Seeing that his companion started, another god of death immediately echoed.

"That's it!"

"We are not like your fourth team, who stay away from the front line every day. We...but we live with our heads on our belts every day. Don't underestimate our eleventh team. Noah Rowe!”

In the end, a tall Reaper who seemed to be the leader of the three looked down at Yong Yin fiercely, and shouted in a deep voice with an expression of impatience on his face.

"Understand it, call the medical team for my uncle!"

"Remember, don't find me some miscellaneous fish to come over and perfunctory, at least it must be a senior ambulance team led by an officer above the middle rank, do you understand!?"

Yong Yin is very tall. Although she is very young, she is more than 1.8 meters tall. Among the female gods of death in the thirteenth team of the court, she can be regarded as an outstanding existence.

However, facing the big man in front of him, Yong Yin, who is over 1.8 meters tall, seems a bit "short".

Coupled with his timid and introverted personality, when Yong Yin was surrounded by three people and sprayed, he almost cried out in a hurry.

Seeing this, Nagasawa really couldn't stand it anymore.

He originally wanted to say, after all, this is the territory of the [-]th Division, and he, a member of the [-]th Division who came to seek medical treatment, has no position to force himself to stand out.

In addition, although Yong Yin has only been in the team for a short time, his strength is not weak. Facing the three of them, he will definitely not suffer.

I never thought that strength is strength, and character is character.

Before doing anything, a verbal fight... Eight hundred brave voices are bundled together, probably not the opponents of these three people...

Seeing this, Nagasawa could only sigh faintly, and then moved her fingers slightly, a light cord made of spirit seeds, like a swimming dragon, entwined towards the three gods of death who "besieged" Yongyin .

"The Nine of Binding Dao, Collapsing Wheel, Change."

Nagasawa, who has always been adhering to the principle of not being too aggressive if she can do it, directly chose to strike first.

Nagasawa Masa's collapse is certainly not comparable to Mao's group of students.

In the case of the high degree of affinity of the spirit son, even though Nagasawa just released the No. [-] Binding Dao once, but at the moment when the spirit son silk thread condensed from his fingertips, they were entangled with each other, as if countless A helical bundle of steel wires twisted together according to certain rules.

This is a new binding method that Nagasawa Masaru inspired when fighting the White Daxu and combined with modern wire rope techniques.

Compared with ordinary magic-changed broken wheels, its tensile strength, fatigue resistance and impact toughness are all stronger.

In terms of hardness, even if it is not as good as the lock bar of No. 63 binding road, it is not far behind.

When the spiritual light cord bound the feet of the three gods of death together, and pulled them back violently.




Accompanied by the sound of three chins slamming heavily on the wooden floor, the three Reapers of the [-]th Division who were still arrogant just now were thrown to the ground by Nagasawa Ya.

Under the pain, the three people who were already injured immediately wailed in pain.

After he regained his strength a little, he saw the Lingzi Guangsuo under his feet, but he couldn't break free from the restraint at all, and realized that the three of them were attacked by other team members who were also Shinigami, and immediately scolded loudly with anger on their faces.

"who is it!?"

"Which bastard is the one who attacked me!?"

"Hide your head and show your tail, get out!"

Nagasawa walked out of the ward with obvious impatience on his face. He really couldn't listen to the nonsense speech, and replied softly with disgust on his face.

"It's so noisy. When Gui Yancheng was alive, he didn't teach you to keep quiet in the hospital?"

Nagasawa Ya's words were very light, but when the three of them heard the words "Ghost Yancheng", the expressions of anger on their faces instantly turned into a look of shame and indignation.

Although Oniganjo Kenpachi and Ichinose Maki's rebellion was purely a personal act and had nothing to do with the [-]th squad.

However, as the former chief and deputy captain of the eleventh squad, the two highest officials in the fan squad rebelled together, which is a shame for the entire eleventh squad.

What Nagasawa just said was like tearing off someone's last fig leaf in public.

