At the same time, looking at the nearly 4000 points of destiny, Nagasawa Masa's heart slowly swelled.

He wondered, if he saves some more destiny points and is lucky enough, can he exchange for a template when the [Fate Shop] is refreshed every month, or the abilities that are less shown in the original book, but the ability is extremely practical The Zanpakuto is close by.

For example, Yumi Ayasegawa's [Glass-Colored Peacock], or Kira Izuru's [Wabisuke] are Zanpakuto with high practicality.

It's a pity that there is still about half a month before the next [Destiny Store] refresh.

During this period, he needs to try his best to obtain fate points from Maou Academy of Spiritual Art.

After all, after temporarily leaving the thirteenth team of the court, without the communication with the characters related to the main plot, the speed of gaining fate points will inevitably slow down, and he needs to find another way to do it.

It was at this time that he remembered the [Mission] panel that brought him a lot of money just now.

[Tasks] In addition to the replacement CD that is refreshed once a month on the [Task] panel, new tasks can also be refreshed after the completion of received tasks.

After he completes the task of [Saving Kuchiki Cangchun], a new task should be refreshed on the [Task] panel.

Sure enough, there are still only three tasks in the [Task] panel.

But apart from [Change the Fate of Ichimaru Gin] and [Change the Fate of the Masked Army], the original position of [Save Kuchiki Aojun] has been replaced with a new task.

[Task [-]: Dominate Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, lead a class of freshmen, and win first place in the academy in the year-end assessment. 】

[Task rewards will be issued according to the actual teaching results. 】

Nagasawa: "..."

This development, why did the enthusiasm for high school suddenly rise? ? ?

As a new teacher who was about to take up his post, he naturally heard about Mao's college's year-end assessment.

Mao's study cycle is a bit like modern neon. One year is divided into three semesters, from April to July, from August to December, and from January to March.

It's just that Mao's students usually enroll in August and enter or graduate in July of the following year.

The so-called year-end assessment is held in December every year.

To put it simply, this year-end assessment can be understood as a baptism for the sixth-generation students who are about to graduate, allowing them to experience the atmosphere of actual combat in advance.

In addition to the fact that all sixth-return students must participate, each class will select six students from the five grades from first to fifth-return students, and form 70 three-person teams in groups of three to fight against the sixth-return students.

Of course, teachers can also participate.

The homeroom teacher of each class and the ghost teacher of each class will act as the team leader, each leading a team.

And the sixth-generation students will also rely on their respective relationships to find familiar elders and teachers, including active-duty Shinigami, and even high-ranking officers as team leaders to form their own teams.

Even in Mao's history of nearly a thousand years, there have been cases where the sixth reincarnation invited a deputy captain-level Shinigami to serve as the team leader.

Because this academy's year-end assessment, although it will not be counted in the students' year-end assessment results in the end, it is an excellent stage for Mao's students to show themselves to the captains of each division and even the noble elders.

It's just... leading a freshman who has only studied for three months to win the first place in the hospital?

This difficulty is a bit big.

Although the class Nagasawa led was one of the first class, the so-called special class.


Tsk...guess, why is the first life called the first life?


PS. I am in good shape today, have a meal, walk the dog, take a bath and write another chapter! ! !

Please give me rewards, please give me blades, thank you for your support~~~!

Chapter 92 Masa Nagasawa's quiz

At Maou Academy of Spiritual Art, studying for three months and systematically studying for six years are two completely different concepts.

In the story of God of Reaper, a peak game where only the strong can fight, more of them can only grow into high-ranking officers in the end, or even ordinary Reapers, who don't even deserve to have a name.

After all, not every year in the first life, there are geniuses like Ichimaru silver, or Shiba Haiyan, Hitsugaya Toshiro.

And even these two graduated early after studying systematically for at least a year.

three months?

It's not that Nagasawa looks down on these students in the special class of first-year students, unless he gets an experience card at that time, or an experience card with good ability, and then leads the whole process.

Otherwise, he didn't feel that with the strength of a freshman, he could stand out in six school years.

After all, special classes also exist in other grades.

Only very quickly, he gave up the idea again.

Because at the end of the task introduction, there was a sentence "task rewards will be issued according to the actual teaching results".

Seeing this, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​using the experience card to fly.

Don’t end up working hard for three months and get nothing in the end.

However, even though he said so much, Nagasawa took up the task without hesitation.

There is no other reason, because in his opinion, this is much more interesting than being admitted to Dongda University!

Hatake Ya, online!


Thoughts, back to the present, looking at the three familiar faces in the audience, Nagasawa suddenly felt that the wave was stable.

However, considering the quality of teaching, he felt that he should teach others more or less seriously.

After the moment when they left the shooting range, the students gradually regained their composure.

In Soul Society, handsome people cannot be eaten unless they are strong and handsome.

Before Nagasawa showed her true strength, all the students in Class [-] felt that Nagasawa, who seemed to be almost the same age as their teacher, was quite unreliable.

Only Ise Nanao, who was sitting in the back row, furrowed her peaceful brows, as if she was thinking about something.

As if aware of her strangeness, Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't help but leaned in front of her and asked with concern.

"Xiao Nanao, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, as if awakened by Luanju's call, Nanao who came back to her senses slightly twirled the ends of her hair hanging on her forehead behind her ears, and then laughed softly.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that the name Nagasawa was familiar, but I couldn't remember it for a while."


Seeing this, Luanju couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face.

