"Why on earth did you let such an idiot be the captain?"

Hearing this, the vice-captain of the [-]th team was trying to find a crack in the ground to get in again.

...... cut......

PS. I'm sorry, because I'm writing a book part-time, the update time will be unstable on weekdays, but don't worry, there will be no less than two chapters every day, at least daily 4K updates are absolutely no problem.

Chapter 8 Division [-], third seat

"You are very good. Welcome to the Gotei Thirteen."

Without asking too much, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni acted quite simply, and said directly to Nagasawa Masa.

After hearing what Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said, Nagasawa smiled knowingly.

Regardless of the reason why Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni readily allowed him to join the [-]th Goutei team, at least for now, his life was saved.

Seeing that a consensus was reached, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni changed his previous serious appearance, and continued to speak to Nagasawa Masa quite enthusiastically.

"Although the old man has approved your request to join the team, according to the rules, you must choose a team to join."

"How about it, do you have a fan team you like?"

"Or do you want me to introduce it to you?"

That appearance didn't look like the legendary "Founder of the Gotei" at all, but rather like an amiable and caring neighbor.

Kyoraku Shusui, who is familiar with the character of Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni, even unconsciously took half a step back when he saw this scene, and joked to his vice-captain Yakomaru Lisa who was standing behind him.

"Little Lisa, old man Shan is like this, I'm afraid..."

Yakinmaru Lisa: "..."

He didn't care about Jingle Chunshui who was playing tricks over there. After all, to a certain extent, when Jingle Chunshui was willing to show such a frivolous appearance, it was generally considered to be a time to temporarily accept his status as a comrade-in-arms.

Well, probably...

Facing Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni's inquiry, Nagasawa Masa also replied quite simply: "Let's go to the Sixth Division."

However, what Chang Zeya didn't expect was that when his words just came out, the scene couldn't help being silent.

As Masa Nagasawa thought, the No. [-] team of the Goutei Thirteen Team is the commanding team of the nobles, responsible for safeguarding the interests of the nobles.

What he didn't know was that the No. [-] team was also called the Noble Team because they managed and guarded Noble Street.

That is the core area of ​​the soul world, including the noble elders in the central room 46, but they all live in Noble Street.

An unknown and powerful person, if he wants to join the [-]th Division, which is a dedicated combat team, or even the [-]st Division of the Gotei [-], the general commander.

It is hard not to think of some not-so-good places to join the Sixth Division team.

However, as the captain of the sixth division, Kuchiki Ginling responded directly without frowning after hearing Nagasawa Masa's words.

"If the captain agrees, the old man will have no problem."

"However, with your strength, being the vice-captain of the Sixth Division is really a bit unfair."

Hearing this, Nagasawa was stunned at first, and then was shocked.

Kuchiki Yinling, an old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wants to harm him?

Leaving aside the current vice-captain of the Sixth Division, that handsome guy over there who is taking care of Nozomi Ohmaeda who passed out, the eldest son of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Sosumi.

The vice-captain of the Sixth Division, that is the exclusive throne of the next generation heir of the Kuchiki family.

At the beginning of the Shinigami drama, Kuchiki Byakuya's wife died early, leaving no sons and daughters behind, so it fell on Asai Renji's head.

Otherwise, the position of prince of the Sixth Division would definitely not fall on the heads of outsiders, at least it would have to be the children of other families who are also nobles.

Otherwise, not to mention that the elders of the Kuchimu family refused to agree, other nobles would fry the pot.

And taking another ten thousand steps back, his peak death experience card is only valid for ten days. After the experience card expires, he just wants to be a salary thief who eats and waits to die.

Vice-captain, but you have to work.

At his level, without the experience card, it's just food delivery.

However, before he opened his mouth to decline, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni seemed to have guessed that Kuchiki Yinling would answer in this way, and said without thinking.

"There are currently no vacancies for the captain position of each team. With your strength, it is indeed a bit wronged to be a vice captain."