It can be called a naked slap in the face.

The three of them who were still howling because of the pain just now wanted to disregard the restraints under their feet, stand up, and reason with Nagasawa.

Of course, the "reason" here is the "reason" of physics.

"What are you..."

However, just when they stood up crookedly, turned their heads, and were about to show the person who humiliated them just now, a face that they never imagined in their dreams, it was a vivid face. Appeared in front of them.

"Long long long long...Captain Nagasawa!!!???"

The moment the three of them saw Nagasawa Ya's face clearly.

How arrogant he was before, how embarrassed he is now.

The three of them were so desperate that their voices broke even at the moment they called Nagasawa Ya's name.

Even Masa Nagasawa, who has the peak acting skills of Marlon Brando, can't see the slightest trace of acting that kind of panic that seems to be engraved in the DNA.

However, after hearing what the three people called him, Nagasawa's brows knitted together subconsciously.

...... cut......

PS. I heard something in the company today. It is said that starting from January this year, the pension part paid by individuals will be doubled, and the part paid by the company will be put into the unified account for overall management...

Hey, think about it, you may not live beyond 70 years old, but you have to work until you are 65 years old, and you have to pay double pension for several decades.

What's even worse is that wages haven't risen much, but prices have skyrocketed, not to mention the cost of raising children and supporting the elderly in the future.

Thinking that my wife and I are both only children, I suddenly became irritable...

Chapter 143 Was it intentional, or was it forgotten? 3K5

When Nagasawa walked out of the ward, Yongine, who had a somewhat cowardly personality, immediately seemed to have seen a savior. He flew around the three Shinigami who had just been besieging her and "hid" there. Behind Masahiro Nagasawa.

That nimble movement and skillful Shunpo formed a stark contrast with the somewhat bewildered look just sprayed on.

It's just that Yong Yin's height is not inferior to Nagasawa's, but she can't hide her tall and proud figure with Nagasawa's slender figure.

Seeing this, she could only shrink her neck slightly, and hid her body behind Nagasawa as much as possible, peeking at the situation in front of her through the gap in Nagasawa's neck.

Seeing Yongyin hiding behind her timidly, although Nagasawa felt helpless, she didn't say much.

He just stared at the three people in front of him with a slight frown, and asked softly with a bit of displeasure.

"What did you call me just now?"

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's question, the three who were arrogant and domineering just now seemed to have instantly turned into little chicks.

Nagasawa Masaru's height is about the same as Yuyin's current height.

However, facing Nagasawa Masa, who was much shorter than them, these three tall members of the eleventh team seemed to be the "shorter" side.

Seeing Nagasawa's question, the three of them bowed their waists in a unified manner, scratched the back of their heads, licked their smiles, and responded in one go with embarrassing expressions.

"When...Of course I'm calling you Captain."

"Yes, yes, although Captain Yamamoto has temporarily shelved your appointment, the brothers are very convinced of you. We are all looking forward to the day when you become the captain."

"Yes, yes, you don't know, even if Saraki Sanji mentioned you, that's all!!!"

Saying that, the leading Reaper gave Nagasawa Yabi a thumbs up.

Listening to the words in his ears, especially when he heard Saraki Kenpachi's obsession with him, the corners of Nagasawa Masa's eyes twitched unconsciously.

Listen to what these guys mean.

In the past month after he killed Kiyanjo Kenpachi, Zaragi Kenpachi has conquered everyone in the eleventh team and won the highest seat in the eleventh team, just waiting for him As the captain, challenge him again.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling.

He just said that he hates the [-]th team full of muscular men lol.

The two of them think about fighting all day long, and all they think about is muscles!

However, the complaints in his heart will not be revealed on his face by Nagasawa Ya.

Sitting on the peak of Marlon Brando's acting skills, he has become accustomed to not expressing his emotions and anger.

He glanced at the three groveling people calmly, and responded softly.

"I'm not your captain."

