Then I can only wish you all to be single forever and never be troubled by love and love!


Chapter 136 When did the old man become so talkative? 3k

To be honest, Yamamoto is different from ordinary people in power. He doesn't mind the rapid growth of his juniors at all.

Even when he saw those juniors known as "super geniuses" stand out, he still felt a lot of joy in his heart.

He is old, although now he is still called "the strongest god of death", but he himself knows that when he roasts sweet potatoes now, he has to control the flow of fire, and he can only eat the sweet potatoes after they are roasted until they are fragrant and soft. .

Otherwise, it is easy to break the teeth.

In order not to show his old age, one of his back molars has not been repaired by the fourth team.

Even his body, which he had always been proud of, was like an old machine, making a "creak" sound from time to time.

He has been waiting, waiting for Jingle Chunshui to grow up so that he can succeed him.

But now he suddenly discovered that Nagasawa seems to be a good choice.

Not only has a strong strength...

Uh, although this guy's Zanpakuto is really willful, but it is undeniable that from another level, it has infinite possibilities.

Furthermore, through Masa Nagasawa's performance in the past two months since he joined the team, he discovered that beneath Masa Nagasawa's extravagant appearance, he is actually a very sensible and wise person.

This is very similar to Jingle Chunshui.

This is also one of the reasons why he listed Nagasawa Ya as the candidate for the captain.


It's still a long way off!

Thinking of this, Yamamoto's slightly squinted eyes suddenly burst into a sharp light.

Now he is not old enough to retire.

He still has time to sharpen the two rough jades, Nagasawa Masa and Jingle Chunshui.

However, the light blooming in Yamamoto's eyes at this moment fell into Nagasawa Masaru's eyes, but it looked completely different.

When Nagasawa saw the gleam in Yamamoto's squinted eyes, he instinctively let out a "click" in his heart.

In his opinion, the old man Shan at this time is like an active volcano that may erupt at any time.

Even if he couldn't pull out the flowing blade Ruohuo on the spot and cut Nanao and the others.

Let the people of the secret mobile unit lock all these students into the nest of maggots.


To be honest, he thinks it's not that Yamamoto can't do it.

Thinking of this, regardless of whether Yamamoto was angry or not, Nagasawa Masato even dodged and stood in front of Nanao.

Seeing a figure, he suddenly blocked his line of sight.

Qi Xu was taken aback for a moment, but after seeing the appearance of the person clearly, she couldn't help showing a look of great joy on her face, and even exclaimed softly in her mouth.

"Ms. Nagasawa!?"

However, at this moment, Nagasawa Ya didn't have the mind to pay attention to Nanao behind her.

At this moment, he had already focused all his attention on Yamamoto.

[Wan Shou Wushuang] has already used the micro-movements of Yamamoto's body to constantly predict Yamamoto's next actions.

Seeing the volcano in front of him, it seemed to be fairly stable, and he didn't predict any future under attack in his mind.

Fortunately, there is still room for maneuver.

Nagasawa, who was slightly relieved, said tentatively.

"Old Shan...Master Chief, these children are not malicious."

"It's my fault too. If I had made it clear to them, it wouldn't be what it is now."

"I'm not talented enough to be the captain of the [-]th team. I just ask you not to embarrass them."

"Please, Yamamoto-sensei!"

This is not what Nagasawa said in order to get rid of the captain's position.

Although he never thought that the current situation would result, if he wanted to keep Nanao and the others, he had to pay a price.

There is no doubt that although the current situation is a bit nonsensical, it is hard to say whether Yamamoto will reason with him.

In order to keep these children, the captain's position that has not yet been obtained is his price.

It's just that his words had just come out of his mouth, and Qi Xu and the others standing behind him were stunned on the spot.

"Eh? Mr. Yamamoto? Captain of the [-]th Squadron?"

"Mr. Nagasawa, what are you talking about?"

"Aren't you the third seat of the Sixth Division?"

Qi Xu felt as if someone had punched her in the head, and her whole head was buzzing.


And those Mao students who followed her could no longer control their emotions, and kept talking with their friends around them.

Although they haven't figured out the cause and effect yet, they roughly figured out the plot from Nagasawa Ya's few words.

Because of their massive protest, Nagasawa gave up the upcoming captaincy?

When Qixu and the others reacted, they collapsed on the spot.

What on earth have we done! ?

Those are the highest thirteen seats in the Thirteenth Team of the Guarding Court, and it is the lifelong goal of thousands of Reapers for decades, or even hundreds of years!

However, just because of their little selfishness, Nagasawa actually made Masa give up the captain's seat that she was about to acquire...

Not to mention Nanao, even the Mao students who came together with solidarity to support their classmates are all stunned at the moment.

