Although it was a done deal and Yoruichi Shihoin's return was a foregone conclusion, the moment Tsunayoshi stood up, everyone present still focused their attention on Tsunayoshi.

It's just that they are different from those sages who are attached to the three major noble factions. After seeing Tsunayashiro Toki stand up, the people of Tsunayashiro's faction still have a look of anticipation on their faces, even though their hearts have fluctuated recently.

Yesterday's topic, through the reaction of the three nobles, and the other party's support for Nagasawa Ya today, they have more or less their own guesses in their hearts.

The reason why I haven't cast a single vote until now is because I want to see how Tsunayashiro will respond to the alliance between Nagasawa Masaru and the three nobles.

At the same time, they will also make different decisions based on the choices Tsunayashiro Tokicho chooses.

Seeing that everyone's eyes had already focused on him, and even Masa Nagasawa looked at him with interest, Tsunayashiro Tokito couldn't help being excited.

In the past two days, although he has made many choices, he even made the decision to surrender to Nagasawa in all directions and make a small fuddle.

But for some reason, he didn't complain much about Nagasawa Ya in his heart, instead he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Of course, the head of the Tsunayashiro family is not a masochist.

It's just because for the first time in these days, he deeply experienced the feeling of being the "head of the family".

In his hands, perhaps the Tsunayashiro family is no longer brilliant, but he enjoys the feeling that the building is about to collapse.

He even had a vague premonition that instead of fighting for power, fighting for the illusory position of "the head of the five nobles", following in the footsteps of Masa Nagasawa, might be able to bring the Tsunayashiro family to a higher level. It is not necessarily the location to see the broader scenery.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but regret proposing Nagasawa Masa as a "superior nobleman".

At first, he was thinking of giving Nagasawa Ya a nasty feeling while surrendering.

Thinking about it now, my behavior was really naive.

However, it was precisely because of this that it made him more determined what he was going to say next.

Just calming down a little, I heard him speak in a slow voice.

"Yesterday, I was also in this meeting hall. I think you should still remember what I said."

Listening to the words that came to their ears, everyone present looked stunned.

Immediately, in their minds, it seemed as if they had finally recalled the words Tsunayashiro Tokitoken referred to. Along with Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's old and majestic voice, it slowly spread into everyone's minds, with It was also slowly revealing a look of astonishment, even shock.

"The original intention of the establishment of the Central Room 46 is to recruit talents, gather people with both ability and political integrity, and jointly protect the fairness and justice of the soul world, instead of thinking about relying on power to satisfy your own selfish desires all day long!"

"The appearance of Mr. Nagasawa is precisely to let us regain our original intention!"

"Yesterday, I once said that I, Tsunayashiro Toki, unconditionally support Mr. Nagasawa's choice. This not only refers to Mr. Nagasawa's appointment of the 'sage', but also represents the determination of my Tsunayashiro family. !"

"I, the Tsunayashiro family, will follow in the footsteps of Mr. Nagasawa, and together with him, contribute to the creation of a better world of souls and souls!"

As he spoke, Tsunayashiro Tokito ignored the astonished reactions of everyone present, and raised the "Agree" vote in his hand without hesitation.

Seeing Tsunayashiro Toki with a determined face, everyone belonging to the Tsunayashiro faction couldn't help but stare, looking at me and I looking at you, looking at a loss.

However, unlike Tsunayashiro's group who were shocked, the elders of the Kuchiki family, the Shifengin family, and the Shiba family who knew the inside story looked at them with disdain and firm expressions on their faces, as if they were transformed into "Light" Tsunayashiro Toki, while secretly cursing in his mind.

Kuchiki Parent Elder: Shameless!

Elder Sifeng Dean: Shameless!

Elder Zhibo's family: you want to go back and persuade Haiyan to let him also...

Tsunayashiro Tokitoko's decision just now is almost equivalent to swearing allegiance to Nagasawa Masa in front of all the noble meritorious service in the Soul World.

The Tsunayashiro family, once known as the "head of the five great nobles", actually surrendered to Nagasawa Masaru! ?

Even in the tens of thousands of years of history of the soul world, this is unique...


