Even if it is just a brush with his ability, but...

Platinum Star's "Euler" is too simple and rude, but it doesn't need too many detailed descriptions...

Until this moment, Nagasawa Ya, who was relieved, immediately had a strange expression on his face.

Could it be that I was used by Aizen to be this Bai Daxu's partner?

All of a sudden, the spring breeze that had a great experience just now was gone.

Nagasawa Ya was extremely unhappy.

What he didn't know was that he was probably not the only one who was upset.

In a dimly lit laboratory, Aizen, who is leisurely sitting on a computer chair, looks like a domineering president with wisdom in his hands.

If it wasn't Dongxian who wanted the blind man next to him, but a beautiful secretary with a big wave, the atmosphere might be more perfect.

Just now, he and Dongxian had to watch the whole process of Nagasawa fighting with Bai Daxu.

Just as Masa Nagasawa guessed, this white hair is caused by Aizen using the soul of the god of death as the foundation and Bengyu as the inducement.

I then imitated some of the abilities of the [Gojo Satoru Experience Card] and [Kujo Jotaro Experience Card] previously used by Masa Nagasawa, as well as the secret medicine that remained in Neutra's blood to hide the spiritual pressure, and blended out product.

To be honest, this attack was different from the attack Aizen launched in order to get "obedient" subordinates in the original book, but a temporary action.

It should be said that it was unintentional.

If he hadn't happened to go to Mao as a special lecturer a while ago, he would not have known that Masa Nagasawa had applied for joint training when the first-year student had only been enrolled for less than three weeks.

Seeing that Nagasawa Ya seemed to be so irresponsible to throw the students in his class to participate in the joint simulation training, Aizen guessed that Nagasawa Ya, the teacher, would definitely follow and protect.

Of course, Aizen is not a god after all, and it is possible that Sarutobi Musashi, who is the class teacher, went to follow and protect.

But so what?

For Aizen, the White Daxu was just a part of his experiment, and the attack was just an impromptu move.

If he can fight Masa Nagasawa, it will undoubtedly be a great benefit to his experiment.

And if you meet Sarutobi Musashi, you will be slaughtered at worst.

However, when Lan Ran saw that Nagasawa Ya had ended the battle with a flying dragon and thunder cannon when the overall situation was settled, he suddenly couldn't sit still.

The slightly frowned brow seemed to be asking Nagasawa through the screen, "Are you sick?"

Although Bai Daxu is only his experimental product, the recovery of the experimental product is also an important part of the experiment.

He originally planned to go to the present world as a rescue team, and recover the body of Bai Daxu along the way.

In the end, seeing that the deal was done, Aizen stretched his brows, he could only suppress the slightly rising blood pressure, and asked softly to Dongxian next to him as if nothing happened.

"The data should be collected, right?"

It's just that, even though Dongxian wants to hear it, Aizen's tone is still in his grasp, as if everything is under control.

But the word "should" from Lan Ran's mouth betrayed his not so calm heart somewhat.

...... cut......

PS. After YQ let go, I was really careless, I didn’t wear masks very much, and the result was...

However, for now, apart from vomiting, diarrhea and soaring body temperature, there is no other discomfort.

It's just that when I was in the sun last time, I was like this at the beginning...

So while I can still write, hurry up and code out today's chapter.

As for the rest, let's talk about it later.

I'll do an antigen first to see if I don't get caught.

Chapter 121 Deceiving myself and others, Sifengyuan

Ignore for now a certain hairsprayer hiding in the shadows.

After all, even if Nagasawa had guessed that the white hair was related to Aizen, he didn't have any direct evidence to connect the two.

What makes him somewhat depressed is that the current Aizen obviously has already missed him.

This made Nagasawa Masa feel speechless.

He obviously kept a low profile and even tried his best to avoid any contact with Aizen.

As a result, the development of the plot just seemed as if he was the child of destiny, constantly guiding him on the "right path".

Silently picked up the scabbard that was thrown away earlier, pinched the blade, and retracted Bizen Nagako, which was nearly two meters long, into the sheath.

Heh, although this knife is quite easy to use, it has its shortcomings... how handsome it is when you throw the scabbard when you draw the knife, and how embarrassing it is when you put it away.

There is no way to hold a sword flower and then withdraw the knife, I always feel that I am much weaker in terms of force.

"Oh ho!?"

"Is it done so quickly?"

"I was just thinking about coming over to help you."

That is, when Nagasawa Ya held the blade and put Bizen Changguang back into the scabbard, Yeyi's familiar voice suddenly sounded behind his ears.

Followed by a rapid sound of breaking the wind.

Because he was worried about the safety of the sixth-generation students, Nagasawa Masa and Ye Yibing parted ways the moment Xu Qun appeared.

Nagasawa was in charge of rescuing the students who were besieged by the virtual group, while Ye Yi, who was faster, went to check the situation of the sixth-generation students, and by the way, met the retreating students at the gate of the abandoned hospital.

Apparently, Ye Yi, who has enough energy to support Nagasawa Ya, must have made arrangements for the students.

After all, although Ye Yi is usually unreliable, he is quite reliable when he is reliable.

As for the sound of breaking wind coming from behind...

Nagasawa Masa, who was still in the state of [Wan Shou Wushuang], naturally predicted Ye Yi's movements.

