"Um...Mr. Nagasawa, are you sure this is not dangerous?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but pause slightly in the movements of his hands. Then, as if he didn't hear anything, he put the helmet on the shooter's head, patted his shoulder, and said softly with a smile on his face. .

"If you don't take it with you, you won't take it with you!"

"Safe and ruthless!"

What Nagasawa said was like a shot in the arm for the shooting range.

After hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, for a moment, the shooting field had a feeling of "it's just a break, but that's it".

After taking two steps back slightly, until he was about three or four meters away from Nagasawa, the shooting range bowed slightly, indicating that he was ready and could welcome the bombardment of the broken path at any time.

Seeing this, it seems that in order to proceed step by step and not to scare the children in front of him, Nagasawa did not plan to use the No. [-] Break Path from the beginning, but chose the relatively "gentle" Bai Lei.

He nodded slightly towards the shooting range where he stood, then raised his hand, and a ray of blue lightning shot out from the tip of his index finger in an instant.

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei."

Facing the sudden thunder, the shooting field mustered up its courage and did not dodge. It just gritted its teeth, tensed all the muscles in its body, stood still, and took the blow forcefully.

"Crooked ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A strong electric current flowed through the whole body of the shooter in just an instant.

Even if the power is reduced by 50% by the protective clothing, the damage caused by its powerful penetrating power is reduced.

However, the intense numbness made the shooting field unable to shed two lines of tears, and he couldn't even straighten his tongue, so he spoke vaguely.

"Crippled... Broken old man, you don't seem to say that hin is safe..."

However, before he could finish his words, Nagaze Ya over there interrupted his next words with a loud shout.

"To shut up!"

"What's the matter with your expression!?"

"What happened to your two lines of tears!?"

"Do you think you can defeat Xu with these tears!?"

Nagasawa Ya, gradually becoming Yamamoto!

Looking at the shooting range that was stunned, Nagasawa ignored the other party, but turned his head and spoke to everyone in a deep voice with a low voice like cotton in his mouth.

"The battle of death is not just playing tricks. Facing death is also a kind of courage."

"If you don't even have the courage to face death in battle, then your ending has been doomed from the very beginning!"

With the blessing of Marlon Brando's peak acting skills, Masa Nagasawa's words shocked the young hearts of all the students in the first-class special class!

...... cut......

PS. Woo woo woo, thank you for the 79816 cat coins I tipped myself woo woo woo!

It’s the last day of the Spring Festival event, please give a reward, please ask for a blade!

The author of Pujie thanks you for your support!

Chapter 99 Nagasawa Masaru was seen through



"One copy! Matsumoto Katsu!"

As a powerful sound came from the mouth of Sarutobi Musashi, a slayer teacher, Ise Nanao suddenly looked like a Kamen Rider who had been released from the transformation state by a blow, opening his mouth and closing his eyes, his expression He fell to the ground in pain.

Seeing that his companion was injured, Rangiku won the victory after flying away the wooden sword in Nanao's hand. There was no expression of joy on his face, but he hurried to Nanao's side and asked with concern on his face.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Nanao, are you not injured?"

Hearing this, although the pain from her wrist made Qi Xu grin her teeth, but hearing her friend's concern, she didn't want to make him worry, so she tried her best to smile.

"It's okay, I just hit my wrist. Just rest for a while and you'll be fine."

"Rangiku, on the other hand, I haven't seen you for just a weekend, and your beheading skills are much better. You are worthy of me."

Listening to his friend's praise, even Rangiku, who was used to being careless, scratched his head in embarrassment and hurriedly helped him back to the court.

Similarly, Sarutobi Musashi, the homeroom teacher, couldn't help showing a satisfied look on his face when he saw the girls laughing and joking.

Although Rangiku was only born once, at least in the slicing technique class he taught, he couldn't fault it at all. He was quite satisfied with the results of his teaching.

But soon, the smile on his face turned into worry.

Although the students in the special class were all wearing loose Mao uniforms, it was not difficult to see from the exposed skin of this group of students that they were all wounded.

