Even in the state of not using Reiatsu, relying on the power of the flesh, Yamamoto's body that has been tempered for a long time felt a little bit of numbness.

Feeling the tingling sensation from the palm, and then looking at Jingle Chunshui who looks like a happy person, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

Although Nagasawa was not reliable very often and the two of them did not get along for a long time, Yamamoto really liked this young apprentice.

It’s much easier to worry about than that bastard Kyōraku Shunsui!

Seeing that Nagasawa's proficiency in [One Bone] was getting higher and higher, and the difference was only due to physical training and spiritual pressure training, Yamamoto finally no longer chose to defend passively.

Faced with Nagasawa Masahiro's fast straight punch, Yamamoto did not make any defensive posture, but struck out both fists at the same time at an extremely fast speed.

He actually chose to exchange punches for punches and faced Nagasawa's [One Bone] head-on.


Two consecutive sounds of flesh collision sounded with extremely short intervals.

next second...


With a shameful scream, Nagasawa flew out again.

By the way, a big hole in the shape of "wood" was opened in the wall of the training ground.


Nagasawa, who was gasping for air, crawled back from outside the gate. Although he had put on a pain mask on his face, his eyes were full of excitement.

The two extremely short collision sounds just now were the sound made by Yamamoto's fist knocking away his [one bone] with a force of destruction, and then bombarding his chest and abdomen with both fists.

And don't look at what is transmitted into the cochlea, there are only two sounds.

But if you listen carefully, especially if you experience it with your body, Masa Nagasawa was surprised to find that the second sound was actually made when Yamamoto's two punches hit his body at the same time.

What you need to know is that no matter how good a person's coordination is, there is always a difference between the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand. He wants to bombard a pair of fists precisely on the target at the same time.

Its difficulty can be imagined.

Old Man Shan is going to teach him [Double Bones]!

And the most important thing is that even though the [Double Bone] that Yamamoto used just now is only one more fist than his [One Bone], its power is not simply one plus one equals two.

That devastating power is not only the physical difference between the two, but the power has increased exponentially.

He believed that even the [Consecutive Bone] blasted by Platinum Star may not be able to match Yamamoto's [Double Bone].

Sure enough, under Masa Nagasawa's expectant gaze, Yamamoto taught him the force-exerting skills of [Double Bones] one by one.

And it was different from the perfunctory way he taught [One Bone] last time.

This time, Yamamoto almost dismantled his [double bones] completely, as if he was afraid that Nagasawa Masaru would not be able to learn.

Two hours later, when Yamamoto put on the captain's haori again, Nagasawa also had a satisfied smile on his face.

Although the power of [Double Bones] has increased geometrically compared to [One Bone], the difficulty of learning has also increased by the same rate.

Nagasawa admits that he is not a talented player. Even though Yamamoto taught it very carefully, he did not learn it in a short time.

However, if Yamamoto knew what was going on in his mind at this time, the hot iron fist would probably fall on his head again.

Maybe I have to spray him with "so ambitious".

Fortunately, he still has his black-skinned female teacher.

However, just when he was thinking about how to explain to Yoruichi that he had forgotten his "promise" at night, Kyōraku Shunsui, who had been kneeling over there to watch the theater, suddenly interrupted.

"Speaking of which, this isn't the first time my junior brother and I have met. I haven't talked to each other for various reasons before, but as a senior brother, I can't express that I don't care at all, can I?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help looking suspiciously at Jingle Shunsui, not knowing what the other party was playing.

However, after hearing Jingle Shunsui's words, Yamamoto nodded in agreement.

"It's really necessary to have someone who looks like a senior brother."

Seeing this, the suspicious look on Nagasawa's face became more intense.

This is probably equivalent to a comedian suddenly acting in a serious drama, and for a while he can't tell whether the other person is joking.

However, in the next second, Jingle Chunshui said with a cheerful face.

"This is a little trick I developed myself."

"Old man Shan is too strong to look down on, but I think it is an excellent method for you, my junior brother."

Saying that, Jingle Chunshui actually threw a wooden knife at Nagasawa, and said immediately, "Come on, try to attack me."

Who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, Nagasawa slashed at him with a knife without hesitation.

"Not alone!"

However, in the face of Nagasawa Masaru's unruly sneak attack, Kyoraku Shunsui didn't care at all, and even put on an expression on his face that said "I knew you would do this".

Accompanied by a low drink from the mouth of Jingle Chunshui, the wooden knife in his hand released a hurricane spinning like a spinning top, which not only deflected Masa Nagasawa's slash, but also formed a hurricane around it. The wind wall temporarily restricted Nagasawa's actions.

I saw Jingle Chunshui over there, explaining softly with a somewhat complacent expression on his face.

"This is my unique move created by adding more rotation to the wrist part on the basis of sword pressure. If it is combined with my Huatian Kuanggu, it can also form a more violent hurricane to restrict the opponent."

"Of course, an ordinary Zanpakutō can also do it. I think this should be helpful to you."

Hearing this, Nagasawa's eyes lit up first, but then, his eyes became weird again.

So, is this a meeting ceremony for the seniors, or is it because the parents of the children are worried about their children, so they come to give the teacher a "shopping card"?

...... cut......

PS. More than 15 words of updates, 0 leave for one month, the first month of 2023 should be a perfect ending, and I will continue to work hard next month, go to bed~!

Ask for a blade, ask for a monthly pass~~~!

Thank you for your support~~~!

