To make his defense collapse, he didn't see any particularly familiar names except for Yoshinosuke Kuratani who played a decisive role in the final activation of Kisuke Urahara's seal by using such ingenious and seemingly clumsy moves.

Therefore, what he needs to do now is to increase the strength of Luan Ju and others to at least the level of fifth-rebirth within three months, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but sigh softly.

If you give me Naludo, Sass...ah no.

How great would it be to give the combination of Marugin, Shiba Haiyan, and Hitsugaya Toshiro to our city, and go directly to heaven!

Seeing this, he hurriedly thanked him.

"Then thank you Sarutobi-sensei. This is the membership card of Yatianju. With this membership card, you can enjoy a [-]% discount at any Yatianju in Seireitei, and you don't have to wait in line."

"A little thought, I should be grateful."

That's how it is with relationships between adults.

It is true that he is the third member of the Sixth Division and is also Yamamoto's direct disciple, but this is not the reason Sarutobi Musashi helped him for nothing.

Reputation is something that can only be used once or twice.

Looking at the membership card handed over by Masa Nagasawa, the surprise on Sarutobi Musashi's face became even stronger.

Yatianju, even a teacher who has lived in Mao for a long time, has heard of it.

The new business of the high-ranking aristocrat Omaeda's family, just less than a month after opening, has swept the entire gourmet food industry in the soul world with a storm.

The price that is close to the people, the variety of tastes, and the way of eating are inclusive, which is simply a blow to the dimensionality reduction of the old-age dining in the spirit world.

Not only has there been long queues every day since its opening, but it is also extremely rigid and does not offer any consumer discounts.

He even heard that behind Yatianju, there are four great nobles who are fully supportive.

When he saw Nagasawa Masaru taking out his Yatianju membership card, his expression changed when he looked at Nagasawa Masaru.

It's not because this [-]% discount card can bring him much discount.

Although he is just a teacher, he is single.

He has enough food for one person and no worries for the whole family. With his relatively generous salary, even if he has three meals a day at Yatianju, it won't be a big problem.

The key point is that this Yatianju membership card has faintly become a symbol of status and power in today's soul world.

Those who can get this thing from the hands of the Omaeda family are either rich or expensive.

Don't say that Nagasawa Ya is only the third seat of the Sixth Division. Even if he still has the status of Captain Yamamoto's apprentice, he may not be able to get this membership card.

Unless Nagasawa Masaru becomes the captain of the Gotei [-] like Yamamoto's other two apprentices!

However, it is such a membership card that symbolizes status and power, and Nagasawa Ya in front of him unexpectedly gave him this kind of thing as a favor.

If Nagasawa Masaru didn't print this membership card to show his face, then the power he represented was simply beyond Sarutobi Musashi's imagination.

Sarutobi Musashi, who understood the meaning of this membership card, waved his hand and refused, saying, "This is too expensive. I just helped out a little, but I don't dare accept such an expensive gift from Mr. Nagasawa."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya immediately raised her brows.

Is this thing expensive?

When Omaeda Nozomi gave it to him back then, he specifically said something like "As much as you want, don't be polite to him".

A look of confusion immediately floated into his eyes.

Sarutobi-sensei... Could it be that he is playing the trick of "accepting or rejecting"?

However, seeing that the expression on Sarutobi Musashi's face did not seem to be fake, Nagasawa finally suppressed the doubts in his heart and pretended to be displeased.

"What is precious or not?"

"Sarutobi-sensei, if you don't accept it, you're looking down on me, Masaaki!"

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa had already talked about this, Sarutobi Musashi felt his scalp tingling for a while, so he had to bite the bullet and took the membership card, and said embarrassingly.

"Then... then thank you Nagasawa-sensei."

The so-called cannibalism is short-handed and soft-mouthed.

Sarutobi Musashi himself felt a little embarrassed for consciously taking such a great advantage from Nagasawa Masa, but only giving the other party the right to select students first.

He immediately called Rangju and asked her to help with refereeing duties. Then he and Nagasawa stood aside, watching the fight on the martial arts field while enthusiastically introducing the special class students to Nagasawa.

"Teacher Nagasawa, you have also seen that although these students are all first-time students, their ages, spiritual powers, and subjects they are good at are very different."

"If you want to have a good grade in the year-end assessment, I actually don't recommend you to choose Ise, even if she is very talented."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but show a puzzled look on his face.

The talent is excellent, but they don't choose each other. What's the reason?

He couldn't help but look at Sarutobi Musashi with some confusion.

As if he had already guessed Nagasawa Masaru's doubts, Sarutobi Musashi didn't show off and answered straightforwardly.

"When selecting students to take the year-end assessment, students who are older, have stronger spiritual power, and are more tolerant of mistakes are usually the first to be selected for the assessment."

"Take Matsumoto who just played against Ise as an example."

"Although there is a big gap between the two in terms of slashing skills, compared to skills, Matsumoto, who has just grown up, has more obvious advantages in vigor and spiritual pressure."

"This is the advantage brought by the years, which cannot be compensated by talent in a short period of time."

"Coupled with Ise's advantage in Ghost Road, although the shooting range is not as good as it is, it can completely make up for it, so I suggest you consider choosing Ogido Harunobu, who is good at returning to the Road, to make up for the team's lack of endurance."


"Although I, the head teacher, shouldn't say this, but I think Ise is actually a little afraid of fighting."

"When she picked up the knife, her hands would tremble subconsciously."

Saying that, Sarutobi Musashi pointed to a boy who was sitting in a corner, but the female classmates around him shifted their eyes back and forth between him and Nagasawa Masa from time to time, and pointed to Nagasawa Masa, that is the Ogido in his mouth Chun Xin.

