"King Tsunayashiroi's hair turned white in an instant, and in just an instant, he degenerated from a middle-aged man to an old man!"

"But on the contrary, at the cost of burning his life, he launched the 'Remnant Fire Taidao', which can be called the strongest swastika in the soul world, and the swastika 'Hungry Corridor', which belongs to the seventh generation of Kenpachi! "

"'Hungry Corridor' is not as good as 'Remnant Fire Tachi', but as the final ultimate move of the seventh generation of Kenpachi, it is a terrible move that is forbidden to be liberated in Seireitei by the Central Room 46, which is enough to destroy the entire Seireitei !"

"It's really hard to imagine that these two swastikas, which can be said to destroy the world, can be used together, and the target of the attack is still the same person!"

I have to say that Luanju, who often invites old classmates such as Nanao, Xiubing, and Shechang for a drink, is very good at telling stories.

The ups and downs of the tone and the unobtrusive explanation all make the story come to life in the ears of the audience, with a strong sense of substitution.

Chisentao tightly clutched the corner of Rukia's clothes, swallowing her saliva constantly.

Rukia kept drawing the word "person" on the palm of her left hand with her right hand, and then swallowed the "air" that did not exist in her palm.

Although Renji's face was full of excitement, he looked like he wished he could be there, and even waved his fists from time to time as the story of Ranju progressed, but the toes that had been tightly clasped were exposed. He was nervous.

Even Shiro Dong, who always acted like a little adult, frowned tightly, and almost crushed his trouser legs with his palms.

It seems that they are very satisfied with the expressions of the audience.

Luan Ju subconsciously paused at this point, and even picked up the teacup at hand, and took a sip slowly.

That slow movement made Dongshirou and Renji feel toothache, and Rukia even subconsciously accelerated the movement of drawing the word "person" on her hand.

It wasn't until Hinamori was about to burst into tears that Rangiku continued slowly.

"Although you are facing two major killer moves at the same time, who is your father?"

"That's the man I, Matsumoto Rangiku, has a crush on... Ahem! The captain I've got my crush on!"

"I saw a faint confident smile on the corner of Ya's mouth, and in the next second, a sentence that I will never forget came to my ears."

Hearing this, Toshiro and Renji, who were kneeling, subconsciously leaned forward, as if doing so could hear Rangiku's next words faster.

Together with Rukia, Chisen frantically drew the character "人" on his palm.

Immediately, Luanju put away the joking look on his face, imitating Nagasawa Masahiro's usual appearance, and whispered in a cold voice.

"It's just a chicken and a dog."

Listening to the words that came from their ears, the four little ones only felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

It felt like drinking a glass of iced Coca-Cola in the dog days, and it was extremely refreshing in an instant!

The four little ones swallowed saliva frantically, relieving their nervousness, and kept urging Luan Ju, looking impatient.

But what they didn't know was that looking at the fiery atmosphere in the courtyard at this moment, a look of embarrassment flashed unconsciously on the face of Nagasawa who was leaning on the wall.

He subconsciously scratched his nose.

I... I don't seem to have said this sentence, right?

I wanted to see how Luan Ju acted in front of others, but I didn't expect this guy to be so embarrassing...

Seemingly enjoying the admiring looks from the four little ones, Rangiku subconsciously raised her swan-like neck.

Adoring her man is worshiping herself, and she enjoys this feeling very much.

However, if she knew what Nagasawa was thinking at the moment, she would definitely say "You know what you are doing".

Art needs processing!

As if she had finally satisfied her little vanity, after losing the appetite of the four little ones, Luan Ju didn't continue to fill the cup, and continued to talk.

"After saying this sentence, a violent spiritual pressure rushed out of Ya's body in an instant!"

"The figure was so fast that I didn't even see the afterimage clearly!"

"When I saw Miyabi again, he had already arrived at King Tsunayashiro Rei, and then..."

Having said that, Luan Ju subconsciously took a deep breath.

"Double Bones Crashing Star Roaring Cannon!"

In an instant, a sound like the roar of a dragon suddenly came out of Luan Ju's mouth.

Even when Luanju uttered this roar, there was a faint trace of spiritual pressure mixed in it.

Although Renji and Rukia are excellent students of Mao, Toshiro and Hinamori also have a pretty good foundation.

But when faced with the roar of spiritual pressure released by Rangiku, who had deputy captain level strength, the four little ones felt as if they were facing an evil dragon that chose people to devour.

The terrifying coercion instantly caused a thin layer of sweat to emerge from their backs, and the pupils in their eyes shrank to the size of needlepoints in an instant, and they quaked crazily.

