Having said this, Tsunayayo Toki subconsciously puffed up his chest.

After hearing the other party's speech, not only Nagasawa Masaru, who had been calm since entering the door, but also Yamamoto, who had always been there, could not help but show a little surprise on his face.

Unlike Masa Nagasawa, who mostly relied on the Kuchiki family and the Shinigami Brotherhood for information sources, as the captain of Gotei [-], Yamamoto knew much more information than him.

However, to his surprise, the number of votes revealed by Tsunayashiro Tokito was three votes more than what he knew.

Don't underestimate the gap of three votes in this area, it is precisely because of these three extra votes that it is enough for the Tsunayashiro family to pass many proposals.

It's no wonder Tsunayashiro Toki showed such a look.

Central Room 46, as the central organization of the soul world, is able to control more than half of the votes in its own hands when none of the "five nobles" has a veto power. This is enough for any family. something to be proud of.

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Yamamoto's eyes.

It is no wonder that some of the policies and key proposals he wanted to pass in recent years could not get the support of the Central Office 46, and all the issues passed were innocuous.

Including the confiscation of Nagasawa Masa Zanpakuto, the further investigation of Urahara Kisuke and the Masked Legion, and the ruling on Yoruichi's expulsion, all passed the ruling at an extremely fast speed.

If he hadn't shown an extremely tough attitude on the issue of Nagasawa Ya Zanpakuto, he might have been controlled by the Central Room 46 early on.

It turns out that the Tsunayashiro family was behind this.

Sure enough, compared to the Thirteenth Guarding Team, which has only been established for a thousand years, the old man is indeed inferior to these politicians who have run their families for tens of thousands of years...

Thinking of this, the stern look in Yamamoto's eyes gradually turned into a faint killing intent.

As if aware of the murderous intent in Yamamoto's eyes, Tsunayashiro Tokino's body froze instantly, and even a fine layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

He knew that after saying this, there was a high probability of triggering the legendary DEBUFF - "The Wrath of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni".

Sure enough, he did something that even Chang Zeya could not do.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, but he has to force himself to face Yamamoto's anger calmly.

I played all my hole cards in order to tell Nagasawa Masa and Yamamoto.

You Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masa are indeed powerful, but as long as everyone does not overturn the table and still plays according to the rules, the Tsunayashiro family with 25 votes for the central 46th room can completely stop the three nobles from opposing each other in a reasonable and legal way. own offensive.

He was just afraid of trouble, and in order to avoid future troubles, he wanted to resolve the dispute peacefully as much as possible, so he made this proposal.

At the same time, while showing toughness, he also made huge concessions.

The three votes that Yamamoto didn't know were won by the Tsunayashiro family from other families at a very heavy price, similar to Kuchiki Kintoki's existence.

As a result, this time not only three votes had to be given away, but one was also lost, which made him feel very distressed.

This time, four seats were sent out at once, and the number of votes held by the Tsunayashiro family fell to less than half. In addition, the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family joined forces. I am afraid that there will be a long period of time in the future. The family will be crushed by the three nobles, and even gradually eroded.

However, only Toki Tsunayashiro knew that he had to do this.

What you need to know is that when he first drafted this proposal, he was opposed by almost all the senior members of the Tsunayashiro family.

The purpose is to give the Tsunayashiro family enough breathing opportunities.

The three great aristocrats came in menacingly. In just one day and one night, the Tsunayashiro family lost almost 80% of their properties in Ruukon Street except for those in Seireitei, leaving only a few in the COSCO area. The industry no one cares about.

It is true that they can mediate the three nobles through the ruling of Room 46 of the Central Committee and condemn them, but if the other party has made up their minds to change open robbery to covert robbery, they have no better way.

Especially the Shiba family.

Only a very small number of high-level members of the Tsunayashiro family knew that they had done it themselves.

But it was precisely because he knew that he was worried that his family would follow in the footsteps of Shiba's family.

It is different from Yamamoto, the "strongest god of death in the millennium" who is bound by "peace".

In their view, Nagasawa is a lunatic who has a careful mind, but moves like thunder, and doesn't understand what it means to keep his hands.

