However, just after he finished speaking, Yamamoto, who was obviously still angry, slammed the back of Jingle Chunshui with the wooden knife in his hand, and accompanied by the sound of the other party's gasping, Yamamoto also He scolded mercilessly.

"Kneel up straight for the old man!"

Hearing this, Jingle Shunsui, who was caught straight by Yamamoto, did not dare to neglect.

The old man was obviously angry, and it was quite unwise to seek death at this time, so he straightened his back immediately.

Seeing that Jingle Chunshui, who dances the most in front of Yamamoto on weekdays, admits to being defeated, Nagasawa Masa doesn't think that he has more face than this uncle, so he hurriedly explained with a haha.

"Old man, look at what you're saying. Didn't I get sent to Zhenyang before my injuries were completely healed? After two weeks of tossing around, I still feel a dull pain in my body."

"Don't tell me, I feel a little dizzy after being hit by you like this."

"How about I go to Division [-] to see Captain Unohana first?"

Saying that, Nagasawa hurriedly threw Yamamoto out to smash his teacup cheerfully, placed it carefully in front of the old man, and asked tentatively.

Who knew that it was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Yamamoto became even more angry.

Sometimes Yamamoto fell into self-doubt, how much evil did he do to accept two disciples, Jingle Shunsui and Nagasawa Masa.

Facing Masa Nagasawa and Shunsui Jingle, he was almost doubly angry.

Made, couldn't help but want to draw the knife.

Maybe it's really negative and positive, thinking about it, Yamamoto was actually amused.

He simply wasn't angry anymore, he pointed to the futon in front of him, and signaled Nagasawa to sit down first.

Seeing that her treatment was obviously higher than that of Jingle Chunshui, Nagasawa Masa could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Well, it seems that old man Shan still loves the little apprentice.

After Nagasawa sat cross-legged, Yamamoto asked.

"I heard that you asked the head teacher of the first-class special class to apply for joint simulation training?"

"what are you thinking?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa suddenly showed a surprised look on her face.

Isn't it, SIR?

Will this alarm Yamamoto?

Although Yamamoto still bears the title of Principal Mao, but the other party has been doing nothing for a long time.

As a result, he had just asked Sarutobi Musashi to apply for joint simulation training two days ago, and today he was charged with the crime?

Not so much, right?

A suspicious look gradually appeared on Nagasawa's face, but he quickly waved it away.

He really wanted to say, "Are you teaching me how to do things?", but when he saw the straight Jingle Chunshui kneeling beside him, he didn't say the words that came to his lips.

He just repeated what he said about Sarutobi Musashi.

After listening to his explanation, Yamamoto didn't express his opinion immediately, he pondered for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Jingle Chunshui who was beside him.

Obviously, Yamamoto's micro-expression did not hide Nagasawa Ya, he couldn't help turning his head to look at his cheap senior brother, but saw that the other party scratched his head in embarrassment, and responded cheerfully.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. Didn't I hear that my child will participate in simulation training after two weeks of schooling? I just happened to talk about it when I was chatting with Old Man Shan."

"I didn't expect his leading teacher to be you, junior brother. I'm so embarrassed."

Hearing this, Nagasawa frowned, and the strange look on her face became more intense.

Although Jingle Chunshui has a smile on his face, as if he doesn't care about anything, but...

He always felt that Jingle Chunshui in front of him was like a parent who ran to the head teacher before the child was about to travel far away, hoping that the teacher would take care of him.

Nagasawa couldn't help Mosuo scratching his chin, and secretly complained in her heart.

What a dishonest guy.

...... cut......

PS. Feel it, although Jingle Shunsui looks out of tune all day long, it is a way to hide his true emotions.

Although it is a fan, I want to try to dig out the different emotions and hearts of each character.

After all, the original plot is basically about fighting, and this is probably the charm of fandom.