"However, your qualifications are still young. If you were to replace the rotten wood, the people below will inevitably have some gossip..."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help being overjoyed.

Captain Yamamoto is so considerate!

Yes, that's it, am I the kind of person who covets the position of vice-captain?

My qualifications are low, money or not is not important at all!

No matter how high the salary of the vice-captain is, I will...

However, Nagasawa Masaru's inner activities were only halfway through when Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni continued.

"It just so happens that the third seat of the sixth team has been vacant for some reason. If you want, you can temporarily occupy the third seat."

"Of course, the old man is not unreasonable. If you don't want to, the old man won't force you."

Hearing this, Nagasawa Masaru still couldn't understand what Yamamoto Genryu Saishige meant in the national dialect.

It means that they have taken a fancy to his combat power and don't want to waste it in vain, but they don't intend to entrust him with a high position of deputy captain level to a person with "unknown origin", so they will give him a high-ranking officer with three seats and slowly observe it. .

If you don't want to, just call back and forth.

It's really thanks to [Marlon Brando's Peak Acting Skills], even though there are countless things in her heart that make her want to vomit, Nagasawa Masa just quietly twitched the corners of her eyes, and immediately smiled Responded softly.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

In that appearance, there seemed to be no reluctance, and there was not even a slight emotional change in the tone of voice.

If the acting master Sosuke Aizen knew what he was really thinking at this time, he would definitely give him a thumbs up and say, "You're an idiot, but you still know how to act."

Fortunately, despite being tricked by Yamamoto Genryanagi Shigekuni to trick Chen Cang, the moment he agreed, the system notification made his somewhat depressed mood suddenly become happy again.

[Complete the task: join the sixth team. 】

[Start to repair the damaged knots and soul sleep, and clear all negative states of the body, the system will activate the official version after 24 hours. 】

In the state of the peak death experience card, he can clearly feel that his damaged knot and soul sleep are being repaired at a flying speed.

Seeing that Xiao Ming was struggling, the smile on Nagasawa's face couldn't help but get even wider.

However, at this moment, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who had just ordered his vice-captain to summon all the homeroom teachers of Mao and call back those Mao graduates to complete the graduation ceremony and joining the team, seemed to be inadvertent. , he asked softly to Nagasawa Masaru, who ran to Kuchiki Sojun and helped wake up Nozomi Ohmaeda.

"Oh, by the way, this is the first time this old man has seen Zanpakuto that is exactly the same as Liuren Ruuohuo. If there is a chance, this old man would really like to compete with you."

Hearing this, although the expression on his face did not change, Nagasawa Ya's heart tightened for no reason.

...... cut......

PS. Sorry, after taking a bath and walking my dog, I finished coding this chapter at [-] o'clock. I'll try to be earlier tomorrow.

Run went to sleep.

Chapter 9 Epiphany


After hearing what Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said, Nagasawa Masaru's heart suddenly "thumped".

To be honest, if Yamamoto said that he would have a halberd duel with him, he would definitely agree very readily.

But if it's about competition, it's better to avoid it.

He remembered that in a movie of Shinigami, just because an unlucky child had the same Zanpakuto as Toshirō Hitsugaya, room 46 where two identical Zanpakutos were not allowed to appear at the same time ordered the two to live only one. .

Although Kubo finally said that the theatrical version is just equivalent to another parallel world of souls, but Masa Nagasawa can't guarantee that the great wisdom in Room 46 will not form a consensus with himself in the parallel world.

After all, idiots and idiots will attract each other, let alone 46 idiots.

Fortunately, when he used the experience card, he had already thought of his response in advance, and he said with helpless expression on his face.

"Would you believe it if I told you that it was purely accidental that the blade was flowing like fire?"

Hearing this, the captains present were stunned.

Immediately, Nagasawa Ya continued to explain.

"My Zanpakutō is quite willful. Even I am not sure what he will free next."

"And if the released abilities are not used properly, they cannot be replaced. It's really annoying."

Looking at Nagasawa Ya's disgusted face that doesn't seem to be fake.

