
And as the veteran with the deepest qualifications outside of Yamamoto Genyanagi Saishige present, Unokanaretsu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"I haven't seen such a funny little guy for a long time."

What you need to know is that before joining the Gotei Thirteenth Team, Uno Hanaretsu was a terrifying existence known as the greatest villain in the history of the Soul World.

She believes in "fighting is everything", even though she has cultivated her body for many years, her warlike nature makes her more interested in Nagasawa Ya, and she can't help but secretly praise her in her heart.

Heh heh, this is also the mental activity of Unohanaretsu.

Otherwise, Nagasawa must ask her carefully, what is wrong with her!

Shinigami who can reach the captain level of Goutei Thirteen Team, even though their strengths are uneven, some are as strong as Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni, and some are like a certain Cha Kensai and a certain Komamura, but there is one thing that is the same, That is, they are very calm.

However, sometimes one or two exceptions are inevitable.

"Hmph, you brat who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, do you think that you can get carried away with your pride if you defeat the mere deputy captain!?"

I saw a man with a strong figure, dressed in a white feather with the word "Eleven" printed on it, with a fierce face, like a wild boar walking upright, "lightly" came to Nagasawa Masa with Shunbu, carrying A Zanpakuto the size of a door panel looked down at Nagasawa Ya, and said in a deep voice with contempt.

Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, the captain of the [-]th squad, a "legendary" character who only appeared in two pages in an original work, and basically only existed in formula books and fan fiction.

Obviously, Oni Yancheng Kenpachi and his image are almost perfectly consistent, and his head doesn't look very good.

After hearing his words, compared to Nagasawa Masa who was the main target, except for the always smiling Aizen, the vice-captains standing behind each captain suddenly frowned.

Offending two groups of people with one sentence is really hardcore.

At this time, the deputy captain of the [-]th team felt the cannibalistic eyes of his colleagues, and suddenly seemed to be possessed by Teacher Li Chengru, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a light on his back, like a stick in his throat.

Even Mako Hirako, the captain of the [-]th team who is also the captain, covered his face, and complained softly with a speechless face: "Why do you let such an idiot be the captain?"

However, although Kenpachi's appearance on the stage was unanimously disgusted by everyone present, but Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, the captain of Goutei [-], could not dismantle him.

Seeing that Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni acquiesced to Oniwajo Kenpachi's behavior, Nagasawa Masahiro immediately poked his head out of Oniyanjo Kenpachi's huge body, facing Yamamoto Motoyanagi Kenpachi who was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai Guo smiled softly.

"I heard that as long as you defeat the current Kenpachi under the witness of the captains, you can become the new Kenpachi. Although I am not interested in the position of captain, if I defeat him, you can let me join you as a small Little soldier?"




As soon as Nagasawa Ya's words came out, it was like throwing a boulder on a calm lake, causing an uproar immediately.

Although there is only one word difference between the captain and the deputy captain, the strength gap between the two is huge.

The most important of these is the Zanpakutō second-stage liberation—卍解, which almost only the captain-level shinigami can master.

There is a saying in the world of the god of death, it is not necessarily the captain who masters the swastika, but the captain must have mastered the swastika.

After all, not everyone is like Saraki Kenpachi, who can become the captain with a flat A.

The god of death who has mastered the swastika is at least five to ten times stronger than the vice-captain who can only solve it.

Seeing that Nagasawa Ya threatened to defeat Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, the captain of the [-]th squad, even many captains didn't think highly of this reckless man, and he couldn't help but secretly stunned.

However, perhaps it was Masa Nagasawa's self-confidence that awakened some long-lost memories of Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni. After hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, he was only slightly taken aback, and immediately agreed.

"If you can defeat Gui Yancheng, why not let you join the team?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help being overjoyed.

It seems that my life is hanging on!

It's just that he is well versed in the way of negotiation, but he didn't show his emotions or anger, but he still maintained his calm and breezy appearance, and responded lightly.

"make a deal."

After all, he hasn't formally joined the Guarding Team Thirteen, so for now, his life can only be regarded as half-lived!

If something went wrong, who would he cry to?

However, although the negotiations between Masa Nagasawa and Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto went smoothly, Kenpachi Oniyanjo, who was one of the bet objects, felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that Chang Zeya looked like he didn't take him seriously, she couldn't help but sneered and said, "Hmph, you're not ashamed to speak out!"

Immediately, he turned his head, pointed at Nagasawa Ya, and gave loud instructions to his deputy captain who was about to get into the crack of the ground because of the gaze of his fellow swordsmen.

