The votes were tied!

According to the rules of procedure of Room 46 of the Central Committee, if there is a tie, the issue will be re-voted three days later. If there is another tie, the issue will be put on hold and discussed again at a later date.

Although they have not won against the Tsunayashiro family, for the three nobles, a draw is enough!

For a moment, Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

He, who has always been restrained, glanced at everyone in the meeting room one by one with a rare look full of oppression, and roared in a low voice.


"Who didn't vote!?"

At the same time, after hearing his words, the elders of the three major families nervously searched for the two people who had not voted.

22 + = 22 44

The Tsunayashiro family held 25 votes, and the 46 central chambers had a total of 46 votes. However, in the voting results, the three nobles got one more vote on the basis of the 21 votes they could fight for.

In other words, in addition to one affiliated family that originally stood with the Tsunayashiro family, it has completely moved to the side of the three nobles, and there are two affiliated families that have begun to sway on the fence!

Tsunayashiro Tokito thought his speed was fast enough, but unexpectedly he was still one step behind.

Now, the only thing he can count on is to win as many votes as possible for those two fencers.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Have you started to waver before you are fully ready to betray your old master?

Doing so will only make the old owner resentful and the new owner suspicious.

He wants to see who dares to make such a stupid move at this time.

His eyes swept over everyone, and when he and the elders of the three major families all looked at Guangsheng Ma'an, who represented the Ma'an family, and Sharo Sakurai, who represented his father to attend the meeting, the expressions of the four people were astonishing. It's all changed.

"The Ma'an family and the Sakurai family?"

The same thought instantly appeared in the minds of the four of them.

The elders of the three major families looked at each other, and then they all shook their heads lightly, indicating that the other party did not fall to their side.

Immediately, he cried out in his heart, and looked at Tsunayashiro Toki with a gloomy expression.

These two families are affiliated families of the Tsunayashiro family!

And looking at the two who have not raised their placards for a long time, a flash of understanding flashed in Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's eyes.

The Ma An family lost their eldest daughter in that battle.

As for the eldest son of the Sakurai family, he is still lying at home, unable to get up, because of the harm he passed on to Prince Tsunayashiro Rei.

It is normal for these two families to hesitate whether to betray the Tsunayashiro family, and Tsunayashiro Toki can also understand it.

It's just... not now!

Thinking of this, the enlightenment in his eyes gradually turned into a stern look.


I saw him slamming the table in front of him, standing up suddenly, pointing at the two of them and yelling.

"Maan Mitsusei, and the girl from the Sakurai family, what do you mean!?"

"I don't know the votes for Room 46 of the Central Committee, so I can't abstain from voting!?"

" you treat this place like some kind of child's play!?"

"Do you know what you are doing to the Tsunayashiro family of the main family!?"

Tsunayashiro Toki's four consecutive questionings were loud and loud, as if they had transformed into invisible sharp knives, and landed on the bodies of Ma'an Kosei and Sakurai Sharo.

The two of them looked pale and shaky.

He knew very well that to deal with the fence-riding faction, he needed to use thunderous means to strengthen the opponent's will.

Although it may cause such and other consequences due to overly severe measures, for Tsunayashiro Toki at this time, as long as he has today's results, that's enough!

This favor must be from him to Nagasawa!

At the same time when Tsunayashiro Toki uttered the words of scolding, the elders of the three nobles also instantly understood.

The Saddle family and the Sakurai family can fight for each other!

For a moment, the eyes of the three elders lit up.

As the elder of the Kuchiki family who can stand against the Tsunayashiro family, he was the first to speak.

"Ma An, and the girls of the Sakurai family, don't be afraid. Central Room 46 is the highest decision-making body in the soul world. It upholds fairness and justice. No one can threaten you here."

It seemed that what the elders of the Kuchiki family said was not thoughtful enough, so the elders of the Sifengyuan family hurriedly added a sentence.

"Outside too!"

Seeing that the two elders had finished speaking, and that their own strength had just recovered a little bit, and they did not have the capital to make the promise to the two "superior nobles", the elders of the Zhibo family just nodded heavily, expressing their agreement, and at the same time, The two cast two kind eyes.

Hearing the scolding and soothing that came from his ears, Sakurai Sharo suddenly panicked, and looked towards Ma An Guangsheng as if asking for help.

She just came to the meeting for her father who couldn't get up.

Before leaving the house, her father even patted his chest and told her, just follow the crowd and vote, it's just one vote, it doesn't matter.

But ah...

Why is there such a situation where the crucial right to choose falls in one's own hands?

And it's also about the new owner of the Sakurai family, Masa Nagasawa!

Not knowing how to deal with it, she subconsciously sought help.

The only person she could be considered acquainted with was the only one who visited Nagasawa together in the morning, and she was already regarded as the saddle Guangsheng standing under the "same camp".

However, at this time, Ma'an Guangsheng completely ignored Sakurai Sara's look for help.

At this moment, he is extremely confused.

What the hell is going on? This is it! ? ! ? ! ?

He had just announced his father's crime at Tsunayashiro time in the morning and swore allegiance to Nagasawa Masaru as quickly as possible. In the afternoon, at Tsunayashiro time, he held a meeting to grant Nagasawa the title of "higher noble".

He has always had a keen sense of smell, and he vaguely sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

In his opinion, giving Nagasawa the title of "higher noble" is a great thing!

Although the Maan family and the Sakurai family took the lead in joining Nagasawa Masaru, the two "higher-level nobles" and the two "mid-level nobles" joined the common people. Even in the long history of Soul Society, this is quite explosive. situation.

