"Okay bald guy."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

"You stinky bastard!"

One corner of Madarame was angry.

Looking at Madarame Kazukaku and Kusaka Yachiryu who were fighting and fighting, Yumi Ayasegawa who was on the side dealt with the attacking Shinigami while showing an aunt's smiling expression.


On the other side, on a certain high tower in Seireitei, Nagasawa Masahiro and Ye Yizheng are lying on the eaves like snipers aiming at their prey, ready to kill with one blow. Go up, silently observing Saraki Kenpachi and the others who are advancing indiscriminately below.

Seeing Kenpachi Saragi rushing left and right, as if he had entered a land of no one, even the battle-hardened Yoruichi couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.

"Wu... This is really a ferocious beast. I don't know how that guy Kisuke offended such a monster."

Hearing this, Nagasawa shrank her head a little guilty.

But in the next second, Nagasawa straightened her neck quite stiffly.

No, why am I so cowardly?

I did this to make friends with Kisuke Urahara, it's all for his own good!

A person who works hard and has no strength and scientific research ability, but can only be a prison head in a gloomy nest of maggots, this is too inferior.

If Zaraki Kenpachi was not allowed to fight him and let him show off, how would old man Shan know that he has the strength to be the captain?

This is not to cheat him.

I do it all for his own good and to help others!

Thinking of this, Nagasawa first glanced at Ye Yi beside him, and after confirming that the other party didn't notice the fleeting strangeness on his face, she continued with a rather stiff voice.

"I said, as the captain of the second division, is it really okay for you not to go back and command the defense?"

"Old Man Shan will be angry if he finds out."

Hearing this, Ye Yi couldn't help but smile contemptuously, and she, who was watching vigorously, sneered without looking back.

"Haha, I just became a disciple, and Old Man Shan is already shouting?"

"And you are right. As the third seat of the Sixth Division guarding Noble Street, you will not stay in the station honestly at this time. Be careful that the dead wood master will pick your skin."

Hearing Ye Yi's ridicule, Nagasawa couldn't help curling her lips.

Although he admitted that Saraki Kenpachi is indeed very strong, even stronger than the last time he fought against him, but he still doesn't feel that Saragi Kenpachi is capable of pushing Seireitei at this time.

Dang even choked back.

"Tch, if he can push all the way to Noble Street like this, I will take your last name."

Hearing this, Yoruichi seemed to suddenly become interested. He didn't even look at the excitement below, turned his head and teased with interest.

"Hey, you figured it out so quickly. Are you ready to marry me into Sifengyuan's house?"

"Shifengyuan Masami?"

Listening to the words coming from his ears, Nagasawa immediately raised his brows.

"Go away, the child must have my last name no matter what."

After getting along with Ye Yi for a long time, Masa Nagasawa also gradually became familiar with the way of getting along with each other, but when the two were laughing and laughing, the following Saraki Kenpachi and his party met the one who had been with them since they broke into Seireitei. The first trouble.

The captain of the [-]th squad, Kiyanjo Kenpachi, has already led his team to stand in front of Saraki Kenpachi and his party.

Looking at Oniganjo Kenpachi and Saraki Kenpachi who were already fighting together, Yoruichi couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Speaking of which, this guy's Reiatsu feels a bit familiar. It looks like the resident of Liuhun Street who fought against you in Caolu District last time?"

During the rebel battle a month ago, Kenpachi Zaraki's intrusion left a deep impression on everyone present.

As the vice-captain of the Second Division, Nozomi Ohmaeda was naturally interested in him. He not only created a file for him in the secret mobile unit, but also drew his appearance and put it in the file.

If not for some reasons, the secret mobile force did not include Zaraki Kenpachi as a rebel faction, I am afraid that the criminal army would have been arranged to attack him.

Of course, the probability of death is higher.

And although Ye Yi is also a hands-off shopkeeper, he is still quite concerned about such a big event. Naturally, he has read Zaraki Kenpachi's file.

Seeing Nagazeya on the side nodding in agreement, she couldn't help but wonder.

"You have fought against the two guys below, who do you think will win?"

Nagasawa couldn't help showing a weird look.

"Are you serious?"

"How could Gui Yancheng be that guy's opponent? The difference is too much."

Ye Yi immediately became unconvinced.

"Although Gui Yancheng picked up the leak and became the new Kenpachi because the previous generation Kenpachi was too weak, but he is also a captain after all, right?"

"Aren't you underestimating captain-level powerhouses?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa curled her lips noncommittally, but did not answer Yeyi.

Because of the off-court battle, the winner will soon be decided.


PS.1. It's not that I don't want to explode the update, part-time writers are really too hard, I will work hard, write more tonight, if there is no update, at least three updates tomorrow.

PS.2. Subscription is a bit miserable, don't abandon me woo woo woo woo!

Chapter 56 Special Combat Power II

While Masa Nagasawa and Yaichi were laughing and laughing, the battle between Kenpachi Saragi and Kenpachi Oniyanjo had entered a fierce stage.

Zaragi Kenpachi's fighting style still didn't have any bells and whistles at all, what was there was just a vigorous slash that was heavier than the other.

However, it is such a simple and unpretentious fighting method, but it has defeated the ghost Yancheng sword that has already been undone.

Not only was a large sword with a ring-shaped head cut into holes, but there was no room to fight back.


Finally, with the sound of metal and iron crossing, the ring-headed broadsword in Gui Yancheng Jianba's hand snapped.

Immediately, there was the sound of sharp blades breaking through the body.

Blood gushed out from the wound, and Gui Yancheng Jian Baqiang, who fell in the pool of blood, supported his body, like a wounded beast, his eyes were full of anger and he roared in a low voice.