"Hey, find him a new shallow knife, and blame other people's knives for not being able to use it well after he dies!"

As the shinigami who climbed to the captain's position step by step from Liuhun Street, he still saw at a glance that the knife in Nagasawa Ya's waist was a shallow strike that had not been untied before.

Presumably it was the knife of the Mao graduate whose school uniform was robbed by him.

In order not to be criticized for "using the big to bully the small" and "winning without force", relying on the few brain cells, Oni Yancheng Kenpachi offered to replace Nagasawa with a new knife.

However, Masa Nagasawa rejected the "good intention" of Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, and casually pulled out the shallow paddle on his waist and said with a soft smile, "No need, this one will do."

Hearing this, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi didn't say much anymore, he just pulled out the Zanpakuto which was the size of a door panel, curled his lips and said, "Whatever you want, don't blame me if you die."

"Chop him up, ghost-headed knife!"

Although Oniganjo Kenpachi is reckless and is evaluated as a "stupid" by Mako Hirako, as a captain-level Shinigami, he still has the most basic ability to judge.

In his opinion, being able to defeat the vice-captain-level Reaper in one blow is not something that can be solved with a level A.

Dang even liberated his Zanpakuto.

As Oni Yancheng Kenpachi called out the name of Zanpakuto, the Zanpakuto in his hand, which was like a door panel, suddenly turned into a large sword with a ring head the size of a door panel.

Sure enough, he is a reckless man born from the heart, and even Zanpakuto is a macho physics department that fits his image very well.

Immediately, Gui Yancheng's sword came down a bit, rounded the ring-headed broadsword in his hand, and slashed towards Chang Zeya as if flying.

Looking at Kiyanjo Kenpachi who rushed towards him after releasing Zanpakutō, Nagasawa Masahiro smiled.

Thank you so much, Sakagi-san.

The so-called shallow fight refers to the nameless Zanpakuto that more than [-] members of the Goutei [-]th Team were temporarily loaned out when they were students, and officially awarded when they joined the team.

Although it is called "the strongest Zanpakuto with unlimited development power" by the "sword god" Ermaiya Wangyue, before interacting with his mind and learning his name, Asada is a universal weapon that anyone can use.

It just so happened that he needed such a nameless blade.

"Everything is ashes."

"The blade is like fire."

In an instant, the sky was full of fire.

Chapter 7 The IQ Highlands Are Occupied

The light and shallow singing is like whispering in the ear, and the raging flames in the sky are like the sky burning the city.

As Nagasawa Ya released the Asahi in his hand, the uncontrollable Reiatsu was like a tiger out of the cage, and the dazzling golden light shot up into the sky like a substance.

When Gui Yancheng Jianpachi came up to Nagasawa Masa with the ghost head sword, he just waved the sharp blade in his hand lightly, and the hot flame seemed to turn into a glaring King Kong at this moment, just With both hands together, Gui Yancheng Jianba was trapped in the wall of flames, even though he was rushing left and right, the blazing flames seemed to be spiritually chasing this "Jianba", not letting him go. Its a breakthrough.

With just one move, a captain-level powerhouse was suppressed.

However, the impact of the battle between Nagasawa Masa and Oni Yancheng Kenpachi is more than just that simple on the surface.

"So... so hot..."

"No...can't breathe..."

"Quick! Get out! This is no longer a battle that you can watch!"

The scorching flames seemed to burn up the surrounding oxygen in an instant. In just a few seconds, many Mao's graduates had faint signs of suffocation and dehydration.

It’s natural to think about it. Known as the strongest and oldest Zanpakuto of the hot type, the blade is hot, and the temperature around the blade can be raised to the same level as the surface of the sun. If Nagasawa Masa hadn’t deliberately Controlling his Reiatsu and Flowing Blade Ruohuo, he could kill these Mao graduates in just a moment when he first released it.

The head teachers of each class who realized that something was wrong promptly let the students who were still able to move support each other and leave the scene.

On the other side, the captains of Goutei [-]'s team all set their sights on Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, who was calm and calm, as if nothing could cause him to show a little panic.

Feeling the extremely familiar sense of oppression, as a direct disciple of Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni, Kyoraku Shunsui first wiped off the sweat oozing from his forehead, and then quietly walked up to Ukitake Jushirō, his brother, with a slight expression on his face. asked in a serious voice.

"Ukitake, I remember that in the same era, it is unlikely that there will be two identical Zanpakuto. That's what the academy taught us back then, right?"

