However, because of Masa Nagasawa's intrusion, Byakuya Kuchiki, who was supposed to be the third seat of the sixth division, deviated from the original track and became the fourth seat.

At this time, I have to talk about the organizational structure of the Goutei Thirteen.

Each team of the Gotei 200 has a captain, one deputy captain, and several levels of chief officers. Generally speaking, the seats of chief officers are arranged in order of strength, and the third chief officer is also responsible for assisting the deputy commanders. Captain, and so on, and finally the more than [-] grassroots team members.

The higher the Grim Reaper's seat, the more difficult tasks he needs to undertake.

Sometimes in some fan teams there will be more than a dozen to 20 people serving as the same officer, and some fan teams even have so many people that they must be divided into several classes, and a class leader is assigned to each class to manage the class.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but wring her fingers secretly, and silently calculated in her heart.

"As the vice-captain, Kuchiki Sosumi is the captain's assistant of the Sixth Division."

"As the third seat, I am responsible for assisting Sojun Kuchiki as the vice-captain."

"In this way, as long as I hand over the work to Kuchiki Byakuya who is in charge of assisting me, the perfect closed loop will be achieved in one fell swoop!"

Masa Nagasawa, epiphany.jpg

...... cut......

PS. Tonight’s World Cup is so confusing. I hope Messi will advance to the finals, but I also hope Modric will advance to the finals.

But in general, I am still more optimistic about Croatia, come on Modric!

Chapter 10 The grumpy young master and the intimate cat demon

"Come to think of it, you've all heard about the enlistment ceremony more or less, so I won't say anything more."

"These two are Nagazawa Masaichi and Kuchiki Byakuya, who have recently joined our division."

After the simple joining ceremony, the captains of each team led the newcomers of their respective teams back to the station.

Probably because of the appointment of two high-ranking officers, all members of the Sixth Division, except those responsible for duty and daily inspections, were recalled to the division's headquarters.

Looking at the overwhelming team inside the squad station, Nagasawa couldn't help but be a little speechless.

At first glance, there were at least 300 people, and this was because the Sixth Division was a noble team with a relatively small number of Goutei Thirteen.

Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

If you join a squad with a large number of people, interpersonal relationships will be difficult!

Kuchiki Ginling's introduction was also quite brief. He almost simply introduced the names of Nagasawa Masaru and Kuchiki Byakuya, and then left the follow-up affairs to his son Kuchiki Sojun.

For a while, Nagasawa couldn't figure out whether Kuchiki Yinling wanted to train her son, or if she simply found it troublesome.

As for the other new Mao graduates...

Probably in Kuchiki Ginling's heart, these newbies don't deserve to be introduced by his names for the time being.

However, just when Nagasawa Masaru was thinking about how to get Kuchiki Sojun to advance one month's salary so that he could enhance the friendship among colleagues after work, Kuchiki Ginryu, who was about to walk out of the team building, paused and then turned sideways. , his eyes briefly stayed on Kuchiki Byakuya for a moment, then glanced at Nagasawa Masaru aside, and said softly in a calm tone.

"The captain asked you two to go to Division [-]. Someone is waiting for you there. Don't keep people waiting."

After all, Kuchiki Yinling didn't care whether Nagasawa and Masa had any doubts, and disappeared into the team building.

Seeing this, Nagasawa Masaru and Kuchiki Byakuya glanced at each other subconsciously.

To Nagasawa Masa's surprise, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes only had a very brief contact with him, and then quickly turned away.

It seems that this little brother has a strong opinion of himself.

Seeing that Byakuya Kuchiki no longer paid attention to him, he just bowed slightly to Sojun Kuchiki and then turned around and left.

Nagasawa Masa didn't care too much, she just regarded it as youthful rebellion, and happily followed Kuchiki Byakuya who was walking out with his head covered, talking while walking.

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I've come to Seireitei, and I still can't recognize the way, so I have to trouble Brother Baizai to lead the way."

That appearance, if Hirako Mako was here at this time, would definitely feel very familiar.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa who was following behind, Kuchiki Byakuya frowned slightly, and immediately stepped on his feet, leaving only a light sentence in the air, then cast Shunpo, and quickly left the six Fan team team house.