Even because in his subconscious mind, he didn't regard Ye Yi as an enemy, facing Ye Yi who was flying towards him, he subconsciously threw away the long light in his hand, put his hands back, and made a lift Actions.



Nagasawa didn't even have time to feel the softness coming from her back and hands, and the severe pain suddenly hit her waist.

Ye Yi's weight is not heavy.

Although the body is very good, it gives people a very light feeling.

But, at this time, Nagasawa's injury rate has accumulated to over 500%.

Even if he has stopped using Reiatsu and the injury rate has not continued to increase, he can only return to the initial value after 30 minutes of "out of combat".

As a result, Ye Yi's swoop directly caused Nagasawa Ya, who was not injured when facing Bai Daxu, to be honorably injured again.


Or is it broken?

Feeling the numb back, Nagasawa could only pat Yeyi's thigh bitterly, signaling her to get off her back first.

Seemingly aware of Nagasawa Masa's abnormality, Yeyi asked softly with a concerned look on his face after lightly landing.

"Are you hurt? Does it matter?"

Looking at Ye Yi's concerned eyes, Nagasawa smiled wryly in his heart, naturally he would not tell the other party that he was injured because of her swoop just now.

Sure enough, when people are at their best, they are often slapped in the face by reality.

He was obviously feeling emotional just a second ago, but on the basis of the extremely high injury rate, there is an extremely low chance of not being injured.

Unexpectedly, before I was proud for more than 5 minutes, reality slapped me in the face.

Even a somewhat absurd idea couldn't help appearing in Nagasawa Ya's mind.

Perhaps...from a certain point of view, Ye Yi is more terrifying than Xu?

Hastily waved away the absurd idea in his mind, while Nagasawa supported the old waist in pain, he grinned at Ye Yi and asked.

"It's just a small injury..."

"Are the students all right?"

As a teacher, although Masa Nagasawa didn't feel that he was very responsible, after all, he was the one who asked Sarutobi Musashi for the joint simulation training, and he put the safety of the students first.

Seeing that Nagasawa didn't want to say more about her injuries, Ye Yi could only suppress his worries for the time being, and replied softly.

"I don't know if it's to paralyze the two of us. The sixth-generation students are all bound by a kind of spiritual spider silk, and they are all fine."

"Among the trainees who participated in the joint simulation training, except for one second-year student who was seriously injured and comatose, most of the others had only minor injuries and there were no casualties."

Listening to Yoruichi's words, Nagasawa finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No casualties are the best result.

As for the injuries...

Manly man, what's wrong with a little injury?

It's just a minor injury. Maybe if you go to the hospital later, the wound will heal on its own!


That is to say, during the time when the two of them were talking, it was as if Fobole, who was always late in the movie, opened a familiar door through the world not far from the two of them.

As the world-crossing gate opened, the captain of the fourth division, Hana Retsu Uno, and the deputy captain of the fourth division, Yamada Seinosuke, slowly walked out of the gate.

Sensing the residual spiritual pressure around her, Uo no Hanauri raised her brows indiscernibly.

Immediately, she first gave instructions to Seinosuke Yamada beside her, and after the other party agreed, and walked towards the direction of the students, she came to Nagasawa and Masa, with the gentleness like Yamato Nadeko Said softly with a smile.

"This time, it seems that the injury is not so serious."

"It seems that what I said to you earlier is quite useful, Nagasawa Sanxi."

Hearing this, Nagasawa shivered subconsciously, and a embarrassed expression appeared on her face.

That appearance, as if this gentle, virtuous, and dignified classical beauty in front of him is some kind of cannibal beast, and he feels guilty.

Uzhihua Lie is actually a very contradictory woman.

She believes that the body is just a tool for fighting. Even if her body is covered with bruises, as long as she can kill her opponent, that's enough.

But the contradiction lies in the contradiction. It is such a person who regards the body as a fighting tool, but dislikes people who do not cherish their bodies.

After Nagasawa was seriously injured twice in a month and was admitted to the fourth team, she "persuaded" Nagasawa to take good care of her body.

Running into Uzhi Hualie at this time is almost like running into the class teacher on the way to the Internet cafe when I was a student.

That's a shame...

He didn't even dare to mention his injured waist.

Leaning slightly, as if very satisfied with Nagasawa Ya's performance tonight, Uzhihuali rolled his eyes, and turned his eyes to Ye Yi who was sneaking away, with a self-deceiving attitude, trying to get away with it body.

"Then, Captain Sifengyuan, why did you appear in this world?"

Seeing this, Nagasawa immediately gave Ye Yi a look of "seeking good fortune".

...... cut......

PS. After searching for a long time last night, I found that there was no antigen at home, so I went to bed directly.

As a result, I woke up in the morning and found that the fever had subsided, and I felt a little inexplicable...

However, it is quite fortunate that a single ibuprofen can directly reduce the fever without recurrence.

It's just that the diarrhea is a bit uncomfortable, and I feel like I'm going to collapse...

122 Zhang En will take revenge on Sifengyuan

When Yoruichi heard Unohana Retsu's call, he suddenly felt as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Her neck was stiff and she slowly turned her head, with a look of disdain on her face.

"You... hello, Captain Unohana, I... this... uh... the moonlight tonight is so beautiful!"


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