"But... damn it, if it weren't for the captain's order and the captain-level Shinigami couldn't escape under the soul-shielding film, how could I have lost to you!"

Kiiganjo Kenpachi, who was seriously injured and whose spiritual pressure was unstable, had lost the power of his swastika. In addition, he lost to the mere residents of Rukongai in the name of Kenpachi in front of everyone, and felt greatly embarrassed. He couldn't help but attribute his failure to the lack of explanation.

However, in the face of his incompetent rage, Saragi Kenpachi casually carried the blood-stained Asagi on his shoulders, looked down at Kiyanjo Kenpachi who fell on the ground, and replied in a deep voice with disdain: "Hey , If you lose, you lose, so there is so much nonsense."

"You bastard!!!"

Zaraki Kenpachi's words undoubtedly tore off the last fig leaf of Kiegashiro Kenpachi. Kiegashiro Kenpachi was so angry that he was ready to carry out the swastika at all costs.

Seeing this, Zaraki Kenpachi couldn't help but show a look of interest on his face.

Not only did he not have any plans to go forward to make up the knife, but he also stood quietly by the side, posing a posture of "you just transform, the stronger the better".

However, when Oni Yancheng Kenpachi forcibly increased his Reiatsu, a young man in a deadly outfit with messy hair like straw stood in the way between him and Saraki Kenpachi. between.

The young man who appeared suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Oni Yancheng Jianpachi's shoulder, and smiled softly at him with a smile on his face.

"Captain Gui Yancheng, this guy is coming for me, next, can I trouble you to let me handle it?"

Hearing this, Kiiganjo Kenpachi was stunned for a moment, and then became furious.

"Who do you think you are? You actually want to interfere in my battle. Don't be too presumptuous..."

However, before Kiegashiro Kenpachi had time to finish his words, he was about to stand up for a last-ditch effort when he suddenly found that he couldn't get up.

He subconsciously turned his head to the side and looked at the slender arm holding his shoulder.

Just one arm suppressed me, what kind of monster is this! ?

An unbelievable look instantly appeared in Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's eyes, and the strong shock even made his soaring spiritual pressure stagnate.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Facing Kenpachi Onigenjo's angry reprimand, the young man was not angry, he just patted Kenpachi Onigenjo on the shoulder with a smile, and then walked slowly towards Kenpachi Saragi under the surprised gaze of the other party.

Seeing a change of opponent, Saraki Kenpachi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and the disappointment was hard to hide on his face.

After all, he still had some unfinished business in the battle just now, and Gui Yancheng Jianpachi seemed to have some hole cards left, which really made him look forward to it.

Now it was suddenly replaced by a dry-looking yellow-haired boy, and he immediately became a little unhappy.

"Hey, it's not a good habit to meddle in other people's battles casually, you will die, boy."

With a bloodthirsty smile and the shinigami lying on the ground all around him, Zaraki Kenpachi's words were full of persuasion.

However, after hearing his words, the young man not only did not show any fear, but instead responded with a confused look on his face.

"But you obviously came to find me?"

Hearing this, Saraki Kenpachi's pupils shrank into needle-like shapes in an instant, and even the disappointment that had been on his face before was swept away in an instant.

"So, you are Kisuke Urahara!"

"I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Without any hesitation, Saraki Kenpachi immediately stepped down, raised the Asagi in his hand, and slashed towards Kisuke Urahara.

And here Urahara Kisuke didn't dare to neglect Saraki Kenpachi who was like a berserker, even if he released his Zanpakuto.

"Wake up, Hongji!"


Still on the eaves of the tower, both Yoruichi and Masa Nagasawa looked surprised at the appearance of Urahara Kisuke.

However, it was obvious that Ye Yi was quite supportive of her own team members. Even if she made a mistake in her previous judgment on Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, she still chose to challenge Nagasawa Masa again.

I saw her pointing at Kisuke Urahara, who was in a group with Kenpachi Saraki below, and said with a bit of aggressiveness.

"How about it, the three seats in my team are not bad, right?"

"Let's see who can win this time?"

"Don't say I cheated, let me tell you secretly, Kisuke has mastered the swastika. Captain Yamamoto only stipulates that the captain-level shinigami cannot swastika under the soul mask, but there is no rule for ordinary officers, hehe."

This time, Nagasawa was a little silent.

Both Zaraki Kenpachi and Urahara Kisuke are evaluated by Yuhabach as the existence of "special combat power".

If it was purely a passionate exchange, Kisuke Urahara would definitely not be the opponent of Saragi Kenpachi.

But Kisuke Urahara has too many tricks to hold back.

Just a simple solution gave him a lot of fun, not to mention the various gizmos in his hand, as well as his troublesome swastika solution.

What's more, if the two of them were allowed to continue fighting like this, Zaraki Kenpachi would be in danger.

He didn't think Urahara Kisuke could kill Saragi Kenpachi.

Mainly within the scope of his perception, a scary old man is rushing here.

Although he didn't know how Zaraki Kenpachi joined the Gotei 46th team, but based on his understanding of Yamamoto and the group in Central Room [-], it must definitely not be in an intrusive way.

He didn't want to kill Saraki Kenpachi just because of a joke of his own.

Seeing that Kisuke Urahara has many tricks and Kenpachi Zaraki, who has been unable to attack for a long time, has gradually shown his true fire, Nagasawa Masaru felt that he could not continue like this.

Immediately, he ignored Ye Yi, and disappeared under the eaves amidst the other's surprised expression.

And when he reappeared, he suddenly appeared on the battlefield between Kisuke Urahara and Kenpachi Saragi.

...... cut......

PS. Try to write more today!

Chapter 57 Give me face

The battle between Zaraki Kenpachi and Urahara Kisuke has already begun to take shape of the "special memory combat power".

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