Thinking of this, Yamamoto couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and even his blood pressure calmed down a lot.

While sipping the tea in his cup, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Speaking of which, even this old man didn't expect to be able to snatch the eight seats in Central Room 46 from Tsunayashiro."

"At the beginning, I thought that three seats was Tsunayashiro's limit. I didn't expect that you not only accurately predicted his psychological limit, but also asked for all of them."

"Looking at Tsunayashiro being manipulated by you, sometimes even I can't help but be shocked by your ability to strategize."

Hearing the praise from her ears, Nagasawa's expression froze.

To be honest, at the beginning, he didn't even think about making peace with the Tsunayashiro family.

For a while, even Yamamoto's sentence "don't kill everything" was out of the blue.

When King Tsunayashiroreo agreed to all of his conditions, he even secretly regretted that the asking price was less.

At this time, I suddenly heard Yamamoto say that no matter how good his acting skills are, there is inevitably a flash of embarrassment in his eyes.

As if aware of the fleeting embarrassment in Nagasawa Ya's eyes, Yamamoto, who was sipping the tea in the cup, couldn't help but pause in his hands, and a strange feeling came to his mind instantly.

However, before he could ask anything, he saw Chang Zeya scratching the back of her head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly.

"Um...actually, I never thought that the old guy would agree to the exorbitant price."

"When he agreed just now, I still regretted that there were less."

Under Yamamoto's unbelievable gaze, Nagasawa Ya's voice became smaller and smaller, and even at the end, she laughed out of embarrassment to cover up her embarrassment.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa, who was not in the right shape, Yamamoto couldn't help but twitched, and even forgot to drink water until the tea in the cup overflowed from the corner of his mouth and stained his gray beard, and then he slowly poured The teacup is put down.

At this moment, Yamamoto, who has always claimed to be the best in the world, couldn't help feeling suspicious of himself.

After all these years, could it be that the old man has a high opinion of this kid?

Memories of the past, like tides, floated in my mind.

Recalling what Nagasawa did in the past, Yamamoto felt that he could only use two words to describe it alternately.

Strategize, fool, strategize, fool...

For a while, even Yamamoto, who always thought he was a good judge of people, was a little confused about which one was Masa Nagasawa's real appearance.


Tsunayashiro Toki's movements were very fast.

Even Nagasawa Masa had just stepped out of the gate of the first team, and saw Ma An Yayin in a hurry to tell the lie to Genshiro Chongba, who was in charge of the guard work of the first team, and ran quickly in the direction of Noble Street .

Looking at Ma An Miyin who left anxiously, Nagasawa couldn't help but asked softly to my wife Taoist beside him with some curiosity.

"Niu Niu, Mi Yin is...?"

Seeing Nagasawa asking about it, my wife Taoist naturally wouldn't hide it.

Listening to the other party's narration of what happened, a look of surprise flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Just 5 minutes ago, Ma'an's servant ran to the first team building and found Ma'an Miyin who was on duty with Taoist priest Gaizuma. At the same time, he brought news that shocked the two of them.

In the most prosperous central area of ​​Noble Street, Tsunayashiro Toki, the patriarch of the Tsunayashiro family, suddenly appeared, and voluntarily admitted that his father, King Tsunayashiro Rei, used the power of Zanpakuto to wantonly trample on the lives of the children of the affiliated family, and Together with the dean of Mao Shiyao Institute, he intends to use the non-existent "spiritual disease" to conceal the truth and cover up the truth of his crimes.

When Tsunayashiro Toki revealed the truth, the entire Noble Street exploded.

What you need to know is that since yesterday, when a group of aristocratic children such as the Maan family, the Sakurai family, and even the Tsunayashiro branch fell down due to the "spiritual disease" mentioned by the director of the Zhenyang Pharmacy Academy, the entire aristocratic street Everyone became panicked.

They don't know what this so-called "spiritual disease" is, and they don't know how contagious it is.

I only know that once the disease occurs, the life force of the infected person will dissipate at an extremely fast speed, together with their own spiritual power, and if the circumstances are serious, they may even die on the spot.

For their own safety, the bustling Noble Street in the past has become deserted.

Even some nobles living in Noble Street either set up barriers in their own residences or temporarily moved to their mansions in Rukong Street.

I am afraid that I will contract the terrible "spiritual disease".

However, now Tsunayashiro Toki is telling them that there is no so-called "spiritual disease", and everything is a big drama jointly performed by King Rei Tsunayashiro and the dean of Mao Shiyao Institute?