The solemn eyes also appeared in Ukitake Shishiro's eyes, I saw his eyes staring at Nagasawa Masa for a moment, as if he wanted to see through layers of fog, but couldn't find anything, he was silent for a moment replied later.

"Well, let alone the same era, according to ancient records, the same Zanpakuto rarely appears even if it is separated by thousands of years."

Jingle Shunsui: "If there are really two flaming blades in the same era, it will probably be a catastrophe for the world of corpses and souls. I hope the situation will not develop in the worst direction. ..."

Although Jingle Shunsui is an extremely lazy person, and sometimes even makes people confused about what the Eighth Division does because of his bad attitude, but as the second son of a high-ranking noble family in the soul world, see many Wide knowledge is his advantage.

When he saw Nagasawa using the Flowing Blade with ease, his first reaction was that if the two Flowing Blades went into battle, the power they would erupt might be enough to destroy the entire Soul Soul Realm in an instant.

Then, a fantasy arose in his heart.

Hope, this is just an ability to copy other people's Zanpakuto, if it's just like this, maybe there is still room for redemption.

However, before his conjecture could be uttered, another person uttered it.

At this time, Kuchiki Yinling, the head of the Kuchiki family, one of the five nobles, and the captain of the sixth division, suddenly spoke.

"That's not necessarily a flowing sword. According to the records of the Kuchiki family, the Zanpakuto is formed based on the soul of the holder. The stronger the Zanpakuto, the lower the probability of birth. In addition, The one from Team Zero... This is why it is difficult to have two Zanpakuto that are exactly the same in the same era. I am afraid that this is a sword with similar abilities, or it has the same origin as Flowing Blade. Zanpakuto."

After Kuchiki Yinling spoke, Jingle Chunshui stopped talking.

As one of the five great nobles, the current head of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Yinling's words, the credibility is still very high.

Although Kuchiki Yinling didn't speak thoroughly, Jingle Shunsui, who knew more or less about the rumors about the Zero Division, understood the meaning of the other party in an instant.

However, at this time, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, who had been silent since Nagasawa released Ruohuo, just stared at the center of the field, seemed to be communicating silently with Nagasawa. Said softly in a soft-sounding voice, but enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

"Enough, let's call it a day."

The moment Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni's words sounded, the raging flames that were originally like the Infernal Purgatory disappeared without a trace as if they understood his words.

If it weren't for the hot breath that still remained in the air, as well as the gray and black head, and the whole body in a deadly domineering outfit, there would be no good place, and Gui Yancheng Jianpachi, who was still waving the ghost-headed sword in his hand foolishly, even gave him a blow. An illusion that nothing just happened.

A world where only Oniganjo Kenpachi was injured has been achieved.

The face of the future leaders still has to be given, especially now that his own life is still in the hands of Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto.

When Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni stopped the duel, Nagasawa Masamune undid Zanpakutō's Hajime very sensibly.

In the battle just now, despite his full firepower, he controlled his strength very well.

Not only did the aftermath of the battle not affect any of Mao's graduates, even Kenpachi Oniyanjo, who was his opponent, managed to hurt the skin but not the bones, and gave everyone face.

However, some people don't seem to appreciate it very much.

Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, whose face was covered in soot, and even the tips of his hair were burnt into an indescribable shape, roared with an angry face.

"Wait a moment!"

"I haven't lost yet!"

"Smelly brat, you dare to tease me like this, I will never let you go!"


Obviously, Kiyanjo Kenpachi cannot face this world where only he is injured.

In a rage, Dang even prepared to carry out the swastika, and fought with Nagasawa Ya for another [-] rounds.



With a loud shout, it was like thunder on the ground, and I saw Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, who was still calm and breezy just now, suddenly opened those old, but still extremely sharp eyes, staring closely at Gui Yancheng Jianba said in a deep voice word by word.

"Isn't that embarrassing enough!?"

"Look carefully at his feet. He never took a step away from the original place. Haven't you realized the gap between yourself and him?"

Hearing this, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly looked at Nagasawa Ya who had already sheathed his sword with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, as Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni said, since the two of them fought, this young man who looked as thin as bean sprouts hadn't moved a single step.

Then, he turned his head abruptly and looked at the group of fellow captains behind him.

Looking at the eyes of the captains, "I understand everything, but you are still stupid and unaware".

Suddenly, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi felt ashamed of being put on a high IQ ground.

Seeing this, Mako Hirako covered her face again, and complained again in a very speechless manner.

"So let's say..."

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