I am afraid that the situation will be out of control at once.

At the same time, it is also because they know that the relationship between Muramasa and Nagasawa Masa is extraordinary, and the purpose of the two is to delay the time as much as possible, and they don't want to hurt Muramasa.

Otherwise, it wouldn't just rely on the chopping technique to resist, and even the initial solution would be useless.

Probably because he had been unable to attack for a long time and was unable to break through the interception of Urahara Kisuke and his two men, Muramasa became increasingly anxious and did not intend to hold back any longer.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, and a violent Reiatsu rushed out of his body.

Seeing that Muramasa was planning to take action, Urahara Kisuke and Kyoraku Shunsui immediately felt their hearts tremble.

Not far away, Ju Ling Tiezhai formed a seal with his hands and chanted a high-level Dao binding chant.

"The wall of iron sand, the tower in the shape of a monk, the glowing iron, because of its determination..."

However, just when the battle among several people was about to break out and a bigger conflict was about to break out, a clear and clear voice instantly interrupted Muramasa's rising high-pitched spiritual pressure.

"I'm fine, Muramasa."

Hearing the familiar voice coming from beside his ears, Muramasa, who was full of anger, was stunned for a moment, and then a look of mixed joy and fear appeared on his face.

I saw him dodging in front of Nagasawa Ya.

This time, Urahara Kisuke and the two stopped blocking, but slowly retracted their respective Zanpakutō into their sheaths.

Immediately, they were shocked to see that Muramasa knelt on one knee without hesitation, lowered his head, and spoke in a trembling voice.

"Sorry, Nagasawa-sama!"

"Because of my absence from duty, you are in danger. This is my serious dereliction of duty!"

"Please punish!"

As he said that, he buried his head lower, as if he had no face to look into Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Looking at Muramasa who lowered his head to plead guilty, and Sufeng who walked out of the Urahara store behind Nagasawa Masa, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

What she brought this time were all the elite of the Criminal Army.

Twenty members of the Xingjun, not to mention the rank of vice captain, but each has the strength of a high-ranking officer.

If they cooperate with each other, coupled with the fighting style that is not afraid of death, it is bound to achieve the goal. The ordinary vice-captain may not be able to bear it, and it may even cause some troubles to the captain-level powerhouse.

How long has it been since she went in?

Not only was the criminal army under his command wiped out in an instant, but the opponent seemed to be unscathed, and he also suppressed Urahara Kisuke and Kyōraku Shunsui at the same time?

Although there are reasons why Urahara Kisuke and the two did not show their real kung fu, it is amazing enough.

And what surprised her the most was that this guy who had captain-level strength but she didn't know at all was actually the subordinate Nagasawa was talking about.

She knew Nagasawa Ya's special operations team.

Regardless of whether it is the former third member of the [-]th Division Matsumoto Ranju, or Ise Nanao, who is an ordinary member of the [-]th Division, they all have the strength of the vice-captain level.

Even the former vice-captain of Division [-], Byakuya Kuchiki, may break through to the third level of spiritual power at any time and become a captain-level powerhouse.

But under this premise, Nagasawa was still able to keep her secret and subdue or cultivate a captain-level strongman without even knowing about her, the commander of the secret mobile force.

More importantly, just because I was close to Nagasawa Ya, when I faced Nagasawa Ya, I bowed my knees and panicked to such an extent.

Such an overall view, such highly loyal subordinates...

For a moment, the way she looked at Nagasawa's back was a little different.

However, this look only lasted for less than a moment before it was replaced by a wave of joy.

Through the battle just now, she really received Nagasawa Ya's heart.

The stronger Nagasawa Masaru is, the greater his influence, and the deeper his layout, the more benefits it will bring to Yoruichi.

The Sifengyuan family has been silent for too long since Yeyi "defected". If Nagasawa could help Yeyi get rid of the charges, return to the Soul Realm, and even join the Sifengyuan family... .

Maybe the Sifengin family can really become bigger and stronger, create another glories, and surpass the Kuchiki family and the Tsunayashiro family who are about to decline in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, she felt endless anticipation in her heart.

Looking at Muramasa kneeling on the ground with his head down, full of self-blame, Nagasawa shook his head slightly.