Not to mention those nobles whose children died because of King Tsunayari Rei, even some nobles who stayed at home to avoid the "spiritual disease" felt that they had lost all face, and immediately There was a commotion.

However, in the face of the excited nobles, instead of escaping, Tsunayashiro stood up very "responsibly".

He said that as the current head of the Tsunayashiro family, but also for the glory and pride of the "five nobles", he could not sit back and watch such a tragedy happen, nor could he turn a deaf ear to it and let it be buried in history like a coward.

Although his biological father committed the sin, Tsunayashiro Toki is willing to make every effort to make up for his father's mistakes.

And in order to show his determination, he also beheaded the head of the dean of Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan on the spot, so as to show his ambition.

It has to be said that Tsunayashiro's methods are extremely effective.

The moment he beheaded the head of the dean of Mao Shiyao Academy, it seemed that his reason was awakened by the blood.

Only then did the nobles think of it one after another.

What they questioned just now was one of the "Five Great Nobles", and even the head of the "Five Great Nobles", the head of the Tsunayashiro family!

For a moment, the huge Noble Street became completely silent, only the sobbing sounds of the nobles who had lost their children remained.

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 4K+, so I won’t divide it into chapters if it’s written smoothly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to my wife's description, even Masa Nagasawa has to admit that Tsunayashiro Tokijin is really a good method.

First, he took the initiative to admit his mistakes, and then took the opportunity to stand on the high ground of morality, throwing all the blame on the dead father and the head of the Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan, and finally expressed his willingness to do his best to punish the families of the victims. compensate.

With a set of operations, the damage to the Tsunayashiro family was directly minimized.

Come to think of it, even if there are affiliated families attached to the Tsunayashiro family that are unwilling to spare the lives of their own children, Tsunayashiro will definitely greet him with a smile and face it with the most "sincere" attitude.

After all, Tsunayashiro Tokino was able to bow his head when facing his own enemy who "killed his father", let alone the accusation of a long-acquainted affiliated family.

However, Masa Nagasawa didn't care too much about how Tsunayashiro Toki would deal with this crisis of public opinion facing the Tsunayashiro family.

As the culprit, King Tsunayashirorei is dead. Although the Ma An family who lost their loved ones cannot bring back their dead relatives, at least they know the truth of the matter so that they will not be kept in the dark for the rest of their lives.

As for the choices of the affiliated families that were attached to the Tsunayashiro family, that was beyond his control.

After understanding the whole story, Nagasawa didn't say much. He just patted my wife, Taoist Priest, on the shoulder, and then trotted towards Noble Street as if he was guilty of committing a crime under the confused gaze of the other party. .

And just after he left for a while, my wife Daochang only felt a terrible coercion, which suddenly rose from the first team's house behind him.

The fearful sense of oppression even made him, who was almost as strong as a senior officer, unable to help his legs go limp, and he slumped to the ground.

Looking at the direction where Nagasawa left, my wife Daoist tremblingly said to herself with doubts in her eyes.

"Is it... Captain Yamamoto's spiritual pressure?"

"Mr. Nagasawa, what did he just do???"

At this moment, all the team members in the team building, including Sparrow Minister Jiro, were sweating and showing fear without exception.

What they poorly don't know is how big a hole Nagasawa has dug for them.

Regarding the origin of Muramasa, Yamamoto surprisingly did not go into details.

Although Kyoraku Shusui did not mention the existence of Muramasa too much in the report, but when Yamamoto heard that Nagasawa Masa used a certain "method" to invalidate Tsunayashiro Rei's Zanpakuto rebellion After that, he roughly guessed Muramasa's identity.

After all, the seal of Kuanmu Xianghe was completed by him and Kuimu Yinling himself, so how could he not feel that Kuimu Xianghe had broken the seal?

Although he doesn't know how Nagasawa subdued Muramasa, but being able to take the Zanpakuto that belonged to Kuchiki Kazukawa under his command and make him loyal to the point of being almost a "dead warrior" is enough to show that Nagasawa Masa ability.

Since his little apprentice didn't want to say it clearly, he didn't bother to expose it.

After just giving Nagasawa Masa a meaningful look, he generously asked Sparrow Minister Jiro to apply for Seireitei's occupancy permit.

Even when he was leaving, he didn't even take back the pass token of the world-transmitting gate that he had given to Nagasawa.

