Seeing that Nagasawa no longer pursued it, the three of them hurriedly nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and fled towards the gate of the fourth division team building as if flying.

At that moment, it seemed that even the injuries on his body were not very important.

Obviously, before Nagasawa left the fourth team, they didn't plan to stay in the fourth team.

Compared to being in the same room with the big devil Nagasawa Ya, a mere minor injury is nothing to worry about!

Looking at the retreating figures of the three people, Yongyin, who had just been pushed to the front by Nagazeya, quickly retracted behind Nagazeya and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he hurried to Nagasawa Ya, bowing and thanking her in a hurried tone.

"Thank you, Nagasawa Sanxi, the captain of the team just happened to be away, if it wasn't for you, I...I...I really don't know what to do It's good..."

Hearing Yongyin's timid but nervous words, Nagasawa could not help but sigh slightly in her heart.

Although this girl usually sounds like a boy when she talks and has a rather tall and proud figure, she is actually very indecisive and timid and introverted, giving people a very shy feeling.

How should I put it, it has a contrasting and cute feeling.

Nagasawa subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to rub the other person's head, but found that Yongyin's height was almost the same as him, which really made him unable to do this kind of behavior like comforting a child.

Seeing this, he could only put one hand on his waist and joked softly.

"Xiao Yongyin, I remember I said it before? You don't need to be so reserved, you can call me Nagasawa or Ya."

Hearing this, the tall and tall Yong Yin couldn't help but blushed. He fiddled with the corners of the Shiba suit with both hands, and looked to the side with some erratic eyes, and responded softly with a voice like a mosquito .

"Um...uh, thanks...thank you, ya."

Seeing that Yongyin seemed to have come out of the anxiety just now, Nagasawa also showed an old father's smile on her face.

But suddenly, it seemed like he remembered something.

I saw him slightly lift up the trouser legs of his death tyrant suit, exposing his bandaged calf.

This bandage is a special medical bandage developed by the Fourth Division. It helps the Shinigami quickly recover from injuries. It can be said to be full of black technology.

As the ninth seat of the fourth team, Yongyin's bandaging skills are naturally unremarkable.

It's just that there is an extremely abrupt bow tie on the bandage at this moment.

Nagasawa pointed to the conspicuous bow on the bandage, and said with a little helplessness in her tone.

"Also, I remember I said it many times a long time ago, right?"

"When bandaging, you don't need to tie a bow, do you?"

Hearing this, Yong Yin's cheeks couldn't help turning redder.

She lowered her head subconsciously, her eyes fixed on her toes.

"Because...because Ya, you don't remember to come for a follow-up visit every time you get injured. Once you leave the fourth team's team building, you will never be found .so......"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help saying with a strange expression.

"So, you did this on purpose?"

Yong Yin: "Well... During the bandaging process, I specially made it into a shape that can attract your attention, so that you will remember to come for a follow-up visit."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Just looking at the shy girl in front of him, he couldn't help but have a teasing thought in his heart, and couldn't help joking.

"Is it intentional, or have you forgotten what I said earlier?"

Hearing this, Yong Yin couldn't help being anxious, and quickly raised his head to retort.

"Of course it was intentional!"

It's just that when she raised her head and met Nagasawa Ya's faintly smiling eyes, she seemed to finally realize the playfulness in Nagasawa Ya's words.

A pretty face, immediately like a boiled persimmon, bright red, very cute.

...... cut......

PS. I recommend a new book by a close friend. The following is the introduction.

Reborn in another world, Rhodes was told that if he wanted to return to Earth, he had to perfectly play a villain and meet the end of being killed by the heroines.

He also found a strange value hanging above each heroine's head, but he didn't know what it represented.

Until one day when he beat a female knight severely in the arena and tortured her in public, the stats on her head actually increased.

I understand, this is the value of hatred!

So, he began to play an evil villain with all his heart and soul: facing the female knight with absolute defense, he used actions to crush the opponent's self-confidence!

The Countess who doesn't like the approach of strangers?Then ask for warmth every day!

A beautiful and proud fiancee?Then don't get used to her!

Sure enough, the value rose rapidly.

Just swipe and you're done.

Just when he confidently thought that he was about to fill up the hatred of all the heroines, they came looking for him one after another.

"Only Rhodes understands my distress, he made me understand the true meaning of defense!"

"Rhode is different from those stupid and superficial guys."

"Rod, you don't take my fiancee seriously at all!"

Rhodes is numb.

It was only then that he realized that what he had swiped was favorability? !

"No, your hobbies are too strange, aren't you?"

Interested friends can be Kangkang, the title of the book is here↓↓↓↓↓

Chapter 144 Nagasawa Team, established


"Reaper mission!?"

Mao, after another "public class", Masa Nagasawa called Nanao, Ranju, and Shechang to his office, took him from the notice board, and handed it over to the three of them. Things, told three people.

The three people who were called to the office originally thought that they had recently regressed in their studies, and Nagasawa planned to ask them to ask them to blame.

Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing?

The three of them rushed to the mission statement that Nagasawa had torn down with surprise on their faces, and began to read it carefully.

I won’t go into details about the wordy task description here, mainly because the author doesn’t have that literary talent.

The general meaning is that the "Hanaku" area in District 62 of Higashi Rukongai was occupied by a group of strongmen from District 78.

Huaku was originally located in a low-level neighborhood. Although it is not as barren and famine-ridden as the neighborhoods after District 78, it is not much better. The local residents can barely survive.