Although he didn't know why Muramasa left the Urahara store, judging from the attitude of the other party, there was obviously a reason, and at the same time, he could feel Muramasa's loyalty from the bottom of his heart.

"It's okay, it's not your problem."

"Did you forget? It was I who said 'No matter what happens, you don't have to come in without my order'?"

"You don't need to take it to heart."

Listening to the words that came to his ears, Muramasa, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help but shake slightly.

Then he slowly raised his head, and looked at Nagasawa Ya with some disbelief in his eyes.

Although it has been a very long time, he has only followed the two masters, Kuchiki Xianghe and Nagasawa Ya, from the beginning to the end.

In the past, Kuchiki Xianghe could still maintain a little respect for him in the early days, but he always knew that Kuchiki Xianghe only used him as a tool, not as a partner from the bottom of his heart.

Later, Rotten Wood Xianghe became even worse. Not only did he lose even the most basic respect, he even scolded and beat him at every turn.

It was also thanks to Masa Nagasawa who awakened him who was intoxicated in the bubbles of the past, so that he finally recognized the true face of Kuchiki Xianghe and the most authentic self.

Looking back on the past, he felt ashamed and indignant at his dog-licking behavior, and also felt worthless for his past self who devoted himself to following a master like Kuchimu Xianghe.

When he made up his mind to dedicate his whole body to Nagasawa Masa, when he vowed to follow Nagasawa Masa to the death, he was actually ready to give his life to Nagasawa Masa.

But what he didn't expect was that when facing him as a "servant", not only did the other party not show any arrogance, but he actually had his best interests at heart.

Even if he made such a major mistake, it still passed him a step.

All these performances made him feel more and more ashamed and moved, and even his face couldn't help twisting because of suppressing his emotions too hard.

He quickly lowered his head again, not wanting Nagasawa to see his somewhat embarrassed appearance.

However, at this moment, Nagasawa Ya spoke again.

"By the way, since you are already one of your own, you don't need to be 'adult' long and 'adult' short."

"You can just call me by my name if you want."


Hearing the words that came from his ears again, Muramasa finally couldn't hold back the emotion that was like a flash flood in his heart. Hot tears rolled down from his eyes, and the trembling words seemed to be choked up. Usually issued from his throat.

"Yes... yes... ya... ya..."

At this time, he is like a Charmander who has been abandoned, meeting Xiao Zhi who is doing his best to win the trust and respect of Pokémon, and trying his best to understand those Pokémon who are in trouble.

It was a feeling he had never felt in his life.

As the former Zanpakuto, although he was separated into an independent individual by Nagasawa Ya's Enma power, he still has not adapted to the change of identity.

Until this moment, he felt as if he had something called "heart" in his chest.

At this moment, Masa Nagasawa became the "sun" in his heart.

Looking at Muramasa who was suppressing his emotions and constantly controlling his excitement, Nagasawa also had a faint smile on his lips.

He has always been magnanimous to those who are loyal to him.

After all, ability is one thing, but attitude is another.

It was at this time that the long-awaited system prompt sounded in Nagasawa Ya's ears again.

[Ding, completely change the fate of Muramasa and get 4000 points of fate. 】

...... cut......

PS. The typhoon is so fierce...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to the system prompt sounding in her mind, Nagasawa couldn't help raising her brows slightly.

This is the second time he has "completely" changed the fate of a certain character.

The last person whose fate was completely changed by him was Kuchiki Sojun.

What made him somewhat speechless was that no one's reward was higher than that given by his "friend of life and death"! ?

At first, he thought that the 2000 Fate Points rewarded for completely changing Kuchiki Aojun's fate was a wave of fat.

Looking back now, I find that Kuchiki Canojun is the one with the least reputation.

After secretly sighing in her heart, Nagasawa also achieved self-understanding.

After all, Kuchiki Sojun's appearance rate is so low that he can basically be regarded as a character that only exists in the set. It is normal for the rewards to differ.

Immediately, he stopped thinking about it and checked the relevant information casually.

