"Yo? Even Haiyan is here?"

"Remember me? I hugged you when you were young."

Listening to the familiar words in his ears, Shiba Haiyan, who had no relevant images at all in his mind, felt like he had met uncles and aunts he was not very familiar with during the holidays, with an awkward yet polite smile on his face.

In the end, Kuchiki Sojun, who was still the oldest, opened the choke first.

"I wonder why Tsunaya came here on behalf of the clan?"

Facing the members of the Tsunayashiro family, even Kuchiki Sosumi, who has always been easy-going, can hardly have a good face, so he can only imitate his own son's ice face as much as possible, using words without emotional fluctuations, Yun Danfeng asked in a slow voice.

Faced with Kuchiki Sojun's indifference, Tsunayashiro, who was holding his hands behind his back and looking like a little old man walking, was not annoyed. He just walked towards the small courtyard and responded with a smile.

"The three old guys should have told you what happened at the meeting today, right?"

"Unlike you who turned your back on Mr. Nagasawa, the Tsunayashiro family will put aside all hostility towards Mr. Nagasawa and work with him to create a more beautiful and harmonious Soul Society."

"It's just a small profit, I will leave it to you. I don't think it will take long, and you will regret the decision you made today."

As he said that, he ignored the three of Kuchiki Cangchun, his old face looked like a blooming chrysanthemum, and he stepped into the small courtyard of Nagasawa Ya's house cheerfully, with an expression of not treating himself as an outsider at all. appearance.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Cangchun and the other three standing outside the small courtyard were stunned.

Abandon Nagasawa Masaru? ? ?

What is this ghost?

The three couldn't help but looked at each other, and they all saw the blank look in each other's eyes.

Now they really want to catch their elders in front of them and ask them what happened in the meeting just now.

However, this idea only appeared for a moment and was quickly dismissed by them.

Having realized that something must have gone wrong, they all looked at the small courtyard in front of them.

They knew that Nagasawa must have the answer they wanted to know.

For a moment, the three of them stopped hesitating, hurriedly chased after Tsunayashiro Toki's figure, and trot all the way into Nagasawa Ya's small courtyard.

What surprised them slightly was that when they stepped into the small courtyard, as if they already knew the reason for their arrival, Nagasawa Ya had already placed the tea table on the edge side, and prepared a tea table for the four of them. Okay, a cup of hot tea.

"Suck it!"

The tip of her nose moved slightly, sniffing the fragrance in the air, Zhiba Haiyan couldn't help being shocked.

"It's black wheat orange!?"

He has also heard about the "Xuanmai Ganju" that has become popular in Seireitei recently, and even had the honor to taste it once.

It cools down the heat, keeps the lips and teeth fragrant, and does not require any superb tea art skills to brew a cup of high-quality tea.

Even though she is one of the "Five Nobles", Shiba Haiyan, who has lived in Rukon Street for a long time, only got two packs from her elders.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa entertaining several people with such a treasure at this time, completely forgetting that the four people present are all standing at the top of the nobles in the soul world, representing Shiba Haiyan, the fourth of the "Five Great Nobles", eyes suddenly showed desire look.

Seeing that Nagasawa Masaru was different from the time they met in the morning, half a day later, she finally prepared tea for herself, the smile on Tsunayashiro Toki's face suddenly became stronger.

He hastened to speed up the pace of his feet, without any regard for his status as the "Five Great Nobles", and trotted all the way to sit in front of Chang Zeya, with a look of begging on his face, he said slowly.

"Mr. Nagasawa, everything I promised you has been done."

"The titles of superior nobles and the seats in the eight central rooms of Room 46, including a 'Great Sage', have all been prepared for you!"

...... cut......

PS. The TV series under one person stopped broadcasting...why!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Tsunayashiro Toki's voice was not loud, but it was enough for those present to hear clearly.

When Kuchiki Sojun and the others walked to Yuan's side, they subconsciously stopped in their tracks, and their faces instantly showed a look of astonishment.

