The berserk slashing and extravagant means made everyone present dazzled.


I don't know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva first to relieve the dry throat due to the shock, but it seemed to have opened up a chatterbox, which aroused heated discussions among the onlookers.

" it my illusion? Why do I think that guy named Kisuke Urahara is stronger than Captain Oniganjo?"

"It shouldn't be your illusion, because I think so too...he has too many methods!"

"Hey, don't you guys think it's because of this that the intruder is scary? When did Liuhun Street have such a number one person!?"

The voice of discussion is endless, and the battle between Saraki Kenpachi and Urahara Kisuke is becoming more and more fierce.

Obviously, just relying on these small means, even Kisuke Urahara, who has become a special combat power with endless unknown means, can't bear the battle with Saraki Kenpachi who has become more and more courageous.

After using the Xuexia Shield to block the Zaraki Sword Bayi Sword, and then stretched his figure again, he immediately put the Zanpakuto across his chest.

"Break apart, Hong Ji!"

In an instant, countless red light arrows shot out from the surface of the Xuexia Shield, and shot at Saragi Kenpachi who was attacking him again at an extremely fast speed.

Only this time, Kisuke Urahara was no longer prepared to defend passively.

The arrow of light shot by the Xuexia Shield is just a cover-up to hinder Saraki Kenpachi, the real ultimate move is his increasingly high spiritual pressure.

Kisuke Urahara is ready for the swastika.

However, just when he was about to raise the spiritual pressure to the extreme, an extremely abrupt figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the light arrow shot by his blood shield and the path of Saraki Kenpachi.

Seeing this, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help being shocked, and his pupils shrank to the size of a pinprick in an instant.

Zaraki Kenpachi's tyranny, through the fight just now, he has already understood clearly.

Don't look at the light arrows shot by his Xuexia Shield, it's just a delaying method for him to unravel, but it can be used as a delaying method for Saraki Kenpachi, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Looking at the man who rashly broke into the battle between the two, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Dangerous, run away!"

However, in the face of his reminder, the man who suddenly appeared between the two of them seemed unmoved. Even Zaraki Kenpachi, who was attacking him, had no intention of stopping swinging his sword.

He didn't even know if it was Kisuke Urahara's illusion. When that man appeared in the field very abruptly, he found that Kenpachi Saraki's eyes burst out with the same fiery gaze that he had when he was fighting him. .

But when the light arrow shot by the Xuexia Shield and Saragi Kenpachi's slashing attack attacked the man at the same time, the man slowly raised his arms.

I saw that one of his hands was in the shape of a palm, and the other hand was held in the air.

In the next second, when the light arrow of Xuexia Shield and Saragi Kenpachi's slash hit the man's hands at the same time, a huge cloud of smoke exploded, and the smoke filled the air.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, all the people present who saw the situation clearly were in an uproar.


"It''s Nagasawa's third seat from the Sixth Division!?"

"It's the Nagasawa third seat who walked alone in a dark alley and single-handedly killed the rebel army headed by many high-ranking officers."

"Yes, it's the one who loves you and doesn't kneel. In yesterday's crusade mission, he faced despair and killed the four-headed Achukas Nagasawa Sanshi by himself."

"Hey, why are you two singing!?"

"Strange, what kind of rhythm is this? How can it be so catchy?"

Regardless of the surrounding noise for the time being, the law of smoke without injury is staged again.

I saw Masa Nagasawa standing in the field, with the raised palm, the light arrow shot by the Xuexia Shield disappeared invisible, and his other hand was firmly holding Saraki Kenpachi's long sword. After a shallow fight on the battlefield.

With only one person's strength, he was inserted into the battle between the two strong men, how could this not surprise everyone present.

However, the most surprised person in the field was not the gods of death who were watching, nor Kisuke Urahara who was in the center of the battlefield, but Kenpachi Saragi who was held by Masa Nagasawa.

