At the beginning, everyone secretly wondered whether Nagasawa planned to further expand his power.

After all, everyone has been doing this for a long time, including the case of rehabilitating Ye Yi, which is also regarded by everyone as an act of Nagasawa Ya to expand his power.

However, what surprised them was that none of the issues Nagasawa raised next were for their own personal gain.

It is proposed to set up "health centers" in the 320 Liuhun Streets from east to west, north, south, and south. The Zhenyang Shiyao Institute and the fourth team must ensure that each health center has at least one member of the clinic for two days a week.

It is proposed to set up "public security stations" in the 320 Liuhun Streets from east to west, north to south, and the [-]th Guarding Team to expand the scope of protection, and to recruit young and strong in each block to form a security team.

It is suggested that the secret mobile forces spread out in various strongholds of Liuhun Street to set up "surveillance teams". In addition to collecting intelligence, they should also play a role in supervision and monitoring, restrain the "security team", and prevent the formation of evil forces and oppress the village.


Nagasawa Masaru raised four or five issues in succession, each of which was an improvement measure for Rukongai.

In Liuhun Street, souls can also get sick and get hurt.

Some of the top-ranked neighborhoods may have pharmacies and doctors.

But the further the number goes, the more and more shortages of medicines are sold in drug stores. It would be good to even have some antipyretics and gold-inflicting medicines, let alone doctors who can treat illnesses and save lives.

Even some souls who were doctors before their death, after coming to the world of corpses and souls, only the most basic instincts are left because of the loss of memory.

Unlike the chefs in Nozomi Ohmaeda's "Totsuki Gourmet Empire", medicine is a very rigorous thing, and instinct alone cannot work.

You can't be alone feeling like you have a splitting headache, and cut a hole in his head with your intuition, right?

It's not about per capita nirvana.

In many cases, the residents of Ruhun Street are not because of exhaustion of life span, but because of disease and hunger, so they run out of oil, turn into spirit sons, and return to the earth.

His Death Brotherhood gradually grew in strength because he saved many children who had potential but were unable to support their own practice or even enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy due to poverty.

It's a pity that although the Death Brotherhood has tried its best to help the residents of Ruhun Street, after becoming the God of Death and entering the [-]th Guarding Team, they are subject to various constraints of the [-]th Guarding Team. Ting" is the main task.

Only when you are resting and bathing can you do your best.

The methods mastered by Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan and the fourth team are different from ordinary medical methods, with high efficiency and quick results. Two days a week of consultations can relieve the medical needs of residents of Liuhun Street to the greatest extent.

The "Public Security Office" was established to prevent certain vicious incidents from happening.

To this day, even though more than 50 years have passed, Masa Nagasawa still remembers the group of Maou students who ambush him in Ruhun Street.

Although Mao's selection is aimed at the entire soul world, there are certain standards for spiritual power.

Compared with the two to three hundred students Mao recruits every year, Mao's failed students who have spiritual power but cannot meet the admission standards can be counted in "ten thousand".

These failed students lost the opportunity to leap over the dragon's gate. In order to survive in the cruel Soul Society, they had no choice but to take risks and embark on an endless road of no return.

The establishment of the "Public Security Office" is to take in these failed students, so that they will not go astray due to a temporary failure, so that they can have the courage to continue to fight again.

After the establishment of the "Public Security Office", members of the Goutei Thirteenth Team will go to the "Public Security Office" regularly to teach these security team members some basic combat skills.

Nagasawa didn't ask these members of the security team to be able to resist the ghosts that occasionally invade the soul world due to space fluctuations. He only hoped that the members of the security team could protect the residents of each block from the harm of bullies to the greatest extent.

Can let these people who have lost everything and start again in another world alone have a safe shelter and a spiritual sustenance.

Whether it is for those students who failed the exam or the residents of Liuhun Street, this is a mutual salvation for them.

And because Masa Nagasawa has already laid the Ruhun Street transmission device in advance, the members of Gotei [-]th Team can save a lot of time on the journey to and from Seireitei, and in addition, the number of Shinigami has steadily increased in recent years .

If this is the case and only sticks to the scope of his duties on the "guardian", it would be a bit too petty.

Masa Nagasawa believes that Yamamoto, who is looking forward to being good in the soul world from the bottom of her heart, will never refuse.

As for the "supervision team" established by the secret mobile force...

