While walking the dog, my dog ​​saw a husky and wanted to play with it when he was so excited.

Let's have fun, but under the leadership of the husky, the owner and I, the two dogs, were all led into the quagmire...

It was already 8:9 or [-]:[-], and there was basically no place to bathe the dog, so I hurried home and sent a note asking for leave, and went to bathe the dog by myself.

Then, the dog just changed its hair recently, and it was a pain to wash it.

After blow-drying, I was covered in dog hair all over my body, and I didn't lie down until after 11 o'clock.

Never love again, hope the sky...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------




Listening to the words in his ears, Tsunayashiro Tokito could no longer maintain his elegance as the head of the "Five Great Nobles".

He stared angrily, his fingers trembling, facing Nagasawa who was leisurely sipping tea in his cup, he couldn't say a second word for a long time.

It's not over yet, Masa Nagasawa seemed to be afraid that he would catch his breath, and under Yamamoto's disgusted gaze, he sipped the tea twice and continued leisurely.

"As for Yan Luo Jing Dian..."

"In my opinion, this sword is quite predestined to me. Rather than being placed in the Tsunayashiro family's pearls and dust, it is not as beautiful as the adult beauty of the Tsunayashiro family. If you 'gift' it to me, you can also win the reputation of 'Precious Sword for a Hero', right? "

Speaking of this, Nagasawa seemed to have suddenly remembered something, with a sudden expression on his face, and continued to speak.

"Oh, by the way, King Tsunayashiro used the power of Zanpakuto to transfer the side effects of Yanluo Jingdian to the children of the affiliated family. I hope that the head of the Tsunayashidai family will come forward to clarify."

"After all, a lame excuse like the highly contagious spiritual disease can hide it for a while, but not forever."

"I won't carry this blame."

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa pulled out the erotic mirror from her waist in front of Toki Tsunayashiro, and placed it carelessly on the low table in front of the three of them.

That appearance seems to say "it's here, if you have the ability, you can get it yourself".

Facing the family heirloom close at hand, Tsunayashiro Toki didn't even dare to raise his hand to the edge of the table, as if he was afraid that Nagasawa Masa would misunderstand that he wanted to take the opportunity to seize Enluo Jingdian.

Chang Zeya at this moment is like Zhang Sanfeng in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji". The whole world knows that Yi Tian Sword is in Wudang, but no one dares to go up the mountain to snatch it.

And when Tsunayashiro Tokito saw the Enra Jingdian in front of him, Tsunayashiro Toki, who had just been angry because of Nagasawa Masa's mouth that did not conceal the slightest contempt for "the defeated party", suddenly became sober. come over.

To be honest, he didn't really care much about whether he could get back the "heirloom" Yan Luo Jing Dian.

After all, apart from King Tsunayashiro, who can deflect damage, no one in the Tsunayashiro family dares to use this "magic sword", which is actually a family heirloom of the "demon sword".

It is more of a symbolic meaning.

If you can exchange one seat back, it's not too much of a disadvantage.

But Nagasawa Masa fell in love with the "family heirloom" of their Tsunayashiro family, and asked them to admit what Tsunayashiro Rei did...

Just like Taka-chan will never admit that the XX virus came from their laboratory, once the Tsunayashiro family admits what King Tsunayashiro has done, they don’t even need to ask the affiliated family for a seat, they will directly It is the end of a betrayal.

After all, the reason why those nobles are attached to the Tsunayashiro family is that they rely on the powerful strength of the Tsunayashiro family, and seek shelter while seeking better development.

If the main family is a family that regards the lives of the children of the subordinate families as nothing, no noble will follow such a main family.

This is also when Tsunayashiro Toki, after learning of his father's plan, immediately contacted the director of Mao Shiyao Institute and asked him to lie about "spiritual disease" no matter who he met came to seek medical treatment. for the sake.

Masa Nagasawa's move undoubtedly drove their Tsunayashiro family to their death!

Compared to this, the eight central seats in Room 46 are not so important.

Thinking of this, a strong sense of frustration suddenly surged into Tsunayashiro Toki's heart.

He wanted to be stronger and let Nagasawa Masaru and Yamamoto know that if his dignified Tsunayashiro family wanted to be defeated, even Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masaru would definitely not be able to escape intact!

But soon, Tsunayashiro Tokito deflated like a deflated ball.

Not to mention the strength of the two people in front of him, which is the best in the world of corpses and souls, he can't imagine the defeat of these two people without the Zero Team.

Let's just talk about Yamamoto. As a strong contemporary of his father Tsunayashiro Rei, he knows the ability of Tsunayashiro Rei Zanpakuto very well.