Unlike Kisuke Urahara, who is relatively far away from Masa Nagasawa, Kenpachi Saraki, who is in close contact with Masa Nagasawa, has more right to speak.

When the sharp blade in his hand slashed on the white palm of Nagasawa Yana, he didn't feel any feeling of hitting something real.

His knife seemed to stop within a short distance from Nagasawa Ya's palm, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make an inch of it.

The strong shock made Zaraki Kenpachi's pupils subconsciously shrink slightly, but in the next second, it turned into a stronger fighting spirit.

However, just when Saraki Kenpachi was about to draw his sword and attack again, Masa Nagasawa in front of him finally spoke.

"You two, give me some face, let's call it a day."

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara was taken aback for a moment, then scratched the back of his head which was messy like a straw, and then said embarrassingly.

"I have no problem, I'm just afraid that that person won't agree."

Obviously, if Zaraki Kenpachi hadn't named him to find him, he would not have been very willing to continue this somewhat inexplicable fight.

He still hasn't figured out how he offended Saraki Kenpachi.

It's just that contrary to Urahara Kisuke, Saraki Kenpachi, whose desire to fight has been completely ignited here, has no intention of stopping.

Since you can't cut it down, then cut it even harder!

Zaraki Kenpachi didn't have too many twists and turns in his mind, and in his opinion, there was nothing that couldn't be solved by chopping vigorously.

If so, then he must have cut it hard enough!

I saw him abruptly withdrawing the shallow blow that was blocked by Nagasawa Masa, and the violent Reiatsu was released to his heart's content in this second.

"You came just in time!"

"Although that yellow-haired man is also very strong, it's too boring to fight with him. Let's fight again!"

As if recalling the battle a month ago, a bloodthirsty smile instantly climbed onto Zaraki Kenpachi's face.

However, facing the berserk Saraki Kenpachi, Nagasawa Masa seemed extremely indifferent.

He knew that Saragi Kenpachi would not give him this face just because of his words.

I saw that he withdrew the palm that Ling Kong had held just now, raised a finger, and placed it on his chest.

"'Infinity' is everywhere, it's just that I bring it into reality with psychic power."

"'Convergence', 'divergence', guess what will happen after encountering this void?"

Accompanied by Nagasawaya's lazy words, in the next second, a small black ball emitting red light, which seemed to be devouring everything around, appeared at his fingertips.

The powerful spiritual pressure is constantly confining the energy, and the condensed energy makes people fearful just by looking at it.

"Spell Reversal Heh."

With the fall of his voice, a shock wave burst out suddenly, instantly devouring Saragi Kenpachi who swung his sword upwards.

...... cut......

PS. I am in a good state today, and I should be able to write. There is another chapter tonight.

Chapter 58 Captain, please allow me to quibble


【Reversal Technique · He】The huge repulsive force produced is like an enhanced version of Shenluo Tianzheng. With just one blow, Zaragi Kenpachi ejected like a football that was shot out until it knocked down. After seven or eight walls, it stopped just now.

Looking at Saraki Kenpachi, who was lying in the ruins and couldn't see him at all, whether it was Madarame Kazukaku or Ayasegawa Yukina, they all opened their mouths slightly, their faces full of disbelief.

They all watched the last battle between Nagazawa Masaru and Zaraki Kenpachi.

Although Nagasawa Masa at that time was superior to Saraki Kenpachi in terms of spiritual pressure and swordsmanship, but they had never thought of knocking Saraki Kenpachi into the air as lightly as they are now.

Has it grown to such an extent just because they haven't seen each other for a month?

What kind of monster is this?

However, if Nagasawa knew what the two of them were thinking, they would probably just scoff.

Masa Nagasawa at this time is very different from the last time she fought against Kenpachi Saragi.

In the last fight, although he had the blessing of the peak death experience card, when he rushed to the Caolu District, he accumulated huge injuries.

At that time, he was fighting with an injury rate exceeding 1000%.

