PS. Valentine's Day is finally over, no dates, no movies, no dinners out, only a sincere heart to fight for the readers.

It's another 6K+ day, I'm a part-time job, I've really burned out...

Chapter 137 Not Every Saiyan Is Called Kakarot

Time flies, and the stars turn.

After experiencing a somewhat absurd farce, it can be said that each went back to his own house, each looking for his own mother.

Even Yamamoto lost the mood to reprimand Masa Nagasawa, and waved at him rather irritably, motioning him to get out of here quickly.

When Nagasawa Masa and Mao's students settled their moods and reinvested in their studies, it was already the morning of the next day.

Thanks to yesterday's farce, everyone in Mao now knows that Nagasawa Masako is not only an active member of the third rank, but also the reserve captain of the Gotei [-].

The final result is that Nagasawa Ya's class is no longer as simple as being surrounded by crowds.

An ordinary first-time life ghost class was taught as an open class by the Mao students who came to take the class.

He didn't know how to refute the euphemistic rhetoric of learning the new by reviewing the past.

Even teachers from other grades began to adjust the class hours of their respective classes to match his class time.

This is great, it's really exhausting him and someone.

In the next two weeks, he can be said to be in pain and happiness.

Pain, because...

Is there any explanation for this?

Isn't it painful enough for a salted fish who just wants to lie flat to spend a lot of time and energy every day preparing lessons, intensively studying and understanding, and then demonically changing the way of ghosts?

Nagasawa swore that if he had been so serious during the college entrance examination, it would have been just like what his mother said, Qingbei would not be a dream, and he would not have just taken 211.

As for being happy...

Nagasawa really didn't expect that his talent in the ghost way would be so extraordinary.

Originally, when Ye Yi taught him the way of ghosts, he found that he was very quick to learn.

And when he studied the teaching materials of the ghost way according to the comparison and rectification of countless sages in the soul world, he was surprised to find that in the state of full chanting, he could touch the threshold of No. 60 ghost way .

This discovery directly stunned Nagasawa Ya.

Of course, although he has already mastered most of the middle and low-level ghosts, but because he only has the seventeenth level of spiritual power, I am afraid that it is not enough for him to hit a few shots, so he has to enter the sage mode and return obediently. blue.

And most importantly, Nagasawa found that every time he finished a class, his fate value would always be more or less added.

Sometimes it is more, there can be about five or six points, and sometimes it is less, but there is also a base of one or two points.

This discovery really made Nagasawa Masa very happy.

He has a deep understanding of how difficult it is to obtain destiny points.

Since he activated the system, two full months have passed, and he has only obtained less than 5000 destiny points in total.

After deducting his consumption when exchanging [Entry-Level Slashing Skill Proficiency], there are only 3979 destiny points left.

However, despite the fact that the 3979 points of destiny seem to be quite a lot, but it seems a bit stretched to exchange points in the [Fate Store] for the ability to be crazy and cool, and it is a bit of a drop in the bucket.

A [Permanent Use Rights of Hyōrinmaru (can be superimposed)] that can superimpose abilities into the Zanpakutō requires 37 points of destiny.

According to the speed at which he acquires his destiny points, he may have to save at least ten or twenty years before he can exchange for an ability that is enough for him to settle down.

This kind of social animal sense of sight, like saving money to buy a house, directly broke his defense.

However, being able to increase the destiny value through the way of passing on karma and teaching has opened a new door for Nagasawa Ya.

It's only natural to think about it.

There are at least over a thousand students who come to listen to his classes every time.

These students will be the mainstay of the Guarding Thirteen Team in the future.

As long as you can learn and realize something in his class.

Even if these students are not important figures who can be involved in the so-called "main plot", the fate points born from the subtle changes in their life fate will also be counted on his head.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this thing is not too different from the merit points that often appear in fantasy novels.

Although the fate points obtained each time are not many, he has never even heard the name of the student who provided him with fate points.

But the advantage is that the income is stable, and on the premise that he does not need to deliberately change the fate of a certain "plot character" or complete the task, his fate value can have a continuous and stable source of income.

Casting a wide net is not a bad idea.

In this way, Masa Nagasawa took the "open class" for two consecutive weeks with pain and joy, and gained 72 points of destiny, reaching 4051 points.

Will break through the threshold of 4000 points.

However, as his [Destiny Store] and [Task] panels ushered in the monthly refresh time again, Nagasawa suddenly realized that he seemed to be unable to continue like this.

It's not that he thinks destiny is slow to come.

It's just that he suddenly discovered that he seemed... to be cultivating his competitors!

His mission [To dominate the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Arts] is to lead the freshman team to defeat all participating teams in the year-end assessment and finally win the championship.

Once he takes this public class, isn't it equivalent to being an enemy?

Not only did he pass on the hole cards he passed on to his own students, but also passed on to their competitors, and in a good learning atmosphere, he promoted everyone to make progress together.

Everyone becomes stronger together, which is equivalent to not becoming stronger.

No matter how outstanding the talents of Nanao Ranju and the others are, if they want to defeat their seniors who have studied for several years more than them in the same teaching situation...

Nagasawa felt that they were probably not so talented yet.

After thinking about it, Nagasawa made a decision.

For his mission, he was going to give Qixu and the others a small treat.

As for the specific method of opening a small stove, we will talk about it later.

The most urgent task now is to think about whether he should consume his few destiny points.

