Luanju's words undoubtedly expressed the aspirations of all the students, including those who didn't say a word, but whose face was full of resistance.

However, it seemed that she had anticipated the situation in front of her a long time ago, but Nagasawa let the students below express their opinions, and she didn't seem to stop it at all. She didn't speak slowly until the discussion below gradually became quieter. road.

"What do you think the profession of Death is?"

"The fate-changing carp leaping over the dragon's gate?"

"Or is it a family wine where everyone helps each other and loves each other?"

"Mao graduates around 200 to 300 students from the sixth round every year. Except for a very small number of graduates who joined the ghosts, almost all of them, including those who are determined to join the secret mobile force, joined the Gotei [-]th team."

"But do you know why nearly a thousand years have passed, and the total number of Reapers in the Guarding Thirteen Team has remained at 6000, or even less?"

After hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, the students who were still whispering couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This question was something he had never thought of.

For the vast majority of students who joined Mao, becoming a god of death means that they have entered the power class and can live a better life without having to work around for a little food.

For them, in the soul world, there is no job that is more coveted than death.

However, some students who came from death families like shooting ranges and knew the inside story frowned unconsciously.

Seeing that the students below had stopped their discussions and gradually focused their attention on herself, Nagasawa Ya's eyes swept over the faces of the students present one by one before continuing to speak.

"Because the enemies you will face in the future are not only empty, but also the god of death like you. To put it bluntly, everyone here may become each other's opponents after graduation."

"If you haven't personally experienced the power of binding Tao, how can you learn how to break it?"

"The world of the God of Death is very cruel."

As a teacher, Nagasawa felt that it was necessary to let these little guys realize the cruelty of the world in advance.

The Dao Binding practice was the first lesson he taught them.

In his opinion, the Bindou thing is similar to the illusion in Naruto. How can a ninja only cast illusions but not break them?

Even Kaihuang, who is a serious partial subject, has his own set of breaking (bi) magic (yan) tricks (bao) and numbers (da).

Haven't you heard a wise saying by Mr. Seiya?

Saint fighters will not be defeated by the same move twice!

Therefore, it is very necessary to let them send out the precious first time early.

Where the leaves are flying, the fire is still alive.

He felt that it was very necessary for him to pass on the will of fire!

Follow the road teaching from the teachers of Two-dimensional, you are right!

Thinking of this, the smile on Nagzeya's face became even brighter, and she even thought about adding more burdens to this group of children next time, "Don't worry, if there is a chance in the future, I will let you experience the power of breaking the way." .”


As soon as Nagasawa finished speaking, there were gasps of air in Class One.

What kind of devil is this?

What does it mean to experience the power of breaking the Tao firsthand?

It will kill you, teacher!

Some younger students almost cried after hearing this.

At this moment, they have even forgotten the previous doubts of the shooting field, and even the bright smile on Nagasawa's face has become a "devil's smile" in their opinion.


The reasons given by Masa Nagasawa are indeed hard to refute.

Even Luanju, who is usually sharp-mouthed, can only swallow her saliva subconsciously for a while, not knowing from which angle to cut in.

However, don't underestimate the last struggle of the scumbag!

Soon, when one plan failed, he was about to use another plan, and immediately showed a coy look, pretending to be embarrassed.

"Hey, Nagasawa-sensei, Iruka-sensei, he taught in a hurry last week, and I didn't understand a lot of things."

"Can you please demonstrate [Binding Dao No. [-]: Collapsing Wheel] to everyone first, so that we can have a reference for comparison."

Looking at the sly look in Luanju's eyes, Nagasawa unconsciously showed a playful look on her face.

How could he not understand the other person's thoughts?

This is what you asked for, you can't blame the teacher.

...... cut......

PS. After reading your suggestions, I created a separate sub-volume (Miscellaneous Talk), which will be updated irregularly, and will probably include some settings, or the main character panel or something.