As long as Yamamoto is willing to stand up and testify, the Tsunayashiro family cannot deny it at all.

At that time, the Tsunayashiro family will inevitably be denounced by the entire Seireitei and become a rat that everyone wants to beat.

But if the Tsunayashiro family took the initiative to admit this matter, the situation would be different.

Although it is also a big responsibility, it can be attributed to the personal behavior of King Tsunayashiro Rei.

Anyway, his father had turned into fly ash, he couldn't die anymore, and he wouldn't jump out to refute.

Thinking of this, a hint of determination appeared in Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's eyes.

Father, for your beloved Tsunayashiro family, please be nailed to that pillar of shame!

Thinking of this, Tsunayashiro Tokito suddenly felt incomparably relaxed, even with a solemn expression just now, a smile appeared at this moment.

Knew it......

There is nothing difficult in the world, just give up.

Once you accept the reality of failure, it's no big deal.

Tsunayashiro Toki, who was kneeling, first supported his hands to his side, and with the strength of his hands, he pushed his kneeling body back a step, then turned around, and turned himself to face the place where Masa Nagasawa was. direction.

Then, he straightened his back slowly, put his hands on his knees, and whispered in a voice as calm as possible.

"Although all causes and effects are caused by my father, I, Tsunayashiro, am still willing to represent the Tsunayashiro family and agree to all the conditions you set."

"I only hope that people will die like a lamp goes out. Since my father has already received the retribution he deserves, I also hope that Mr. Nagasawa will show his noble hand and let my Tsunayashiro family go."

Saying that, Tsunayashiro Tokito bent his waist and head deeply towards Nagasawa Masa.

Looking at Tsunayashiro Toki who almost touched his head to the tatami mat in front of him, Nagasawa Masa also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

To be honest, he himself felt that the conditions he proposed were extremely harsh.

When he proposed these conditions, he never thought that Tsunayashiro Toki would agree to his conditions.

Unexpectedly, after a brief struggle, the opponent simply spread his legs and gave up resistance completely.

This had to make Nagasawa Yagao glance at the current Patriarch of the Tsunayashiro family who had his head almost touching the ground in front of him.

To be able to endure what ordinary people cannot bear, this Tsunayashiro time is a bit interesting.

In the next second, a shallow arc reached the corner of his mouth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Tsunayashiro Toki left.

Although he has already surrendered to Masa Nagasawa in all aspects, how to minimize the loss of surrender is a question that he, the head of the Tsunayashiro family, needs to consider.

Of course, no one saw him off when he left. Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masa's buttocks seemed to be glued to the cushion by 502, and they didn't even bother to raise their eyelids to watch him off.

However, perhaps because he had accepted the fact of failure, instead of showing any dissatisfaction, Tsunayashiro Tokiko happily waved his hands at the two of them, showing a kind smile.

Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masa, who were used to the conspiracy and tricks, were not used to it.

After Tsunayashiro Toki left, Yamamoto slightly opened his eyes, and said slowly to Masa Nagasawa who put the erotic mirror code on the table back into his waist.

"You handled this matter very well. The Tsunayashiro family has controlled the Central Room 46 for too long, and it is time to beat them."

"After this blow, it may take a long time for them to recover..."

Yamamoto is still very satisfied with Nagasawa Ya's performance this time.

After the Tsunayashiro family handed over the eight seats of the main family, no matter how well they controlled the public opinion, it could not erase the fact that the Tsunayashiro family's former head was the Tsunayashiro family's former head.

At that time, it is unknown how many affiliated families will continue to follow the Tsunayashiro family.

It can be said that it not only weakened the power of the Tsunayashiro family, but also stopped it, did not kill them all, and left room for them.

Although Nagasawa Masa is usually as inconspicuous as Jingle Shunsui, but once she becomes serious, she is better than her own stocking... cough cough!Disciples who have been trained for hundreds of years have to be measured and know how to advance and retreat.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto's gaze towards Nagasawa Ya became more and more satisfied, and even a soft look appeared in his eyes.

It seems that I am still too harsh on him on weekdays. Sometimes, I need to give him some encouragement...

However, when Yamamoto looked at Masa Nagasawa, the tenderness that had finally been born from the bottom of his heart turned into fly ashes in an instant. He didn't even have time to finish a sentence, so he sternly scolded.

"Hey, don't turn over again!"

As if aware of Yamamoto's stern gaze, Nagasawa Masa who was rummaging through the cabinet behind her for snacks subconsciously shuddered when she heard the scolding coming from her ear, and hurriedly took out a bag of persimmons as quickly as possible , While stuffing it into his mouth, he was about to say something.