When everyone was surprised at the surrender of the Tsunayashiro family, a flash of light suddenly flashed in everyone's minds.

It's not unique!

Tens of thousands of years ago, not only the Tsunayashiro family, but also the ancestors of the "Five Great Nobles" had pledged allegiance to one person together.

That person is called "Spirit King"!

Central Room 46 cannot live without Mr. Nagasawa, just like the Three Realms cannot live without the Spirit King.

It wasn't until this time that everyone understood the meaning of Tsunayashiro Toki's words yesterday.

For a moment, the astonishment on their faces gradually turned into uncertainty.

In the eyes of Toki Tsunayashiro, is Masa Nagasawa already an existence equivalent to the soul king! ?

Slowly, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from shock to astonishment, from astonishment to bewilderment, then from bewilderment to acceptance, and even a little bit of secret joy.

Although Tsunayashiro Toki's righteous words, his resolute expression and the jawline that cannot be concealed by the gray beard are even more comparable to Dashi Johnson.

But for these old guys, profit is the most important thing.

After weighing the pros and cons clearly, the sages belonging to the Tsunayashiro family raised their "agree" votes almost instantly.

Tsunayashiro Toki is the head of the Tsunayashiro family, his decision is indisputable and cannot be refuted.

Before making a decision, they can make some suggestions, but once Tsunayashiro Toki has made a decision, they, who have already become a community of destiny with the Tsunayashiro family, have only unconditional support.

Seeing votes of approval rising up one after another, those affiliated families attached to the Tsunayashiro family no longer hesitated, and raised their votes of approval one after another.

Just kidding, this is Masa Nagasawa!

As the hottest supernova in the soul world, not only has the support of the three nobles, but also sits in the Brotherhood of Death, and behind him stands Yamamoto, the "strongest god of death in a thousand years".

In their view, taking refuge in Nagasawa Masaru is not a shameful thing at all, but is the result of maximizing interests.

For a while, even those affiliated families who wanted to break away from the Tsunayashiro family and seek new asylums all raised their votes of approval.

Looking at the votes of approval raised one after another, until the end, even the virtuous people from Rukongai raised their "yes" votes tremblingly.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, Central Room 46 actually passed the first issue since Nagasawa took office with a unanimous vote of 46 votes!

For a moment, everyone looked at the figure sitting on the top in shock, surprise, or fear.

Now they are really curious.

After taking control of the Soul Society's largest authority almost unprecedentedly, what kind of look will appear on Nagasawa Masaru's face.

It's a pity that the thin white tulle with the word "一" written on it blocked everyone's eyes from the tulle, making everyone feel a little regretful.

What they didn't know was that after seeing her proposal passed unanimously, Nagasawa Ya didn't show any overly excited emotions.

In his view, this is just a logical and inevitable result.

If something unexpected happened, it would surprise him even more.

As for Tsunayashiro Toki's somewhat showy performance, he just laughed it off.

In fact, as early as when Tsunayashiro first proposed to give him the title of "higher noble", he had already guessed the other party's little plan.

It's just that he doesn't care much.

It is true that the title of "higher noble" will bring some adverse effects to him to a certain extent, but he knows that there is no absolute equality in this world.

Especially in this world of corpses and souls where the gap in individual strength is extremely huge.

The more extraordinary the world, the simpler the thoughts of the people living in it. They just want to live peacefully. It would be better if they could live a better life without being squeezed.

Therefore, he didn't care about Tsunayashiro Tokishi's tricks at all.

On the contrary, as long as he successfully enters the central room 46, the status of "superior nobleman" will become a lubricant to ease the friction between him and the nobleman.

So he asked for more seats.

Although at the beginning, he did plan to ask for a price, but after Tsunayashiro Toki succumbed, he changed his mind in an instant.

There is no doubt that after Tsunayashiro's complete surrender, the situation in front of him is not bad.

Immediately, I saw Nagasawa sitting behind the white tulle. The corners of her mouth slowly curved in a slight arc. Under the expectant gaze of everyone, she spoke slowly.

"Masters, as you can see, I am not a domineering person."

