With incomparable words in his mouth, Yeichi's eyes subconsciously glanced aside, not daring to look directly at Unokanaretsu's gentle eyes.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, and his eyes shone with interest.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yi, who is usually fearless, has people who are afraid.

If there is a camera in hand, Masa Nagasawa really wants to record this scene and watch it over and over again.

Speaking of which, it's really no wonder Ye Yi was cowardly.

If it was any other captain who came here this time, even if it was Yamamoto herself, she might not be of this virtue, but Uo no Hanaretsu...

Uzhi Hualie, one of the captains of the thirteenth team of the first generation of the court, has been an evergreen tree who has served as the captain for nearly a thousand years.

Before she changed her name to Unohanaretsu, she was at the same level as Yoichi's grandfather, Sennichi Shifuin.

And it's different from old man Shan whose heart gets softer the older he gets.

When Ye Xiao was young, Sister Hua, who was still called Uzhihua Yaqianliu, had left her with a lot of psychological shadows.

Suppose that Nagasawa met the naughty kid of the class teacher by chance on the way to the Internet cafe.

Then Yoruichi is the internet addicted girl who was caught red-handed by her class teacher in the internet cafe.

She didn't even dare to say the reason she had made up before.

Seeing that Yoichi couldn't give an answer, the smile on Unohana Retsu's face became even bigger, even Nagasawa Masaru who was standing beside him looked a little scared.

In the end, I don't know if I am worried about causing harm to Chi Yu, or I am afraid that Yoruichi will be punished.

Nagasawa couldn't care less about the pain in her waist anymore, and immediately stood in front of Yeyi and acted as a peacemaker.

"Well, Captain Unohana, please don't be angry, this is actually the case."

As he said that, he hurriedly took out the current world access token given by Yamamoto from his pocket, and then continued to explain.

"Isn't it that I have applied for joint simulation training from Mr. Shan...ahem...Ms. Yamamoto."

"Because I was worried about the safety of these children, I specifically applied for a pass token from the teacher."

"It's just that you also know the characteristics of my Zanpakutō. Even I, the master, don't know what abilities it will have next time."

"If there is a less powerful ability like the last attack on the No. [-] team's team building, it may not be enough to deal with some emergencies."

"That's why I specially invited Ye Yi. After all, the Sifengyuan family has their own world-transmitting gate, and the special nature of the secret mobile force also gives them the right to do special things. We can guarantee Nothing is lost."

"Do you see that it's a coincidence? I just encountered an attack. When I was fighting the enemy, Ye Yi rescued the students who were trapped. Except for one student who was seriously injured, none of the students were lost. Everyone is happy if they die, right?"

As she said that, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help but sneak a peek at Uozhihuaretsu cautiously.

And Ye Yi, who was hiding behind Nagasawa Ya, seemed to see a savior, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hearing this, Uzhi Hualie didn't immediately respond to Nagasawa Ya, she just kept a smile on her face, and just stared at Nagasawa Ya two quietly.

She didn't speak until both of them looked a little embarrassed.

"Seinosuke and I are just here to reinforce everyone and treat everyone's injuries. We have no intention of raising an army to accuse you."

"Since neither of you are injured, then I'll go check on Seinosuke's situation."

As he said that, Uzhi Huaretsu turned around very simply and walked towards Mao's students in the distance as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, whether it was Nagasawa Ya or Ye Yi, after the two of them looked at each other, they all showed expressions of relief, and Ye Yi even looked at Nagasawa Ya with a little bit of Grateful look.

However, just when the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, Uzhi Hualiu, who hadn't walked two steps over there, suddenly turned his head to the side as if he suddenly remembered something, and whispered to the two behind him.


Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa and Masa, who had just relaxed, looked at Uno no Hanaretsu immediately, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

I saw Uzhi Huaretsu, who was tilting his head to the side, still speaking softly with that expression full of smiles.

"I'm not angry."

Saying that, ignoring Nagasawa and Masa who were tense, they walked slowly towards the students in the distance.

Seeing that Uzhihualie really walked away this time, Yeyi let out a long breath of turbidity in his chest, and then lightly punched Nagasawa on the shoulder with a small fist, and said with admiration on his face.

"It's still you who is loyal!"


[Warning, the injury value has reached 520%, and the right scapula has a powder fracture. 】


Listening to the system alarm sounding in his mind, and glancing at the limp "hanging" arm on his shoulder, Nagasawa's face twitched involuntarily.

Everyone was speechless.

And let alone him, this time, even Ye Yi who was beside him heard the very obvious sound of fracture.

A look of guilt immediately appeared in Yeyi's eyes.

It was clear that Nagasawa had just helped her, allowing her to escape Unohana Retsu's "accusation", yet she actually treated an "injured" who had just experienced a war like this.

Sifengyuan Yoruichi, Sifengyuan Yoruichi, you are not young anymore, why are you still so careless! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Yi didn't care about any punishment, and even planned to call out Uzhi Hualie who hadn't gone far.

"Uno Flower Squad..."

Seeing that Ye Yi, who had just escaped the "blame", was about to "revenge kindness and revenge", the desperate Chang Zeya hurriedly used his good left hand to cover Ye Yi's mouth.

He said softly with horror on his face.


"With such a small injury, there is no need to trouble Captain Unohana."

