Seeing the shadowy shadows moving through the corridors below, Yeyi said with a hint of interest on his face.

"Oh hoo, has it started yet?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa nodded involuntarily.

The so-called emptiness is an "evil spirit" transformed from a soul that is attached to the present world, reluctant to go to the world of corpses and souls, and finally corroded the spirit body because of the desire in its heart.

The job of the god of death is to attract the soul, guide and purify the "void", return it to the world of corpses and souls, and protect human beings from the harm of the void.

Since the death battle usually takes place in a bustling urban area, Mao's simulation training is also aimed at pursuing actual combat effects, and the location is set in this abandoned hospital.

Surrounding them, barriers to isolate the breath have been raised by the sixth-generation students.

This is to avoid attracting attacks from virtual groups.

After all, although these Mao students who participated in the simulation training are not the gods of death, the concentration of spirit particles in their bodies far exceeds that of ordinary souls, but they are Xu's favorite food.

Looking at the well-founded students below, Ye Yi's interest also rose, and he couldn't help asking Nagasawa Ya with a smirk on his face.

"How about taking a gamble?"

...... cut......

PS. The elderly at home went home to visit relatives and friends after the fifth day of the lunar new year. Yesterday, after get off work, I went to the county to pick them up to prepare for the Lantern Festival. It was already past 11 o’clock when I got home. I was really tired and couldn’t write. He fell asleep and fell asleep.

But rest assured, although there was no update yesterday, as a conscientious author, how could I owe more?

Will make it up later.

Counting the two chapters that still owed the reward, a total of four chapters are owed, and there is a high probability that there will be a rhythm of three shifts this month.

Chapter 1 I have never been weaker than others in my life


Landing on the commanding heights of the abandoned hospital, Nagasawa Masa, who was watching the three-person teams below to hunt the simulation, heard Ye Yi's proposal, and immediately shifted her gaze to on the other side.

As if recalling the scene when Saragi Kenpachi hit the door, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help showing a look of interest on her face, and said curiously.

"How do you want to bet?"

Hearing this, a sly smile appeared on Yeyi's face immediately.

"Since this is a simulated training jointly carried out by the first class of first-time students and the second class of second-year students, it is natural to bet on which class students can get more points."

"I think, as a teacher of the first class of ghosts, you will definitely not choose the second class of second students, right?"

Nagasawa Masaru, "..."

Nagasawa wanted to ask Ye Yi a question.

Do you want to show some face?

If Ye Yi gambled on which team of three had the highest score, Nagasawa thought she was a hero.

But yeah...

When Sarutobi Musashi applied for the simulated training from the academy, for the sake of fairness, he did not specifically single out Nanao and the other three strongest fighters, but applied for the whole class to conduct simulated battle training in advance... ..

Not to mention that this simulation training was a trial almost half a year ahead of schedule for the first-year special class students.

Although the second-return students were not elites of the special class, they not only studied for a year longer than the first-return students.

The degree of tacit understanding between each other is not comparable to that of freshmen who have just known each other for less than a month.

The joint team formed under the tacit cooperation will undoubtedly occupy a great advantage.

Seemingly aware of the strangeness on Nagasawa's face, Ye Yi, who was afraid of Nagasawa's rejection, hastily raised his stake.

"Why don't you do this, let me take advantage of you, if the second-generation student wins, you just need to agree to my request."

"On the contrary, if you win once, I promise you two requests."

"One pays two, is this the head office?"

Nagasawa seemed to think that this had made her go away, Yeyi had a nonchalant smile on his face.

It's almost like writing "I don't know how to type" on my forehead.

Hearing this, the weird look on Nagasawa's face became even stronger.

To be honest, compared to ordinary first-return students, second-return students do have inherent advantages, but...

It also depends on who taught it! (Vibration!)

In my life, I have never been weaker than someone!

If you want to bet, then bet!

"It's a gamble, but let's say yes first, it's okay to let me marry, and changing the name and surname is not negotiable."

Listening to the words in his ears, Ye Yi couldn't help but lightly punched Nagasawa on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Hey, who wants you to marry me?"

In this way, the bet is established.

While speaking, the two turned their eyes back to the battlefield below.

After all, the simulated void is not a real void. Even if it has a certain degree of aggression, as long as the students like Mao can overcome the fear in their hearts and deal with it carefully in the form of a small team, even if they are only second-born students, they can handle it. .

No, the scattered teams of second-generation students have gradually gathered together, forming one after another millstones, and began to strangle the simulation.

Seeing the simulation virtual being constantly captured by second-generation students, Ye Yi couldn't help showing a smile of victory.

As if she was worried that Nagasawa would be sad, she patted Nagasawa on the shoulder, said softly with a little comfort in her words, shaking her head.

"Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. Don't pay too much attention to winning or losing. The future is yours."

Hearing this, Nagasawa frowned, and then glanced at Ye Yi who couldn't hold back her smile.

To be honest, he didn't care much about the bet with Yeyi.