Hearing this, the three members of Division [-] were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and said with a wry smile.

"But... But Captain Yamamoto's appointment has already..."

Seeing that the three of them were still trying to entangle, Nagasawa Ya's eyes flashed coldly and interrupted the man's words.

"Before the appointment is officially issued, I have nothing to do with your eleventh team."

"However, I think there is something that I need to remind you."

Saying that, Nagasawa turned around, grabbed Yongyin by the collar, and brought it to her front as if she were carrying a big cat.

Regardless of Yongyin's aggrieved appearance of wanting to cry but not tears, he pointed at Yongyin and said in a low voice to the three of them.

"Don't look at this guy's appearance, but he is an upright and upright member of the ninth seat of the fourth division. The three of you together are no match for her. There must be a limit to blindness, right?"

"In addition, the thirteenth team of the guarding court does not need the god of death who bullies his comrades. If I see it next time, I will replace your dead captain and teach you a lesson."

Facing these three young Karamis, Nagasawa naturally didn't bother to care about anything.

It's just that after hearing his words, the three of them were frightened and frightened.

That appearance was not because they were surprised that they had offended the high-ranking officers of other teams.

It's because they recalled Kiyanjo Kenpachi when he just died.

Miserable, really miserable.

When they learned that Oniganjo Kenpachi had rebelled, and that he and the vice-captain, Ichinose Maki, attacked the [-]th squad at night, the first reaction of most of them was to not believe it.

Then the second reaction was to go to the scene.

They want to use their own eyes to verify the authenticity of things.

However, when they arrived at the team building of the sixth team, Masa Nagasawa had already been sent to the fourth team, and almost half of the team building of the sixth team was destroyed, and it was also guarded by angry team members of the sixth team , with an airtight appearance that no one is allowed to pry into.

It wasn't until the scene was cleaned up and everything was settled, that they saw Kiyan Cheng Kenpachi being carried out under the cannibalistic gaze of the No. [-] team members.

Coincidentally, these three people were also present at the time.

They swore that it was a tragedy they had never seen in their lives.

Have you ever seen the making process of Chaoshan beef balls?

If you have seen it, then the feelings of the members of the [-]th team were probably the same.

Gui Yancheng Jianba's huge and sturdy body was like being hammered with a hammer, hammered and hammered into a puddle of flesh, and fell limply on the stretcher.

However, the fist marks left on his body, which can be seen deeply, seem to silently explain that the person who defeated Gui Yancheng Jianpachi did not use a weapon, but a pair of iron fists, and beat Gui Yancheng. City Sword Eight blasted to such an unrecognizable shape.

What's even more outrageous is that some careful members of the [-]th Division discovered that the fist marks left on Kiyan Cheng Kenpachi's body were all caused by the bombardment of the right fist.

That is to say, in the face of Ki Yancheng Kenpachi who had been undone by the swastika, Masa Nagasawa beat him into a puddle of flesh with just one hand.

After taking a breath of air-conditioning, the miserable appearance made even the members of the [-]th Division, as a front-line combat force, unable to vomit on their own.

The scene in my memory seems to be just yesterday.

The next second, the legs of the three people whose legs were bound went weak.

As if pushing a golden mountain and falling a jade pillar, Qi Qi said in a heavy voice to Nagasawa Ya and Yong Yin beside him in a posture similar to that of Tu Xiazao.

“Red Bean Simi Marseille!!!”

Looking at the three people who made such a big gift suddenly, Nagasawa's face couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Immediately, he didn't intend to continue to embarrass the three of them. After waving his hand to scatter the Lingzi light cords binding the three people's legs, he said impatiently as if chasing flies away.

"Now that you know you were wrong, just go to the infirmary and line up, and don't cause any more trouble to others."

"If you understand, get out."

Hearing this, the three of them felt as if they had been pardoned!

Those three pairs of lantern-like tiger eyes were filled with tears.

At that moment just now, the three of them felt as if they had walked through the gate of hell.

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