If Nagasawa Masa cannot be settled and this fight is forcibly quelled, maybe one day their Tsunayashiro family will have to follow the old path of the Shiba family.

This is the reason why Tsunayashiro Toki tried his best to make peace with Nagasawa Masa.

Their Tsunayashiro family no longer has the power to confront Masa Nagasawa head-on.

As for exchanging a seat in Central Room 46 for Yan Luo Jing Dian...

Anyway, all four seats have been given away, so this one is not missing.

Of course, the reason why he proposed to give Nagasawa Masaru the title of "higher noble" as a condition was because he had some small thoughts in it.

In his opinion, Nagasawa Ya’s ideology is equality, which focuses on breaking the barriers between the nobles and the common people, so that the common people will no longer be oppressed by the nobles, so that the children of the nobles can sit at the same dining table with the children of the common people. grow together.

This concept is very attractive to the common people of Liuhun Street, which makes the Death Brotherhood expand at an extremely fast speed.

But if Nagasawa agrees to his proposal and becomes a higher-level noble after the "Five Great Nobles", it will be equivalent to sending a signal to people that they are being "recruited".

It may not be effective at the beginning, but after a long time, it is inevitable that people will have the idea of ​​"You Nagasawa Yadu has accepted the status of aristocrat, what face is there to talk about equality for everyone?"

His delaying strategy has a great possibility of becoming the ant nest that will destroy the Thousand Miles Embankment in the future.

Listening to the words that came to his ears, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion on his face.

"A seat for the upper-ranking nobles and Central Room 46... The head of the Tsunayashi family has really made an offer that is hard to refuse."

Hearing this, Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's face instantly showed a look of joy.

But in the next second, not only did Nagasawa's face return to its original calm, but even the corner of her mouth raised a hint of sarcasm, and she said decisively.

"However, I refuse."

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 4K+, once it is written coherently, it will continue.

In addition, this month, when the Yangjian update was resumed, it still maintained the level of updating more than 15 words a month, which is really hard work.

It's been a long time, please ask for a ticket, please ask for a reward or something, thank you for your support, woo woo woo!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to Nagasawa Masaru's slightly mocking rejection, Tsunayashiro Toki, who was smiling just a second ago, his face suddenly darkened.

Sure enough, the worst possibility he expected happened.

Knowing how important Nagasawa's attitude is, he spoke eagerly.

"Mr. Nagasawa, don't think that I'm being stingy just because I used my status as a 'superior nobleman' as a bargaining chip."

"I admit that for you, your status as a 'higher noble' may seem dispensable. Even without the blessing of this level of status, with your strength, no one dares to underestimate you."

"But the seats in Room 46 of the Central Committee cannot be obtained just by being strong!"

"Joining the Central Room 46 means that you have the power to participate in major decisions in the soul world. If you want to strengthen your Death Brotherhood and implement more policies, to put it bluntly..."

Speaking of this, Tsunayashiro Tokito's voice couldn't help but pause slightly, and then he turned his eyes to Yamamoto, who still had anger in his eyes, and continued to speak bravely.

"Relying on the support of His Excellency Yuanliuzhai alone is not enough!"

"You also want the civilians in Rukongai to live a better life, right?"

Listening to the words coming from his ears, Nagasawa Masaru looked at Tsunayashiro, with a rare "positive" emotion appearing in his eyes.

This old guy is so brave!

Dare to say "you can't do it, old man" in front of Yamamoto, I, Ya, and others don't have the guts!

After giving Tsunayashiro Tokito an appreciative look, he responded casually.

"Of course I want the residents of Liuhun Street to have a better life."

"But ah..."

It's just that when he said this, Nagasawa Ya's eyes changed.

A crimson fierce light slowly emerged from the indifferent expression, and the corner of the mouth, which always had a faint smile, also showed a sinister smile.

"Have you ever seen a wild beast that bites its prey's throat tightly because the prey begged for mercy?"

"I haven't seen it before!"

