His physical strength is running out, and he has no time to do extra movements.

He must try his best to get the chance to shoot for himself.

Gui Yancheng Jianba's bloodthirsty smile became more and more ferocious, and the strong wind blown by the giant hammer in front of him seemed to be able to smell the bloody aura emitted by it.

It's now!

Just when the giant hammer was about to fall on the top of Nagasawa Ya's head, the high-concentration compressed ghost path suddenly burst on Nagasawa Ya's shoulder.

At the critical point between life and death, Nagasawa activated his [Instant Coax] again.

Only this time, the high-concentration compressed ghost path did not burst out from his shoulders.

[Instant Coax] Although it has a huge increase on the user, it also depends on the user's physical condition and who is using it.

If Yeyi himself was here, Masa Nagasawa believed that even if Yeyi couldn't beat Ki Yancheng Kenpachi, he could at least suppress him with [Instant Coaxing].

But he is different.

[Instant Coaxing] He can only be promoted to the level where he can barely fight Kiyanjo Kenpachi with the assistance of Kuchiki Sosumi.

In a one-on-one situation, even in his heyday, Nagasawa Masa couldn't guarantee that he would be able to last too long under Kiyanjo Kenpachi's swastika.

Not to mention that he is still deeply injured now.

So this time, he did not activate the full form of [Instant Coax], but concentrated all the spiritual power in his body on his left shoulder.

In an instant, the muscles of the left leg exploded, and the impact force from the exploding ghost path, combined with the only left leg that was still intact all over Nagasawa's body, unexpectedly crushed his body in a very short period of time. Off to the right by half a body position!

Although it was only half a body position, it was enough for Nagasawa to earn a little room to fight back while escaping from the tiger's mouth.

However, the cost is also huge...


The giant hammer mixed with unparalleled power crashed down. Although the space of only half a body prevented Nagasawa Masaru from dying, it was not enough to ensure that he escaped unscathed.

Accompanied by the sound of separation of flesh and blood, Nagasawa's left arm was shattered to the elbow!

The blood mixed with flesh and blood sprayed on the giant hammer and Nagasawa Ya's face, and there was no need to look at the system prompts. This is undoubtedly a serious injury!

However, in the face of this situation, Nagasawa Ya did not show any fear or panic because of the loss of her arm.

The Platinum Star appeared on the surface of the body, and the injuries suffered by the stand-in messenger were also faithfully reflected on the stand-in.

However, whether it is Nagasawa Masaru or Platinum Star, their faces are full of unparalleled determination.

"Whether it's arms or legs, if you want them all, I'll give them to you."

"But ah..."

"I will never stop attacking until you fall, or until I take my last breath!"

"Come on, my Platinum Star!"

"Star Platinum!!!"

Two meters, the absolute range of the Platinum Star.

Platinum Star didn't waste the chance to fight back that Masa Nagasawa won with half of his left arm at the price. Even with only one arm left, the hot iron fist still blasted towards Kenpachi Onigancheng in front of him like a shooting star!

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!"

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, five punches, can't count to six punches!

All of a sudden, the iron fist like a storm kept bombarding the huge body of Oni Yancheng Kenpachi. With this breath, Nagasawa Masa suppressed Oni Yancheng Kenpachi who was in the state of swastika. !


not enough!

Masa Nagasawa knew that just relying on such a continuous attack was not enough to kill Kiyan Cheng Kenpachi in front of him!

Once his suppression is interrupted for even half a second, the team leader Kenpachi Kiegashiro can reverse the offense and defense in an instant.

He must go beyond the limits of himself!

Spiritual growth will lead to the growth of the stand-in, even though the body is already like a dilapidated doll, but at this moment, under the strong will of Nagasawa Masa, Platinum Star has achieved transcendence!


With this punch, Kiegashiro Kenpachi, who was a punching bag, felt an obvious difference.

If it is said that the previous continuous beatings just fell on him like dense rain, although they could hit him until he was stiff, they couldn't cause much substantial damage to him.

Then when this punch landed on his abdomen, he felt his entire internal organs were shaking!

one bone!

Platinum Star, who was acting as a stand-in, actually played Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's 【One Bone】!

Masa Nagasawa is physically weak, so what does it matter to me as a Platinum Star?

Masa Nagasawa was seriously injured, so what does it matter to me as a Platinum Star?

Masa Nagasawa, who was unable to exert 100% power of Yamamoto's [One Bone] due to insufficient physical fitness, perfectly copied Yamamoto's [One Bone] through Platinum Star!

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, five punches, can't count to six punches!

The terrifying power is like waves washing over one after another, the Platinum Star with only one arm left, every punch he punches is actually [one bone]!

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!"

(Three and a half pages are omitted here, about 1000 words, no need to thank me!)

...... cut......

PS. Before the Spring Festival, I’m very busy, and there are so many messy things. I will only be free until the last day or two. I will try to make more during the Spring Festival.

Chapter 78 hey brother

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Jaws, eye sockets, temples, heart, spleen, kidneys, liver, lungs.

Even though there was only one arm left, the ultra-high precision still made Star Platinum's iron fist, like a precision-guided missile, hit every vital part of Kenpachi Kiiganjo's body with incomparable precision. .

After reading Euler for three and a half pages, the Kiyoshi Kenpachi in front of him was almost turned into a puddle of mud.

Accompanied by a powerful blow, it hit Gui Yancheng Jianpachi's head heavily.


