Accompanied by a roaring sound, the high-level barrier that enveloped the No. [-] team's building suddenly shattered!



"where are you!?"

Listening to the anxious shouts from the ear.

Nagasawa and Masaru recognized the voice of Byakuya Kuchiki almost instantly.

"It's really... so slow... my nephew..."

Accompanied by a vague voice that seemed to be mumbling to himself, Nagasawa was exhausted. He was exhausted and could no longer resist the strong sleepiness, and fell into a deep sleep.

...... cut......

PS. I don’t know how you feel after reading these chapters.

I personally write very cool.

After going through two lottery draws (not counting the peak experience card of the novice gift package), Nagasawa has gradually got rid of the dependence on the experience card. For the first time, with his own efforts, he defeated formidable enemy.

To paraphrase Mr. Araki’s words.

The noble gesture when facing death all shows the greatness of human courage.



Chapter 79 Ah, it’s Senior Brother Ukitake! Two-in-one

"'s the familiar ceiling..."

The bright sunlight shines through the window and sprinkles on the white bedding, giving people a warm feeling.

I don't know how long it has passed, Nagasawa only knows that when he opened his eyes, a familiar ceiling entered his eyes.

As a frequent visitor of the fourth team, he spent at least a quarter of the time in the fourth team in the nearly two months after the time travel.

So the moment he opened his eyes, he recognized the familiar ceiling at a glance.

However, in the next second, Nagasawa suddenly raised his left arm as if he suddenly remembered something.

It's okay, okay, I don't need to follow in Ge Laoliu's footsteps.

When Nagasawa saw that his golden left hand was intact, as if it was brand new from the factory, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yo, you've been in a coma for two days, you've woken up."

"Don't worry, thanks to the blessing of an unknown dangerous person, your arm has been saved."

The same familiar voice sounded beside her, and Masa Nagasawa subconsciously turned her head.

He saw a face that was almost similar to Kurosaki Isshin, appearing in his line of sight.

It's Shiba Yuma.

"Huh? Dangerous person?"

After hearing Shiba Yuma's words, Nagasawa Masa frowned subconsciously.

Immediately, as if remembering something, he showed a dazed expression.

To be honest, although he didn't care about his arm at all when he was fighting Kiyan Cheng Jianpachi.

But after the battle, he was very nervous.

Although with the passage of time, the spiritual viscera technology in the soul world is becoming more and more mature.

Like the last time he fought Saragi Kenpachi, he recovered quickly by replacing his internal organs.

However, before Urahara Kisuke founded the Technology Development Bureau and Niryuri developed it, he didn't know whether Seireitei could heal his arm.

After all, his arm was not simply cut off, but was directly crushed into bone and blood by the powerful spiritual pressure, and it could not be connected.

If this is incurable like Ge Laoliu, he can only hope that Urahara Kisuke will become the captain sooner and release Nirvana Mayuri earlier.

Fortunately, although Nirvana Mayori is still locked in the nest of maggots, it seems that some of his research results have been used by Seireitei.

If Nagasawa guessed correctly, his arm should have been reborn using the [Meat Replenisher] invented by Nirvana.

However, in the next second, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"I said... Captain Shiba, could it be that you have fallen in love with Division [-] and don't want to leave?"

Although he was a little surprised that he had been unconscious for two days, the moment he saw Shiba Yuma, surprising words still blurted out from Nagasawa Masaru's mouth involuntarily.

It wasn't that he was making fun of Shiba Yuma.

If you include the two days when he was unconscious, at least nearly half a month had passed since the attack on the expedition team.

The captain's resilience is quite amazing, no matter how weak Shiba Yuma is, he can always go back to work in the team.

Now that he has been lying down for half a month, he has reason to suspect that the other party has the same intentions as he did back then, taking advantage of his illness to be lazy.

Sure enough, after Shiba Yuma heard his words, a dissatisfied expression appeared on his face.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"I'm seriously injured, okay, what if I lie down for a few more days?"

"Besides, there is one heart in the team now, and this is all tempering him!"

Look, this tone is exactly the same as his.


Hearing some familiar words in his ears, Nagasawa was speechless for a moment.

Especially when he saw Shiba Yuma's scruffy, bearded face, and compared the father and son of Shiba Isshin and Kurosaki Ichigo, he had to sigh with emotion.

Kurosaki Masaki is so good-looking.

This simply saved the appearance of Zhibo's separated family, right?

It's just that very quickly, as if thinking of something, Nagasawa Ya, who was still joking just now, hurriedly asked.

"By the way, where is Xiao Cang?"

"Is he all right?"

"Xiao Cang?" He seemed to be thinking about who the "Xiao Cang" Nagasawa was talking about, until a moment later, Shiba Yuma replied with a dazed expression, "Oh, you mean Kuchiki, right?"

"His injuries are much lighter than yours, but his spiritual power and blood in his body are almost exhausted. He didn't do this once or twice. He has already been taken back by Kuchiki's family for recuperation."

"Speaking of which, the person you really want to thank is still lying on the opposite side. I heard Captain Unokana say that if this guy moves a little slower, you may not be able to save both of you."

Saying that, Shiba Yuma stretched out his hand and pointed behind Masa Nagasawa.

