Looking at the huge gap between the front and back of the broken bee, Nagasawa who was slapped away couldn't help but raise her brows.

Immediately, he was not annoyed, he just retracted his palm and put it on Yeyi's small buttocks again, dragged Yeyi, stood up slowly, and gave Suifeng a "provocative" look, which made him feel angry. There was another vein on the opponent's forehead.

Only this time, Masa Nagasawa stopped talking and did not continue to tease this girl with a strong sense of contrast.

However, although Broken Bee was appeased, the doubts in Nagasawa Ya's heart did not disappear.

Looking at the much friendlier Broken Bee, he couldn't help but ask.

"Speaking of which, how many people have you come this time?"

"Could it be that most of the Guarding Thirteen Team have been dispatched?"

"Or will Old Man Shan take action himself?"

"Although it's true that Xisuke's kid is lacking in strength, it's a bit too much."

However, after hearing his words, Sui Feng, who had regained her aloof look, couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

What is most of the thirteenth team of the court?

Does old man Shan refer to your Excellency the captain?

What the hell is this guy talking about again?

As if seeing the doubt in Suifeng's eyes, Nagasawa could not help but continue.

"Ahem... Shao Ling, let me tell you first, it's not that I, Ya, someone looks down on you."

"Besides Xisuke and Brother Yaling, there is also a subordinate of mine who has just been subdued."

"As far as the strength of the three of them is concerned, at least five captains must be recruited, or the old man Shan will come to hold them back."

"In this case, how do you..."

Saying that, Nagasawa looked at the hole above the dome of the underground training ground with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Broken Bee couldn't help being stunned.

What does this bastard mean?

Are you looking down on me?

Immediately, it was like the cold winter in the twelfth lunar month, and it became cold in an instant.

However, although his face was cold, his blood pressure was high.

If it wasn't because she couldn't beat Nagasawa Ya, she would have wished to pick up the Zanpakuto and give Nagasawa Ya two swords.

For Ye Yi's sake, endure it!

She only heard her reply in a cold voice with an extremely cold tone.

"It's just me and Jingle, the two captains."

"As for your subordinate..."

"Apart from Kisuke Urahara and Hishitsusai, I haven't seen any other rebels."

Saying that, Sui Feng seemed to not want to talk to Nagasawa Masa anymore, bent down on his own, picked up the Zanpakuto that fell on the ground, and walked straight to the outside of the training ground.

It's just that what she didn't realize was that at the moment her voice fell, Nagasawa frowned subconsciously.

Judging from the obedience shown by Muramasa, in online games, he is at least a loyal subordinate with a loyalty of 90 or more.

Even if he doesn't say anything, the other party should take the initiative to guard the vicinity of Urahara's store, and definitely won't let Suifeng break through so easily.

Thinking of this, for some reason, Nagasawa suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in her heart.

His perception subconsciously directed towards the broken dome of the underground training ground.

Urahara Kisuke's underground training ground is equivalent to a large enchantment, and in terms of concealment, it can be said to be first-class.

If you don't look closely, you won't be able to find it at all, let alone perceive it through spiritual pressure.

But at the same time, this underground training ground also greatly restricted the internal response to the external.

Fortunately, because of the broken bee's violent breakthrough, there was a gap in the corner of the barrier, and there seemed to be a connection between the inside and outside of the barrier at this moment.

When Nagasawa Ya's perception was extended, he could clearly feel that an extremely fierce battle was taking place outside the barrier.

At the beginning, Nagasawa thought it was something wrong with her induction.

After all, according to Broken Bee, the one who followed her was his stinky shameless...cough cough cough!The mature and prudent brother Jingle.

With Kyoraku Shusui's EQ, he definitely won't easily start a war with Kisuke Urahara and others.

However, in the next second, when he carefully sensed the battle situation outside, the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

The Reiatsu of Hishitsusai, the Reiatsu of Kisuke Urahara, the Reiatsu of Kyoraku Shusui, and the Reiatsu of Muramasa.

And not far from the four of them, there were still some faint spiritual pressure scattered here and there.

Presumably, it should be Xing Jun who came to this world with Suifeng, but left early and fell into a coma.

The spiritual pressure of the four of them was like four kinds of spirits mixed together, red, yellow and white beer, constantly radiating outwards.

Among them, Muramasa's Reiatsu is the most crazy.

Feeling the spiritual pressure rising from Muramasa's body, Nagasawa Masaru could not help but secretly sigh that something was wrong.

He didn't know why Muramasa would attack Urahara Kisuke and Kyoraku Shunsui, whom he had met.

But what he knew was that if he didn't come forward to stop it, the consequences would be very difficult to deal with.

If the village is being beaten, and the Zanpakuto of Urahara Kisuke and Kyoraku Shusui are captured, it will be a lot of fun.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly stepped forward and rushed to the outside of the training ground.

Seeing Nagasawa Ya who came later and surpassed her with a dignified expression, Suifeng was stunned for a moment, and then showed a more eager look on her face than Nagasawa Ya.

"Hey Nagasawa! Clothes!"

"You can forget it, put on Master Ye's clothes, hey!!!"

Hearing the voice from behind, Nagasawa was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Yeyi who was sleeping soundly in her arms.

Through the big hand hidden under the wide shirt, feeling the delicate skin between the palms, he could feel that most of the clothes on Yeyi's body were transformed into pieces by the thunder that surged up in the "Black Cat Warrior Form" just now. I got the powder.

