In the end, Kisuke Urahara looked away while smiling awkwardly, and continued.

"I can feel the captain's attitude towards this matter. It's not for nothing that I've been the captain for so many years. Otherwise, he wouldn't have arranged for Jingle to come with me."

Hearing Suifeng's answer, Jingle Shunsui and Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but look at each other, revealing the helplessness of both middle-aged people.

She didn't care about her senior brother and Urahara Kisuke's deflation, but Nagasawa Masa was quite happy with the old man's attitude.

Then he said to Sufeng and Jingle Chunshui.

"Since it's rare to come to this world, don't be in a hurry to go back. Xizhu has a lot of volunteers, let him do his best as a landlord and treat you well."

"Speaking of which, unlike you old antiques who stay in the Soul Society all day long, Yuma is much more fashionable than you, and he can be considered as advancing with the times."

As he spoke, he winked at Kyōraku Shunsui and showed a smile that every man would understand.

Seeing this, Jingle Chunshui, who was like an eggplant beaten by frost just now, regained his energy in an instant.

Although Shiba Yuma is a member of the Shiba family, one of the "Five Great Nobles", his status as a branch of the family and his similar age make him have a similar relationship with the two captains of the same noble background, Harusui Kyoraku and Jujuro Ukitake. Pretty good friendship.

Back in Soul World, Jingle Shunsui often listened to Shiba Yuma brag about the prosperity of this world, which made him feel itchy and longing for it for a long time.

It's just that due to Yamamoto's majesty and his responsibilities as the captain, he hesitated to take that step.

Liujin Jiaka and Yamamoto's iron fist can be said to have left a big shadow in his young heart.

But this time it's different!

This time, he obeyed Yamamoto's order, and came into the world justifiably!

If you can't find the "prisoner", you can pretend to be an ordinary person and enter the world to find clues. This is no problem! ?

Thinking of this, Jingle Chunshui's vicissitudes of face became brighter, and he subconsciously cast his eyes on Suifeng in front of Nagasawa Ya.

After all, he came out this time to assist Broken Bee. If the leader of the secret mobile army didn't nod and go back to Soul Society first, he wouldn't be able to stay for long.

Seeing Jing Le Shun Shui's slightly expectant eyes, Sui Feng could not know what the other party was thinking.

Immediately prepared to refuse.

However, just when she was about to speak, Nagasawa spoke softly.

"Shaoling, I haven't seen you for so many years, do you want to talk to Yeyi too?"

"You guys go sit down first, I'll stay with Ye Yi for a while, and we'll go there when she wakes up."

Hearing this, Broken Bee's pretty face couldn't help but blush.

From the very beginning, Masa Nagasawa has been yelling, even when there are only two of them, what does it mean when Kisuke Urahara and Shunsui Kyoraku are around?

As the commander of the General Army of the Secret Mobile Force, do I still have to mess around?

It's just that the conditions proposed by Nagasawa Ya are really hard for her to refuse.

Looking at Yeyi who was sleeping soundly in Nagasawa Ya's arms again, she gritted her teeth lightly, kicked Nagasawa Ya on the calf bone, then snorted coldly, and walked towards the open space outside the Urahara store .

"It's not an example."

Listening to the sound floating in his ears, Jingraku Shunshui's face turned into a smile.

He has already begun to fantasize about the beauty of nightlife in this world.

However, there is one more thing that worries him a little bit...

His eyes subconsciously looked at the Xing Jun who fell to the side in twos and threes.

Muramasa was quite measured in his actions, but he just knocked down these criminal soldiers, making them lose their ability to fight, but did not take their lives.

But with so many people, it's not very convenient.

Fortunately, not long after his worries arose, he saw Sui Feng, who was walking towards the open space outside the Urahara store, stop and shouted in a cold voice.

"Come over to me if you're not dead!"

When he was no longer facing Nagasawa Ya and Yeyi, Suifeng seemed to have instantly changed back to the fearsome leader of the criminal army.

When her voice entered the ears of the criminal soldiers, no matter how seriously injured they were, these elite criminal soldiers with bright eyes gritted their teeth one after another, and quickly or slowly supported each other and gathered in the broken bee. before.

With cold eyes, he scanned the subordinates standing in front of him.

Very good, one is not dead!

Although he was slightly relieved, the frosty color on Broken Bee's face did not slow down in the slightest.

I just heard her say in a cold tone.


"Before I come back, get out of here and help the [-]th division fight ashes!"

Hearing Zhanfeng's stern tone, the elite members of the Criminal Army couldn't help but feel nervous, and then their eyes shone with gratitude.

For Xing Jun, mission failure is not as "easy and simple" as Broken Bee said.

Different from the other [-] teams of the [-]th Team of the Protecting Court, the Xingjun has quite strict regulations on rewards and punishments.

For those who fail in the task, they will often face extremely severe punishment.

More rigorous training and physical pain are considered minor.

However, this time they failed, Suifeng just let them take their injuries to help the [-]th division to clean up the mess, which is no different from directly sending them on vacation.

For a moment, the eyes looking at Broken Bee were filled with gratitude.

Not far away, looking at Suifeng's imperial methods and the love in the eyes of his subordinates, Nagasawa also admired it a little.

Sure enough, no one who can become a captain is a fuel-efficient lamp. There are thought-provoking details in places that are not depicted in the original plot.