"Just go to your secret base and soak in the hot spring."

Recalling the experience of being swallowed by Unohanaretsu's meat twice and seeing a doctor in the fourth team, Masa Nagasawa decisively chose the more comfortable "hot spring treatment".

Seeing the complexion on Nagasawa Ya's face that was almost the same as his own, recalling Ye Yi when he still had a healing hot spring, he immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

...... cut......

PS. My daughter-in-law brought an antigen when she came back. I didn’t want to test it at first, but after finishing Chapter 1, I still felt a little uncomfortable.

When I took my temperature, it rushed to 38 again.

Fortunately, the antigen test came back negative, but to be on the safe side, I went to the hospital for a checkup.

Fortunately, there is indeed no sun.

Unfortunately, after the blood was drawn it was found to be acute gastroenteritis...  

This chapter is coded by mobile phone in the hospital, it may be a bit messy, I will adjust it when I go home.

Chapter 123 The one with the problem must be Yeyi!




Soul Realm, Seireitei, in the secret base of a certain black cat lady.

Masa Nagasawa, who was emptying her mind and body, soaked in the simplified version of the red and white hot spring in a very imageless manner.

Feeling the tingling sensation from the waist and shoulder blades, Masa Nagasawa was very satisfied with the speed of recovery visible to the naked eye.

After solving the group attack led by Bai Daxu, he no longer has the need to stay in this world.

After all, although there were some twists and turns in the process, the joint simulation training has ended.

He was happy and leisurely, and after the large troops of the fourth division rushed to the present world, he returned to the world of souls directly along the world-transmitting gate.

With that outrageous speed of slipping away, even the twelfth squad, which is the management department of the crossing gate, didn't have time to open the door for him a second time.

When he returned to Soul Soul Realm, it was already late at night.

As an outstanding young man who is considerate of his elders, he naturally would not choose to disturb Yamamoto at this time.

After all, at Yamamoto's age, it's not easy to get a solid night's sleep.

Moreover, even if he went to Yamamoto to report the situation, he had no evidence to drag Aizen into the water.

Instead of doing these thankless things, it is better to heal his injuries first.

Feeling the temperature of the hot spring water, even though it was not the first time she took a dip, Nagasawa still let out a pleasant moan, and even her starry eyes narrowed into a thin line of enjoyment.

However, just as he was immersed in the comfort of the "hot spring pellets", the sound of water entering made him raise his eyebrows.

When he turned his head to look, as expected, Ye Yi had already laid down in the hot spring water in a very heroic posture in the same posture as him.

Looking at the perfect figure looming in the lingering water vapor, Masa Nagasawa did not shy away from it, but asked with a strange expression.

"Are you always like this?"

Hearing the words not far away, Ye Yi, who was enjoying himself, was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes, looked at Nagasawa Ya, and asked in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yi's rhetorical question, on the contrary, somewhat confused Nagzeya.

He even began to reflect on whether his thinking was too conservative.

But very quickly, he denied the self-doubt in his heart.

No, the problematic one must be Ye Yi!

Immediately, he first raised his still intact left hand and pointed to Yeyi, then turned around and pointed to himself.

"It's just like now, soaking in hot springs with people honestly."

Seeing this, Ye subconsciously folded his arms around his chest, resting his chin with his right hand, and immediately showed a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm...let me think about it."

"Actually, there are not many people who know about this secret base. If you are not counted, probably only Kisuke."

"However, unlike you, he is an extremely shy person. Just as I was about to take off my clothes, he ran away in a panic. He didn't even have time to put on his clothes."

"Since that time, no matter how tired he is from training, he is unwilling to use the healing hot spring to recover his strength."

Saying that, after giving Nagasawa a white look, Yeyi spread his hands, with a puzzled look on his face.

Hearing this, the strange look on Nagasawa's face became even stronger.

I didn’t expect that even though Kisuke Urahara is a bastard, he is exceptionally reliable in some aspects.

Recalling the previous events, he felt a little embarrassed.

We must treat Kisuke Urahara better in the future!

It just happened very quickly, and I don’t know if it was due to selfishness in my heart or some other reason.

Nagasawa suddenly changed the topic.

"It occurred to me what my first request would be."

Speaking of this, Ye Yi seemed to recall the embarrassment of tonight, immediately flicked his face, and asked a little angrily.


"Why, don't you really like the slave family?"

Seeing this, Nagasawa did not squint, she stared at Yeyi who was not far away, and said softly in a somewhat teasing tone.

"Although you are an old guy who has lived for dozens or hundreds of years, but, I think the most basic precautions for men and women are still necessary?"

"Don't be honest with other men like this in the future. It's a simple request, right?"

Although the relationship between him and Yoruichi can be considered quite close, Nagasawa Masaru is not arrogant enough to think that his request is reasonable.

To put it bluntly, which biscuit is Nagasawa, do you care?

But he still said so.

No matter what his identity was, he felt that it was necessary for him to reverse Ye Yi's brain circuit.

After hearing his words, Ye Yi on the other side was taken aback for a moment, and then a smirk appeared on his face.

She even "paddled" to Nagasawa Ya's side, pushed her shoulder against Nagasawa Ya's uninjured left arm, narrowed her eyes, and said with a strange smile.

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