Chapter 1 I, Jingle Chunshui, Hardcore Performing Artist

Of course, Nagasawa Masaru knew that the "own child" Kyoraku Shunsui referred to was Ise Nanao in his class.

However, although his relationship with Yamamoto and Jingle Shunsui is not bad.

But the identity of the traverser and the existence of the system are his biggest cards.

Facing these two bosses who successively served as the captains of the Thirteenth Guarding Team, he dared not relax in the slightest.

Unwilling to reveal, he could only pretend to be surprised.

"My child? Is there no student named Jingraku in my class?"

Although Ise Nanao follows her mother's surname, all the senior officials in the Soul Realm know that she is the eldest granddaughter of the current patriarch of the upper noble Jingle family, and the biological daughter of the eldest brother Jingle Chunshui.

As for why Nanao's surname is Ise, not Jingle...

Although Nagasawa is not a high-ranking dignitary in the soul world, he cannot hold back his status as a time traveler.

Not to mention this little secret, he also knows a thing or two about the damn curse of the Ise family.

The Ise family is a family of priests, in charge of sacrifices, and at the same time shoulders the mission of guarding the "Excalibur Eight Mirror Sword".

The Ise family is a matrilineal family. According to records, all newborns in the family are women without exception. In order to continue the blood, they can only reproduce by recruiting son-in-law from outside.

The strange thing is that the man who entered the Ise family as a son-in-law did not have time to carry forward the spirit of his son-in-law, and all received a box lunch early because of the family curse.

In order to break this curse, Nanao's mother planned to sever ties with her natal family after marriage. Going against the tradition of Ise family members continuing the family tradition by recruiting husbands, she married Kyōraku Shunsui's brother and gave birth to Nanao. thread.

But yeah...

I don't know if this curse comes from the "Eight Mirror Sword" passed down from generation to generation in the Ise family, or what it is about, but Nanao's mother, the intellectual queen, doesn't look like she has succubus properties. .

Nanao's father, the eldest brother of Jingle Shunsui, the eldest son of a superior nobleman, unexpectedly did not escape the curse of the Ise family, and passed away for some reason not long after he got married.

To be honest, there are not many wastes in the family who can get into the position of high-ranking nobles in the world of corpses and souls.

Even if he looks no different from the second generation ancestor, like Omaeda Kichiyo who relied on his father's relationship to rise to the top, he has at least fifth-class spiritual power.

Even if brother Jingle Chunshui's talent is not as good as his younger brother's, his Reiatsu is not something that can be easily killed by a bullshit curse.

Nagasawa Masaru had reason to suspect that the swords of the Ise family were poisonous.

In the end, Nanao's mother, on the contrary, was forcibly sent back to her natal family because of the regulations that noble women are not allowed to communicate with their husband's family after their husband's death.

All in all, Masa Nagasawa is powerless to complain about the messy nobles of the nobles of the soul world.

In order to protect her daughter from being affected by the curse of the Ise family, Nanao's mother finally entrusted Jingle Shunsui to keep the "Eight Mirror Sword" guarded by the Ise family for generations before leaving.

And Jingle Chunshui also promised to keep the divine sword and protect Qixu.

Sure enough, when Masa Nagasawa asked about Nanao Ise, the upright Kyoraku Shunsui who was kneeling over there directly let go of his airs as the captain.

No, maybe it should be said that he didn't have the pretensions of a captain.

This guy doesn't even have a face anymore!

He quickly came to Nagasawa Ya, and under Nagasawa Ya's disgusted gaze, he put his arms around Nagasawa Ya's shoulders, and shouted loudly with snot and tears.

"My brother and sister-in-law...are miserable!"

That voice made those who heard it sad and those who saw it cry.

Even Mr. Yamamoto, who was still angry just now, put down the wooden knife in his hand, and even Jiro Sparrow, who was standing behind him, quietly wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.

Masa Nagasawa, whose eyes twitched slightly, had reason to suspect that Jingle Shunsui relied on this trick to escape Yamamoto's repeated beatings.

