Hearing this, Tsunayashiro Toki nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

The seat given to the three nobles was originally the condition for him to agree to Nagasawa. Although he was reluctant, he was not too sad. On the contrary, he was really happy to be able to get back part of his own property.

Even if Chang Zeya said the three words "not much", he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, this is a pie from heaven!

And for Kuchiki Cangjun and the others, they would not object even more.

The Tsunayashiro family's property is originally because of Masa Nagasawa, so they have the opportunity to make a lot of money.

It is completely for nothing.

Compared with those industries, the subordinate nobles who defected from the Tsunayashiro family are the greatest wealth.

If they hand over a part at this time, they will not suffer any loss.

Even thinking about it from another angle, they are equivalent to taking the property they snatched from Tsunayashiro's family, and exchanged it for a seat in Room 46 of the Central Committee.

This deal is simply not worth it.

In the end, after deliberation, the three nobles spit out a total of about 20% of their property and returned it to the Tsunayashiro family. This made the Tsunayashiro family, who had nearly robbed 80% of Ruukon Street's property, a big mouthful of blood in an instant.

Seeing that the "cake" had been redistributed, and all four families expressed satisfaction, Masa Nagasawa made the final summary for today's gathering.

"Since I was elected to Room 46 of the Central Committee and also elected to the position of 'Great Sage', then..."

"It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Tomorrow, I will call Room 46 of the Central Committee for an emergency meeting."

"The issue is...to reconsider the crime of 'defecting' by Yeichi Sifengin."

Hearing this, Yushiro was ecstatic!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Speaking of which, didn't you just hold a meeting yesterday afternoon, why did you call the big guys together again after only one day?"

"Who knows, I heard that Mr. Nagasawa exercised his power as a 'great sage', saying that there are new issues to be considered."

"Hmph, you just entered the central room 46, and you can't wait to declare your sovereignty? It's too ugly to eat!"

"Hush! Be careful with your words! Even the patriarch has to hand over eight seats to treat the existence, is it you and I who can criticize wantonly? Your courage is getting fatter, I say!"

"Master? Do you know how many subordinate nobles who were attached to us went to the three major nobles after yesterday's meeting? Now it's not just a matter of eight seats. We may lose more support! "

"Who can say for sure? I heard that after the meeting yesterday, the Patriarch hurriedly went to the small courtyard of officials on the edge of Noble Street. He presumably went to find Masa Nagasawa. If Mr. Nagasawa's support can be obtained, We are not necessarily weaker than the three nobles."

In the meeting room of the central room 46, the elders belonging to the Tsunayashiro family gathered together in twos and threes to chat while the meeting had not yet started.

It's just that different from the high spirits of the past, the "sages" of Tsunayashiro's school have more or less preoccupied and thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Obviously, yesterday's meeting had brought them a great psychological shock. Whether it was the Tsunayashiro family or the subordinate nobles attached to the Tsunayashiro family, they were all thinking about where they would go.

Unlike the gloomy clouds of the Tsunayashiro faction, the elders belonging to the "Three Great Nobles" of the "Three Nobles" faction looked at the Tsunayashiro faction with complicated eyes.

Just last night, after Kuchiki Sosumi, Yushiro, and Shiba Haiyan left from Nagasawa Masaka's house, they urgently summoned the senior management of each family and held a short secret meeting, but the content was enough to shock everyone.

In that secret meeting, the patriarchs of the three great nobles announced the news that the "four great nobles" joined forces again after ten thousand years.

When the senior executives of various companies learned the news and understood that everything that happened during the day was a mistake, they were shocked and embarrassed.

At the same time, I have to sigh with emotion that Masa Nagasawa is truly a rare genius who has achieved a feat that the "five nobles" have never achieved in tens of thousands of years.

It's just that, in this secret meeting, they didn't call out the subordinate nobles who are attached to each family, and Kuchiki Aojun and the three emphasized that nothing should be leaked before the emergency meeting in Room 46 of the Central Committee is held today.

This is Tsunayashiro Toki's request.

Since the death of King Tsunayashiro Rei, the Tsunayashiro family has been fluctuating and panicked.

It's not easy for him to be the head of the family.

If internal unity cannot be achieved at this time, and the entire Tsunayashiro family is twisted into a ball, but all think about their own future, I am afraid that they will not be able to breathe for a long time.

That being the case, it would be better to cut off the wrists of a strong man and sweep those who are not firm-willed out of the house.

Coincidentally, he still has three seats to give up to the three nobles, and Kuchiki Canojun and others are also happy to do this favor.

After a while, it was time for the meeting to start, and the forty "sages" slowly returned to their seats.