This time, not to mention the captains of the teams present, even Soyousuke Aizen couldn't hold back anymore.

"So how willful are you to have such a Zanpakutō!?"

As we all know, Zanpakuto's shape and ability are based on the soul of Death himself.

If Masa Nagasawa's Zanpakuto is really what he said...

For some reason, Yamamoto suddenly regretted agreeing to let such a guy enter the Gotei [-]th team.

Taking a deep look at Nagasawa Ya, Yamamoto said nothing more.

Soon, the Mao graduates who had just been evacuated by the head teachers of Mao Spiritual Art Academy returned to the scene of the graduation ceremony again, and the damaged venue was quickly restored under the black technology of the Technology Development Bureau.

It has to be said that the quality of Mao’s graduates is still quite high. Even if more than 90.00% of this group of people can only be ordinary soldiers in the future, they can learn from millions of souls in the soul world. Those who stand out are all outstanding.

After a short rest, almost all of them have adjusted their state.

However, after all, these Mao graduates still haven't seen much of the world's trainee Reapers. Although they were a little embarrassed just now, battles like the captain's duel and the level of the sword still made them excited.

They had just returned to the arena, and they looked around curiously.

It's just a pity that, except for the burn marks on Oniganjo Kenpachi's face, and the extra boy behind Kuchiki Yinling and Kuchiki Sojun's deputy captain wearing Mao's school uniform and with a warm smile on his face Besides, everything looks as if nothing happened.

"Huh? Wait a minute, why is that guy standing behind grandfather and father?"

Byakuya Kuchiki is a child who abides by the rules, especially as the eldest grandson of the Kuchiki family, he will grow up to be a person who guards the rules in the future.

When he saw Masa Nagasawa, who was about the same age as him, standing behind his father, he immediately realized that Masa Nagasawa probably won the bet with Yamamoto.

Not only did he join the Goutei [-]th team, but also his own sixth team, which made his sword eyebrows twitch.

What he didn't know was that not only Mao graduates were looking at Nagasawa Masa curiously, Nagasawa Masa was also observing them, especially Kuchiki Byakuya and Ichimaru Gin.

When Masa Nagasawa saw Kuchiki Byakuya staring at him frowning from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The world of corpses and souls is indeed a place where strength is respected, but it also has its own rules.

He joined the Gotei [-] in such a rule-breaking way, which inevitably caused some people's dissatisfaction.

The more rules you break, the more you will be excluded in the future.

He understands the reason why Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and he doesn't want to be judged as suicide after being stabbed seven times in the back inexplicably after the expiry of the experience card.

The current him is like KING who has just become an S-level hero. He has the false name of the third seat in the sixth division, but he has no corresponding strength.

There is no bald head here who will suddenly jump out to help him fight.

Therefore, he needs to become the most popular person, at least before he truly becomes the strongest, he needs to become a person who others will praise him even if he is bad.

Otherwise, with his current position in the third seat of the Sixth Division, any task could kill him!

Mao's graduation ceremony is not complicated, and the enlistment ceremony is also very simple.

After all, Mao's students had already joined the various teams for internships when they were promoted to the sixth-generation students. If there is no accident, they will basically join the teams that have practiced.

It is worth mentioning that both Ichimaru Gin and Kuchiki Byakuya directly became the seats.

Ichimaru Gin is the seventh member of the Fifth Division, and Kuchiki Byakuya is the fourth member of the Sixth Division.

Seeing this result, Masa Nagasawa touched her chin with great interest.

This is very interesting.

For the time being, Ichimaru Gin, who is obsessed with revenge, will not be mentioned.

If the original historical trajectory is followed, Kuchiki Byakuya, as the super genius of the Kuchiki family, has been the head of the Mao Lingshu Academy for six consecutive years. After graduation, he will directly enter the sixth team and serve as the third seat of the sixth team.

To achieve the three generations of old, middle and young people living under the same roof, occupying the captain and deputy captain of the sixth team, and the absolute right to speak of the three seats.

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