This is not over yet.

I saw Jingle Chunshui crying over there, his nose was almost rubbing against him.

"My short-lived brother left me at a young age."

"My poor elder sister was driven back home after giving birth to Qi Xu."

"I'm so ashamed of my elder brother!"

"Before he died, he clearly asked me to take good care of Eldest Sister, but I didn't have time to see her for the last time until Eldest Sister was about to pass away."

"Qixu is also a poor child, you don't know the viciousness of nobles in the soul world."

"I'm an unmarried bachelor. After all, it's inconvenient to bring a little girl by my side. Rumors are also extremely detrimental to her growth."

"In order for Qixu to have a good environment for her growth, I specially found a kind old couple in Runlin'an, West Street [-] of Liuhun Street to adopt her, and sent her to Mao."

"I never thought that she had just entered school, and junior brother, you had already started a joint simulation training."

"If there is something wrong with Qixu, how can I explain it to my poor brother and sister-in-law!"

Seeing the snot flowing from the nostrils of Jingle Chunshui, which was about to drip onto her clothes, Nagasawa, who lived in Bengbu, hurriedly dodged and stood up with a sad face.

"Brother Jingle, don't worry!"

"We are all brothers of the same school. Your niece is my niece. I planned to hide the spiritual pressure during the joint training and protect it secretly."

"After all, although the sixth-generation students have studied for six years, they are only at the level of ordinary soldiers. I will never let anything happen to Nanao."

"Come here today, in addition to asking Mr. Shan...cough, Mr. Yamamoto for homework, but also to ask for a passport to the present world."

"Although senior brother Jingle is indeed a jerk sometimes, but... I think you, old man, don't want to see him so sad."

If the active Reaper wants to go to the present world, he must obtain a pass to the present world issued by the first team.

Going to the present world privately, even the captain has to be punished.

If there is something wrong with it, the future Kurosaki Isshin will end up in the end.

The current Nagasawa Ya has just left the cusp of the wind and waves not long ago, if at this time the group of bastards in the central room 46 caught her pigtails, it would be more or less worth the loss.

Although Jingle Chunshui's crying appearance is a bit of a performance, but when it comes to the safety of his own students, Masa Nagasawa will not be sloppy at all.

Seeing the two disciples looking at him eagerly, Yamamoto, the teacher, really couldn't find a reason to refuse.

In desperation, he had no choice but to lightly wave his hand at Sparrow Minister Jiro behind him.

Immediately, a token similar to Kurosaki Ichigo's Death Proxy Certificate appeared in the hands of Masa Nagasawa.

...... cut......

PS. It's the 31st today, and the monthly ticket blade will be refreshed soon, please help!

Chapter 1 Xiti Skill Pack

"Okay, it's almost done!"

Seeing that Kyōraku Shunsui's eyes, which were originally full of sadness, became lively in an instant after seeing Nagasawa getting "benefits" from him.

Yamamoto, who knew his disciple's urine nature, immediately dispelled Jingle Shunsui's delusion one step ahead.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Yamamoto throwing the captain Haori on his body casually, and before the Sparrow Minister Jiro behind him could catch it, Yamamoto, who was dressed in a domineering outfit, strode towards the center of the training ground.

"Since you said that you are here to ask for homework, then let the old man see if you have been slack these days!"

Obviously, this is to test the principal Zeya.

Seeing this, Nagasawa was unambiguous, and even raised her fists, and Ola stepped up.

In the previous battle with Gui Yancheng Jianbayi, although it was his substitute Platinum Star who was in charge of Ola in the end.

But the spiritual growth, and the [One Bone] blasted out countless times, were branded in the depths of his soul like a knife and axe.




The collision between the muscles is like the communication between the soul and the soul.

Especially when Yamamoto was always on the defensive, Masa Nagasawa, who kept attacking, became more and more courageous as he fought, completely forgetting that he had promised to be a toolman that night.

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