Because Masa Nagasawa has not proposed to change the list for the time being, the remaining seven seats are still held by the elders of the Tsunayashiro family for the time being.

Nagasawa didn't care much about this.

Tsunayashiro Tokito didn't know how to do it, and he didn't dare to play tricks on this matter.

Besides, if one day Nagasawa really falls, these seats will not be kept, and both parties are very clear about this.

After the forty "sages" were seated, only the top seats marked with "one" to "land" were still six vacant in the huge meeting hall.

That is the seat of the "Great Sage".

Everyone was not kept waiting for too long. Along with a burst of slightly messy footsteps, six figures slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The leader is a tall and straight, personable, always with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, exuding a charming charm.

Almost at a glance, everyone recognized each other's identity.

Nagasawa, newly promoted nobleman, candidate for the strongest god of death, wise general of the soul world, a teacher of all ages, the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, Ya!

Behind him were five great sages belonging to the "Four Great Nobles", including Tsunayashiro Toki, the head of the Tsunayashiro family.

Although he already guessed that Nagasawa received the support of the fourth of the "Five Nobles", when Ma An Guangsheng saw the five great sages representing the "Four Nobles", they all fell behind Nagasawa like a follower. When he was walking, there was still a touch of excitement on his face.

Of course, Ma Anguangsheng was not the only one who was shocked by this. Except for the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the head of the Shiba family, Zhang Laowai, everyone present showed shocking eyes, and unconsciously became familiar with the people around him. The friend whispered.

Especially after seeing Nagasawa Masa enter the meeting hall, Dama Jindao sat straight on the seat with the word "One" written on it, which originally belonged to Tsunayashiro Toki.

Not only did Tsunayashiro Toki not show any displeasure, but he also happily sat in the "Second" seat that originally belonged to his younger brother, and even the three elders with the "Three Great Nobles" did not express any objections. As if all this seemed so natural.

This could not help but let everyone in the field exclaim again.

Especially the patriarchs of the four affiliated families attached to the Tsunayashiro family, the expressions on their faces instantly became uncertain.

Just last night, after thinking about it, they felt that facing the "Three Great Nobles" and the Tsunayashiro family was already a big ship that was about to sink. They visited the "Three Great Nobles" overnight and expressed their willingness to contribute.

They are all newly promoted "superior nobles" who have gradually grown up in the past hundred years by relying on the Tsunayashiro family. They don't have any strong loyalty to the Tsunayashiro family at all. King Midai Ling once took the lives of their direct descendants to kill others.

However, what surprised them was that when faced with their votes as "superior nobles", all of them were rejected.

At this time, they suddenly saw the five great sages representing the "Four Great Nobles" so close to Nagasawa Ya, and they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

And after Nagasawa sat down, everyone who had never left his eyes since he appeared, looked at the calm figure sitting on the "One" seat with a calm face, and couldn't help but see the fullness in his eyes. full of complex expressions.

The world of corpses and souls has been peaceful for nearly a hundred years. Among them, except for the head of a few families who had to pass the position to the younger generation due to old age, all of them have sat in this position for nearly a hundred years. exists.

Back in the day, Kuchiki Kintoki sent Oniganshiro Kenpachi to assassinate Kuchiki Aojun and failed, so he planned to bite Nagasawa Masa, using the excuse of killing the captain, to take the opportunity to remove the other party's magical Zanpakutō, and even convict him and send him to prison.

Although Kuchiki Kintoki handles everything, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that if there is no interference from the Tsunayashiro family, even if they are killed, they will not believe it.

At that time, Chang Zeya was just a mere third seat standing in the conference hall, waiting for the trial.

If it wasn't for Yamamoto and Gotei [-]th Squad, Yaichi Sifengin collected all the evidence in time, and there was Shutara Senjumaru, who was a reserve member of the Zero Division, on the platform, Nagasawa Masa would have died long ago.

But how long has it been?

Even if the period of time when Nagasawa Masa disappeared is included, it is only a "merely" 52 years.

Compared with the tens of thousands of years of history in the world of corpses and souls, the average life expectancy of hundreds of years ago can be said to be a snap of the fingers.

But in this short period of 52 years, Nagasawa has grown from a young man who could only do his best and rely on many means to save his life to be able to sit in the same meeting hall with them, and even stand with them. The meritorious dignitaries at the top of the soul world also have to look up to the existence...

This huge contrast left these people who have been pursuing "power" all their lives speechless.

Scanning the people present, it is different from standing under the stage, where you can only faintly see the figure behind the seat through the tulle in front of the seat.