Following the direction of Sarutobi Musashi's finger, Masa Nagasawa's gaze shifted.

Is a handsome guy.

Although the appearance is a little extravagant, but in terms of painting style, it is not much inferior to him and Kuchiki Byakuya.

Masa Nagasawa has an impression of Harunobu Ogido. Thanks to his ghost class last week, the other party's Hui Dao skill bar has probably made great progress.

But soon, he rejected Sarutobi Musashi's kindness.

He doesn't want to form this legendary combination of two fighters and one nanny, the last combination...

Please use 500 words to describe the anime character you hate the most, and explain why it is Haruno Sakura...

The handsome guy in the team, he is enough!

Here, Nagasawa Masaru automatically ignored Tetsuaemon at the shooting range.


Of course, he couldn't really tell Sarutobi Musashi that way.

After thinking for a while, Nagasawa Yadeng changed her laughing and joking expression just now, and responded with a very serious, even sacred expression, heartbroken.

"Ms. Sarutobi, as a glorious Mao teacher, how can we give up on her because of the shortcomings of the students?"

Sarutobi Musashi was stunned, "Huh? Give up? I'm not..."

When did he say he was going to give up Nanao?

Didn't what he just said suggest that Nagasawa choose his team members carefully?

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nagasawa.

"It is precisely because Ise-kun has such shortcomings that we, as teachers, should adhere to the principle of 'never abandon, never give up' and help her solve her problems. Only then will we be worthy of the salary we receive. , This doesn’t insult the word ‘teacher’, doesn’t it!?”

Nagasawa Masaru's words were deafening, and coupled with his heartbroken and distressed expression, Sarutobi Musashi's whole person was absorbed in it.

At this moment, Nagasawa seemed to be enveloped by a faint layer of holy light in front of him, as if he had really done something unforgivable, he lowered his head sadly.


He was about to say something to prove that he was not the kind of shameless person who insulted the word "teacher" with his bare hands, but Nagasawa Masaru over there interrupted his defense again with a firm look on his face.

"Mr. Sarutobi, stop talking!"

"Helping students is my bounden duty, and I have made up my mind!"

"Ise Nanao, I'm going to make a deal!"

"However, if Sarutobi-sensei, you still have a trace of the dignity that belongs to a teacher, I have something to ask for your help."

I have to say that Marlon Brando's peak acting skills are really too strong.

Not only can Nagasawa act like him, but he can also insert the person he is "acting against" into the scene, thereby enhancing the other person's sense of involvement.

Coupled with that powerful aura like a godfather, Sarutobi Musashi was immediately stunned.

Even when he heard Nagasawa Ya give him the final "salvation", he seemed to be grasping the last straw as a dying person, and rushed to answer incoherently.

"Huh? This? That? What?"

"If you need my help, just say it!"

"I, Sarutobi Musashi, will never give up even if I die!"

That determined look was as if Nagasawa asked him to climb mountains of swords and seas of fire without even frowning.

Seeing this, Nagasawa's eyes lit up immediately, and she let out a loud shout.

"it is good!"

With that loud voice, even the special class students who were competing in the distance couldn't help turning their heads to look at the two whispering in the corner.

Masa Nagasawa obviously didn't care about the surprised eyes of the students, he just lowered his voice slightly, and continued talking to Sarutobi Musashi in front of him.

"Since Sarutobi-sensei said so, I won't hide it anymore."

"I heard that the second class of second-generation students will conduct simulated virtual combat training this week. I would like to ask Mr. Sarutobi to apply to the academy for joint training so that Matsumoto and the three of them can also participate."

The simulated virtual training is a kind of practice in which Mao creates virtual projections in a specific barrier in order to train students through simulation technology, so as to cultivate students' actual combat abilities.

Because it is dangerous, Sarutobi Musashi, who is the class teacher, needs to apply to the academy.

Even if his teacher is Yamamoto, he is no exception.

"I didn't ask..." Hearing this, Sarutobi Musashi, who had been brainwashed by the sacred mission of a teacher, was ready to agree.

However, the next second when he was about to agree, like a ninja who got rid of the illusion at a critical moment, the strong warning signal directly made Sarutobi Musashi's eyes clear again.

He looked at Nagasawa in front of him in disbelief, his eyes widened, and he asked in a tone of doubting his own ears.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about!?"

"Joint simulated virtual combat training!?"

Seeing that Sarutobi Musashi got rid of his "Betie's mouth", Nagasawa Masa cursed secretly in her heart, "It's still not enough skill", and could only bite the bullet and continue.

"Yes, I want them to adapt to the battle in advance, or..."

Unexpectedly, he didn't have time to finish his words, but this time, it was Sarutobi Musashi who firmly rejected his request.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

...... cut......

PS.1. Today is the first day of vacation, and it is also the first day of my seven-day shift as a social animal.

I'm really not used to it, especially the alarm clock, because it was set to ring on weekdays, I was late in the morning and afternoon...

I vomited......

In addition, I don't know how to divide the chapters. In order to ensure the fluency of reading, I will not divide them together.

PS.2. Today is the 28th, and the monthly ticket blade will be refreshed soon, please take a look!

Chapter 1: A Good Teacher, Zeya

Looking at Sarutobi Musashi in front of him, as if he had transformed into an excited Cao Aman, Nagasawa quickly comforted him.

Unexpectedly, Sarutobi Musashi in front of him was still unwilling to give up. Even though his mouth was covered by Nagasawa's brand-new tendons and pulled aside, he did not forget to lower his voice and continued to speak.

"Why do you think the academy didn't arrange a large-scale simulated combat training against the virtual until the second return?"

"Simulation training will also cause casualties. The power mastered by the first-time students is completely insufficient to deal with Xu!"

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