At the moment when his Zanpakutō was released, the sea of ​​flowers formed by Kuchiki Sojun's blood-red roses actually broke through the long-standing defense and penetrated Kiogashiro Kenpachi's body.

Seeing this scene, Nagasawa and Ya immediately realized something was wrong.

Oniganjo Kenpachi has already used Ichinose Maki's rainbow glow to hide his figure.

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa immediately spread out his Reiatsu, trying to find Kenpachi Kiyanjo.

However, can't find...

Within the range of his perception, Kiyanjo Kenpachi's body seemed to be still in place, being attacked by Kuchiki Cangjun's sea of ​​flowers and frantically coming in and out!

"Ya, come here!"

Realizing the danger, Kuchiki Sojun immediately called out to Nagasawa Masaru, trying to call him to his side, forming a back-to-back defense.

However, just as his words fell, Masa Nagasawa suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.


A cold voice sounded behind him, it was Kenpachi Kiegashiro!

I don't know when, the other party actually touched his behind.

When he was on guard, he could barely keep up with the rhythm of Gui Yancheng Jianpachi. At this time, facing a sneak attack that did not talk about martial arts, the attack was approaching the extreme, and he could not allow him to dodge at all, or even The action of parrying defense.


Kuchiki Cangchun, who had witnessed all this, was about to burst into tears.

He frantically stimulated the sea of ​​flowers formed by the blood red roses, trying to block the fatal blow of Oni Yancheng Kenpachi before it fell on Nagasawa Masa.

However, no matter how fast he is, how can he be faster than Gui Yancheng Jianpachi who is close at hand?

A bloodthirsty smile instantly climbed into Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's eyes, as if he had already seen the appearance of Nagasawa Ya when he was smashed into meat paste by him with a hammer.


However, when Gui Yancheng Jianpachi's giant hammer fell on Nagasawa Ya, the wanton smile on his face froze instantly.

I saw the giant hammer in Kiegashiro Kenpachi's hand hit Nagasawa Masaru firmly, but the moment it came into contact with his body, Nagasawa Masaru, who was still standing there, was like a bullet. The balloon just exploded.

The sudden change made all three present stunned. In the end, Maki Ichinose, who was standing outside the battle circle, was the first to react.

His pupils trembled violently, and he shouted with strong anxiety in his tone.

"Captain! Be careful behind you!"

Hearing this, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi suddenly turned his head.

Nagasawa, who was wearing a black cloak, seemed to have turned into a shooting star across the sea of ​​flowers, holding a sharp blade, attacking him like a thunderbolt.

Ghost fire!

Chapter 76 Come, face me head-on!

Masa Nagasawa's stab was like a thunderbolt.

Just now, with the sea of ​​flowers of Kuchiki Sojun covering his figure, he quickly put on the black cloak he had received from Urahara Kisuke, and while putting on the black cloak, he released the portable justice skeleton.

The purpose is to use the portable prosthetic skeleton as a bait, to find a slight possibility of turning the tables at the moment when Onigancheng Kenpachi is eager to take them down and reveals his flaws.

Obviously, Nagasawa's plan succeeded.

The extreme speed, combined with the black cloak's spiritual pressure concealment, directly hit Gui Yancheng Jianba by surprise.

This time, the person who didn't have time to react was replaced by Oni Yancheng Kenpachi.

In an instant, the situation was reversed!


Along with the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the body, blood splattered everywhere!

However, at this moment, no matter whether it was Oni Yancheng Kenpachi who was hit by the sword, or Nagasawa Masa who succeeded in the sneak attack, the expressions on the faces of the two were completely opposite to the result.

I saw that accompanied by a burst of light and shadow twisting, the sword that was supposed to penetrate Gui Yancheng Jianba's head fell on his chest.

It's Ichinose Maki's Rainbow Kaze!

Just when Nagasawa Masa's attack was about to hit Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's head, Ichinose Maki used Hongxia's ability to distort the light between Oni Yancheng Kenpachi and Nagasawa Masa.

Although he couldn't let Oni Yancheng Kenpachi dodge Nagasawa Masa's attack through this short gap, it made the blow that was supposed to be a final blow have a very small deviation.

A gloomy look instantly climbed onto Nagasawa Masa's face.

On the contrary, the bloodthirsty and violent Oni Yancheng Kenpachi is like a violent bear who is extremely angry!

"I got you, brat!"

Blood was continuously vomited out of the mouth of the sudden and badly injured Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, but the strong anger drove him to use his sternum to firmly hold the Zanpakuto that penetrated into the chest in Nagasawa Masa's hand.


Gui Yancheng Jianpachi didn't give Nagasawa Masa the chance to abandon the sword at all, so he swung the sledgehammer in his hand and threw it at Nagasawa Masa.

Facing the attack that was so close at hand, Nagasawa Ya's heart was beating wildly, and the extremely strong sense of crisis made his back instantly ooze a fine layer of sweat.

No, I can't escape!

Nagasawa, who had no time to dodge, could only raise his arms as much as possible, trying not to be defenseless when Ki Yan Cheng Jianpachi's giant hammer fell on him.

However, to his despair, Oni Yancheng Jianpachi's speed was too fast.

At such a close distance, he was unprepared to receive Gui Yancheng Jianba Hanhen's blow, even if he raised his arm to block, the final difference was probably nothing more than a puddle of mud with different postures.

Barbell girl!

Is that the end of it! ?

Unwilling thoughts instantly filled Nagasawa's mind.