When Nagasawa took the seat with the word "one" written on it, his face was completely covered by a small tulle, so that outsiders could not see the appearance of the person behind him through the tulle.

But sitting behind the tulle, he could clearly see the expressions on everyone's faces.

This is the change that status brings.

Now...it's his turn to look down on these once high and powerful heroes.

However, although she feels at ease, Nagasawa has no desire for revenge.

Kuchiki Kintoki and King Tsunayashiro Rei have already paid off the debt that should be repaid, and the remaining interest is also obtained from Tsunayashiro Toki, so there is no need to hold on to some little Karami.

Just sorting out her thoughts a little bit, Masa Nagasawa said loudly.

"Gentlemen, let's start today's agenda."

After hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, everyone present couldn't help feeling tense, and they all guessed what the first topic to be discussed after Masa Nagasawa "entered" Central Room 46 was.

Fortunately, Nagasawa did not let their tension last for too long.

After noticing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Nagasawa Ya slowly mentioned his first topic after joining Central Room 46.

"Forty years ago, the Central Room 40 ruled that after the execution decision of Urahara Kisuke, Hirako Mako and others was announced, the 'masked man' who robbed Urahara Kisuke and his party was the former head of the Shifengin family, Shifengin Night one."

"Is this ruling... a bit too hasty?"

"Just because the other party's speed is fast and the spiritual pressure is similar, a patriarch of the 'five nobles' was charged with 'defecting'. The central room 46, could it be such a reckless act, just relying on subjective assumptions, to give An institution that convicts people?"

"In order to demonstrate the fairness and impartiality of Central Room 46, I propose that all charges against Si Fengyuan Ye Yi be withdrawn before there is concrete evidence."

As he spoke, he took the lead in raising the "agree" vote in front of him, expressing his position extremely decisively.

Masa Nagasawa's voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

When everyone heard his proposal, except for the five great sages who were still sitting in their seats, and the elders of the "three great nobles" who had already known about today's topic, everyone was in an uproar. .


They didn't expect that the first thing that Nagasawa Ya did when she entered Central Room 46 was to overturn the case for Yeyi of Sifengyuan!

But soon, they calmed down their shocked hearts.

Recalling the relationship between Masa Nagasawa and Yeichi, and the rumors that were only circulated among the nobles, although this issue was beyond their expectations, it was completely reasonable.

However, although they could understand why Nagasawa raised such an issue, everyone was not in a hurry to express their views.

They are waiting, waiting for a weather vane.

However, at this moment, almost at the moment when Masa Nagasawa threw out his topic, Mitsusei Ma'an and Sharo Sakurai impatiently raised their "agree" votes.

In an instant, everyone's stunned gazes instantly shifted from Nagasawa Masaru to Ma'an Guangsheng and Sakurai Sara.

The Ma An family and the Sakurai family have taken refuge with Masa Nagasawa?

The moment they saw the faces of the two, everyone instantly had their own judgments.

Looking at Mitsusei Ma'an and Sharo Sakurai with excited and determined faces, the corner of Masa Nagasawa's mouth curled into a slight arc.

Unlike Urahara Kisuke and others who were formally sentenced, Yoruichi covered his face very cleverly when he "robbed the court".

Although her beautiful figure, extremely fast speed, and the spiritual pressure remaining in the air all reveal her identity, as long as she is not caught red-handed, Nagasawa has enough room for sophistry. .

Immediately, the elders of Sifengyuan's family, together with the sages of Sifengyuan's faction, raised their "agree" votes without hesitation.

Just kidding, Yoruichi is the best head of the Shifengyuan family in hundreds of years. Even if Yushiro doesn't specifically explain it, they will definitely not object to this proposal.

Then came the Kuchiki family and the Shiba family.

Despite the hesitant look on the face of the virtuous man from Rukongai, when the great sages of the Kuchiki family and the Shiba family raised their "yes" votes, the number of yes votes instantly reached 24!

More than half the votes!

Although the Tsunayashiro family has not yet cast their votes, when the yes votes reach 24 votes, the remaining votes are no longer important.

Sifengyuan Yeyi, innocent!

However, just when everyone thought this issue was over, Tsunayashiro Toki, who hadn't said a word since entering the meeting room, slowly stood up.

...... cut......

PS. Woohoo, the long-awaited figure, the weapon hand is broken, and I have to contact the courier to settle the claim, and I have to contact the manufacturer for after-sales maintenance, so troublesome...

In addition, this chapter is 4000+, and the engraved pictures are not enough, so the chapter is combined!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Cough cough!"

Tsunayashiro Toki, who stood up slowly, cleared his throat slightly, as if I had something to say.

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