After all, they are both special operations forces, and the Criminal Army affiliated to the Second Division has the right to kill first and then play, and freely pass through the boundary gate.

As the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, it is perfectly normal to give Nagasawa some privileges appropriately, and it is also conducive to the growth of Nagasawa.

Stocking...ahem!Jingle Chunshui has been trained for hundreds of years, if he uses the old method to train an identical apprentice, how can he show the level of his teacher?

Young people should also be properly given some room for growth.

Yamamoto thought so.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that just after he said these words, Nagasawa Ya who was sitting opposite him immediately showed a look of astonishment.

Nagasawa Yawan did not expect her teacher to be so talkative.

Even for a split second, he had the slightest suspicion that his teacher had been replaced by someone, or that his brain had been burned out due to the use of the blade for a long time, and he had dementia.

Otherwise, with Yamamoto's temperament of punishing Jingle Chunshui to practice under the waterfall, how could he be so kind to him?

Finally, after Masa Nagasawa touched Yamamoto's forehead with her sinful palm, and confirmed that the old man did not burn out his brain.

Taking advantage of the fact that the old guy hadn't drawn his sword, he led Muramasa straight away and left the first team's reception room.

Faced with Nagasawa's sudden move, Yamamoto had no reaction at first, thinking that his little apprentice had gone crazy again.

Just looking at the mess on the table and the persimmon crumbs scattered everywhere, his blood pressure increased unconsciously.

However, probably because he is really getting old, his patience is surprisingly high when facing a young apprentice like Nagasawa Ya.

He didn't get angry for long, so he put his palms on the edge of the low table, gathered together the persimmon residue scattered everywhere, swept it into his palm, and prepared to vaporize it with the blade like fire.

Just cleaning it up, he suddenly came back to his senses and noticed something was wrong.

Just now that kid put his palm on the old man's head, didn't he think that the old man's brain was burnt out?

Recalling Nagasawa Masa's past actions, Yamamoto thinks it is really possible!


For a moment, Yamamoto felt like he was treating the donkey liver and lungs with good intentions, and the palm that he treated as a dustpan clenched tightly in an instant. With a handful of fierce flames, he actually burned the persimmon residue in his hand. Picked up souls one by one.


In the next second, a low growl full of strong anger, as if gnashing his back molars, accompanied by a fierce spiritual pressure, resounded in the team's dormitory.

In the days that followed, Yamamoto, who had never been able to catch Masa Nagasawa, seemed to have turned back into the reckless man who was all-powerful a thousand years ago, and instantly vented all his anger on the members of the first team.

Started a month-long hell-style training for a team...

As the "culprit", Nagasawa Masaru returned to his small courtyard on the edge of Noble Street in a flash of lightning and sparks.

He had no interest in seeing the Tsunayashiro family in distress.

With that kind of skill, wouldn't it be good to stick with Luanju and Qixu?

Recalling the softness that wrapped him up the night before, he can't forget it until now.

And just when he was about to step into his small courtyard, a burst of exclamation mixed with teenagers and girls came from all over the small courtyard.

Immediately, I saw Luanju sitting on the side with a carefree attitude, while Rukia, Dongshiro and others gathered around her, urging with starry eyes.

"And then, Miss Ranju, tell me quickly, Dad (Mr. Nagasawa), has he defeated that bad guy called Tsunayashiroi?"

...... cut......

PS. Under one person, not only will there be a live-action TV series, but also a live-action movie, which is inexplicably a little bit of anticipation.

Speaking of which, tomorrow I will punch the street, Lu Fei will open the fifth gear, and my youth will ignite! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing the exclamation coming from her ear, Chang Zeya couldn't help but stop the movement of her feet, and stopped outside the door.

After listening for a while, I understood.

At this time, in the small courtyard, Rangiku was telling the story of his heroic deeds in this operation.

For a moment, Nagasawa couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat.

Then he turned around, and after making a "silence" gesture to Muramasa who was following him, he seemed to feel that standing outside the gate was too conspicuous, so he quickly retracted his body.

Then he tiptoed around to the edge of his small courtyard, held the top of the wall, carefully put his head out of the courtyard wall, and looked into the small courtyard.

I saw Luanju sitting cross-legged on the edge, his sitting posture was as bold as ever, and the four little ones around him had different expressions, but all showed nervous expressions on their faces without exception.

The chaotic chrysanthemum at this moment happened to reach the climax of the story.

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