However, the sudden increase of petals did not choose to attack Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, but in a very short period of time, they gathered in front of Nagasawa Masa into a shield made of pure white petals.


The giant hammer in Kiegashiro Kenpachi's hand suddenly hit the shield made of flower petals. The seemingly hard shield was actually as brittle as paper under Kiegashiro Kenpachi's hands.

Accompanied by the bombardment of the sledgehammer in Gui Yancheng Jianba's hand, one shield after another turned into petals again in an instant.

However, thanks to the shields made of petals, even though it only bought Nagasawa Ya a very short time, it was enough for him to adjust his body balance and avoid it.

The whistling warhammer brushed against the tip of Nagasawa Masa's nose dangerously and dangerously. Taking this opportunity, Nagasawa Masa tapped her toes in the air and landed on Kuchiki Cang with a leap of faith again. Pure side.

However, the moment he landed, the damn notification sound from the system sounded extremely inappropriate.

[Warning, the injury value has reached 142%, and the first metatarsal bone of the left foot has a stress fracture. 】

Chapter 74 Domineering Mountain Boy×Resolute Blood Red Rose

Damn, non-combat damage with only 142% of the injury value? !

The system's warning sound undoubtedly made the already bad situation worse.

Feeling the discomfort coming from the big toe of her left foot, Nagasawa Ya's complexion couldn't help but gloomy again.

Although the fight just now was short, it was extremely thrilling.

Even if he got a short respite, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

However, when Gui Yancheng Jianpachi fell to the ground again, Nagasawa Masa suddenly discovered that the current situation seemed to be worse than he expected.

I saw that the wound pierced by Oni Yancheng Jianpachi's shoulder was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, there was no wound on Ki Yancheng Jianpachi's shoulder except for a little blood.

This time, Nagasawa was really confused.

Super fast regeneration! ?

Are you a god of death or a broken face! ?

Looking at Oni Yancheng Kenpachi who had recovered to its original state, Nagasawa Masa began to curse in her heart.

But at this time, Kuchiki Cangjun, who was beside him, started explaining extremely dutifully.

"Ghost Yancheng's swastika is very simple. Apart from improving his own attributes like ordinary swastikas, he has only two abilities."

"Super resilience like a high-level Daxu, and a spy on people's hearts."

"Relying on these two abilities, he saw through all the moves of Wuzhu Jianpachi, and relying on his strong recovery ability, he forcibly grinded Wuzhu Jianpachi to death."

Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa was already a little powerless to complain.

What is this Ulquioraga Enilo?

If it is true what Kuchiki Aojun said, there are only two scenes he can think of to defeat Kiyanjo Kenpachi.

One is to use absolute power to directly destroy the opponent's internal organs and brain before the opponent regenerates at a super speed, and give the opponent a fatal blow.

In this case, even Ulquiorra, who had returned to the blade in two stages, would not be able to survive.

The other is to kill Oniganjo Kenpachi like Saraki Kenpachi before he can perform the swastika.

Obviously, now he has only one choice.

After hearing Kuchiki Canojun's explanation, he seemed to recall the glorious past, but Oni Yancheng Kenpachi didn't immediately attack the two of them.

Instead, staring at Kuchiki Cangjun, he said with a very obvious joking smile on his face.

"They're all captain-level gods of death from the thirteenth team of the court. It's like who doesn't know who's Zanpakuto. My one-eyed mountain boy is no secret."

"It's you, Young Master Kuchiki, your Zanpakuto is even more dangerous."

"Your blood red rose can't support you in high-intensity combat for a long time."

"If you can't take down the enemy in a short time, your Zanpakuto, which feeds on the blood of its master, will take your life before I do, hahahahahaha!"

Hearing Gui Yancheng Jianba's wild laughter, Nagasawa Masa's face froze, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at Kuchiki Cangjun beside him.

Kuchiki's pale and pure complexion was already fair, but at this moment, he looked morbidly pale.

Seeing the shocked look on Nagasawa Masa's face, the playful expression on Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's face intensified.

"Without the young master of the Kuchiki family covering you, I can kill you in an instant!"


As he said that, Oniganjo Kenpachi introduced Kuchiki Sojun's Zanpakuto to Nagasawa Masa as if it was a bad taste.

Probably because of the father and son, Kuchiki Sojun's blood red rose is very similar to Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbonzakura.

But there are obvious differences between the two.

Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura's Hajime seems to be powerful, but there are three extremely fatal weaknesses.

First, there is a limit to the number of thousands of sharp blades that are invisible to the naked eye formed after the blade is decomposed.

The total number of them will not exceed the total volume of the Qianben Sakura blade, and this limit can only be broken through after breaking through to the swastika solution.

Second, the thousands of blades decomposed by Senbenzakura can only cause extremely thin and small wounds because of their small size. Although they can cause seemingly great damage to the enemy, they will not cause a lot of bleeding, and The probability of destroying the enemy's vital points is not high, and the attack power is seriously insufficient.

In other words, it is high-speed scraping.

And the third, and most deadly point.

Senbon Sakura's liberation cannot be used as a normal "sword" due to the disappearance of the blade, which makes it extremely dangerous for the user who loses the blade as a defense once the enemy breaks through to the user.

But the blood-red rose of Kuchiki Cangchun is not the case.

When he performed the first solution, the handle of his Zanpakutō would turn into thorns, and the blade would turn into hundreds of pure white petals.

The number of pure white petals that bloom will not be limited by the size of the blade, and you can even increase the number with your heart. It is completely possible to adjust the ratio of offense and defense according to actual needs, so as to achieve both offense and defense.

At the same time, because the size of its petals is far larger than the sharp blade decomposed by Senbon Sakura, its attack power is several levels stronger.