It is not too much to call it "the shame of the nobility".

The last time this kind of thing happened was back when the "Five Great Nobles" swore allegiance to the Spirit King together.

When he made the decision to join the team and persuaded the other three companies, he also made great determination.

But if Masa Nagasawa was also a "superior nobleman", the result would be quite different.

It is perfectly normal for a "weak" family to swear allegiance to a "strong" family.

In any case he should not have cast a veto.

It wasn't until the three nobles joined forces to oppose the issue proposed by Toki Tsunayashiro that he, who had always regarded the three nobles as "his own people" by default, slowly came to his senses.

Could it be that Tsunayashiro is really trying to harm Lord Nagasawa?

...... cut......

PS. Finish writing early and go to see Fengshen, I hope I won’t be disappointed~~

Chapter 46: Masahiro Nagasawa takes charge of Room [-] of the Central Committee!

How to do?

How to choose?

Ma An Guangsheng felt that he was really about to burst.

He was Masa Nagasawa who had only joined in the morning. Strictly speaking, no one present except Sharo Sakurai knew about it.

That is to say, the Tsunayashiro family still thinks that he is a subsidiary family of their own, but they hesitated because of what King Tsunayashiro did.

The three nobles regarded his hesitation as dissatisfaction with the Tsunayashiro family, and tried their best to win him over.

He can see it all.

But the problem is, he is now a man of Nagasawa Ya!

As an affiliated family working under Nagasawa Masa, he needs to make the choice that is most beneficial to the main family.

This was originally a very simple multiple-choice question. He only needed to stand on the same side as the three nobles.

After all, not to mention the Shiba family and the Sifengin family, the Kuchiki family has always been on Nagasawa's side from the beginning to the end.

In particular, the current head of the Kuchiki family, Sojun Kuchiki, said those astonishing words that have been talked about by many nobles until now at the succession ceremony of the head of the family, in front of all the guests.

"Masa Nagasawa is my best brother. Without Masa Nagasawa, I would not be where I am today. Masa Nagasawa and Masa Nagasawa's family will be friends of the Kuchiki family forever."

The Kuchiki family has always been hailed as the "benchmark of nobility", and Kuchiki Aojun is known as the "best heir" of the Kuchiki family for nearly a thousand years.

Logically speaking, he could unconditionally trust the Kuchiki family's judgment.

Thinking of this, his gaze subconsciously looked in the direction of the elder Kuchiki's family.

Looking at Ma An Guangsheng's eyes, the three nobles were immediately overjoyed.

This hesitant look in his eyes fully proves the struggle in the other party's heart. With a little effort, he will definitely be able to win over the Ma'an family's votes.

Thinking of this, the elder of the Kuchiki family hurriedly spoke.

"Master of the saddle, you can rest assured!"

"I can use the head on my neck to guarantee that what I said before is definitely not a lie!"

The words of the elder Kuchiki's family were righteous and stern, and at the same time looked uprightly at Tsunayashiro Toki, whose complexion became more and more gloomy.

That appearance seemed to say "he will never succeed in the evil plot of the Tsunayashiro family".

It's just that this gaze fell on Tsunayashiro Tokito's eyes, but it was tantamount to a naked provocation.

Sure enough, the Kuchiki family finally tore off the mask of hypocrisy, are they ready to take this opportunity to take full control of Central Room 46? ?

Tsunayashiro Toki, who was already at odds with the Kuchiki family, became more determined in his own mind.

Knowing that continuing to use tough tactics would only push Ma Anjiayue further away, he immediately changed his mind and continued speaking with as soft words as possible.

"Sorry, Guangsheng, I was too excited just now."

"I watched you grow up. You should know what kind of person I am. Instead of fighting to the death, I hope to cooperate and win-win, and build a better world of souls together. Do you know what I mean? "

Hearing the words in his ear, Mitsusei Ma An suddenly turned his head in the direction of Toki Tsunayashiro in a daze.

Although they are both heads of the family, Tsunayashiro Toki, who has been the heir to the Tsunayashiro family for nearly 900 years, is much older than him.

To be honest, compared to King Tsunayashiro Rei, who seems to never be able to see through him, he prefers Tsunayashiro Toki, who is closer to him and can be seen through relatively.

Looking at Tsunayashiro, who had a sincere face that didn't look fake, he couldn't tell who was the "good guy" for a moment.

Seeing the hesitant expression of falling towards the Tsunayashiro family again appeared on Mitsusei Ma'an's face, the elders of the Kuchiki family couldn't sit still.

While secretly scolding Tsunayashiro Toki for being hypocritical and shameless, he didn't say anything.

"Patriarch Ma An, don't be fooled by that old thief Tsunayashiro Tokito!"

"The wolf's ambition is clearly revealed!"

"You are also an old man in Central Room 46. I hope you can make the most correct choice and don't be a slave to tigers!"

Hearing this, Tsunayashiro Toki couldn't bear it anymore.

Lao Tzu is still the head of the Tsunayashiro family, you, an elder, dare to talk to me like this?

Immediately, he slapped the table in front of him with a "bang", pointed at the nose of the elder Kuchimu's family and angrily reprimanded.

"Old man, who are you calling an old thief!?"

"Whoever admits to be old is scolding him."

"It's a shame that your Kuchiki family is still called the 'model of the nobility', don't you even want to be polite, honest and shameless!? It's so gentle!"

"Hmph! Propriety, righteousness, honesty and shame also depend on who you are dealing with, you? You don't deserve it!"

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