"Decision... decide what?"

For some reason, looking at Ye Yi's malicious expression, he always had an ominous premonition.

In the next second, Yeyi leaned in front of him with a smirk on his face, and said while pinching his face.

"I haven't seen you have any hidden illnesses. How come your body is weaker than that guy Fuzhu? That's not okay."

"The foundation of fighting in vain is physical fitness. From now on, you practice with me, and by the way, show me the moves Captain Yamamoto taught you, and I will teach you how to crack them."

"Hmph, my title of 'Shunshen' Ye Yi is not for nothing."

As he spoke, it was as if he had imagined himself defeating Yamamoto with Nagasawa Masa's hand, and Ye Yi, who had already begun to giggle in his heart, almost couldn't suppress the secret joy on his face.

Hearing Ye Yi's aggressive tone, Nagasawa was dumbfounded.

What are these Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong?

Could it be that after he learned the method of cracking with Ye Yi, he still went to Yamamoto to learn a set of skills to break Ye Yi's move?

And ah...

Isn't the title "Shunshen Yeyi" a compliment for your speed?

Does it have anything to do with your white fight?

A series of question marks kept popping up in Nagzeya's mind, and an old mouthful got stuck in his throat, causing him to spit it out without knowing where to start, so he didn't answer Yeyi's words immediately.

Seeing that Nagasawa was frozen in place, neither agreeing nor refusing, the competitive Ye Yi immediately became a little anxious.

Hastily took Nagasawa Ya's hand, her eyes became cat-like, and she even whispered with a hint of pleading in her tone.

"Hey, just follow me to learn, I will definitely teach you well!"

Listening to the voice full of Two-dimensional breath coming from her ear, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but twitch her eyes.

To be honest, Ye Yi's free play level is definitely top-notch, which can be seen from the fact that when he used the [Peak Death Experience Card], the system activated [Sifengyuan Ye Yi Peak Free Play].

Ye Yi took the initiative to ask him to teach him how to fight for nothing, which he would definitely wish for in normal times.

It's just what's up with this strange "tool man" sense of sight?

...... cut......

PS. At the end of last month, the sun passed once, and the fever started to subside on the 30th. Apart from losing the sense of smell and coughing and wheezing, I feel much better.

As a result, after eating a pot of maocai at night, I started to cough violently, feeling as if my lungs were about to be coughed out.

Then I started to have a headache when I coughed and coughed, and it didn't get better until I slept.

It seems that you really can’t be careless before you get better. It’s better to have a light diet. Let’s learn from my lesson...

Chapter 54 I'm Sorry Kisuke Urahara

Faced with Ye Yi's proposal, although she was suspected of being a "tool man", Nagasawa Ya had no reason to refuse.

After all, learning skills from Yamamoto is really learning skills.

He is learning skills with Ye Yi, although he is also serious about learning skills, but in terms of eye-catching, how can Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni compare with Ye Yi?

Well-developed chest muscles?

The two temporarily set the practice time to the night of every time Yamamoto gave a lecture to Nagasawa Masa.

As for the daily training, this thing mainly depends on perseverance. It took Yeyi almost less than 5 minutes to arrange the content of the daily training according to Nagasawa Ya's physical fitness.

Don't mention the boring way of exercising.

Masa Nagasawa is really eager to be like Saitama teacher, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10-kilometer long-distance running every day, and can break through the limit without turning on the air conditioner no matter how hot it is.

Of course, it's even better if you can keep your hair.

It's a pity that when he proposed the Saitama training method to Ye Yi with even a little fantasy, the answer he got was the other party's snort.

And said that this level of training, even Feng Shaoling could easily complete it when she first joined the criminal army.

So, he gave up.

Although he didn't know how many years Feng Shaoling had joined the criminal army, but so far, the other party showed no signs of hair loss at all.

After arranging Nagasawa Ya's daily training content, Yeyi was ready to leave.

According to her, the training of basic skills depends on personal persistence. She is very busy as the captain, and she doesn't have the time to stare at Nagasawa doing basic training every day.

Of course, listening to her tone, Nagasawa had reason to suspect that she simply felt that the basic training was too boring.

However, just as Ye Yi was about to leave, she suddenly turned her head and said as if she remembered something.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Speaking of which, I went to the first team to save you, but it's also true that Yuma wanted to see you. He said he wanted to thank you personally."

"It's okay, I'll go with you."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help being surprised.

Most of Shiba Yuma's body was cut off by Neutra, so he can pick up guests after only one night?

The level of medical treatment in the soul world has once again refreshed his three views.


Division [-], inpatient department.

On the way here, Nagasawa had already heard about Ye Yi.

Thanks to Neutra's superb knife skills, the incision on Shiba Yuma's wound was extremely smooth, and only a few damaged organs were simply replaced, and his lower body was reattached.

However, although what Shiba Yuma performed was just a "minor operation", it injured one of the most important parts of the spirit body, soul sleep.

Although it doesn't affect his continuing to serve as the captain, he is like a martial arts master with his dantian injured, and he may never be able to exert his full strength again.

Hearing this, even though she had already known the result in advance from the fate value acquisition interface, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but look dark.

But when Nagasawa and Masa came to Shiba Yuma's ward, they found that there were already three familiar and unfamiliar figures in the huge ward.

The reason why he said familiarity was because he knew all three people present.