But unlike Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura, Kuchiki Sojun's seemingly perfect Zanpakuto has extremely strict conditions for use.

That is, since the release of the Zanpakutō, the hilt turned into thorns will continue to suck the blood and spiritual power of the user. The more petals the blood red rose decomposes, the greater the blood and spiritual power it will absorb .

Just now, in order to gain space and time for Nagasawa to dodge, Kuchiki Aojun forcibly decomposed more petals, making one side after another shield for her.

Seeing Kuchiki Cangchun's face as pale as white paper, Nagasawa could not help biting her teeth.


[Warning, the injury value reached 218%, and the second molar on the upper jaw was broken. 】

Immediately, under the surprised gazes of Kiyanjo Kenpachi and Kuchiki Sojun, he spat out the blood-stained molars viciously.


Nagasawa, who was cursing secretly in her heart, was really about to give this shit system a good laugh.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa broke her teeth because she was worried about herself, Kuchiki Cangjun couldn't help showing a soft look on his pale complexion, as if he had figured something out, he said softly.

"If I died here with you, I would have no regrets."

However, after hearing his words, Nagasawa frowned.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I, before the head landed, I wouldn't consider giving up this kind of thing."

"Instead of spending time thinking about the regrets after death, shouldn't it be better to live beautifully until the last moment?"

Speaking of this, Nagasawa seemed to think of something, her tone paused slightly, and then she continued.

"Get ready, Xiao Cang."

"Until the last moment, cover me!"

It seemed that Nagasawa Ya's words had ignited the fighting spirit in his heart, and Kuchiki Cangchun, who was pale, seemed to have regained a little rosiness on his face.

I saw him standing up, holding the handle of the knife full of thorns tightly with both hands, changing his usual gentle expression, and responded with a deep and determined face.

"It's not Xiao Cang, it's..."

"Forget it, don't worry, before I swallow my last breath, I will never let Gui Yancheng touch a single hair of yours!"

"Bloom to your heart's content, blood red rose!"

Chapter 75 Fate!

A low roar like the roar of a wild animal suddenly erupted from Kuchiki Sojun's throat, making it impossible for people to associate it with the usually gentle and elegant heir of the Kuchiki family.

At the same time, with this low growl, Kuchiki Canojun seemed not to care about the side effects of his Zanpakutō, frantically pouring his Reiatsu into the thorny handle of the knife in his hand.

In the next second, the pure white petals flying all over the sky seemed to have performed the shadow clone technique.

One point two, two points three, three points infinite!

At this moment, under the moonlight, the flower sea formed by the rose petals all over the sky seemed to dye the whole sky into day.

Not to mention Ichinose Masaki who is also the vice-captain, even Kenpachi Onigenjo, who is the captain, looked a little solemn when he saw the scene in front of him.

Obviously, Kuchiki Aojun has already started to work hard!

As a teammate, Masa Nagasawa will naturally not let Kuchiki Canojun bloom alone.

He is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses.

Although Kuchiki Sojun's blood red rose is far more offensive than Kuchiki Byakuya's Senbon Sakura, but it is obviously wishful thinking to rely on Hajime to give Oniganjo Kenpachi a fatal blow.

And although he, Chang Zeya, has only three axes, it can be seen from the previous attempts.

His [Wildfire], which concentrates the whole body's spiritual pressure on one point, can cause damage to Gui Yancheng, even fatally.

Although using Yamamoto's basic attack as a unique move is somewhat embarrassing.

But this is the only comeback method Nagasawa can think of so far.

A knife.

Just let him explode to the head.

He didn't believe that Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, who had been punched in the head, could repair his body!

For a while, under the cover of the green sea of ​​flowers, Masa Nagasawa seemed to be transformed into an assassin, constantly wandering around the side of Kiyan Cheng Kenpachi, looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

Because he knew that facing the captain-level Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, it would be difficult for his general attack to cause much damage to him.

Time passed by minute by second, and both Kiegashiro Kenpachi and Nagasawa Masaru gradually became anxious.

What Masa Nagasawa and Aojun Kuchiki need most is to stall for time and wait for support.

However, their most urgent thing is also time.

Not to mention that Kuchiki's pure and pale face could no longer see a little bit of blood, Nagasawa Masa's injury value has already exceeded 400%!

Until now, he had only suffered a few muscle lacerations, but in his heart he was really shouting for the blessing of the European Emperor.

If it drags on any longer, one of the internal organs in his body may suddenly explode again.

In the face of Masa Nagasawa's procrastination tactics of avoiding their edge, Kenpachi Kiyanjo has exposed his relatively single shortcoming of ability. All abilities are applied to him, and the means of breaking the game are quite limited. .

Coupled with the current situation where other team powerhouses may notice at any time, Gui Yancheng Jianba knew that he could no longer delay.

He immediately shouted to Ichinose Maki who was outside the battle circle: "Ichinose, come and help me!"



Hearing this, Nagasawa Masa and Kuchiki Cangchun were both shocked.

A captain-level Oniganjo Kenpachi is already tough enough to deal with, but how about adding a vice-captain-level Maki Ichinose?

It's a pity that the cruel reality didn't give the two of them much chance to breathe, and Maki Ichinose, who was instructed by Kenpachi Oniyanjo, immediately released his Zanpakutō.

"Shine! Hongxia!"

Unlike Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, who has never appeared in the animation, Nagasawa Masaki clearly knows Ichinose Maki's Zanpakuto ability.

Zanpakuto Hongxia, the light system, can use the reflection of light to form phantoms after the initial solution. In most cases, it shoots light onto his own body, and then reflects it to form phantoms, confusing the enemy's sight, so as to achieve almost The effect of a sneak attack.

It's just obvious that this time, Ichinose Maki's Zanpakutō did not act on himself.

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