Because of the necessity of collecting intelligence, the covert mobile force already has strongholds in various blocks. With the increase in manpower, the establishment of a "surveillance team" is just a matter of convenience.

With power, there is naturally a need for supervision, with the sharp blade of stealth maneuver hanging over the head.

Nagasawa believes that whether it is the God of Reaper or the security team, at least they dare not make any dramas to bully the village.

The other proposals are more or less reform proposals for Liuhun Street.

It's not that Masa Nagasawa doesn't want to question Seireitei's rules and regulations, the main reason is that the author hasn't...ahem!The main reason is that he hasn't figured out how to change it yet.

Besides, rashly modifying the existing system will inevitably break the balance that Seireitei has maintained for a long time. He still needs to think about it more.

After all, although he has the support of the four great nobles, from the current point of view, apart from the 8 votes belonging to him, and the 2 votes from the Ma An family and the Sakurai family who will unconditionally support him, even the "most obedient" "The Tsunayashiro family may not let him carry out drastic reforms.

Unless Kuchiki Canojun supports him, and he marries Yoruichi and Shiba Sora by the way...cough cough!

For frogs, it is better to cook slowly in warm water.

But what I have to say is that although Nagasawa's proposals did not mention the [-]th team, they are all inseparable from the support of the [-]th team.

The construction of the "Health Center" and "Public Security Station" requires the checks of the [-]th Division.

The network system between various Rukongai requires the [-]th Division to build it.

In order to facilitate the transmission of information by the covert mobile unit, the [-]th Division had to lay out a communication network management with security and concealment.

Not to mention that in order for the members of the Gotei [-] to go to various neighborhoods smoothly, the [-]th team had to pay attention to the stability of the teleportation system all the time.

Hmph, Nirvana Yuli, Nirvana Yuli, you told me to be obedient to me back then.

You are too busy!


At this time, a certain painted-faced man who was stuck in the research room, his two pupils staring at the screens all over the wall like great intelligence, sneezed suddenly.


Central Room 46 is the highest adjudication body in the soul world, and its orders are absolute.

When the agenda proposed by Masa Nagasawa in the meeting was passed, the entire Seireitei began to operate like a war machine.

Of course, this does not include Masa Nagasawa.

At this time, five days had passed since the end of the meeting. After completing the morning class he had set, he looked at Toshiro sitting next to him, exuding a cool chill and still meditating. , Nagasawa couldn't help but reveal a Ba Shi smile again on his face.

He even started to think about whether he should go to Yamamoto to practice together in winter.

Just thinking about it, with the old man's attitude towards him, if he ran to find his practice every day, not to mention whether Shan Ben, who was busy with official duties, would not wait to see him.

Just Yamamoto's inhumane hell-like training is not something that ordinary people can persist in!

Recalling the sad past that Jingle Shunsui told her while drinking with herself one day, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help shivering, and quickly dismissed the unrealistic thoughts in her mind.

After regaining consciousness, his eyes also fell on Dong Shilang who was beside him.

Feeling Shiro Toshiro's increasingly sophisticated Reiatsu level, Masa Nagasawa had to sigh again, Shiro Toshiro is really an out-and-out genius.

With his current status, it can be said that it is completely effortless for Dong Shilang to get a shallow punch.

But he didn't do that.

Dongshiro is still young, and even because of him, he has been exposed to formal training much earlier than when he entered Mao in the original plot.

Although Dong Shilang often behaves like a little adult on weekdays, in the final analysis, he is still a child who has not grown up.

It is not a good thing to suddenly have powerful strength before the mind is mature.

Therefore, after Nagasawa took in Dongshiro, she has been trying her best to sharpen the opponent's character and foundation, and at the same time, she has not neglected the training of basic skills.

The purpose is that after he truly possesses his own Asagi and even Zanpakuto, he will not lose his way because of the sudden powerful power he obtained.

However, Nagasawa Masa was a little surprised that Dongshiro could still enter meditation without Asahi, which is the so-called "sword Zen", to try to fight with his own Zanpakutō. communicate.

This is outrageous, Rao Nagasawa has read many books, and has never seen such a situation.

At first, he was a little worried that Shiro Dong wouldn't be able to grasp the delivery time, but as time went by, he gradually realized that he was overwhelmed.

A genius cannot be calculated with common sense.

Over time, he just let it go and stayed with Toshiro as much as possible when he was free.