However, just when his heart was filled with unwillingness, a powerful voice instantly brought his thoughts back to the present world.


Platinum Star seems to be Nagasawa Ya's most loyal partner. Even if he has a little thought of giving up, the loyal Platinum Star will not allow his master to be so easily killed!

Facing Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's giant hammer, Platinum Star's fists seemed to turn into raindrops.

The ultra-high precision drove him to quickly bombard the body of the giant hammer with the smallest contact surface, and at the same time, with the impact generated when his fists collided with the giant hammer, Nagasawa Masa's body was blown away skillfully. Arrived at a place far away from Oni Yan Cheng Jianpachi.


As soon as she landed, Nagasawa couldn't help but vomited a big mouthful of blood.

Just now, although Platinum Star had minimized the contact with the giant hammer, the energy stirred up by the collision between the two, as well as the damage suffered by Platinum Star, was still extremely faithfully fed back to his substitute messenger. .

[Warning, the injury value has reached 600%, burst appendix, ruptured spleen, damaged liver, perforated stomach, third rib in the left chest through the lung, and dislocation of the right ankle joint. 】

The system's warning sound sounded again.

Not surprisingly, Nagasawa's appendix burst again.

It was just the moment of hand-to-hand contact, the super high injury value and the incentives generated by the external attack directly caused extensive injuries to his body.

Especially after the liver was damaged, Nagasawa Ya's eyes were instantly filled with blood.

Right now, he looks like an evil ghost from hell, looking terrifying.

Pulling out the sharp blade stuck in his chest, Kiyanjo Kenpachi forcefully coughed up two mouthfuls of bloody phlegm, then glared at Nagasawa Masa angrily and growled.

"Damn you bastard!"

"Kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

"I must beat you into a puddle of flesh that no one can recognize!"

However, when Oni Yancheng Kenpachi's eyes fell on Nagasawa Ya, for some reason, a creepy feeling hit his heart.

It's not because of Nagazawa Masaru's devil-like appearance.

but because...

Under the current extremely bad situation, he actually found Nagasawa Ya smiling?

And in the next second, Nagasawa spoke.

I saw that Nagasawa Ya, whose whole body was already stained red with blood, and the surface of the skin was even faintly seeping blood, stood up a little unsteadily, as if she had exhausted all her strength just by standing up. , could only speak softly in a voice that was barely audible.

"I've been saying things like 'Kill you, kill you' since just now..."

"It's so annoying, idiot..."

"In my opinion, those are words that only weak chickens will keep repeating when they are timid."

"If I had thought of this sentence in my mind, I would have killed the other party already!"

"Come on, I'll give you a chance to face me head-on!"

Now Masa Nagasawa has nothing left except her super willpower and platinum star.

However, if he had to choose a way to die.

His choice must be to fight until the last second!

I saw him dragging his body full of scars, walking towards Jianpachi of Gui Yancheng in an extremely slow but extremely firm pace.

And for some reason, it was obvious that Nagasawa Miyabi in front of him was scarred, and the opponent's spiritual pressure was obviously so low that it was even worse than that of an ordinary team member.

But facing Nagasawa Miyabi like this, Kiiganjo Kenpachi subconsciously took half a step back.

It was at this moment that Ichinose Maki, who had been playing support outside the battle circle, suddenly urged.

"No time, Captain!"

"We need to get rid of them quickly!"

"I'm here to help..."

However, before he could finish his words, he saw that the sea of ​​flowers floating in the air turned around and attacked him suddenly.

I saw Kuchiki Canojun sitting paralyzed on the ground waving the blood-red rose in his hand, staring at Ichinose Maki who couldn't dodge, and said in an extremely calm but equally firm tone.

"I won't let you disturb him!"

...... cut......

PS. In my opinion, this battle is extremely important to Masa Nagasawa. It is a kind of spiritual transformation, so the length of the description is also the longest since the beginning.

In order to prevent you from feeling procrastinated, I dare not even speak in "The Author Says" these days.

Tomorrow should be able to end this battle!

Chapter 77 Masa Nagasawa is injured, what does it matter to me as a platinum star?

"Damn it, Kuchiki isn't dead yet!?"

The endless sea of ​​flowers swept in, and Ichinose Masaki, who realized who the instigator of the attack was, dodged the sea of ​​flowers that drove him away, and glanced at the exhausted one with a solemn expression. Kuchiki Aojun, who was slumped on the ground.

There was no slightest look of contempt in his eyes.

Because he knows that a wounded beast is often more terrifying.

He could only rely on his captain to defeat Nagasawa in the shortest possible time after losing the cover of Kuchiki Sojun.

On the other side, there are no bells and whistles, no detours.

Under the watchful eyes of Oni Yancheng Kenpachi, Nagasawa dragged one, and at a speed of "turtle speed", slowly stepped into the range where both sides could directly attack each other.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Seeing the uncharacteristic performance of Nagasawa Miyabi, Kiiganjo Kenpachi seemed a little at a loss, thinking about whether he should just hit it with a hammer.

It's just that after hesitating for a moment, the surprise in his heart was instantly buried by a wave of rage.

Without any nonsense, at this moment, Kiiganjo Kenpachi seemed to have finally fulfilled the name of "Kenpachi".

Either kill Nagasawa Ya, or be killed by Nagasawa Ya, there is no third option!

Facing Nagasawa Ya who was close at hand, the giant hammer in Gui Yancheng Jianba's hand smashed hard at him.

However, facing the roaring sledgehammer, Nagasawa seemed calmer than at any other time tonight.

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