Zhiba Yixin, Zhiba Haiyan, and Ukitake Shishiro are all familiar names.

The strangeness is because among the three people present, except Shishirou Ukitake, who had met him once, none of them knew him.

The three of them were obviously a little surprised by his arrival. It wasn't until Shiba Yuma, who was lying on the hospital bed, greeted him enthusiastically, that Shiba Isshin and Shiba Haiyan realized that Nagasawa Masa was the one who rescued Shiba Yuma people.

A look of gratitude appeared on the faces of the two of them almost instantly, and the extroverted Zhibo Yixin rushed directly in front of Nagasawa Ya, grabbed his hand, and spoke earnestly and quickly.

"Is it you who saved Dad?"

"Thank you so much!"

"Oh, that's right, you don't know us yet, do you?"

"Captain Ukitake, I won't introduce too much. You must know him too. My name is Shiba Isshin. That guy over there is my nephew, Shiba Haiyan."

"You don't know what Haiyan and I looked like when we saw my father's miserable state yesterday. It was so miserable that Haiyan even started to wipe away tears."

Zhiba Yixin's character, emmmm......

How should I put it, I looked at Zhibo Yixin who had a nose and tears in front of me, and then looked at the other side with a helpless expression on his forehead. He seemed to be about the same age as Zhibo Yixin, but his face was full of maturity. Zhibo Haiyan.

Nagasawa could only sigh silently.

Seniority is such an amazing thing...

Because Masa Nagasawa was Shiba Yuma's savior, the few of them quickly chatted.

Masa Nagasawa also took advantage of the time of chatting to sneak a look at Shiba Haiyan, who was seven or eight points similar to Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ukitake Shishiro, who was kind and honest, always like a gentle brother.

He clearly remembered another identity of Shishirou Ukitake, the right hand of King Ling.

If the fate of Shishirou Ukitake could be changed, how much fate would it be worth?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help getting closer to Shishiro Ukitake during the conversation.

However, when several people were chatting enthusiastically, a discordant voice broke the peaceful atmosphere and instantly resounded throughout the Seiling Court.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Emergency alert, emergency alert!"

"There are intruders appearing in Seireitei, all teams please go to the defensive positions immediately!"


"Emergency alert, emergency alert!"

"There are intruders appearing in Seireitei, all teams please go to the defensive positions immediately!"

The sudden siren sounded suddenly, which shocked everyone present.

In particular, Ukitake Toshiro and Shiba Yuma, who are veteran captains, looked at each other subconsciously, and both of them saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes.

How many years have there been no invaders in Seiling Court, even if they have lived for hundreds of years, they can't remember.

However, in the next second, a roar like a wild beast seemed to cross the entire Seiling Court, reaching everyone's ears.

"Call me that bastard named Kisuke Urahara!"

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This is to seek revenge?

To be honest, they have never heard of the name Urahara Kisuke.

After all, there are so many people in the Guarding Thirteenth Team, it is quite remarkable to be able to recognize the members of your own team.

Only Ye Yi and Nagasawa Ya had weird expressions on their faces.

Ye Yi was surprised because Kisuke Urahara was the third member of her team, and also the captain of the third stealth mobile unit, Kanli team.

In her opinion, Urahara Kisuke is an extremely low-key person, and it is unlikely that he will have enemies.

Nagasawa, on the other hand, scratched her nose a little embarrassingly.

He felt as though he knew who the intruder was...

...... cut......

PS. I'm so nervous after it's put on the shelves, dear readers of Qiuqiu, please subscribe automatically after reading √ woo woo woo woo.

Thank you for your support!

Chapter 55 Helping Others Chang Zeya

"Kisuke Urahara, stop hiding, get out!"


In the Seiling Court, roars like wild beasts continued to sound, and the domineering Reiatsu raged around like a tornado.

With Saraki Kenpachi as the arrow, Kusaka Yachiryu as the center, Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yuki as the two wings, they are constantly breaking through the defense line of Gotei [-] in a formation like a front and arrow formation, leaving behind Down a ground of ruins.

The Zaragi Kenpachi who was raised up like a peerless beast.

Facing such Zaraki Kenpachi, let alone an ordinary shinigami, even the high-ranking officials in the Gotei Thirteenth Team have almost no one-on-one enemies.

However, looking at the back of Zaraki Kenpachi who is constantly advancing, and the increasingly stronger opponents around him, Madarame, who is following behind him, is waving the Zanpakuto he snatched, and at the same time, he is a little worried. asked aloud.

"Hey, is it really okay for us to break into Seireitei like this?"

Although since defeating Saragi Kenpachi, Madarame Kazukaku has a desire to pursue his side, eager to die by his side.

But compared to dying in battle, he more or less felt wronged to come to Seireitei to seek death.

But in the face of his question, Yaqianliu couldn't help but ask doubtfully, who had knocked down a group of gods of death with just punches and kicks.

"Are you afraid of the bald guy? Kosaragi is happy now."

This time, Yaqianliu can be said to have stabbed the pain point in the corner of Madarame.

In just a split second, veins appeared one after another on the forehead that was so bright at the corner of Madara's eyes. He had a bad temper, and directly retorted loudly.

"Afraid of a ghost!"

"And how many times have I told you, don't call me a bald boy!"

Hearing this, Yaqianliu couldn't help tilting his head slightly after knocking out a god of death, and then revealed a sweet smile, and responded softly.

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