Nagasawa Ya had "seen" this point in the memory of the original owner, and the original owner who was born in the "Snake Noodles" in the West 64th District did not have a miserable life.

The residents of Liuhun Street, who were already living a miserable life, suddenly met the vicious people from District 78, and life naturally became more difficult.

No, taking advantage of a caravan passing by, the residents of the Huaku area sneaked to the Seiling Court and asked for help from the [-]th Team of the Guarding Court.

To be honest, the [-]th Guarding Team has never been very interested in responding to the struggles between the residents of Ruhun Street.

It was time-consuming and laborious to run all the way and not to mention it.

After the thugs are driven away, there is no guarantee that no new thugs will appear.

Over time, the Reapers generally didn't bother to participate in this kind of battle in the lower areas of Liuhun Street.

Some low-level areas can only rely on their own strength to form self-police groups to play some self-defense functions that are better than nothing.

this is the truth.

Don't look at the original plot, the god of death looks like a group of righteous teachers, but in the final analysis, all the fights are just for their own interests.

In the Millennium Bloody War Chapter, in order to correct the soul balance in the Soul World, Nirvana Mayuri can order his subordinates to easily kill the lives of [-] residents of Ruhun Street.

Although this is just a glimpse in the original plot, do the [-] residents of Liuhun Street really deserve to die?

Nagasawa is not a saint, he can't control those things, and he can't change the world.

But if something can be done on the basis of doing it easily, he will not refuse.

Because of those hard days, whether it was him in the previous life or the "he" who used to be, they have all experienced it.

Looking back, Nanao and the others, who had checked the task status, had various expressions on their faces.

There is excitement, excitement, worry, and hesitation.

Although this task, for the thirteenth team of the Gotei, is just a junk thing that is too lazy to deal with, it is not accessible to ordinary students who are still in Mao.

What's more, they are freshmen who have been enrolled for less than two months.

For Nanao and the three of them, the meaning here is quite different.

This is a task that only official Reapers can receive!

However, unlike Ranju and Shechang who were full of excitement, Nanao, the youngest, once again showed a maturity that did not match her age.

After carefully analyzing the task description and conditions, she couldn't help but ask Nagazawa softly in a worried tone.

"Teacher Nagasawa, although the opponents are just some Wandering Street thugs, according to intelligence, the size of nearly 60 people is too much for the three of us?"

"Do you need to call your classmates at work?"

Nanao's words awoke Kakiba and Rangiku who were still in a state of excitement.

Obviously, the moment the two of them saw the mission status, they were so excited that they didn't know why, and subconsciously ignored some key information.

At this time, they suddenly heard Nanao's reminder, and the two people who came back to their senses immediately looked at Nagasawa with nervous expressions.

For those students who have not yet stepped out of Mao, let them fight the simulated virtual, or even the real virtual, they may still be able to muster that courage.

After all, for Mao students like them, and even Shinigami, Xu is a heresy, a heterogeneous species that they must eliminate.

But let them fight people, even heinous thugs...

To be honest, even if it is a shooting range, I feel a little timid in my heart.

Sometimes people can be more terrifying than being empty.

Not to mention the psychological breakthrough when facing the same kind.

Under such circumstances, people would subconsciously want to gather together to keep warm, relying on the advantage of numbers to dispel the fear in their hearts.

However, in the face of Nanao's question, as well as the expectant looks on the faces of Kakiba and Rangiku, Nagasawa Masaru chuckled softly.

"Just the three of you."

Hearing this, the faces of the three of Nanxu suddenly seemed to have turned into faces of horses in an instant, and they were very long.

Luanju, who has always been fearless, even held Nagasawa's hand, with tears in her eyes, and said coquettishly to Nagasawa in a sweet and greasy tone.

"Ms. Nagasawa~~~ Only the three of us can't do it, at least...At least add Ditang's team, right?"

After the simulated joint training, the Nanxu team and the Ditang team became the top two seed teams under the envious eyes of the first-year students.

At the same time, it is also the two teams that represent the first class and one class to participate in the year-end assessment.

Different from the combination of two kitchen knives and one sorcerer of the Nanxu team, the combination of the classic tactics and animal husbandry of the Ditang team is undoubtedly more reasonable.

When he heard that only three of his own party were participating in the mission, Luan Ju immediately looked for possible help.

Listening to Rangiku's words, the look of hope once again appeared in the eyes of Kakiba and Nanao.

If Ditang's team is there to assist them, even if they can't beat four hands with two fists, they should at least be able to retreat without any problems.

But to their disappointment, in the face of Luan Ju's "offensive", Nagasawa just pulled her hand out of Luan Ju's hands calmly, while shaking her fingers gently, she said to make the three of them Disillusioned words.

"Ditang and the others are another team in our class participating in the year-end assessment. Teacher Sarutobi who is in charge of leading the team naturally has his arrangements, so don't worry about it."

Hearing this, the three of Luanju immediately wilted like eggplants beaten by frost.

Since this is Masa Nagasawa's decision, as students and "subordinates", all they can do is obey.

Now, they just want to seize every minute and second and formulate a suitable combat strategy as soon as possible to ensure that they complete the mission in the safest and most efficient way.

However, just when the three of them were about to say goodbye to Nagasawa Ya with disappointed faces, and were looking for a place to hold a battle meeting, Nagasawa Ya whispered as if suddenly thought of something.

"However... as the instructor, I will follow you all the way to the Huaku area."

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