If I had to make an analogy, it would be like a basketball player with torn Achilles tendons and cruciate ligaments in both legs, severe groin strains, biceps and triceps injuries, and at the same time suffering from acute appendicitis and a constantly damaged body. .

In this state, even if it is replaced by LeBron James or Michael Jordan, even if they only play in the CBA, they will have to suffer a few big blows.

And now he, the Gojo Satoru experience card plus the [Three-Day Injury Immunity Card], endless means and a 100% healthy body, are enough for him to beat this Saragi Kenpachi who has not yet reached his peak at this time.

However, shortly after he blasted Saraki Kenpachi into the air, a terrifying Reiatsu several levels stronger than Saraki Kenpachi suddenly appeared behind him.

Ahh, the scary old man is here.

There is no need to look back at Nagasawa to know that Mr. Yamamoto is walking towards them slowly with invincible steps.

What shocked Nagasawa even more was that Yamamoto's already extremely strong spiritual pressure was constantly rising step by step along with his progress.

That kind of feeling, as if you can't see where the other party's limit is.

The crutch in his hand had already turned into a Taidao with a dark purple handle. Yamamoto, who came with the sword, was obviously not in a good mood.

"How many years..."

"This old man can't remember the last time an intruder invaded Seireitei."

"You little fellows are very courageous."

Originally, because of some moths made by some people in the central room 46, the mood was disturbed, and the seilingting, which had been peaceful and peaceful for hundreds of years, suddenly appeared an intruder.

Yamamoto, who was a little angry, was worried that he had no place to vent his anger. Zaraki Kenpachi and his group were really on the receiving end of a gun.

Feeling the pressure from Yamamoto, the backs of Kazume Madarame and Yumi Ayasegawa were drenched in cold sweat almost instantly.

The murderous Reiatsu that had been cultivated by the battlefield for a long time made them feel as if they were standing naked in the blizzard.

It made their teeth shudder uncontrollably.

But even so, the two still resisted the fear in their hearts and blocked Yamamoto's path towards Saragi Kenpachi.

Seeing Yamamoto walking towards them step by step, Madarame couldn't help spitting, and whispered to himself with his dry throat.

"Okay...what a terrible sense of oppression!"

"What kind of monster is this old man!?"

He thought Zaraki Kenpachi was strong enough, but the monsters that appeared one after another kept refreshing his cognition.

However, just when Madarame Kazuki and Ayasegawa Yuki pulled out the stolen Zanpakutō, determined to risk their lives to protect Zarakiken, they suddenly discovered that the unparalleled sense of coercion seemed to be Disappeared in an instant.

When they came back to their senses, they found that the man who had just blown away their leader was standing in front of them, looking at the scary old man with a playful smile on his face.

"Captain, I think you may have misunderstood something, they are not intruders."

Masa Nagasawa's words made Yamamoto's expression stunned for a moment, and even with the rising spiritual pressure, there was a brief pause at this moment.


Seeing that Masa Nagasawa seemed to have something to say, seemed to be thinking of the young man with a playful smile in front of him, or the disciple he had just accepted not long ago, Yamamoto's eyes that were slightly closed could not help but slightly opened, staring at Nagasawa Ya asked slowly.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yamamoto's bottom line has not been touched, and there is still room for sophistry.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya hurriedly organized the words in her heart, and then spoke.

"Remember the group of rebels in Caolu District last month?"

"After I solved those rebels, I met this guy."

"Well, it's the one lying over there."

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa pointed to Kenpachi Saragi who fell in the ruins and was stunned by his reversal technique, and then continued.

"He's a really strong guy."

"Even I am only slightly better than him."

As she said that, Nagasawa did not forget to raise her right hand and pinch her index finger with her thumb, revealing a little gap between her fingers to show that the gap is really only a little bit.

"It would be too wasteful for such a fierce general to be placed on Liuhun Street, so I thought of a way to let him come to Seireitei on his own initiative."

"It turns out that my method is quite useful."

Hearing this, Yamamoto's brows were slightly raised.

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