What do you mean?

According to the old guy Tsunayashiro Toki, what he did at the meeting today was all the result of discussions with Masa Nagasawa?

Thinking of this, Yushiro and Shiba Haiyan, who were not very good at concealing their hearts, immediately widened their eyes, and their faces were filled with disbelief.

Even Sojun Kuchiki, who had been trying to imitate Byakuya Kuchiki and keep a cold face like his own son, had a look of astonishment on his face.

However, this is not over yet!

Seemingly very satisfied with their performance, Tsunayashiro Tokito immediately raised his chin and continued speaking in a slightly smug tone.

"However... I think there is no need to give up the remaining three seats to the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family."

"The three great nobles are extremely ambitious. In the meeting just now, they even tried to destroy the covenant between you and me and prevent the issue of granting you the title of 'Superior Noble'!"

"If I hadn't turned the tide, they would have almost succeeded!"

As he said that, he looked at Kuchiki Cangchun and the other three with contempt.

To be honest, although he has initiated an all-round surrender to Masa Nagasawa, and promised eight seats in Central Room 46 belonging to the Tsunayashiro family.

But he could just give Nagasawa the eight ordinary "sage" positions.

There is an essential difference between a "great sage" and a "sage", and an insurmountable gap.

The reason why he is willing to take the position of "Great Sage" is to show his favor to Masa Nagasawa after the three nobles betrayed him, and to show the greatest sincerity of the Tsunayashiro family!

It's just that what he didn't notice was that the moment his words fell, not to mention Kuchiki Canojun and the other three, even Nagasawa Masa, who was sitting in front of him and was drinking tea, couldn't help but see something in his eyes. A look of bewilderment.

what's the situation?

The meeting just now?

Does this mean that Tsunayashiro Toki just reached an agreement with him in the morning, and immediately summoned the members of Central Room 46 in the afternoon to hold a meeting specifically for him?

Do you want to be so fast!

Then at the meeting, the three nobles headed by the Kuchiki family all voted against it? ? ?

Could it be that you are here because you have negotiated the outcome of the peace talks, and you came to find me for a drink? ? ?

For a moment, Nagazeya's pupils were shaken.

If he hadn't happened to be raising a cup to drink tea at this moment, I'm afraid the shock in his eyes wouldn't have been too obvious!

Listening to Tsunayashiro Toki's disdainful words and looking at Tsunayashiro Toki's slightly provocative eyes, how could the youngest Yushiro stand up to this kind of provocation, and he was like a powder keg. fry.


He didn't know where the problem was, and he didn't know how to explain it at all. He could only eagerly point to Tsunayashiro Toki, and quickly explained to Nagasawa Masa.

"Brother-in-law, please don't listen to this old guy's nonsense!"

"He's sowing discord!"

As he spoke, he looked at Nagasawa Ya with tears in his eyes.

The aggrieved look made Nagasawa really dumbfounded.

Fortunately, after hearing Tsunayashiro Toki's words, Kuchiki Aojun has slowly come to terms with it.

No longer remaining indifferent, he couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face, and said helplessly.

"I think there should be some misunderstanding here."

With that said, he didn't rush to explain, and sat directly next to Nagasawa Masaru, and then called Yushiro and Shiba Haiyan to come together.

Seeing this, Tsunayashiro Tokitoko couldn't help but froze, and the complacent expression also froze on his face.

At this point, if he still can't see what's wrong, he will be in vain as the head of the "five nobles".

After the four of them were seated, Nagasawa slowly came back to her senses.

I saw him slowly put down the tea cup in his hand, regained his former appearance of having the pearl of wisdom in hand and winning a thousand miles away, and said slowly to Tsunayashiro.

"Tell me what's going on."

Hearing this, Tsunayashiro Tokito couldn't help but shrink his neck, and cold sweat burst out from his forehead.

Just put on a big hair!