Because Hedgehog Cat’s VIP chapters charge a fee every 500 words, and the subsequent VIP chapters will write more on the basis of no charge (between 2000-2500) to make up for it.


I am a conscientious author!

Ask for a reward, ask for a blade, thank you for your support~~~!

Chapter 94 The missing blonde girl after school.avi

Looking at the playful smile on Nagasawa Ya's face, for some reason, Luanju felt her little heart skipping twice for no reason.

An unpleasant thought gradually came to mind.

It is not difficult to guess Luan Ju's weird mind.

Among the top ten binding paths, the most difficult one and the most practical one is not actually the tenth binding path, but the [Binding Path No. [-]: Collapsing Wheel] mentioned by Ranju.

She guessed that she still remembered what the shooting field said just now, and felt that the reason why Nagasawa Ya didn't respond directly to the shooting field just now was because of lack of strength and guilty conscience, so she wanted to test him.

After all, if the Ghost Dao teacher can't even understand low-level ghost dao, what face does he have to continue the assessment?

Thinking of this, the smile on Nagasawa's face grew even wider.

I saw him picking up the lesson plan on the podium, turning the pages and talking to himself.

"[Binding Dao No. [-] Collapsing Wheel], right?"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for how to read the chant..."

Seeing that the teacher, who is the examiner, doesn't know how to write the questions himself, Luan Ju was a little confused, "Wait...wait, don't you?"

However, in the face of her doubts, Nagasawa, who was flipping through the lesson plans, not only did not give any explanation, but instead replied suspiciously without raising her head, "Why did you say that?"

Listening to the questions and answers from Nagasawa Masaru and Rangiku on the stage, the students in Class [-] collapsed.

Suddenly, voices of ridicule, questioning, abuse, and doubts suddenly started to sound.

"What? Teacher, don't you know it yourself?"

"No, no, I almost believed the righteous words of the preaching just now, and that's the result? That's it?"

"I suddenly miss Iruka-sensei..."

"Is it really okay for this guy to be a ghost teacher? Could it be that he came in through the back door?"

"How about... Let's go to Sarutobi-sensei to discuss and see if I can get Iruka-sensei back. I don't want to hang up for six years in Ghost Dao."

"Eh? What? Did you test the Taoism today? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

To be honest, this is not Nagazawa Masaru's faking.

He just took over the job yesterday, and it is already quite good for him to be able to do his homework to the current level.

Don't forget that he is still a seriously wounded patient recovering from a serious illness after the war, and he has no time to prepare for homework.

Hearing that the noise in the audience was getting stronger and stronger, and there were even faint signs of riots, no matter how heartless Luan Ju was, she couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression.

She was just thinking about whether she could pass the test in a muddle, at most, she was holding a trace of Nagasawa Masa's bound way, and Nanao performed better than him as a teacher, so she gave up her fantasy of taking the test.

It turned out to be good now. How did she know that Nagasawa, the new kido teacher, even had to read the lesson plans for the first ten tutorial chants on the spot!

Now it's her who is riding a tiger, so how can she mess around in the class in the future?

However, just when Luan Ju was thinking wildly, wondering if it was time to apologize to the teacher alone after class.

Masa Nagasawa over there regretfully missed the plot of "After School の Blonde Girl.avi".

Seeing him holding the lesson plan, suddenly there was a burst of exclamation.

"Oh! I finally found it."

Nagasawa Masaru's exclamation awakened Rangiku, who was thinking wildly, and also silenced the noisy class.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Nagasawa Masaru at this moment, even the students who had been peeking at Nanao and Rangiku earlier were no exception.

From the moment this new Ghost Dao teacher stepped into the classroom, he kept refreshing their cognition, which made them feel a sense of anticipation now, insisting on seeing what Masa Nagasawa was up to.

If Nagasawa opened his system panel at this moment, he would probably still see the +1+1 that kept appearing on his expectation value acquisition panel.

