However, what he didn't know was how much "trouble" Tsunayashiro Toki had caused because of his "negligence".

I don't know if he was afraid that Masa Nagasawa would repent, but Toki Tsunayashiro moved much faster than he imagined.

That is, on the afternoon after the four major families took refuge in Masa Nagasawa, Tsunayashiro Toki, who hastily appease the affiliated family, organized a new session of the Central Room 46 Group as the "Great Sage" of the Central Room 46 Meeting.

There was only one topic for the meeting, and it was proposed to grant Nagasawa the title of "Superior Noble".

When Tsunayashiro Toki raised this issue, except for the members of the Tsunayashiro family, people from other major families were dumbfounded.

Didn't Nagasawa just kill your ancestor?

It's fine if you don't retaliate, but you also gave the other party the title of "Superior Noble"?

Are you OK?

Even the two elders who are friends with Masa Nagasawa and represent the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family as the great sages in Room 46 of the Central Committee looked at Toki Tsunayashiro with some doubts.

They are all old silver coins... Ahem, they are all old politicians. Almost in an instant, he made up many possibilities in his mind.

In the end, the two most likely options remained in his mind.

One, the Tsunayashiro family was defeated and compromised with Masa Nagasawa.

Second, the Tsunayashiro family tried to give Masa Nagasawa the status of a "superior nobleman" to make the Brotherhood of Death under his control alienated and collapsed in an ant's nest!

They have fought against the Tsunayashiro family for hundreds of years, but they know the nature of the Tsunayashiro family too well, and they subconsciously rejected the first option.

"No, the Tsunayashiro family's conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed. Once Mr. Nagasawa is given the title of 'superior nobleman', no matter whether he accepts it or not, he will release a kind of 'obsessed' to the Brotherhood of Death and even the entire soul world." The signal of "recruiting security" must not be allowed to happen!"

The elders of the Kuchiki family and the elders of the Sifengyuan family immediately made up their minds. After a brief exchange of eyes, they all turned their gazes to the old man sitting behind the "Lu" seat.

This is one of the only two elders of the Shiba family who are still in the central room 46.

But regardless of the weakness of the Zhiba family, there are only two seats in the central room 46, but one of the seats is one of the only six "great sages" in the central room 46.

As the "great sage" of the Central Office 46, he is qualified to call the Central Office 46 to organize meetings and propose issues.

The other forty "sages" only have the right to vote and participate in the discussion. If they want to raise an issue, they have to review it layer by layer. When at least two "great sages" initially confirm that the issue can be discussed at the meeting, they will not discuss it. Eligible to bring the proposal to the meeting for discussion.

It's just that because of Zhiba Haiyan's decision, the Zhiba family has gradually faded out of the power center of the soul world in recent years. This elder has become a small transparent in the central room 46. He has never called any meetings, and has not published any opinions. Opinion only.

It's just that today is different from the past, since the Shiba family participated in the cannibalization of the Tsunayashiro family and officially announced their return to the power center of the soul world.

The little old man who dozed off at the meeting all day seemed to be rejuvenated. Not only was he surprisingly not sleeping, but he was frowning tightly, as if he was analyzing the pros and cons of the topic proposed by Toki Tsunayashiro.

At this time, he suddenly noticed the looks from the Kuchiki family and the Shifengin family, and he was also shocked.

Immediately, he looked at the two with some uncertainty, until he saw the two nodding their heads and showing affirmative expressions, his face instantly became gloomy.

The damn Tsunayashiro family knows how to play these tricks!

If you want to say who hates the Tsunayashiro family the most in Seireitei, no, even in the entire Soul World, it must be the Shiba family.

Although there is no evidence, without exception, the Shiba family has long engraved the almost extinct hatred on the Tsunayashiro family.

If it was in the past, if the Patriarch had no intention of fighting and only wanted to protect his family, he would just let it go and let the Tsunayashiro family do their best.

As long as he stands on the last post, he doesn't care much about whether he will die in an assassination or whether his seat belonging to Shiba's family will be deprived.

But now it's different!

Although the patriarch is young, he is no longer trapped by the demons in his heart, and leads the Shiba family back to Seireitei.

He is very grateful to Nagasawa Masa who rescued Shiba Haiyan from the demon and extended a helping hand when Shiba's family was in the most difficult time.

At the same time, he also knew very well that Nagasawa Masaru was the key to whether the Shiba family could regain a foothold in Soul Society.

As a veteran of the family, he devoted his whole life to the Shiba family.

From a young man to an octogenarian, he has witnessed the Zhibo family from glory to decline.

At this time, seeing the family he had fought for all his life, finally showing signs of revival, he will never allow the "evil" Tsunayashiro family to kick the Shiba family into the abyss again!

At this moment, the way he looks at Tsunayashiro Tokito is somewhat different.

In his eyes, Tsunayashiro Toki, who is old but still graceful, dressed in luxurious clothes, is like an old fox with a fox tail and a fake smile on his face, so hideous!

Thinking of this, he immediately returned a firm look to the elders of the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family.

The Tsunayashiro family must not be allowed to do anything detrimental to Mr. Nagasawa!

Soon, after a commotion, the voting session started in Room 46 of the Central Committee.

Seeing that under his signal, the elders of the head and branch of the Tsunayashiro family took the lead in raising the voting cards with the word "agree".

Seeing this, Tsunayashiro Tokito couldn't help but raise a smug smile.

Room 46 in the center is controlled by the "Five Great Nobles". Aside from the family that focuses on hell, it has no intention of participating in the struggle in the world of ghosts and souls.

The Tsunayashiro family, the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family held almost all the votes.

Even in order to demonstrate the so-called "fairness", Room 46 of the Central Committee gave these four votes to three well-known middle-level nobles and one "sage" in opposition.