His bruised and swollen face made him glaring and distressed.

He didn't even dare to imagine what kind of tragedy would be hidden under the wide sleeves of these children.

If it were placed in the United States in the 21st century, he, as a homeroom teacher, would have received a summons from Foboler one thousand percent.

However, less than three seconds after the worry appeared in his mind, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hmm... Matsumoto-san's slashing skills seem to be better than Kidou's, but Ise-san's is the opposite. Compared to Kidou, her slashing skills are simply a mess... ..."

It's Masa Nagasawa.

Although it's only been a week since they met each other, Sarutobi Musashi still recognized the other party's voice without looking back.

After hearing Nagasawa Masaru's voice, Sarutobi Musashi's neck became stiff and he slowly turned back. As expected, he saw Nagasawa Masaru, a kind-hearted man with a face full of kindness.

He was really scared of Nagasawa Ya.

Ever since the other party taught the ghost class of the special class, I recalled what this master did in the past week...

Sarutobi Musashi only felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a light on his back, like a stick in his throat, and he was worried.

It's fine to teach students the art of binding, after all, it's still within the scope of teaching ghosts, and at best it's a bit outrageous.

But at the end of the day...

I don’t know where Nagasawa got a few sets of counterfeit protective suits from, and he, the class teacher, was not informed in advance. After putting them on, the students were forced to throw them at each other.

Although, you, Masa Nagasawa, are a teacher of ghosts, and I, Sarutobi Musashi, really have no reason or right to make irresponsible remarks about the teaching of ghosts, but after the matter is over, send the injured students to the infirmary anyway ?

As it turns out, Nagasawa Masaru didn't take the person to the infirmary after finishing the work. Instead, he asked Mao, the resident chief officer of the Fourth Division, for treatment. He directly asked the students who were good at returning to the Way and determined to join the Fourth Division after graduation. Practice with those injured classmates...

Fortunately, no one was killed, otherwise he, the head teacher, would be completely to blame, and he would have to commit seppuku in a minute!

Recently, whenever it was late at night, he would wake up unconsciously from his sleep, fearing that the moment he opened his eyes, Xing Jun's sharp blade would be on his neck.

He is still young, less than two hundred years old, and he doesn't want to live in a nest of maggots so soon!

At the same time, he also secretly complained about Captain Yamamoto, who is the principal of Mao, why he should be assigned to his class.

At this time, seeing Masa Nagasawa suddenly approaching him, Musashi Sarutobi who knew he couldn't hide, sighed silently in his heart.

With the mentality of a warrior who is generous to die, he responded with a smile on his face.

"Nagasawa-san... Mr. Nagasawa, why are you here? Is this my cutting class?"

Obviously, he has not yet adapted to calling Mr. Nagasawa Masaru.

After all, in his opinion, Nagasawa Masaru doesn't look like a teacher from any angle...

However, Nagasawa obviously didn't care much about these titles and responded casually.

"Well, if you're free, you're free, so just come and have a look. Isn't this the year-end assessment at the end of the year? I also have to choose the students I want to bring in advance."

"Let's talk about it first. I'll pick it first. Teacher Sarutobi shouldn't have the same experience as a newcomer like me, right?"

Hearing Nagasawa Masa's request, Sarutobi Musashi seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Nagasawa Masa to be so interested in the year-end assessment.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was reasonable.

As an old teacher who has taught in Mao for more than a hundred years, Sarutobi Musashi quickly understood this request.

He understood very well the thoughts of new teachers like Nagasawa Masaru.

It's nothing more than wanting to show off in the year-end assessment and show off one's own strength and teaching level.

As a senior who has been teaching for more than 100 years and has taught more than 100 students, he will naturally not compete with Nagasawa for the limelight. On the contrary, he is happy to be at ease.

To be honest, if his sense of mission as a teacher hadn't driven him, he'd better have both teams in his class led by Nagasawa Masaru.

But in the next second, he suddenly froze again.