Hearing this, Chang Zeya was stunned for a moment, and then turned around to look.

I saw a gentle-looking man with his shoulder-length white hair tied into a ponytail, lying on the hospital bed. He looked at the two chatting people with a gentle expression. It was not until Nagasawa turned around that his expression changed. He greeted with a smile.

"Yo, hello."

"Brother Fuzhu!?"

When Nagasawa saw the person lying on the other side of the hospital bed, he couldn't help being surprised.

It was not difficult to tell from the name Nagasawa Masaru said that the other party was Ukitake Jushiro, captain of the Gotei [-]th Division.

Speaking of which, although Ukitake was there when he visited Shiba Yuma last time, because Yamamoto hadn't given him a formal lecture at that time, and there were too many people at that time, there was not much communication between the two.

It's just that at the moment when I suddenly saw Ukitake in the fourth team, and the other party looked like he was dressed as a patient, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

However, it seemed that he was a little confused by the sudden address of Nagasawa Ya, and Fuzhu didn't react until a few seconds later, accepting the address with a smile on his face.

"I heard from Jingraku that Mr. Yamamoto has accepted you as his close disciple. There's nothing wrong with you calling me senior brother."

Although Ukitake is usually in the thirteenth squad due to his frail health, he rarely attends even the captain's meeting, but it doesn't mean he's out of news.

When Nagasawa was called to the first team for questioning, there was a huge commotion.

It can almost be said that it alarmed most of the powerful people in Soul Society.

It's just that neither Yamamoto himself nor the two insiders, Sparrow or Yoruichi, have disclosed any details of that inquiry to the outside world, so most people have a wait-and-see attitude , paying close attention to the subsequent development of the situation.

However, to their surprise, it was only two days after that inquiry.

Masa Nagasawa not only appeared in the team building of the first team again, but even got a personal lecture from Yamamoto, the captain.

What you need to know is that Yamamoto has not accepted an apprentice for hundreds of years since the graduates of Jingle Shunsui and Ukitake Shishiro graduated from the class of Mao graduates.

This can't help but make people have a lot of reverie.

After all, it was the captain who was delighted to see Lie Xin, and took a fancy to a once-in-a-thousand-year genius, so he made an exception to accept apprentices.

Or for some other reason.

However, these seem insignificant to Ukitake, the captain who is almost firmly on Yamamoto's side and was born in a lower-level noble family.

Although Nagasawa's appearance reminded him of someone when he was young.

But it has to be said that he does not reject this character.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to become close friends with someone.

Seeing that Fuzhu didn't reject him, and Nagasawa was also unambiguous, Dang even asked out the doubts in his heart.

"I heard that Senior Brother Fuzhu usually stays in Yugan Hall?"

"Why did you live in the fourth team?"

"Also, what did Captain Shiba mean just now?"

Yugantang, which is the captain's office of the [-]th Division.

Due to his physical condition, Ukitake spends most of his time resting in the Yugan Hall.

At this time, he suddenly appeared in the Fourth Division with the attitude of a sick friend, which forced Nagasawa to link him with the night attack two days ago.

Only this time, it was not Ukitake in front of him who answered him, but Shiba Yuma on the other side.

I saw that the other party responded softly with a little teasing tone in his words.

"Different from you, who lived in Noble Street because he joined the Sixth Division, Ukitake is a real nobleman. Isn't it strange that he has a family property in Noble Street?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa was at a loss for words.

Hehe, you big dog owner, I’m afraid you don’t know how much money I and Masada House of Omaeda make. Sooner or later, I will buy the entire Noble Street for you!

I even shouted "big dog" in my heart.

However, just after finishing the previous sentence, Shiba Yuma, who was joking just now, suddenly corrected his expression, and continued to speak with a solemn expression.

"However, thanks to Ukitake's return to the ancestral home, you and Kuchiki were able to save your lives."

Hearing this, Nagasawa frowned unconsciously.

There is no doubt that the night attack two days ago was an assassination attempt on Kuchiki Sojun.

It is not difficult to see from the conversation between Ichinose Masaki and Oni Yancheng Kenpachi that he just happened to be involved.

But even so, since the beginning of the night attack, he felt that there was something weird about that attack everywhere.

Although the rebels attacked the No. 30 team building in an organized and disciplined manner in the dead of night, and arranged for as many as [-] people to set up a high-level barrier .

However, from the beginning of the riot to the time when he and Kuchiki Sojun finished off Kiyanjo Kenpachi and Ichinose Maki, a full 10 minutes passed.

Not to mention whether someone discovered it in time.

None of the aristocrats who can live near the Sixth Division team building is a fuel-efficient lamp.

The personal Reaper kept at home doesn't say that he has the combat power of the vice-captain level, at least it is no problem to fight a few high-ranking officers.

However, in this case, the one who came to the rescue in the end was not Captain Ginru Kuchiki of the [-]th Division who was closest to the [-]th Division building, but Jushiro Ukitake, the captain of the [-]th Division who happened to be passing by.

The water here is quite deep.

He couldn't help looking at Shiba Yuma at the side, and asked with some uncertainty.

"You mean, this is not a simple assassination?"

Hearing this, Shiba Yuma nodded solemnly.

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