Although she didn't know Nanao's family background very well, she could tell that the other party was not from Liuhun Street like her.

The innate temperament that Nanao exudes is not something that a resident of Rukongai can possess.

This made Rangju subconsciously look at Nagasawa Masaru on the podium, with a bit more curiosity in her eyes.

Seeing that the self-introduction was almost done, Sarutobi Musashi, the head teacher, also quit the classroom, leaving the stage to himself.

Nagasawa also planned to find out the bottom line of this group of students, so she opened her mouth and said.

"Mr. Iruka has already explained to me that in this class, we will still conduct a quiz on the ghost way."

As Nagasawa's words fell, no matter whether he was qualified as a teacher or not, there was a burst of wailing in the classroom.

What they didn't expect was that just as they stood up mournfully and were about to walk to the Ghost Dao training ground, Masa Nagasawa changed the subject and continued speaking to the crowd.

"It's just that we don't test the broken way today, but only the bound way, so everyone doesn't need to go to the training ground. Let's form a group of two and take turns to practice on stage."


As soon as Nagasawa finished speaking, there was another gasp of air in the classroom.

Nagasawa Ya's words directly hit the Achilles heel of most of the students, and some students who obviously neglected the practice of binding the Tao on weekends immediately hugged their heads and wailed.

"My God, why is the test of Bindao? I haven't practiced it at all!"

"That is to say, it is clear that most of the Shinigami's work is based on combat, and it should be the most important thing to be able to better destroy the broken path, right?"

"What are you talking about breaking the way, my dream is the [-]th team, ghost way or something, I don't know it at all..."

"What? Exam today?"

The four basic tactics of chopping fists and walking ghosts and the god of death are all born for fighting. Among them, if there are many methods, the way of ghosts is the most important.

However, just like when playing games, most people only like to play shooters, and when playing basketball, most people prefer to attack and score.

In the process of learning the way of ghosts, Mao's students, and even the Shinigami who are currently serving, will be more inclined to strengthen the practice of breaking the way with stronger attack power, thus relaxing the practice of binding the way and returning to the way.

This is also one of the reasons why every team has chosen all-round talents as much as possible when selecting vice captains since the first Gotei [-]th team.

After all, being the captain is already reckless enough, if you don't add a priest or something to help you, you will be looked down upon by other teams!

Here, name and criticize the classmate who wants to join the [-]th team!

It is conceivable that after Nagasawa Masaru's predecessor, Mr. Iruka, taught the first ten broken ways and bound ways to this group of students, bound ways naturally became an existence abandoned by these little guys. .

At this time, I suddenly heard that Chang Zeya was going to test the Taoism, not to mention these students, even the shooting field who had just questioned, showed a look of embarrassment on their faces, and showed hesitant expressions on their faces .

Seeing that no one came to the stage for a long time, Mr. Nagasawa was about to start the roll call.

Well, in order to prevent being said to be a public revenge, he did not name the shooting range, but called two other students whose names he knew.

"Ise Nanao, and Matsumoto Rangiku, it's just you two, come up and give us a sample."

Hearing this, she kept shrinking her head, as if she wanted to bury her head in her chest, like a frightened kitten, straightened up suddenly, her face was full of a defeated dog .

On the other hand, Nanao who was on the side stood up and responded without paying any attention.


Seeing that her roommate had already left her seat, after taking a deep breath, Luanju strode towards the podium like a warrior heading to the execution ground.


PS. After reading the interim post in the previous chapter, the system panel will be as simple as possible in the future, or unless there are major changes, it will appear as little as possible.

Chapter 93 The Will of Fire!

Whether it was the resolute Nanao Ise or the chaotic Matsumoto Rangiku, under Masa Nagasawa's gaze, the two women finally stood on the podium.

However, when the two stood on the podium, they encountered difficulties again.

Because they have no target to cast spells on.

Although Bindao is different from Ghost Dao, it is not so aggressive, and it can be practiced without too much open space.

But even so, it can't be released in just a classroom. At least they have to be given a target as a target for casting spells.

Seeing this, Nanao couldn't help showing a hesitant look on her face.

To be honest, although she and Ranju are known as "one-time-born twin sisters", before she experienced the "persecution" of Jingle Chunshui, she was still a quite restrained girl in essence.

Let her question the teacher directly like a shooting range in class, she can't do it.

It's just that Luanju on the side obviously didn't have the same awareness as her. When she discovered this problem, her eyes rolled immediately, and she revealed a sly smile and said.

"Teacher Nagasawa~~~"

"It's okay if you let us practice, but there's no one here who can use Binding Dao."

"How about... Let's forget about it today?"

After saying that, Ran Ju crossed his palms and put them on his chest, looking at Nagasawa Ya expectantly, as if the most devout believer is praying for something, expecting him to give the answer she wants to hear .

Looking at Rangiku, who was different from the mature and charming one in her memory and full of youthful atmosphere, Nagasawa Masaru didn't accept this at all.

He pointed to Qi Xu beside her with a smile on his face, and replied softly.

"Hehe, isn't the target of the spell right in front of you?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I let the two of you form a team?"

Hearing this, Nanao and Luanju glanced at each other subconsciously, their faces full of astonishment.

And not to mention them, including the students under the podium, they also exploded after hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, and Luan Ju wrinkled her pretty face and complained quite dissatisfied.

"But this is too dangerous!?"

"Even if the aggressiveness of Binding Dao is not as good as Breaking Dao, you can't use your companions as a test!"

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