Because he found that he seemed to have entered the misunderstanding of inertial thinking.

The guy in front of me... is not as simple as a rookie teacher!

When he recalled what the other party had done in the past week, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

It turns out that Nagasawa trains the students so seriously for the year-end assessment.

Thinking of this, a flash of understanding seemed to flash in Sarutobi Musashi's eyes.

Although he knew the status of the third seat of Nagasawa Ya's sixth team, he didn't know why the other party was "assigned" to Mao to teach.

At this time, seeing how enthusiastic Zeya Chang was about the year-end assessment, he seemed to have a vague answer in his heart.

Although rare, in Mao's hundreds of years of history, there are many examples of teachers who were recruited to serve as high-ranking officers in the Gotei [-] due to their outstanding performance in the year-end assessment.

Perhaps Nagasawa wanted to take advantage of this year-end assessment to return to the thirteenth team of Huting.

This is the curve to save the country!

It turns out that the three Nagasawa seats are playing such a big game!

At this moment, Sarutobi Musashi's eyes lit up.

...... cut......

PS. One thing to note, although there are basically only two updates a day, and only one update occasionally, I have not taken a single day off in the entire month of January.

Yangkang has continued to output for more than a month, and the number of words in this month has exceeded 15 words, which is definitely considered hardworking. You can even pat your chest and say that 90% of the authors of Hedgehog Cat are not as diligent as me. .

Please reward, please blade, thank you for your support, woo woo woo!

Chapter 100 Nagasawa Masaru’s Mouth Escape [-]-in-[-]

Sarutobi Musashi, who consciously saw through the truth, was ready to sell Nagasawa Masa as a favor.

He would never admit that he agreed so readily just to send this plague god away.

"Where is it, Mr. Nagasawa was joking."

"Now that Mr. Nagasawa has spoken, I definitely have no reason to refuse."

"But to be honest, apart from the emergence of a genius like Ichimaru Seven Seats last year, the year-end assessment for first-year students every year is basically just to experience the atmosphere and make up the numbers."

"Although Matsumoto, Ise, and the shooting field are all good seedlings, if you really want to get a ranking, at least you have to think about it after the fourth reincarnation. I don't really recommend that you put too much Focus on that."

After all, he was the head teacher of the special class. Sarutobi Musashi almost immediately guessed the best lineup in Nagasawa Masaru's mind.

However, although his mind was full of thoughts about how to send Masa Nagasawa away as soon as possible, but when the words came to his lips, Sarutobi Musashi still couldn't help persuading him in a concerned tone.

Hearing this, Nagasawa understood.

Although he didn't know what kind of psychological struggle Sarutobi Musashi had gone through in his unpredictable expression just now.

But seeing the other party agree so simply made him feel a little embarrassed.

He was also worried that Sarutobi Musashi would misunderstand, and he was afraid that he would take the other party's credit.

However, Sarutobi Musashi's words are not without reason.

Although Ranju and the other three will become the vice-captains of Goutei [-]th Team in the future, they will be the mainstays of each team. After the thousand-year bloody battle, they took over Komamura Zuozhen's team and became the Seventh Division. team captain.

But in terms of talent and immediate combat ability, they were far behind Gin Ichimaru.

Graduated from Mao early one year after entering the team, and served as the seventh high-ranking officer after joining the team. One year after joining the team, he single-handedly killed the third seat of the original third division team.

In just two years, Ichimaru Gin completed the triple jump from a homeless man on the Haunting Street. This kind of talent cannot be matched by even the most talented shooter among the three.

However, he wasn't overly worried about this.

Even though the three of them, Rangiku, were all geniuses with sub-level talent, they couldn't stand the fact that other grades didn't even have sub-level talent.

At least in the big list he had roughly scanned, except for the one in the future who seemed to have no effect with one move, but actually used the technique of fighting cattle across the mountain, compressing the power enough to destroy the world in an instant, because The cover of the earth and rocks imported all of them into the collapsed jade in Lan Ran's body.

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