After the baptism of "the roar of the evil dragon", the spirits of the four little ones were all in a trance, but at this moment, Luanju's deep voice rang faintly in the ears of the four little ones.

"Just one punch, the flames ended, the giant jaw dissipated, and even the sky was divided into two halves at this moment."

"The incomparable King Tsunayashirore's whole body's meridians have been cut off, and he can no longer move an inch."

"The wind just blows gently, and King Tsunayashiro Rei, who once ruled the Tsunayashiro family for nearly a thousand years and made the Tsunayashiro family the head of the 'Five Great Nobles', turned into fly ash... ...."

When Rangiku's words fell, the four little ones who were still in a daze just now suddenly started to wake up and refocused their somewhat scattered thoughts.

In the next second, as if they had been looking forward to this ending for a long time, the four little ones erupted in a burst of enthusiastic cheers!

...... cut......

PS. Speaking of which, the live-action version of One Piece on Netflix will be released at the end of this month. Although I have complained about it for a long time, I will still watch it, Jie Jie Jie Jie! ! !

The forty-seventh chapter I, Ya, someone don't want to lose face???

Rangiku knows how to process art.

The storyline and side description with a strong sense of substitution, although it is inevitable that the four little ones will be substituted into King Tsunayashiro Rei in the end, but after hearing the "evil" King Tsunayashiro Rei, after hearing the "hero" When Ze Ya's iron fist turned into fly ash, the four little ones still erupted in joyous cheers.

Rukia stopped drawing the word "person", and cheered loudly with eyes full of admiration: "As expected of Dad! It's really amazing!!! It's just a pity that I didn't get to see Dad in person. How can the scene where you show your supernatural power be repaired!"

Chisen also nodded her head frantically and echoed: "Yes, yes, I just heard that King Tsunayashiro Rei launched the two major powers of the captain's 'Remnant Fire Sword' and the seventh Kenpachi's 'Hungry Corridor' at once. When I used the ultimate move, my whole heart was in my throat!"

After hearing the second half of Rukia's words, Renji also had a look of remorse on his face: "Damn it!!! Why didn't Dad take me!!! Next time... next time No matter what I say once, I will also go on missions with my father!"

Compared to the excited expressions on the faces of the three of Rukia, Dongshiro, who always acted like a little adult, let go of his clenched trouser legs, clasped his hands, and walked away arrogantly. head.

"Hmph, it's not bad, after all, he is the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, so it's normal to have such strength."

It's just that, even though he said so, Dong Shilang's hands that were hugging his chest, trembling slightly because of his inner excitement, and the hands on his knees that were soaked by the sweat oozing from his palms because they were clenched tightly all the time The wet trouser legs couldn't hide the true emotion in his heart.

Maybe he was attracted by Dong Shilang's dishonesty, or maybe he wanted to tease this young and mature little brother.

After hearing Dong Shilang's words, Luan Ju immediately leaned over, pinched the other's cheek, and said softly with a faint smirk on his face.

"Little Dongshiro is dishonest, I know that you actually admire Ya, why don't you admit it honestly and generously?"

"If you want to call Ya 'Daddy' like Rukia and the others, I don't think he will refuse."

Hearing the sound coming from his ear, Shiro Dong couldn't help but blushed.

Indeed, as Luanju said, as he got to know Nagasawa more deeply, he became more and more admiring of this powerful man who taught himself and others as strictly as his own nephew, but without airs and full of gentleness stand up.

Even at night, I would wake up suddenly, regretting why I rejected Nagasawa Ya's invitation in the first place.

If... If he had agreed to Masa Nagasawa back then, would he be able to call Masa Nagasawa "Daddy" now like Rukia and Renji?

However, although he usually looks like a young man, trying to make himself look more mature, but in fact he is just a child in his early ten years old, after all, he is still a bit thin-skinned.

Let him take the initiative to bring up the invitation that he once rejected, he absolutely cannot do such a thing.

However, Dong Shilang at this time was exposed by Luan Ju, and he immediately slapped Rou Yi away who was pinching his cheek by Luan Ju in annoyance, blushing, and quickly retorted.

"It's just... that's not the case!"

"Oh~ is it?"

Seeing Dong Shilang eager to deny it, Luanju didn't continue to expose him this time, but just stared at the little boy in front of him with playful eyes.

At this moment, there is no sound at all.

When Dong Shilang met Shang Ranju's playful eyes, his cheeks, which were slightly flushed because of eager denial, instantly became as red as a monkey's butt.

"I went to practice!"