However, looking at such a self-disciplined and worry-free Dong Shilang, Nagasawa sighed like a parent who worried about her children.

Here we have to mention the issue of soul growth rate in Soul Society.

In the world of corpses and souls, the strength of spiritual pressure will slow down the speed of soul growth.

Normal souls, like ordinary human beings, will experience life, old age, sickness and death over time, and finally turn into spirit particles and return to the earth.

But after becoming a Shinigami, as time goes by and the strength becomes stronger, except for a few Shinigami who care more about appearance, they will deliberately maintain a youthful appearance.

Most Shinigami can usually greatly slow down their own aging. The stronger their spiritual pressure, the slower they age.

In this way, Dong Shilang, who is a young genius, is very "disadvantaged".

Since he was a child, he has possessed a powerful spiritual power beyond the ordinary soul, so his growth rate has been stretched a lot from the moment he was a child.

At this time, Dong Shilang started his own journey of practice earlier than in the original book. As a result, this little Douding will probably be troubled in this child-like body for many years.

Whether it can even grow to 1.3 meters three like in the original work, Masa Nagasawa has a question mark.

Nagasawa, who knew how much Dongshiro cared about his height, could not help silently mourning for the poor child for three seconds in his heart.

However, the current Nagasawa Masa no longer envies Shiro Dong's talent as she once did.

He used to be a little genius.

[Superspeed Absorption] This talent allows him to have a terrifying practice speed than ordinary people.

And after possessing the [Template of Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni], he almost no longer has bottlenecks that can hinder him on the road of practice.

Feeling the full spiritual pressure in his body, he felt that he could break through his spiritual power level to the third-class spiritual power at any time!

The only thing that gave him a headache was that even though the path of cultivation was smooth, until now, he still hadn't obtained the power of swastika from the water fairy.

It's not that he didn't want to go to Kisuke Urahara and ask for a "transformation body" to practice swastika.

But I don't know why, ever since Narcissus heard his violent talk about "the king and the mount", the Narcissus, who was a bit wayward, became uncharacteristically Buddhist.

And when he was practicing Dao Zen, he also said that when the "king" really understood how to use the "mount", he would naturally be able to understand the power of 卍解.

Otherwise, no matter how much Nagasawa coerces her, she won't teach Changzeya to perform the Swastika!

The angry Nagasawa wanted Muramasa to materialize the Narcissus on the spot, so that he could give him a spanking.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of death god who relies too much on Zanpakuto.

Don't teach if you don't teach, I am a certain person, and I never like to force others!

However, when Shiro Dong, who was meditating, was suddenly awakened by the strong resentment around him, an even stronger resentment strode into Nagasawaya's small courtyard with strides that no relatives recognized.


"Why don't you go to Master Ye!?!?!?"

...... cut......

PS. I want to go to the movies. I heard that Desperate is very good. Has anyone watched it?

% Laidi 5 resentment value? Lie [-]

Seeing Sui Feng rushing into the small courtyard angrily, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

As the regiment leader of the secret mobile unit, Suifeng almost immediately learned of the news that Ye Yi was acquitted in Room 46 of the Central Committee.

In my heart, I couldn't help secretly praising Nagasawa Ya for being reliable. After only returning to the world of corpses and souls for half a year, she solved a feat that she and Sifengyuan's family could not do in the past 40 years.

She completely forgot how she secretly complained about Nagasawa's "inaction" in her heart.

However, while she was happily waiting for Nagasawa to go to the present world and bring Yedai back to the Soul Realm.

One day passed, two days passed, and three full days passed.

As a result, Nagasawa not only put on an appearance that she hadn't left the world of corpses and souls at all, but even seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

Finally, when the time came to the fifth day, Suifeng finally lived in Bengbu, and directly killed Changzeya's small courtyard with a knife.

Looking at the angry Zui Feng, a signature smile suddenly appeared on Nagasawa's face.

While waving his hand at Broken Bee, he said to Dong Shilang who was beside him.

"Well, don't be so angry."

"Dong Shilang, go and make a cup of black wheat tangerine for your Sister Broken Bee. I want my cup to be iced."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Dongshiro glanced at Nagasawa Ya next to him without any trace, then stood up silently, and went to the kitchen to make tea.

This is not the first time that he has made tea for Nagasawa Masa and acted as a human ice machine.

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