The cold words were like frost, and I don't know if it was the illusion of Tsunayashiro Toki, as if he was in the ice and snow, being stared at the back by a hungry beast.

The feeling of being able to pounce on him anytime, anywhere, tear it into pieces, and feast on it, made him feel a little stagnant even if he couldn't help breathing.

At the same time, although Nagasawa did not answer his question directly, as a mature politician, he can naturally hear Nagasawa's subtext from the other party's words.

This is because he felt that the bargaining chips he provided were not enough to make him let go!

Although this result was expected long ago, Tsunayashiro Toki still felt pain in his heart.

Of course, he would not be naive enough to think that a mere title of "higher noble" and a seat in Room 46 of the Central Committee would be enough to dismiss Nagasawa Masaru.

The reason why he played all his trump cards early is to gain as much room for bargaining as possible for subsequent negotiations while showing his strength.

According to the results of his discussions with the high-level members of the Tsunayashiro family, regardless of the interests ceded to the three major nobles, in addition to the title of "superior noble", he can take up the seats of up to three subordinate families to Nagasawa. elegant.

After all, it was because of the powerful power of the Tsunayashiro family that the affiliated families turned to them.

If the Tsunayashiro family is weak, sooner or later, these subordinate families will abandon their original vows and seek a stronger family as a support.

Rather than being backstabbed by these scoundrels, it would be better to squeeze out all their remaining value as soon as possible.

As long as the interests of the Tsunayashiro family are not harmed, sooner or later everything lost will be regained.

Thinking of this, Tsunayashiro immediately gritted his teeth and felt his heart pounding. Like a gambler who was anxious to make a comeback, he put down all his chips.

"Mr. Nagasawa, if you feel that these conditions are not satisfactory to you, our Tsunayashiro family is willing to offer them in one fell swoop..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, an indifferent voice suddenly interrupted the word "three" that he was about to blurt out.


Hearing this, Tsunayashiro Toki's face was obviously startled, and then he screamed as if he heard something extremely incredible, "What did you say!?"

From the moment he entered the door, Tsunayashiro Tokito put his posture in a relatively low position.

Even when facing Nagasawa Ya, a young man, he used honorifics for a long time.

What you need to know is that in the entire Tsunayashiro family, and even in the entire Soul Society, the number of people worthy of his honorifics cannot exceed the number of palms.

However, when he heard that Nagasawa asked for eight seats in Room 46 of the Central Committee, he really broke his defense.

The three seats were obtained from the three upper-level nobles who were attached to the Tsunayashiro family under great pressure and by promising many benefits.

This also caused the dissatisfaction of most of the affiliated families.

If you take out eight in one breath...

He couldn't even imagine the consequences.

However, before he could open his mouth to say something, Chang Zeya took the lead and said softly in a nonchalant tone.

"Oh, by the way, I don't have time to take care of those dependent families that are attached to your Tsunayashiro family one by one."

"What I want are the seats in the eight Central Room 46 belonging to your Tsunayashiro family head clan."

"I think this shouldn't be difficult for you, after all, compared to persuading those affiliated families with their own ghosts, as the head of the Tsunayashiro family, in the Tsunayashiro family, you can be regarded as a Don't tell me what you say?"

"I'm all thinking about you."

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa patted Tsunayashiro Tokito's stiff shoulders very kindly.

After hearing his words, Tsunayashiro Tokito took a deep breath.

As Nagasawa Masaru said, if he asks for eight seats from those affiliated families, those affiliated families that are attached to his family may not turn against him on the spot, but they will definitely find a new home as quickly as possible.

In comparison, it is easier to take out eight seats from the Tsunayashirohon family.

Thinking about it this way... Masa Nagasawa, isn't she a good person?

But ah... are you thinking of me?

This is the life of my Tsunayashiro family!

However, before he could say anything, Nagasawa seemed to have already guessed what he wanted to say, she just casually tapped her fingers on the table and said softly as a matter of course.

"Think about it, I'm not negotiating with you."

"The losing side must have the consciousness of being the losing side."

"Compensation for ceding land is the most basic thing, right?"

...... cut......

PS. Yesterday was a nightmare.

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