The three ballots belonging to the middle-level nobles are still in his hands. This is a secret that even Yamamoto doesn't know.

Although he also knows that the current Tsunayashiro family is fluctuating, the reason why he convened this meeting immediately after hastily appease everyone is to complete the meeting before the subordinate families have completely fallen to the other three families. The agreement with Masa Nagasawa to preserve the Tsunayashiro family.

It has to be said that although Tsunayashiro Toki does not have the all-or-nothing courage of his father, in terms of cunning and scheming to survive in troubled times, there is not much difference.

Sure enough, the years of superior-subordinate relations made those nobles who had not yet completely turned to the other three families, after weighing the pros and cons, still choose to support the proposal put forward by Tokito Tsunayashiro.

The rising "consent votes" is the best result.

From Tsunayashiro Tokito's point of view, this so-called voting is simply superfluous.

Now that the votes have not yet been given to Masa Nagasawa, the Tsunayashiro family, who has more than half of the votes, holds the absolute right to speak in the Central Room 46! accident happened at this time.




Just when those affiliated families of the Tsunayashiro family hesitated and slowly raised the "agree" cards, ballot cards with the words "disagree" were written one after another like mushrooms after rain.

Seeing this, Tsunayashiro Tokitoko was stunned.

what happened?

Why did the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family choose "disagree"?

Aren't they with Nagasawa Masa! ?

Horrified, the corners of Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's mouth, which was still smiling just now, opened slightly because of excessive surprise.

I kept thinking in my heart, these three nobles...could they want to kick Nagasawa away and have fun by themselves?

The look of surprise and uncertainty kept flickering in his eyes.

In an instant, his brain seemed to start a brainstorm, and it started to work quickly.

If the three nobles really want to kick Masa Nagasawa away...

Losing the support of the three nobles and fighting alone, is Nagasawa Masa worth paying such a heavy price to please the Tsunayashiro family?

However, after thinking about it for less than half a second, Tsunayashiro Toki had the answer in his heart.


The reason why he was willing to surrender to Nagasawa Masa in all aspects and put forward various favorable conditions was because he had the intention of embarrassment for Nagasawa Masa, but in the final analysis, he was really frightened by Nagasawa Masa.

Over the years, this is not the first time that the Tsunayashiro family has faced the besieged by the three nobles, but Masa Nagasawa just put the Yan Luo Jingdian on the table, and even raised his hand in his heart to touch it. I dare not think of my own "family heirloom".

At that moment, he realized.

Go along with Nagasawa Masa, go against Nagasawa Masa!

He didn't have his father's courage, and he didn't dare to confront Nagasawa Masago.

Then you can only stay down and be small, lower your posture!

...... cut......

PS. Last night, I watched the live-action TV series under the next person. Although there are some adaptations, Zhang Lingyu's makeup is also a bit of a drama, but white hair is difficult to control, which is also understandable.

Overall, it feels surprisingly good.

I feel like I can see it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After thinking about this, I looked at the "disagree" ballots that were constantly being raised.

Although he knew that if the issue failed to pass, it would definitely not be his fault, but Toki Tsunayashiro couldn't imagine what kind of outrage he would face after he failed to reach the agreement with Masa Nagasawa.

In his opinion, Masa Nagasawa is a person who has both great strength and superb wisdom, and he can be said to be exhaustive.

The three nobles joined forces to veto his proposal in order to burn bridges across the river and strive for greater benefits.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely, and glanced at the eyes of the three elders of the nobles, showing a rare "fierce" look.

No matter what your purpose is.

This time, the Tsunayashiro family will not press the wrong treasure again!

With 25 votes in hand, how can you beat me?

Do you have enough tickets? ?

It's just that Tsunayashiro Tokito didn't know about it. He had calculated thousands of times, but he missed a possibility.

That is Masa Nagasawa, who has never gotten along with the three nobles at all!

In order to please Nagasawa Masa, his efficiency was beyond Nagasawa Masa's imagination!

And when they saw the "fierce" eyes swept by King Tsunayashiro, the elders of the three nobles were also shocked, and at the same time confirmed their previous thoughts, and sneered in their hearts.

Hmph, finally showing the fox tail! ?

The elders of the Shiba family, who had been grudges for a long time, widened their eyes and stared back fiercely, not giving any face to Tsunayashiro Tokito.

A strong smell of gunpowder seemed to fill the air in an instant, causing the elders around them who had finished voting and secretly observed the boss's face to shrink their necks subconsciously, and withdrew their gazes.

Don't dare to watch, don't dare to watch, the struggle between the bosses is really too cruel!






For a time, the approval votes and the veto votes were like a tug-of-war, chasing each other and constantly rising.

Finally, seeing the number of "disagree" votes that were clearly behind, the elders of the three nobles were the first to be unable to sit still.

The three of them exchanged glances quickly, and almost at the same time, they raised the ballots in their hands.

"Disagree!" X3

In an instant, the number of veto votes exceeded the approval votes for the first time, taking the leading position by one vote.

Seeing this, Tsunayashiro Toki's complexion immediately became gloomy again.

These three nobles are determined to prevent Mr. Nagasawa from entering Room 46 in the center!

Seeing this situation, he no longer hesitated and winked at the other two "great sages" who had been motionless.

"Agreed!" X3

The remaining three "Great Sages" including Tsunayashiro Tokito instantly overtook the approval vote again!

At the same time, as the "great sages" joined the battlefield, the voting instantly entered a white-hot stage.

Finally, after 3 minutes, the number of votes stopped and continued to rise.

Looking at the counted votes, Tsunayashiro Toki, who was supposed to be winning, couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face.

As for the elders of the three nobles, an unconcealable joy appeared on their faces.


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