But before he could open his mouth, Yamamoto waved his hand, and continued to speak angrily.

"It is a foregone conclusion that the Tsunayashiro family is weak, but the new owner of the Sifengin family is young, and the talents of the Shiba family are withered, and a lot of waste is waiting to be done. That family puts all their energy on hell. Among the five nobles, Now it can be said that the Kuchiki family dominates."

Hearing this, Nagasawa Masa, who was eating persimmons, couldn't help but look stunned, and then looked at Yamamoto with suspicious eyes.

"Teacher, don't you want to..."

As he spoke, he actually raised his arm, slowly wiped his neck with his palm, and gave Yamamoto a "I'm fierce" look.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa's clumsy acting skills, Yamamoto, who was a little bit overwhelmed by Masahiro Nagasawa's act of overturning his cabinet just now, the veins on his forehead popped up unconsciously.

Blood pressure is high again.

"Idiot!" Yamamoto reprimanded in a low voice, and immediately said angrily, "I told you to kill Kuchiki, are you going to do it!?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa stuck out her tongue subconsciously.

"I can't do it, hehe, you always know that Xiao Cang is my good half-brother, and Bai Zai is my eldest nephew. These are my siblings, my beloved relatives and friends, how can I do it?" If you get it, you don’t need to add more money..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, a faint voice slowly sounded behind him.

"I can."

Hearing this, whether it was Masa Nagazawa, who was still playing tricks just now, or Yamamoto, who had a stern face, as if he never knew what slack was, they were all stunned, turning their necks a little stiffly, He looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Muramasa, who had not said a word since entering the house, sitting upright behind Nagasawa Masa. After seeing the glances from the two of them, he subconsciously straightened his back and spoke with an extremely serious expression. Kiss continued.

"As long as it is Master Nagasawa's order, no matter what it is, even if it costs my life, I will firmly implement it to the end!"

Hearing Muramasa's sonorous and forceful speech, the corners of Nagasawa Masa's eyes couldn't help twitching slightly, and even Yamamoto looked at him with a strange expression.

You boy, are you raising dead soldiers?

With that appearance, he almost asked Nagasawa Ya, "Where did this thing come from?"

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa also smiled mischievously, acting as if she didn't see the look in Yamamoto's hand, and at the same time waved to Muramasa with the palm behind her back, signaling him not to speak.

Not paying attention to Nagasawa Masa's small movements, Yamamoto, who looked away, continued to talk as if nothing happened.

"As for Kuchiki (Ao Chun), the old man is not very worried. Apart from being too gentle, he has no obvious shortcomings, but Kuchiki Byakuya as the heir, you have to cultivate it well."

"Because he married a commoner woman from Liuhun Street, he suffered a lot of criticism from the clan. Don't let something similar to the dead wood and golden age happen again."

"As for the Kuchiki family being dominant..."

Speaking of this, Yamamoto looked at his good disciple meaningfully.

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya couldn't hear Yamamoto's subtext.

Don't look at this little old man who is like a mascot every day, just hangs the title of "the strongest god of death in a thousand years", sits in a team, and is powerful in all directions, but when it comes to his heart...

Well, the old man really doesn't have many minds, and it can even be said that the old man's few minds are all forced out by the group of conspirators in Seireitei after he became the captain.

A reckless man who was able to fill up the attribute of strength in the early stage, suddenly sharpened the attribute of "internal affairs" in the later stage.

I have to say that it is "politics" that tempers people.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa immediately responded.

"Don't worry, since the Tsunayashiro family has lost the right to speak in the Central Room 46, I will naturally rehabilitate my good friend."

"Although the talents of the Shiba family are withered, the heritage is still there. I think, Sensei, you will receive Yuma's retirement letter soon."

Compared with Kisuke Urahara, who was convicted, and the Masked Legion, who were executed according to Xu's treatment method, Yoruichi, who is an "accomplice", is the easiest to get rid of his charges.

Once Yeyi returns to the Soul Realm and regains control of the Sifengyuan family, with Yeyi's means and her relationship with Nagasawa Masa, the revival of the Sifengyuan family will definitely be completed in a very short period of time.

Although Shiba Haiyan, the patriarch of the Ershiba family, is slightly inferior in strength, Shiba Yuma, as the head of the branch family, still has the combat power of a captain.

In addition, his eldest son Zhibo's breakthrough is imminent. In terms of high-end combat power, the Zhibo family, which has two captain-level combat powers, is not inferior at all.

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