Strong guilt and apology filled their chests almost instantly.

Nanao, who was still organized just now, was even more incoherent and wanted to explain something.

"This... no, that, I... we just want to say, if the affairs in the team are not very busy, I hope Mr. Nagasawa can find time to give us a class, it's not ..."

However, before she could finish her sentence, a wide palm landed gently on her head, preventing her from speaking further.

Feeling the warmth from her palm, Nanao raised her head in a daze, looking at Nagasawa Ya in front of her with apologetic eyes.

But found that Nagasawa Ya was looking at her with a gentle face, and said softly.

"It is also one of the teacher's responsibilities to bear the students' mistakes. It is because I ignored your feelings and failed to communicate with you well."

"The teacher promises, it won't happen next time."

"So, remember what the teacher said to you the night before yesterday?"

Nagasawa's words were very light, but they instantly made Nanao, including Luanju and Shooting Field behind her, recall what Nagasawa had taught them the night before.

They blurted out subconsciously.

"First, don't act arrogantly!"

Yes ah, never impulsive.

It was only two nights later, yet they had completely forgotten Nagasawa Masa's teachings.

Tears flowed down from the eye sockets of Qi Xu and the others uncontrollably.

Many students who followed Nanao also lowered their heads in shame.

Nagasawa taught them a lesson with his practical actions.

Impulsiveness has a price to pay.

Only this time, it wasn't them who paid the price for them.

Perhaps, for these Mao students, the price this time is not enough to make them feel unforgettable pain.

But when it's twelve o'clock in the night...

Ah no!

But in the future, whenever the sensibility in their minds is about to overcome rationality, Nagasawa Masa's words today will come to their minds.

First, never act impulsively!

Even in the more distant future, this sentence will be regarded as Mao's school motto, and it will be engraved on the stone tablet outside Mao's gate, and it will complement the statue of Masa Nagasawa.

However, to Nagasawa's surprise, after hearing his words, Yamamoto over there did not answer his words, but just hummed lightly.

"Hmph, do you think that the position of captain is something you can take if you want, and you can take it if you don't want to?"

"Children's play!"

Now, on the contrary, Masa Nagasawa was a little confused about the meaning of Yamamoto's words.

According to what the old man said, is he determined to be the captain of the [-]th team?

Since when did the old man become so easy to talk to?

This matter was revealed without him having to pay any price?

Before he could open his mouth to ask, Shan Ben over there suddenly changed the topic.

"However, as Mao's honorary principal, in recent years, the old man has indeed been a little slack."

"Since the students have made suggestions, the old man can't pretend that he didn't hear it, so..."

"Let's put aside the proposal of Masa Nagasawa succeeding as the captain of the [-]th team."

Hearing this, Nanao and others immediately became anxious.

Although they want Nagasawa to stay and continue to teach them, they are not shameless enough to use Nagasawa's future to satisfy their own desires.

But before they could open their mouths, Chang Zeya stretched out her big hand, stopped in front of them, and signaled them not to say more with her eyes.

Seeing this, Nanao and the others could only temporarily suppress the anxiety in their hearts, and stared at Yamamoto with burning eyes.

It looked like a death row prisoner waiting for the final sentence.

However, what surprised them was that Yamamoto, who had just put on a straight face and put on a calm and majestic appearance, suddenly turned into a kind-hearted old man next door.

After thinking for a moment, he continued in a slow voice.

"Nagazawa Masaru is the third member of the Sixth Division and is busy with affairs in the team. Teaching full-time at Mao is not a long-term solution."

"How about this, it's limited to the year-end assessment at the end of the year. Regardless of the results at that time, Nagasawa will be transferred back to the thirteenth team of Huting for other purposes."

"As for the rest..."

Speaking of this, I don't know if it was Yamamoto's intention to tease him. He deliberately elongated his tone, and his eyes scanned the surroundings. After waiting for the students below to be a little impatient, his heart hung in his throat before he continued. .

"As for whether he will go to Mao to teach as a special lecturer or in other capacities, it's all up to him."

Hearing this, the students below were startled for a moment, and immediately burst into cheers.


"Your Excellency Captain Sai Gao!"

"Nagazawa-sensei competes high!"

"Our Gemini is invincible!!!"

There is no doubt that this is the best result for them.

Not to mention being exempted from punishment, Nagasawa's appointment as captain was only temporarily put on hold.

Most importantly, their teacher Nagasawa really came back!

It's just that unlike these excited students, Masa Nagasawa looked at Yamamoto not far away with a strange expression.

Since when did the old man become so easy to talk to?If there is a problem, there must be a problem!

...... cut......

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