Hearing the first words spoken by Nagasawa Masaru, the three noble factions were fine, but Tsunayashiro's faction headed by Tsunayashiro Moki suddenly looked embarrassed.

Are you not overbearing?

The person targeting you is King Tsunayashiro Rei, so just kill him.

As a result, not only did he look like he wanted to kill and uproot the Tsunayashiro family, but in the end he overbearingly defeated the Tsunayashiro family and took the Tsunayashiro family under his command...

For so many years, the corpse soul world has never done anything like this!

However, even though an old mouthful was stuck in his throat and he didn't know how to spit it out, the people of Tsunayashiro's group swallowed it quite wisely, and didn't show their strangeness on their faces.

Obviously, as old politicians, their expression management skills are not bad.

Ignoring everyone, Nagasawa continued.

"But what I want to say is that when facing friends, I will treat them with good wine and good food."

"When facing the enemy, I will not hesitate to swing down my sword and chop off their heads."

"Central Room 46 is an organization that advocates fairness and justice, and is determined to create a more harmonious and beautiful Soul Society, and even the Three Realms."

"But as Master Tsunayashiro said, in the long river of time, power and desire have caused many people to lose themselves in it."

"Fairness and justice are no longer the weights that measure everything. Desire and greed breed foolish arrogance."

Nagasawa's words were very soft and slow. Even when he said these words, he still had a faint smile on his face.

But listening to his cadenced and rhythmic words, everyone present, including the four nobles who regarded Nagasawa as "one of our own", couldn't help but a thin layer of sweat broke out from their foreheads, and the backs of their backs The above is even more cold sweat.

Although in recent years, the Central Room 46 has basically been dominated by the Tsunayashiro family.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that the three great nobles have not done anything unconscionable.

Politics can never be equated with justice, let alone fairness and justice.

As old politicians who have violated this way for many years, how could they fail to understand the meaning of Nagasawa's words?

However, just as they were pondering the meaning of Nagasawa Ya's words, and wondering whether this Nagasawa-sama was beating them, Nagasawa Ya suddenly changed the topic.

If it were said that Nagasawa Masaru, who had a calm and calm tone just now, was intimidated by the cold winter, and people did not dare to approach him.

So the current Nagasawa is like a spring in March, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Even if everyone can't see the other person's face clearly at this time, they can still feel the warmth from his words, and... ..

Absolute confidence and undisguised domineering!

"However, let the past be bygones. Don't forget the mistakes you have made, but there is no need to panic. You can just make decisions based on your own thoughts as usual."

"Don't be proud, don't be impatient, and don't be afraid, no matter what happens, just advance and retreat with me..."

"We are absolutely invincible ahead of us."

In front of us, there is absolutely no opponent.

In just eight words, Nagasawa filled his penis directly.

Although due to the barrier of the white tulle, everyone still couldn't see Nagasawa's face clearly.

But at this moment, a face full of indifference, but looking down at them with a pair of confident and domineering eyes, instantly appeared in their minds.

They know that the "enemy" in Nagasawa's mouth does not refer to the "enemy" in a broad sense, but the difficulties and obstacles that stand in their way.

This domineering declaration is undoubtedly telling everyone.

As long as they follow him, there will be nothing to hinder their progress!

For a moment, even the scheming old men present could not help but feel a little boiling inside.

All living things believe in someone superior to themselves.

In this way, in order to escape this heavy pressure, the trusted person will pursue a higher existence, and a higher existence will long for a higher-level and trustworthy strong person.

In this way, all kings are born, in this way, all gods are born!

...... cut......

PS. I have been writing very smoothly recently, so I didn’t deliberately divide it into chapters. This chapter is 4000+, and I will try to write more on weekends.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Masa Nagasawa's words are full of persuasiveness. Even though everyone present has long been accustomed to hearing all kinds of rhetoric, after the age of distinguishing things by listening and seeing, they are still shocked by Masa Nagasawa's words at this moment.

This is the sense of oppression brought about by absolute power and absolute power, and you cannot accept it.

What happens next is very simple.

After the first issue was unanimously passed, Masa Nagasawa raised more issues.

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