He just casually dropped a word, grabbed the wooden knife at hand, and ran to the courtyard to practice empty swinging.

However, just as he got up, a startled exclamation suddenly sounded from outside the small courtyard.

"Lord Nagasawa, are you...?"

Hearing the sound coming from outside the courtyard, everyone in the courtyard was stunned.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Nagasawa Ya, who was still "majestic" in their ears just now, beating up all "evil forces" like a "god descending from the earth", lying on the wall furtively at this time, her face was full of embarrassment color.

After seeing Nagasawa Ya's face, everyone in the courtyard was taken aback.

They didn't think about the reason why Nagazeya was lying on the wall.

After all, it was his own home, and no one could say anything to him if he wanted to sleep on the roof.

But the faces of Luan Ju and Dong Shilang were blushing at the same time.

When bragging with the four little ones just now, because Luan Ju didn't see many details with her own eyes, she could only explain Nagasawa's "heroic" image to the four little ones through brain supplementation.

This caused her to subconsciously add a lot of elements of her feelings for Masa Nagasawa to the "story".

Thinking of this, Rao Yiluanju's bold temperament couldn't help but feel a little hot. After giving Nagasawa a reproachful look, he silently wondered when the other party started "eavesdropping".

Compared with Luanju, Dong Shilang seemed to be much flustered.

Even Luan Ju, who has big breasts... Ahem, a dull guy can see his careful thinking, and with Nagasawa's wisdom, how can he not see his inner desire?

For a moment, this little guy, who had always made himself appear as mature as possible, instantly looked like a quail, blushing and speechless.

He even kept asking himself in his mind why he became so coquettish.

It's just that what Shiro Dong didn't realize is that his usual appearance of acting like an adult is just his disguise when facing outsiders.

You are your truest self when you are around close people like Chisen and Grandma.

At this moment, Nagasawa Ya has long been recognized as one of his own in his heart, so he unconsciously showed this appearance.

Compared to the two of them, the three of Lucia are much simpler.

"Father, you are back!"

"Huan... welcome back, Mr. Nagasawa!"

As if they were still immersed in the story of Luan Jucai, the three of Rukia quickly ran to the top of the wall that Nagasawa was holding on, raised their heads in admiration, and looked at Nagasawa who was holding on to the top of the wall at this time elegant.

Looking at the three little ones whose eyes were full of admiration, although the slightly embarrassing thing of climbing the wall was really unbearable, Nagasawa still kept her face as calm as possible, and just replied three times. A kind smile.

Immediately, he hastily let go of his hand, and fell from the wall, after the people in the courtyard couldn't see him...

The murderous gaze instantly looked behind him.

Made, which bastard exposed Lao Tzu! ?

I am so shameless! ?

His ferocious gaze swept around, and then, Liu Dao's tall, short, fat and thin figures entered his eyes.

Facing Nagasawa Ya's fierce gaze, the expressions of the six people were obviously taken aback.

Immediately, Dou Da's sweat dripped down from his forehead.

They didn't know where Nagasawa Ya was offended, but seeing Nagasawa Ya's unfriendly expression and a touch of coercion, they subconsciously tightened their hearts.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

King Tsunayashiro Rei, who is a strong killer holding the Yanluo Jingdian, can still stand here well. This level of terrifying strength is already enough to make them feel terrified.

It's just that the coercion enveloping the crowd came and went quickly, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for their backs already drenched in cold sweat, they would almost have thought that the coercion with "violent aura" just now was their illusion.

After a long sigh of relief in my heart, I saw one of the six people with only a small mustache on his chin, who looked like Yang Kun, and the man headed by him took a step forward and bowed slightly to Nagasawa Afterwards, he introduced himself.

"Mr. Nagasawa, I am the head of the Ma'an family, Ma'an Guangsheng. Today, I am bringing my daughter Yaon, the head of the Murayama family, Murayama Yoshiki, the head of the Ueda family, Ueda Sajio, as well as Sakurai's eldest daughter, Sara, and his eldest son, Nishikazu, for interrupting me. We need to discuss things, so we hope you can give us some time."

After speaking, the six people, including Ma An Guangsheng, bowed to Nagasawa Ya again, and waited for Nagasawa Ya's answer with some anxiety.

Looking at the six figures in front of him, Nagasawa first had a look of doubt in his eyes, and then his eyes calmly glanced over each other's faces one by one.

The reason why he put away the "anger" in his eyes just now was because he saw Sakurai Nishikiwa with a bandage on his head, and Ma An Yayin who stood awkwardly behind his father.

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