Immediately, Nagasawa, who was holding the lesson plan, didn't even look up, she stretched out her hand while muttering "So that's how it is", and tapped the chant with her index finger, and said word by word according to the chant written on the lesson plan.

"Destroy yourself, Rondanini's black dog, burn it completely after reading it, and cut your own throat!"

Accompanied by a chant that sounded like a bull's-eye, a yellow silk thread condensed by spirits suddenly spurted out from his index finger, like a spider's silk spewed out by Spider-Man, and shot towards him quickly. Luanju not far from him.

I saw that the yellow silk thread condensed by spirits was like a dragon swimming in the air, under the control of Nagasawa Masa, it wound towards Luanju with lightning speed.

The lightning-fast "attack" caught Rang Ju off guard, and a panicked look flashed across her face.

However, facing the "Youlong" who seemed to have spirituality, she didn't even have time to dodge any movements before her hands were cut backwards by the yellow silk thread and her whole body was tightly bound.


Rangiku, who was entangled in yellow silk threads, tried hard to break free. However, what made her despair was that the spirit threads wrapped around her body became tighter and tighter as she struggled. .

In the end, Rangiku, who was choked and out of breath, could only give up struggling and fell into Nanao's arms, looking at Nagasawa with a pitiful expression.

It's just that what she didn't realize was that when she leaned on Nanao, the students sitting in the audience, especially the male students, all stared wide-eyed, their faces were full of shock, and...

Blood spurts!

I saw a yellow silk thread condensed by Lingzi, which went around Luanju's collarbone, human heart, armpit, sternum and pubic bone in sequence, and finally cut his arms back behind him, and stretched out a scorpion on his upper body. After a rhombus, Luan Ju's entire upper body was tightly bound, preventing her from moving an inch.

And as Luanju struggled more and more, the tightened spiritual thread actually outlined a very graceful shape of Luanju's adult body, which was already quite large.

The female students in the audience blushed and covered their faces and covered their eyes, but as if they couldn't suppress the curiosity in their hearts, they peeked at the students on the podium through their fingers. Random chrysanthemum.

As for the roommate looking at Luan Ju, Qi Xu, who was leaning against her, had a shy blush on her face.

Because she likes to read books, she seems to have seen this kind of binding method in the library, from the book that a certain female death officer wearing glasses is reading.

It seems... is it called half-body tortoise armor binding?

Looking at the roommates around her, although she felt that there was something wrong with using this move on Luanju, but according to the records in the book, it seemed to be an extremely efficient and difficult way to defeat the enemy.

Being able to use the low-level dao binding to exert an effect beyond his own level, does this new ghost dao teacher actually have such profound ghost dao skills?

For a moment, Nanao looked at Nagasawa Ya with a look of reverence.

...... cut......

PS. Although tortoise shell binding often appears in some ○○, there is also a bit of evil here, but it is a very efficient and difficult to break free rope art, just like pole dancing, please do not bring colored Watch it with your eyes! ! ! (Here is the strong desire to survive from the author!!)

Chapter 95 Demons Change the Way of Ghosts

Looking at Luanju's pitiful eyes, Chang Zeya looked at her work, first nodded with satisfaction, and then waved her hand to cancel the binding.

When he was looking through the lesson plans just now, he discovered a very interesting place.

The release of the ghost path is based on the different combinations of the spirit sub-nodes, so that according to the degree of complexity, different ghost paths from low to high are released to achieve different purposes and effects.

Including broken ways that mainly focus on destruction, through different combinations, the same ghost way can display completely different effects.

For example, he just cast [Binding Dao No. [-] Collapsing Wheel], according to the teaching plan, the yellow silk thread that is shot will only entangle the enemy in the most common way.

There is no back-shearing of the arms, no binding effect, no constricting function, just a simple "binding" that's all.

This kind of low-level Dao Binding, let alone dealing with the god of death, even if it is used to deal with Xu, may not be able to trap it for long.

But the collapsed wheel that he improved is quite different.

In the face of Luanju, he was restrained, after all, he was his student.

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