Chapter 1 If true love has a color, it must be the purple that symbolizes Sifengyuan

"Hey, hey, I said, we are going to be babysitters, not to go out to play, what are you so excited about?"

Nagasawa Ya, who was running in the boundary, cast a speechless glance at Yeyi beside him.

I saw his black-skinned female private trainer, who was wearing the same black cloak as him, running with him in the broken world to the present world with an expression of excitement.

Hearing this, Ye Yi immediately rolled his eyes at him, "What do you know? Ever since I became the general commander of this secret mobile unit, I haven't been to the real world for many years!"

The main responsibilities of the covert mobile unit are generally the elimination and arrest of heretics in Soul Society, and the collection and analysis of intelligence. The scope of business rarely involves the real world and Hueco Mundo.

Obviously Nagasawa Masa finds it difficult to understand Ye's yearning and desire for this world.

He didn't even have the heart to hit the opponent.

After all, if he doesn't change the fate of the Masked Army, Ye Yishao will wander in this world for a hundred years or so.

Kisuke Urahara is a scientific research madman after all, and a few random studies can kill a lot of time.

And Yoruichi, the captain of the second division who is known for his speed, was so tired that he was out of breath after just one or two hundred teleportations during the Traveling Disaster Arc, and his whole body was rusty.

It can be seen that she, who has fished for more than a hundred years, has nothing to do in this world.

When the time comes, see if she still longs for it, longs for it or not.

Seeing this, he could only helplessly say, "I only have one passport for this world, so don't rely on me if something happens."

Speaking of which, the reason why Ye Yi went to the present world with him is really thanks to his damn memory.

He who forgot the "covenant of the tool man", obviously did not let Yamamoto see Ye Yi.

Ye Yi, whose inner desire was not satisfied, suddenly turned into a raging little wild cat.

In the end, when she learned that Nagasawa was about to go to the present world, she had to agree to her request to go with her.

After the joint simulation team composed of the special class of first-time students and the second class of second-year students went to the present world, they followed behind everyone with Nagasawa Masa.

However, as I said before, even a captain-level Shinigami will be punished if he goes to the present world without permission.

Although Nagasawa Miyabi had a look of disgust on her face, she was a little worried about Yoruichi.

This guy, don't let it go.

Who would have thought that after hearing his words, Ye Yi had an expression of indifference.

"Don't worry, the world-transmitting gate judges who enters and exits based on the Reiatsu, and Kisuke's cloak can completely cover my Reiatsu, so no one will find my whereabouts."

"Besides, even if it is discovered in the end, I will say that I came to this world through the exclusive world-transmitting gate of the Sifengyuan family."

"At most, I will go back and be talked about by the old guys at home for a while, it's a trivial matter."

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya's eyes lit up immediately.

The official gate of Seireitei is too inconvenient. Every time you enter and exit, you must get the pass certificate issued by Yamamoto, and you have to be confirmed by the [-]th squad before you can open it.

If Sifengyuan's family really has a private world-transmitting gate, it will be much more convenient if they have to go to the real world or the virtual circle for something in the future.

But soon, a trace of worry flashed across his eyes.

Listening to Ye Yi's nonchalant tone, Nagasawa Ya could not believe that the patriarch of the dignified Sifengyuan family went to the present world privately, and it was just as simple as "being talked about for a while".

If that were the case, with Yoichi's temperament, she would probably have walked away to this world countless times.

Obviously, Ye Yi didn't want to make him worry too much, so he made these excuses.

Hearing this, Chang Zeya didn't expose it, but just pretended to be contemptuous.

"Hey, the rotten privileged class."

Hearing Nagasawa Ya's disdain, Yeyi was not annoyed, but asked with a smirk.

"Are you envious or not?"

Nagasawa immediately raised her brows, the disdain on her face grew stronger, and she said proudly.


"I, the 'Hero of the Seireitei', the 'Slayer of the Great Hollow', the 'Candidate for the Next Strongest Shinigami', and the 'Wise General', would I envy this decadent privilege?"

"Don't underestimate me, someone."


Seeing this, Yeyi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After getting along with him for this period of time, she knew Nagazeya very well.

When she saw Nagasawa's reaction after hearing the words "Sifengyuan family's exclusive boundary gate", she roughly guessed some of his thoughts and immediately joked.

"Then the next time you want to sneak away to the present world, don't ask me, a rotten person, to pass through the gate."


Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help being speechless.

But yeah...

If Ye Yi thinks that this will make him subdue someone, then he will underestimate his toughness.

I saw Nagasawa's face straighten, and he "criticized" Ye Yi's "slanderous" words with a solemn expression.

"If true love has a color, it must be the purple that symbolizes Sifengin."

"Last General Nagasawa Masaru, I am willing to help our Fourth Fengyuan family smoke, drink and perm their hair for generations!"

This time, Ye Yi was completely stunned.


She was laughing so hard that her flowers were trembling, and she immediately slapped her big dick on Nagazeya's back, knocking him staggering while he was running.

"Come on, you, if you marry me, you have to discuss with me who the child's surname will be, and who will be your family from Sifeng Courtyard."

Saying that, Ye Yi immediately stopped laughing, and rolled his eyes at Nagasawa.

However, the smile on his face couldn't be hidden.

It doesn't take much time to travel from Soul Society to the present world. The two of them just wanted to avoid being discovered by the Mao students who were walking in front, so they trotted along leisurely under the leadership of Hell Butterfly.

Soon, the end of the world-transmitting gate appeared in front of the two of them.

After passing through the boundary gate, what you see is an abandoned hospital covering an extremely large area.

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