[Although I have only known you for a short time, under your domineering slaps one after another, Muramasa suddenly woke up and realized the true meaning of "licking a dog". 】

[With your help, Muramasa got rid of the shackles of Kuchiki Kayokawa and Zanpakutō, became an independent individual, and realized what a "human heart" is. From then on, Muramasa swore from the bottom of his heart that he would follow you To the end of the world, let you become a veritable "King of Death"! 】

[After following you into the virtual circle, Muramasa's strength and loyalty were also recognized by Harribel. He became the second member of the "Void Night Zodiac" after Asido, and became the The leader of the guard army that belongs directly to you. 】

[Several years later, when a group of "Yahei" with dreams in mind, taking advantage of the empty Xuye Palace, tried to break through the "Xuye Twelve Palace" and take your head off, they came to the "Village Palace". "Cunzheng Palace", they showed a look of surprise, but what they didn't know was that when they finally came to you through numerous traps and various obstacles, what they had to face was precisely this "strongest guard" shield"! 】

[Congratulations to the host for gaining the loyalty from Muramasa and receiving the sincere gift from Muramasa: "Hypnosis". 】

Looking at the information displayed on the fate panel, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, in the "Character Relationship" column on his personal panel, there was also an additional line describing Muramasa.

Character relationship 1: Kuchiki Cangjun (best friend, relative, life and death acquaintance)

Character relationship 2: Muramasa (spiritual and courageous) [For details, see Miscellaneous Talk Volume · Protagonist Panel (updated from time to time)]

Especially when he saw the gift from Muramasa, the corner of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

The word "spiritual and courageous" comes from Tang Zengbi's "Chongxia Lun". In short, it means "very, very loyal" that is stamped by the system.

This allows Nagasawa Masaru to hand over many things to Muramasa without worrying about the other party's betrayal.

At the same time, the unique skill of "hypnotism" also added another sharp weapon to his arsenal.

Although Kuchiki Kayokawa was beaten by his perception ability in the battle with him, in the original plot, he was also defeated by Kuchiki Byakuya and the materialized Senbon Sakura.

But this is a little... well, it will affect the gold content a little bit, but the flaws are not hidden!

This kind of ability can interfere with the enemy's sense of distance and time just by releasing some spiritual pressure, and at the same time, it will not be invalidated by the level of spiritual power between the two sides. Under one concept, it is simply the existence of BUG.

Unless the other party has a stronger perception ability than yourself, otherwise, it is very likely that you will be played by yourself.

And just after comprehending the "Land of Selflessness", Nagasawa's confidence in her own perception ability can be described as overwhelming.

Feeling that he has gained a lot, it is really difficult to suppress the smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that he had noticed the "soft" smile on the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth. Muramasa wiped away the tears from his eyes, and at the same time, a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

After solving the "misunderstanding" at the moment, Nagasawa couldn't help but turned her head, not treating Jingle Chunshui as an outsider at all, and asked Suifeng softly.

"Shao Ling, this time you came to the world with great enthusiasm, so you just go back empty-handed, doesn't it matter?"

"Do you want me to tie Kisuke back to you?"

As he spoke, he turned Ye Yi in his arms, causing Ye Yi, who was sleeping soundly, to twist his body again, and found a comfortable position again to get into Nagasawa Ya's arms.

Hearing the words in his ear, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help twitching his eyes, he put the Zanpakuto in his hand back into the crutch, and almost stumbled.

He couldn't help but glance at Nagasawa's back with some resentment.

Family members, who knows?

With good intentions, I tricked Yoruichi into giving away to someone so that someone could have some alone time with Harribel.

After returning to the present world, he tried his best to help someone clean up the mess, and in the end even used his own house as a cannon for others... Ahem, for someone to use in their romance.

The result was good, someone not only demolished his house, but also kidnapped him back to Soul Society to take credit for his work.

You are not good at meeting people, and you are careless in making friends!

For a moment, Kisuke Urahara beat his chest and stamped his feet, his blood pressure soared.

After hearing what Nagasawa said, Sui Bee first looked at Yoruichi, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, with soft eyes, and responded softly.

"It doesn't matter. Not every time the criminal army takes action, it will be successful. Just treat it as a mission failure. As for whether it will lead to subsequent pursuits..."

As she said that, she cast her gaze like a knife to Urahara Kisuke behind Nagasawa Masa.

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