Kiiganjo Kenpachi's head actually rotated 720 degrees!





Heavy panting sounds continuously exhaled from Nagasawa Ya's mouth.

Blood, as if he didn't want money, slowly flowed down his body.

Although it was his stand-in Platinum Star who had just played consecutive hits, no matter whether it was his spirit or his body, he had reached the verge of collapse at this moment.


Finally, Gui Yancheng Jianba's huge body knelt down slowly like a jade pillar pushed down by a golden mountain, and then collapsed suddenly.

When the brain and main internal organs were almost blasted into a puddle of mud, even Onigancheng Kenpachi's 卍jie Cyclopedic Shando, who was comparable to the ten-blade super-speed regeneration, could no longer repair it.

In this battle, Nagasawa Ya exhausted all means.

Gui Yancheng Sword Eight, defeated!

However, at this time, Nagasawa didn't feel any excitement that he had killed a captain-level Shinigami.

He didn't even try to calm down the violent panting in his chest, so he dragged his exhausted body and staggered towards the distance.

Because there, Kuchiki Canojun's battle is not over yet.

Like him, Kuchiki Aojun has also reached his limit.

In his perception, the pure Reiatsu of the rotten wood is like a candle in the wind, which is so weak that it will go out anytime and anywhere.

He had to help the other party kill Ichinose Maki before Kuchiki Soumi exhausted his last bit of spiritual power.

It's not for some shit mission, but because Kuchiki Canojun is his brother who lives and dies with him!

However, just as he was stepping forward, he was about to arrive at the battlefield that Kuchiki Canojun deliberately pulled away.

He suddenly discovered that Ichinose Masaki's Reiatsu had fallen from the peak to the bottom in a very short period of time.

An expression of surprise surfaced unconsciously on Nagasawa Masa's face.

He was certain that this rapid change in spiritual pressure was not an illusion caused by Ichinose Maki's rainbow glow.

Rather, it is a sign that the opponent has actually suffered a fatal injury and the spiritual pressure is declining at an extremely fast rate.

Subconsciously, he quickly jumped a few steps forward, and saw that Kuchiki Cangchun, who had been slumped on the ground, had fallen to the ground at this time, but his right hand was still tightly holding the handle of the knife like a thorn. .

In an extremely weak tone, he whispered to Maki Ichinose who was already surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers formed by red rose petals all over the sky.

"My blood red rose doesn't just feed on my master's blood and spiritual pressure..."

"When these white petals are stained with the enemy's blood and spiritual pressure, and dyed bright red, she will sharply transform into her true form, and her power will reach its peak at this moment..."

"Your Hongxia is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful the deception is, there must be room to avoid it."

"Thanks to the battle with Gui Yancheng just now, my blood red rose has almost split to the extreme. In this enchantment blocked by the endless sea of ​​flowers, you have nowhere to escape, Ichinose."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but widen her eyes, and shouted "Si Guoyi" in her heart.

Probably because of Kuchiki Cangjun's gentle and elegant scholarly appearance on weekdays, and his extremely pale face just before the battle, he had the illusion that the opponent's body was weaker than him.

He subconsciously forgot about Kuchiki Aojun, but he was the vice-captain at the same level as the opposite Maki Ichinose.

And just when Masa Nagasawa was a little distracted by the wild thoughts in her mind, Kuchiki Aojun over there would not give up the chance to end the opponent.

Kuchiki Canojun raised his right hand holding the handle of the knife with some difficulty, and pointed at Ichinose Masaki who was surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers, soaked in blood, and kept trying to break out of the encirclement.

"Flower Waterfall Funeral!"

With a low shout from Kuchiki Sojun, the endless sea of ​​flowers surrounding Ichinose Maki suddenly shrank as if it had been instructed.

In just a split second, thousands of sharp blades pierced Ichinose Maki's body like Ling Chi.

Ichinose Maki, defeated!

Seeing Ichinose Masaki's Reiatsu disappear within the range of perception like Oni Yanjo Kenpachi, Nagasawa Masa, who had been tense in her heart, fell down on the ground instantly like a deflated ball.

After a long time, it seemed that he had finally regained his senses from the rest of his life after the catastrophe just now.

Nagasawa, who was lying on the ground, slowly twisted her stiff neck, looked at Kuchiki Cangjun, who was lying not far away from him, and asked in a low-puffed voice.

"Hey, brother..."

"Are you still alive?"

Hearing this, he seemed to be thinking about whether Masa Nagasawa had given him some strange another name. After a while, Sojun Kuchiki used the same tone as Masa Nagasawa, who seemed to be a little bit offended. laughed and cursed.


"Anyway, I also graduated from Mao ahead of schedule as the chief of the school year. You don't really think that I became the vice-captain because of my family connections?"

"Don't underestimate me."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, Kuchiki Canojun is so gentle in cursing others.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and scratch his nose to relieve the embarrassment, but when he stretched out his only half-length arm, he gave up the plan and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

It was really bad enough to be beaten...


At this time, Masa Nagasawa and Aojun Kuchiki, who both collapsed on the ground, suddenly discovered that the high-level enchantment scattered in mid-air was as if broken glass, with cracks like spider webs appearing .

Obviously, people outside have discovered the anomaly in the sixth division team building, and they are killing the rebel team.


The masters of the Guarding Team Thirteen obviously didn't make them wait for too long.

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