There is only a little fabric left, covering some important parts.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is naked.

Sending a grateful look to Sui Feng, Nagze Ya hurriedly put Ye Yi down, and then, as if she was afraid of waking her up, she gently put her shirt on Ye Yi's body.

Since absorbing a large amount of spiritual pressure in the place of birth, Nagasawa's body seems to have developed a second time.

Not only did his body become stronger, but he also solved the abnormal state that had plagued him for a long time, and even raised his back by a few centimeters, reaching 1.8 meters [-], almost catching up with Huche Yuyin.

Although Ye Yi's figure is extremely hot, he has the cutest height difference of nearly [-] centimeters with Nagasawa Ya.

Readers and friends who have had such a handsome girlfriend with such a height difference should know it.

When Nagasawa Ya's loose shirt was put on Yeyi's body, it almost covered up all the springtime.

For a moment, the huge underground training ground seemed to be overshadowed by his move.

Seeing that Nagasawa finally put on the clothes for Ye Yi, Suifeng couldn't help showing a relieved look on her face.

It's just very fast, and it seems that this is not safe enough.

Under Nagasawa Masa's surprised eyes, Suifeng took off the white captain's haori on her body, tore it apart casually, and tied a wild high-slit apron around Yeyi's waist .

Looking at Yoruichi, who was wearing a large shirt and an apron with high slits, Satisfied smiles appeared on the faces of Zuihou and Nagasawa.

What makes Zhifeng a little confused is that she doesn't understand why there is a weird look under Nagazeya's satisfied smile.

Nagasawa Masa would never tell Suihou, the moment he saw the other party tearing captain Haori apart, the image of Yamamoto angrily scolding Suihou had already appeared in his mind.


The camera turned and came outside the Urahara store.

Muramasa, who disappeared for some unknown reason, was waving the Zanpakutō in his hand with a face full of madness at this moment, attacking Urahara Kisuke and Kyoraku Shunsui in front of him.

His mouth was frantically questioning the other party.

"why why why!?"

"Why stop me!?!?!?"

"Let me go to Nagasawa-sama's side, Urahara!!!"

Muramasa regretted it very much. He regretted it very much.

After leaving the underground training ground, looking at the Masked Legion retreating in the distance, he actually felt a little uneasy.

Unlike Urahara Kisuke, he always felt that these people still had a slight sense of vigilance towards Nagasawa Masa.

This made him quickly realize that although these people were not Nagasawa's enemies, they were not Nagasawa's companions either.

At least not yet.

As Nagasawa Ya's most loyal servant, he must worry about his master first, so he naturally put Nagasawa Ya's safety and interests first.

Although Urahara Kisuke looked joking and unscrupulous, in the previous battles, at least he did his best to assist Nagasawa Masa, and even the "evil thoughts" he separated were finally dealt with by the other party .

For Kisuke Urahara, he has initially regarded him as a partner, and also recognized the strength of the other party.

Now that safety is guaranteed, the rest is profit.

With Kisuke Urahara and Hishitsusai present, and Masa Nagasawa only discussing with Yoru, he naturally focused on the investigation of the Masked Legion.

What he didn't expect was that he had just gone out with the masked army for a short time, and he hadn't even had time to follow up the opponent's stronghold.

From his spiritual pressure perception, he found that the Urahara store was surrounded by death gods.

Realizing that the other party's visitor was not kind, he immediately gave up following the Masked Army and returned to the Urahara store.

What made him even more angry was that Urahara Kisuke not only didn't help him, but even tried to prevent him from attacking those gods of death!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Muramasa didn't choose his timing carefully just because he faced the two top combat powers of Kisuke Urahara and Shunsui Kyoraku at the same time.

On the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought, and he became more and more aggressive in attacking, even completely ignoring the existence of a former Okido-chan not far away who was ready to launch a ghost way, and he only wanted to break through Urahara Kisuke and the two of them. interception.

However, having said that, Muramasa at least maintained the last sliver of reason, and did not use his own ability to snatch the Zanpakuto from the two.

The materialization of Zanpakuto is a very troublesome thing, although he can tell Zanpakuto that he deceived the other party, so he made the other party hostile to his master.

But at the same time, the weakness of his ability will also be exposed to the eyes of everyone.

The best choice for this kind of ability to kill at the first sight is to make all the people who are recruited dead.

Once too many people know about his weakness and become wary, his strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary captain.

However, his little patience was about to be exhausted.

He could feel that a powerful Reaper had broken through the barrier in the Urahara store and charged into the underground training ground.

Although Rotten Wood Xianghe has become history for him.

But Kuchiki Xianghe's previous experience was always engraved in his mind.

As Nagasawa Ya's most loyal servant, he just wants to return to Nagasawa Ya as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, the speed at which Muramasa swung the Zanpakutō in his hand became more and more intense, and he suppressed Kisuke Urahara and Shunsui Kyoraku who hadn't figured it out for a while.

Looking at the emotional Muramasa, Urahara Kisuke and Kyoraku Shusui all had a look of helplessness on their faces.

If they just let Zai Bee in, with Nagazawa Masa's emotional intelligence and Yoruichi's relationship with Zai Bee, they believe that the two of them can properly solve Zai Bee's problem.

But if Muramasa's temper is allowed to rush in before the problem is solved...

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