Ignoring the next actions of several people, holding Nagasawa Yayi in Yeyi's arms, he walked towards the Urahara store first.


I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Yi opened his eyes with some nostalgia as if he had some sweet dream, and stretched his waist comfortably along the way.

"Yo, finally woke up."

Immediately, a familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears, causing Ye Yi, who had just regained consciousness, to look confused.

She couldn't help rubbing her eyes lightly, but saw a gentle smiling face printed in her eyes.


A whisper subconsciously came out of Ye Yi's mouth, and she couldn't help but looked around suspiciously.

It is familiar Urahara store.

In the small reception room, I was lying on Nagasawa Ya's lap, covered with a dark suit.

On the other hand, Masa Nagasawa was wearing a blue yukata that was found out from nowhere, and his dark trousers of the same color as the suit were worn in a somewhat nondescript way.

Seeing this, Ye Yi slowly sat up, his eyes couldn't help becoming more confused.

When did she fall asleep?

When was it that Nagasawa Ya carried her here?

Why is there no impression at all?

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa closed the girl idol photo magazine in her hand.

No way, Urahara store has only girl idol photo magazines for some reason.

He also wanted to read serious books, but circumstances didn’t allow it!

hateful! (?ω?)

However, after he saw Ye Yi's blank eyes, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Ye Yi really entered the "Black Cat Fighting Princess Form" unintentionally, and he doesn't remember anything that happened during that time.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a narrow smile.

As if helping Ye Yi recall, he whispered to Ye Yi.

"Look at your clothes."

Hearing this, Ye subconsciously looked down.

But he found that he was wearing a gray and white striped shirt.

Almost at a glance, she recognized the identity of the owner of the shirt.

Feeling the silky feeling of the shirt falling on the skin, she clearly felt that she was in a vacuum.

In the next second, a weird idea couldn't help appearing in her mind.

Then, I don't know what happened.

Mingming had already been honest with each other, but at this moment, she was a little embarrassed to tighten the shirt on her body, and there was a faint blush on her brown face. Looking at Nagasawa Ya, a little asked softly in disbelief.

"Yami, don't you..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Ye Yi's appearance, Masa Nagasawa rolled her eyes angrily.

"Is this the image of someone in your heart?"

Although the advantages are not small, he still has the most basic morals.

Hearing this, Ye Yi didn't know that he had wronged the other party, and immediately returned to his previous appearance, leaning towards Nagasawa Ya's side in a flattering manner, poking Nagasawa Ya's arm with his elbow, while tentatively said.

"Hey, Yami, it's me who treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, don't be angry, okay?"

As he said that, he leaned on Nagasawa Ya's body.

Feeling the softness from her arms and the faint scent of her body lingering on the tip of her nose, Masa Nagasawa's memory seemed to be brought back to the sweet scene when the two were exchanging lessons before, and she couldn't help laughing out loud, A teasing smile could not help appearing on his face.

For some reason, when Ye Yi saw the teasing smile on Nagasawa's face, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.

Recalling her "confrontation" with Nagasawa in detail, every time Nagasawa showed this kind of smile, it was when she was deflated.

Sure enough, just when something was wrong with her, Nagasawa spoke in a playful tone.

"I'm not that stingy, and if I'm serious, I took advantage of it."

"You took advantage?" Hearing this, Ye Yi's eyes immediately revealed a puzzled look, "What advantage?"

Seeing that Ye Yi seemed to be really broken, Nagasawa Masa didn't continue to play tricks, pointed to her cheek, and sighed softly pretending to be regretful.

"It seems that someone really forgot."

"Forget it, let me keep this memory alone."

"Don't worry, I've been trained strictly, no matter how funny it is, I won't laugh."

When he said this, facing Yoruichi's increasingly doubtful eyes, Nagasawa Masaru added extremely seriously, as if he was afraid that the other party would not believe it.

"Unless you can't help it."

Looking at Nagasawa Masa's earnest expression that didn't seem to be fake, Ye Yi, whose eyes fell on the other's cheek, nodded subconsciously.

However, before she thought about what happened before she fell asleep, she found that Nagasawa suddenly turned her head, covered her mouth, and let out a burst of uncontrollable laughter as if she was very close to patience.



Hearing the deep laughter coming from beside his ear, Yeyi's memory also seemed to be slowly revived at this moment.

Limbs on the ground, the plump buttocks are arched high, showing a very wild and charming scene.

When Ye Yi recalled that extremely shameful action, he felt bad all over.

Although she usually transforms into a black cat and plays around, she will also make similar actions from time to time.

But after all, it was after turning into a cat!

In human form, she had never done such a shameful action, let alone in front of Nagasawa Ya.

As soon as she thought that her shameful appearance would be remembered by Masa Nagasawa for the rest of her life, she suddenly felt a burst of irritability, and even her face turned slightly red and hot.

Fortunately, the complexion of their family in Sifeng Courtyard is already leaning towards a healthy wheat color, so it is not easy for people to notice the abnormality for a while. In addition, Nagasawa turned her head aside, so she should not have noticed her color. …

Wait a moment! ! !

Just as Ye Yi was thinking to himself, trying to shake off the heat on his face, the awakened memory was like a torrent that broke its embankment, and it couldn't stop at all.

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