For him, it was expected that the first-year students who had just entered school were not as good as the second-year students who had studied for a year.

What he cares more about is what these children can gain from facing adversity and fear.

Looking at the first-year students who kept fleeing in the abandoned hospital, Masa Nagasawa whispered to herself in a voice that only he could hear.

"Don't let me down..."


In an abandoned hospital, in a ward that says Emergency Room, Nanao Ise holds the Asahi in her hand with a somewhat distracted gaze.

From her slightly trembling hands, it was not difficult to see that she was afraid, and had even written fear on her face.

But at this moment, a white palm held her hands holding the knife.

With the touch of her white palm, Nanao, whose eyes were shaking, seemed to have come back to her senses, and even the trembling in her hands was a little weaker.

She looked at her friend beside her and said with a trembling apology on her face.

"Luan... Luanju, I'm sorry, I delayed you..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Matsumoto Rangiku who was beside him shook his head lightly, changed his usual inconspicuous appearance, and spoke softly like a gentle big sister.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, aren't we teammates?"

"Helping each other is what teammates should do. I don't think there will be any complaints against you even if it's shooting, don't you think so?"

As he said that, Luanju's eyes fell on Shechang, who was crouching by the door of the emergency room, watching the movement outside the door vigilantly.

Hearing this, the aura on the shooting range suddenly increased.

He didn't look back, but with deep dissatisfaction in his words, he lowered his voice and replied in a deep voice.

"What do you mean even if it's me?"

"How can a man blame a lady?"

"Are you looking down on me, Matsumoto?"

The caring words of her companions warmed Nanao's heart, and even the hand holding the knife no longer trembled as before.


However, just when she was about to say something, something happened.


With the sound of glass breaking, a Hollow that looked like an orangutan and wore a ferocious white mask suddenly crashed through the window of the emergency room. It let out a huge roar and rushed towards the two Rangiku who were closest to it. !

The sudden change, which was so real that people couldn't tell the truth from the falsehood, made Nanao feel a little confused, and even her mentality, which had been adjusted with great difficulty, came to the verge of downtime again at this moment.

Seeing that hideous Xu, who is about to rush forward.

The disgusting stench and spiritual pressure are so real that it constantly stimulates the senses of the whole body.

At this moment, Qi Xu's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move an inch!


However, just when Nanao closed her eyes because of the fear in her heart, a familiar voice instantly reached her cochlea.

Immediately, Qi Xu suddenly felt her body sinking, and her body, which was unable to move before, was thrown aside along with the sound.

The imaginary attack did not come, but when Qi Xu opened her eyes again, she felt her hands were soaked by some warm liquid.

"Chaotic chrysanthemum!!!???"

...... cut......

PS. After watching the last 3 episodes of Cyclonus at 2x speed, I can only say...

Drive high and go crazy, and finally fall into the ordinary.

The ending is a bit sloppy. I didn’t want to fast forward or watch it in multiples at the beginning. I watched 35 episodes, and the last 4 episodes are somewhat anticlimactic...

Chapter 1 Nanxu, I don't want to disappoint Masa Nagasawa

The warm blood ran down Ranju's body and soaked Nanao Ise's hands.

A shrill cry sounded from her mouth, and the pupils in her eyes vibrated violently due to the change of emotion.

Just now, facing the Miku who was sneaking around and attacking, Matsumoto Rangiku did not hesitate to push away Nanao, whose legs were bound by fear.

And the price was the deep scar on his arm.

Looking at Nanao's eyes full of guilt, and the pale chaju, resisting the pain from her arm, she said in a shy voice.

"Fool, it's just a scratch on the arm, nothing to make a fuss about."

However, just after Luanju's voice fell, not far behind, came the anxious and strenuous voice of the shooting field.


"Don't stand there!"

"I'll hold on here, take Luanju away first!"

Hearing the anxious call from the shooting range, the distraught Nanao hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw the shooting range holding a shallow strike, struggling to resist the simulation's huge sandbag-like fists, his slightly trembling arms, and the high bulge of muscles. It is not difficult to see that at this time, he was just resisting the simulation's fist. The empty fist had already tried its best.

What on earth am I doing! ?

Looking at the injured comrades and comrades who were struggling to resist, although she knew that now was not the time to think too much, Nanao at this moment suddenly felt a little confused.

Obviously Nagasawa-sensei begged Sarutobi-sensei in such a low-key manner in order to win me the opportunity of this trial.

Obviously, in order to improve our strength, Mr. Nagasawa did his best to teach us his improved ghost way.

Obviously Mr. Nagasawa is worth three seats, but for me, a waste who dare not even hold a knife...

If we are in danger, Mr. Nagasawa will come to rescue us, right?

In just a short moment, countless pictures flashed in Nanao's mind like a revolving lantern.

In the end, it was fixed on Nagasawa Ya's gentle smiling face.

Do not!

Mr. Nagasawa has already paid enough for me. If in the end, not only did I not gain anything, but I have to wait for his rescue, he will be very disappointed, right?

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