"You can keep up."

Are you trying to test me?

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya who had run far away, Nagasawa tickled his nose in amusement.

Thanks to the experience card, there are still nine days left, otherwise Kuchiki Byakuya would really be stumped.

In the next second, Nagasawa Ya lightly tapped her foot, and in the blink of an eye, she was the first to catch up with Kuchiki Byakuya who had already run a long way away.

When he was keeping pace with Kuchiki Byakuya, he even greeted Kuchiki Byakuya in a friendly way: "Brother Byakuya's Shunpo attainment is really incredible, I almost couldn't keep up."


The moment he heard the voice coming from his ear, Kuchiki Byakuya's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he turned his head in disbelief, and looked at Nagasawa Masa who had a relaxed and free-spirited expression.

He knew that Masa Nagasawa was very strong, at least in terms of combat level and spiritual pressure, she was an existence that could rival the captain level.

But at the same time, he also has extremely high confidence in his Shunpo level.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to play with "Shunshin" Yoruichi since childhood.

He has already learned the essence of Shunpo after being teased countless times by Yoruichi Sifengin. Even when facing Yoruichi Sifengin, he is confident that he will not fall behind.

Seeing Nagasawa falling half a step behind him, and still looking at ease, the young and energetic Kuchiki Byakuya was aroused to be competitive, and his already extremely fast speed was unexpectedly hard. Shengsheng raised it a lot further.

However, what made him feel depressed was that no matter how fast he accelerated, Nagasawa was like an extremely precise instrument, still hanging half a step behind him not too far away, following him with a smile on his face.

That expression seemed to say "you keep running, I can keep up".

What made Kuchiki Byakuya even more depressed was that he found that while running, he didn't know when, suddenly there was another person beside him.

"Yo, running so fast, are you rushing to date some girl, Young Master Bai Zai?"

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

The familiar teasing directly made the already depressed Kuchiki Byakuya's forehead swell with blue veins.

Nagasawa Masaru couldn't help but turn his head and look towards the other side of Kuchiki Byakuya.

With black skin, short purple hair, and the white Captain Haori, the identity of the visitor is self-evident.

It was none other than the captain of the Second Division whom he had just met not long ago, the current head of the Shifengyuan family, one of the five nobles, Shifengyuan Yoruichi.

"It's the Sifengyuan team..."

However, before Nagasawa could finish the greeting, the grumpy Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly interrupted.

"Damn cat demon, what do you want to do!?"

Saying that, he didn't forget to throw a roundabout kick at Yeyi beside him while running, and intentionally or unintentionally brought Nagasawa Ya, who was running on the other side of him, into the attack range.

It's a pity that whether he is facing Yoruichi or Nagasawa Masaru who is still in the experience card state, Kuchiki Byakuya is still a little immature at this moment.


And Yoichi also seemed to enjoy the feeling of teasing Kuchiki Byakuya, while easily dodging Kuchiki Byakuya's flying kick, he did not forget to continue teasing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just saw a certain young master gritting his teeth and trying his best to compete with a newcomer who had just joined the team. I was a little worried about the future of the Kuchiki family, so I came to care about the kind-hearted elder sister who was concerned about the situation. That’s all.”

As he spoke, he put a pair of beautiful eyes on Nagasawa Ya.

...... cut......

PS. Woo hoo, Modric stopped in the semi-finals. I feel sorry for the Magic Flute. Come on for the third or fourth place finals!

Congratulations to Argentina, boss Mei, go and win the Hercules Cup!

Cultivating Immortals in the World Cup is really scary, it's really not human at 3 o'clock in the semi-finals...

Chapter 11 Showdown? Stop pretending, right?

"Where are you going?"

"Generally speaking, new members of the team, even if they are chief officers, will not assign tasks to you on the first day of joining the team."

Ye Yi's curious eyes fell on Nagasawa and Ya, and he didn't care that he had never met Nagasawa before, so he asked quite familiarly.

Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa stared at Ye Yi meaningfully for less than 0.1 second, then shrugged and responded in a very familiar way, like a friend.