There are still six products on the shelves of [Fate Store].

The old look, except for the [Three-day Injury Immunity Card], everything has changed.


Looking at the products on the shelf, although I am very envious of the [Saiyan bloodline (growable)] that can be purchased with "only" 10 destiny points.

But Nagasawa, who is poor in her pocket, can only comfort herself with "not every Saiyan is called Kakarot".

However, compared to the previous two times, he hardly had much choice.

This time, he has more choices.


PS. I have gradually developed a habit recently.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, go to the sports lottery machine to choose a super lottery...

Looking at the friends in the author group shouting all day long to cut the book on the spot after winning 1000 million, I think it is more important to put it into action.


If you don’t buy it, how can you win?

A small 2 yuan, big happiness, right?

Chapter 138

Looking at the six products on the shelf, Masa Nagasawa fell into deep thought for a long time after buying the [Three-Day Injury Immunity Card] without hesitation.

Although [Saiyan bloodline (growable)] is indeed very attractive, the sentence "not every Saiyan is called Kakarot" is really not Nagasawa Masa's self-comfort.

Don't forget that in the middle and later stages of Dragon Ball Z, anyone who is a Saiyan can transform into a Super Saiyan.

When that wave goes down, it will be light enough to punch the earth across.

Even in Dragon Ball Super, there are a variety of hair colors to choose from, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

But, before Frieza destroyed the Saiyan planet, there was not a single Super Saiyan in the Saiyan nation.

That is a legend that only exists in legends.

This stuff is just like the phrase Liu Bei said to people all day long, "The most expensive thing about me is the blood of nobles, but unfortunately my blood type is O, and every time I go to sell blood, it's very cheap."

The blood of the Saiyans is also flowing, but Kakarot's life may not be there.

This thing, just like the author named The Death of Daedalus, thinks all day long about achieving wealth freedom through lottery tickets, and does not think that it is a disguised poor tax.

Therefore, Masa Nagasawa did not covet [Saiyan bloodline (growable)] as she did in the past.

After all, even if [Fengmo Zi-O Drive] does not come with the power of encountering magic, it is a real improvement to become a Chonghuang or a different kind.

Pure Saiyan blood, even with growth attributes, has too much gambling in it.

In the same way, although he is only short of 2000 destiny points, he can buy [Uchiha bloodline (growable)], but...

Again, not every Uchiha is Indra.

Besides, regardless of the strength of the reincarnation eye, he is not willing to use the lives of his best friends and relatives to become stronger.

Therefore, [Uchiha bloodline (growable)] was also given up by him.

And 【Proficient in Grilling Skills】......

Apart from forming a roasted sweet potato club with Mr. Yamamoto, he really couldn't think of any other uses for this thing.

As for Shunpo...

To be honest, he doesn't use Shunpo very often in his daily life.

After all, although this thing relies largely on the strength of the body, it also requires the use of spiritual pressure.

Once he casts Shunpo with all his strength, it means that he has entered a fighting state.

At that time, with the blessing of the experience card, it is basically not that important to be proficient in Shunpo.

In the end, his eyes fell on the 【Chaos Pretending to Be a Sky Puppet】.

[Chaos Puppet Pretending] is not a technique belonging to the god of death, but another major occupation system in "BLEACH", the unique skill of the Quincy Master.

The Quincy masters who are good at manipulating spirits, in order to be able to fight against the void with their flesh and blood, and not to be unable to move their bodies flexibly due to the aging of their bodies, created the highest combat spirit art, which is [Chaosian Heaven] puppet】.

It can bind countless spirits sewn into threads to the parts where the Quincy can't move, relying on the will of the Quincy, make it like a puppet, perform compulsory operations before the body turns into dust, thus continue to fight.

Whether it is a broken tendon or a broken bone, it will become meaningless in front of [Chaotic Puppet].

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most powerful control technique that exists for fighting to pieces.

When Nagasawa saw [Crafting Sky Puppet], her eyes lit up immediately.

This fighting technique suits him very well.

Although these days, he has been studying Gojo Satoru's reversal technique, trying to repair the damaged body while fighting to make up for the shortcomings of the continuous accumulation of injury values.

But after losing the experience card bonus, he is not the strongest conjurer who "heaven and earth, I am the only one".

Only relying on the remnants of the experience card, he was still at a loss and failed to understand the way to reverse the spell.

But with 【Chaos Pretending to Be a Sky Puppet】, it will be quite different.

Although after using spiritual pressure, the injury rate will continue to rise at a speed that breaks through the sky, and he will still be plagued by injuries.

However, [Crazy Puppet] can guarantee that without the injury immunity card, his combat power will not be reduced sharply due to injuries.

Thinking about it, he was clearly within the usage time of the [Peak Death Experience Card], but he couldn't instantly kill Saraki Kenpachi who was in a self-sealed state.

In addition to children holding cannons, more is the impact of injuries.

His dilapidated body made it impossible for Reiatsu to maintain stability, and he had no way to fight with all his strength.

In the end, it will only get weaker and weaker as the battle time goes on.

Thinking of this, even if the purchase cost of [Crafting Sky Puppet] is as high as 3500 points of destiny, Nagasawa would not even blink his eyes when he exchanged it.

However, when Nagasawa bought [Crafting Sky Puppet], she didn't feel as if she had been baptized like she bought [Entry-Level Slashing Skill Proficiency] before.

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