Seeing that the relationship between Kuchiki Sojun and Nagasawa Masa was not fake, and realizing that he might have misunderstood something, Tsunayashiro Toki couldn't help secretly regretting his performance just now.

Although he fully surrendered to Nagasawa, compared to the relationship between the three nobles and Nagasawa, he, the "surrender", is undoubtedly the "lowest" status.

Has anyone seen that the head of Sifengyuan's family still calls Nagasawa Ya "brother-in-law"?

No matter how young he is, as the head of the Sifengyuan family, one of the "Five Great Nobles", calling out this title is enough to prove the other party's attitude.

Not to mention Kuchiki Aojun who has always supported Nagasawa Masa.

After thinking about this, he didn't dare to feel complacent any more, and told everything that happened in the afternoon meeting.

After Tsunayashiro finished his words, Kuchiki Sojun and the other three also each told what their elders had reported to them.

Sometimes, misunderstandings often occur due to lack of communication, which leads to subtle deviations.

When the four of them expressed their thoughts, not to mention Masa Nagasawa, even they themselves knew the problem in an instant.

For a moment, the faces of Kuchiki Cangjun and the three showed dumbfounding expressions.

However, for them, it may be just a simple misunderstanding, as long as they talk about it, there will be no misunderstanding with Nagasawa Ya.

But for Tsunayashiro Toki, his heart was bleeding.

Originally, only eight "sage" seats were needed to gain Nagasawa Masa's forgiveness and friendship, but because of this "beautiful" misunderstanding, he paid an extra "great sage" position.

And it doesn't matter if you give out eight seats, and you can't even save the seats that have to be paid to the three nobles.

Tsunayashiro Toki now deeply understands what it means to be "difficult to breathe due to heartache".

If life could be restarted, he would definitely think twice more, and after discussing with the three nobles, he would hold the damn meeting again!

However, the matter has come to this point, and the words have been released.

If you want to change it again, you will slap Nagasawa in the face.

Now he can't do this kind of thing, he can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Try your best to keep the smile on your face from being too ugly.

At the same time, it was at this time that all four of them realized a very important problem.

Because of Nagasawa Masa's relationship, if the votes distributed to the virtuous people in Liuhun Street are not counted, the Central Room 46 has achieved the first "big unification" in history!

In other words, as long as Nagasawa Masaru makes a proposal, it basically means "passed"!

For a moment, the heads of the four nobles felt that their eyes were a little messy.

This is a "great feat" that their ancestors have never achieved for generations!

However, although I was very shocked in my heart, regardless of Tsunayashiro Toki, whether it was Kuchiki Sosumi, Yushiro, or even Shiba Haiyan who had just made a decision to return to Seireitei, they all believed in Nagasawa unconditionally. elegant.

A person's thoughts determine a person's behavior.

They have all read the "Elegance Theory" written by Nanao. If a person as noble as Nagasawa and a person who devotes himself wholeheartedly to Soul Society is not worthy of trust, who else is worthy of trust?

Gradually, everyone couldn't help but look at Nagasawa with a little reverence.

Looking at the gazes of the three of them, and Tsunayashiro Toki's forced smile of "although my father is dead, but I have to be very happy", the corners of Nagasawa Masa's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Although most of them were within his expectations, the small deviation almost made him, the "instigator", almost tense up.

Fortunately, the results are always good.

Details are not important!

After thinking about this, his mood suddenly became brighter.

A smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke slowly to Tsunayashiro Toki.

"Tsunayashiro is the head of the family."

Hearing Nagasawa Masahiro's call, Tsunayashiro Toki, who was still heartbroken just now, regained his energy in an instant.

He didn't care about the heartache, and hurriedly responded, "Mr. Nagasawa, tell me."

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa was also polite and said straight.

"Don't be stingy about what should be given to Sojun and the others. Correspondingly, they will also return part of the property belonging to the Tsunayashiro family, but not much."

When outsiders were present, Nagasawa Masaru no longer called Kuchiki Sojun "Aoi", but called him by his name in a way that was close to him without losing his authority.

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