"I heard from Captain Kuchiki that His Majesty Yuan Liuzai asked me to go to the [-]th squad with Brother Baizai, saying that someone is waiting for us there."

"Hey, you're on your way, so why don't you come over to say hello?"

Nagasawa is not some unresponsive stunned young man.

It's okay to appoint him as the third seat of the sixth team. After all, the salary of the third seat is not comparable to that of ordinary team members.

If it is said that being an ordinary soldier is a salary thief, then dawdling with the high position of the third officer is a salary thief.

Who would think too much money?

However, while arranging him to be Kuchiki Sojun's deputy, he also arranged Kuchiki Byakuya to assist him. Even if Kuchiki Byakuya's own strength is enough to be qualified for the fourth seat, the intention is too obvious.

Not to mention that on his way to the [-]th Division, Yoichi Sifengin, whom he had never met before, came over to strike up a conversation by a very coincidence.

He couldn't believe that Ye Yihui, who was the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers and concurrently the head of the First Division Criminal Army General Army, would be so free.

If it wasn't for him being overly educated, all of this should have been arranged by Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto.

To be honest, he didn't really mind what Yamamoto arranged for him, if he was sitting in Yamamoto's position, he would do the same.

What surprised him was that before he could finish his thoughts, Yoruichi over there showed an expression like this.

"Oh, that's how it turned out. Old Man Shan asked me to follow you, and he didn't tell me what to do. I had no choice but to run over and ask you."


Nagasawa: "???"

Is this how a straight shot is played?


Don't install it anymore?

Yoruichi's frankness caused Kuchiki Byakuya, who was leading the way and eavesdropping, to stumble.

After finally regaining his balance, Kuchiki Byakuya, who had faintly bulging veins on his forehead, immediately accused him mercilessly.

"Hey cat demon, do you have any sense of being the leader of a secret mobile unit?"

"Is it really okay to tell the mission content directly to the mission target?"

Hey, I'm still here as the mission target, can you take care of my mood a little bit?

Seeing the two people who had completely ignored him and started fighting, the corners of Nagasawa's mouth twitched slightly.

Probably because he finally remembered the existence of Masa Nagasawa, Byakuya Kuchiki stopped "chasing and beating" Yoruichi without looking back, but just gave Masa Nagasawa a handsome head, and said without turning his head.

"Let me tell you first, although I don't like you very much, but as the heir of the Kuchiki family, I can't do such lowly things as spying on you."

"I don't care what your purpose of joining the Guarding Team Thirteen is, but you'd better not let me catch your fox tail, otherwise, I will let you know the fate of the betrayer."

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's cold warning with a hint of a chuuni breath, Nagasawa Masa found it hard to connect him with the handsome Bingshan guy in the future.

Maybe this is growing up.

Perhaps to ease the somewhat heavy atmosphere, Yeyi shook his head while saying in an elder tone.

"I'm sorry, Brother Nagasawa, I've spoiled Bai Zai since he was a child, don't mind, he's actually a good boy, but he gets angry too easily."

"As long as you can get rid of this bad habit, you will definitely be a very remarkable person in the future."

Obviously, Yeichi's words aroused Kuchiki Byakuya's displeasure again, and the anger that had been suppressed just now suddenly rose again.

"Damn cat demon, what kind of apology are you making for me?"

"It seems that it is really necessary for you to experience for yourself the fact that my strength is already superior to yours!"

Looking at the two people who were fighting, for some reason, Nagasawa felt extra relaxed, and even had the leisure to make a joke.

"Don't worry, the wages are in place, and the four emperors are useless."

"I just want to find a job with a high salary for retirement, but Captain Yeyi, just tell me the content of your mission, won't you worry about His Excellency Yuanliusai's censure?"

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, although he didn't know what the Four Emperors meant, Yoruichi, who was dodging Kuchiki Byakuya's attack, waved his hands indifferently.

"Although old man Shan asked me to follow you, he also said that I should use my own judgment to determine whether you are an enemy or a friend. And if I really want to say it, I have to thank you."

"Thank you?" Facing Ye Yi's thanks, Nagasawa seemed a little puzzled.

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